921 resultados para pokolenia X, Y, Z


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This dataset presents Differential Global Positioning System data (DGPS) acquired within the Bossons glacier proglacial area. Bossons glacier is a rapidly retreating glacier and its proglacial area is deglaciated for ~30 years. Bossons stream is one of the outlets of the subglacial drainage system. It starts as a 800 m steep cascade reach, then flows through an area with gentler slope : the Plan des Eaux (PdE). PdE is a 300 m long, 50 m wide proglacial alluvial plain with an increasing channel mobility in the downstream direction but decreasing slope gradient and incision. As it may act a sediment trap, studying periglacial and proglacial erosion processes in the Bossons catchment requires to quantify PdE sediment volume evolution. A several meter-sized block located within Bossons proglacial area was set up as GPS base : its location was measured by one antenna (Topcon Hyper Pro) by performing 600 consecutive measurements throughout one day. A second antenna (Topcon Hyper Pro) was then used to measure XYZ location of points in the proglacial area with a ~2 m grid. Radio communication between the two antennas allowed differential calculations to be automatically carried out on field using the Topcon FC-250 hand controller. This methodology yields 3 cm XY and 1.5 cm Z uncertainties. DGPS data have been acquired through 10 campaigns from 2004 to 2014; campaigns from 2004 to 2008 cover a smaller area than those from 2010 to 2014. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) have been interpolated from DGPS data and difference between two DEMs yields deposited and eroded volume within PdE. Maps of PdE volume variation between two campaigns show that incision mainly occurs in the upper and lower sections where as deposition dominates in the middle section. Deposition, denudation and net rate (deposition rate - denudation rate) are calculated by normalizing volumes by DEM areas. Deposition dominates results with a mean net rate of 29 mm/yr. However, strong inter-annual variability exists and some years are dominated by denudation : -36 mm/yr and -100 mm/yr for 2006 and 2011, respectively. Nonetheless, oldest campaigns (2004 to 2008) were carried out on the lower part part of the alluvial plain and ruling them out to keep only complete DEM (2010 to 2014) yields a mean net rate of ~15 mm/yr. This results is coherent with field observations of both strong deposition (e.g. flood deposits) and strong erosion (e.g. 30 cm incision) evidences. Bossons glacier proglacial area is thus dynamic with year-to-year geormorphological changes but may leans toward increasing its mean elevation through a deposition dominated system.


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The Earth's climate abruptly warmed by 5-8 °C during the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM), about 55.5 million years ago**1,2. This warming was associated with a massive addition of carbon to the ocean-atmosphere system, but estimates of the Earth systemresponse to this perturbation are complicated by widely varying estimates of the duration of carbon release, which range from less than a year to tens of thousands of years. In addition the source of the carbon, and whether it was released as a single injection or in several pulses, remains the subject of debate**2-4. Here we present a new high-resolution carbon isotope record from terrestrial deposits in the Bighorn Basin (Wyoming, USA) spanning the PETM, and interpret the record using a carbon-cycle boxmodel of the ocean-atmosphere-biosphere system.Our record shows that the beginning of the PETMis characterized by not one but two distinct carbon release events, separated by a recovery to background values. To reproduce this pattern, our model requires two discrete pulses of carbon released directly to the atmosphere, at average rates exceeding 0.9 Pg C yr**-1, with the first pulse lasting fewer than 2,000 years.


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About one third of the anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere in the past two centuries has been taken up by the ocean. As CO2 invades the surface ocean, carbonate ion concentrations and pH are lowered. Laboratory studies indicate that this reduces the calcification rates of marine calcifying organisms, including planktic foraminifera. Such a reduction in calcification resulting from anthropogenic CO2 emissions has not been observed, or quantified in the field yet. Here we present the findings of a study in the Western Arabian Sea that uses shells of the surface water dwelling planktic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber in order to test the hypothesis that anthropogenically induced acidification has reduced shell calcification of this species. We found that light, thin-walled shells from the surface sediment are younger (based on 14C and d13C measurements) than the heavier, thicker-walled shells. Shells in the upper, bioturbated, sediment layer were significantly lighter compared to shells found below this layer. These observations are consistent with a scenario where anthropogenically induced ocean acidification reduced the rate at which foraminifera calcify, resulting in lighter shells. On the other hand, we show that seasonal upwelling in the area also influences their calcification and the stable isotope (d13C and d18O) signatures recorded by the foraminifera shells. Plankton tow and sediment trap data show that lighter shells were produced during upwelling and heavier ones during non-upwelling periods. Seasonality alone, however, cannot explain the 14C results, or the increase in shell weight below the bioturbated sediment layer. We therefore must conclude that probably both the processes of acidification and seasonal upwelling are responsible for the presence of light shells in the top of the sediment and the age difference between thick and thin specimens.


