992 resultados para photophysical properties


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Electronic absorption and fluorescence spectra based on transmission measurements of thin layers obtained from new perylene−zeolite L composites and new dye1,dye2−zeolite L sandwich composites, the latter acting as antenna systems, have been investigated and analyzed. The influence of extra- and intraparticle self-absorption on the spectral shape and fluorescence quantum yield is discussed in detail. Due to its intraparticle origin, self-absorption and re-emission can often not be avoided in organized systems such as dye−zeolite L composites where a high density of chromophores is a prerequisite for obtaining the desired photophysical properties. We show, however, that it can be avoided or at least minimized by preparing dye1,dye2−zeolite L sandwich composites where donors are present in a much larger amount than the acceptors because they act as antenna systems.


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The synthesis and photophysical properties of the complex Fe(phen)(2)(TTF-dppz)(2+) (TTF-dppz = 4',5'-bis-(propylthio)tetrathiafulvenylidipyrido3,2-a:2',3'-c-phenazine, phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) are described. In this complex, excitation into the metal ligand charge transfer bands results in the population of a high-spin state of iron(II), with a decay lifetime of approximately 1.5 ns, in dichloromethane, at room temperature. An intraligand charge transfer state can also be obtained and has a lifetime of 38 ps. A mechanism for the different states reached is proposed based on transient absorption spectroscopy.


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Foi preparada uma série de quatro betalaínas com o objetivo de determinar o efeito da metilação do nitrogênio imínico e da presença de uma hidroxila fenólica na posição 3 do anel aromático sobre a estabilidade e propriedades antirradicalares, fotofísicas e redox desta classe de pigmentos vegetais. O estudo destes compostos, chamados de m-betalainofenol, N-metil-m-betalainofenol, fenilbetalaína e N-metil-fenilbetalaína, revelou que os derivados metilados apresentam um deslocamento hipsocrômico sutil dos máximos de absorção e fluorescência em relação aos compostos não metilados. Os deslocamentos de Stokes são maiores em cerca de 4 kJ mol-1 para os derivados metilados e os rendimentos quânticos de fluorescência cerca de três vezes menores. A hidrólise destas betalaínas foi investigada na faixa de pH entre 3 e 7. Todas as betalaínas são mais persistentes em pH = 6 e a metilação da porção imínica aumenta significativamente a estabilidade da betalaína em meio aquoso. A presença da porção fenólica, em comparação a um grupo fenila, não afeta as propriedades fotofísicas dos compostos e tem um efeito menos pronunciado do que o da metilação sobre a estabilidade destes em meio aquoso. O comportamento eletroquímico dos compostos foi estudado por voltametria cíclica, nas mesmas condições de pH. A N-metilação foi novamente mais significativa do que a hidroxilação, provocando aumento de até 200 mV no potencial de pico anódico. O aumento do pH diminuiu o potencial de pico anódico dos quatro compostos, com uma razão entre prótons e elétrons igual a 1 para a maioria dos picos. A capacidade antirradicalar foi quantificada pelo ensaio colorimétrico TEAC baseado na redução de ABTS•+. Os dois derivados N-metilados apresentaram, em média, o mesmo valor de TEAC, apesar de um ser fenólico e o outro não. Já entre os não metilados, que têm TEAC de 2 a 3 unidades inferior à dos outros, a presença do fenol provoca elevação da capacidade antirradicalar. Os resultados sugerem a participação dos elétrons do anel 1,2,3,4-tetraidropiridínico, acoplados ao próton do nitrogênio imínico na ação antirradicalar de betalaínas.


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Neste trabalho, foram estudadas as propriedades fotoquímica e/ou fotofísica de alguns compostos de coordenação de rênio(l) e ferro(I I). A irradiação dos complexos fac-[Re(CO)3(NN