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Hole 504B, drilled into the 5.9 Ma crust of the southern flank of the Costa Rica Rift, tapped a hydrothermal system in its conductive stage. Three alteration zones were encountered along the 561.5 meters of basement drilled. The upper alteration zone, 274.5 to 584.5 meters below the seafloor (BSF), is characterized by the presence of color zonation in which red halos are located between dark gray inner rock portions and dark gray outer bands. The red halos are characterized by an abundance of iddingsite, and they have higher K2O contents and Fe3+/FeT ratios, but lower SiO2 contents, than the adjacent dark gray inner zones. The dark gray outer bands are characterized by the presence of celadonite-nontronite. Saponite is omnipresent in these three alteration bands. Phillipsite is the only zeolite that occurs in the upper alteration zone. The upper alteration zone is interpreted as being the result of low-temperature alteration, with large amounts of cold oxygenated seawater percolating through the upper ocean crust. In the upper alteration zone, the formation of red halos was both preceded and followed by formation of dark gray outer bands. Then followed formation of dark gray cores. The lower alteration zone (584.5-835.5 m BSF) is characterized by the absence of color zonation, the downward-increasing abundance of pyrite and saponite, and the presence of quartz, talc, and calcite. The chemical changes (downhole MgO enrichment and concomitant CaO depletion) observed in the basalts of the lower alteration zone are thought to result from reactions of oceanic basalts with evolved seawater (i.e., solutions derived from seawater that has already reacted with ocean crust), which is thus depleted in oxygen, potassium, and radiogenic strontium. This alteration process, which was responsible for saponite formation in both the upper and lower alteration zones, was rock dominated, and it took place under suboxic to anoxic conditions during a second stage of alteration. Reaction temperatures could have progressively increased with depth. There is also a zeolitic zone that essentially coincides with the lower part of the upper alteration zone (between 528.5 and 563 m BSF). The host rock adjacent to veins of zeolite exhibits a greenish discoloration due to the intensive replacement of the igneous minerals. The replacement minerals result in significant increases in the bulk rock K2O, MgO, CaO, CO2, and H2O+ contents. The solutions circulating along the newly opened fissures had high Ca activity, and minerals probably precipitated in these fissures at 60°C or 110°C. These hydrothermal solutions circulated later than those responsible for the formation of the minerals that characterize the upper and lower alteration zones.


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The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 318 to the Wilkes Land margin of Antarctica recovered a sedimentary succession ranging in age from lower Eocene to the Holocene. Excellent stratigraphic control is key to understanding the timing of paleoceanographic events through critical climate intervals. Drill sites recovered the lower and middle Eocene, nearly the entire Oligocene, the Miocene from about 17 Ma, the entire Pliocene and much of the Pleistocene. The paleomagnetic properties are generally suitable for magnetostratigraphic interpretation, with well-behaved demagnetization diagrams, uniform distribution of declinations, and a clear separation into two inclination modes. Although the sequences were discontinuously recovered with many gaps due to coring, and there are hiatuses from sedimentary and tectonic processes, the magnetostratigraphic patterns are in general readily interpretable. Our interpretations are integrated with the diatom, radiolarian, calcareous nannofossils and dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) biostratigraphy. The magnetostratigraphy significantly improves the resolution of the chronostratigraphy, particularly in intervals with poor biostratigraphic control. However, Southern Ocean records with reliable magnetostratigraphies are notably scarce, and the data reported here provide an opportunity for improved calibration of the biostratigraphic records. In particular, we provide a rare magnetostratigraphic calibration for dinocyst biostratigraphy in the Paleogene and a substantially improved diatom calibration for the Pliocene. This paper presents the stratigraphic framework for future paleoceanographic proxy records which are being developed for the Wilkes Land margin cores. It further provides tight constraints on the duration of regional hiatuses inferred from seismic surveys of the region.


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The use of ion microbeams as probes for computedtomography has proven to be a powerful tool for the three-dimensional characterization of specimens a few tens of micrometers in size. Compared to other types of probes, the main advantage is that quantitative information about mass density and composition can be obtained directly, using specific reconstruction codes. At the Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan (CENBG), this technique was initially developed for applications in cellular biology. However, the observation of the cell ultrastructure requires a sub-micron resolution. The construction of the nanobeamline at the Applications Interdisciplinaires des Faisceaux d’Ions en Region Aquitaine (AIFIRA) irradiation facility has opened new perspectives for such applications. The implementation of computedtomography on the nanobeamline of CENBG has required a careful design of the analysis chamber, especially microscopes for precise sample visualization, and detectors for scanning transmission ion microscopy (STIM) and for particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE). The sample can be precisely positioned in the three directions X, Y, Z and a stepper motor coupled to a goniometer ensures the rotational motion. First images of 3D tomography were obtained on a reference sample containing microspheres of certified diameter, showing the good stability of the beam and the sample stage, and the precision of the motion.


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El futuro proyecto SESAR (Europa)/NextGen program (USA) establece la necesidad de tener un control 4D (x,y,z,t) del espacio aéreo, por lo tanto es de vital importancia para tal fin el conocimiento a tiempo real de la velocidad del viento. Se pretenderá a causa de dichas necesidades, el cálculo de la estimación de las componentes del vector velocidad dentro de un dominio Ω (por ejemplo: área terminal de Madrid, cuya extensión esta caracterizada por unos 60000km2), para dicho desarrollo se hará uso de los valores puntuales del vector velocidad del viento conocidos a través de los mensajes ADS‐B transmitidos por las aeronaves circundantes.


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Las tres características fundamentales que definen la calidad y madurez del tabaco son el color, la textura y los aromas, aunque es color es el factor más extendido para su determinación Sin embargo, el color varia de forma continua desde el verde hasta el amarillo y naranja a lo largo del proceso de maduración, de manera que las distintas categorías comerciales de color muestran amplias zonas difusas entre ellas. El materia empleado en e! presente trabajo fue provisto por CETARS A en las campañas l994 y 1995 En ambos casos, las muestras fueron previamente clasificadas por sus expertos en 12 categorías comerciales de color. Las determinaciones objetivas de color se llevaron a cabo empleando un espectrofotómetro (Monolight). Posteriormente el espectro fue recalculado afectándolo del las características del íluminante habitualmente empleado por los expertos (F7). A través de la integración del espectro se determinaron asimismo las coordenadas triestímulo de color (X.Y.Z), equivalentes al proceso de asimilación del color por el ojo humano. Los resultados obtenidos con el presente estudio pueden resumirse de la siguiente manera. 1.- las categorías comerciales de color provistas por los expertos mostraron un alto índice de solapamiento entre ellas, para las coordenadas XYZ, debido a la ausencia de. homogeneidad características de toda muestra biológica (c v. de 20.14% y 10.08% en 1994 y 1995). 2.- a través de un clasificador no-supervisado sobre observaciones de color se ha creado una nueva base de color similar en valores medios a las de CETARSA pero con menor variabilidad intragrupo (6.31% y 5.81% en 1994 y 1995 este sistema permite agrupar observaciones de color similares independientemente de las hojas a las que pertenezcan. 3.- empleo de un clasificador bayesiano sobre la nueva base de color permite clasificar los puntos de color de una hoja con errores inferiores al 4% en ambas campañas. 4.- se ha desarrollado un criterio global de clasificación de hojas en función del color y la variabilidad de color de distintas muestras dentro de una hoja El sistema será validado "in situ" en las próximas campañas.


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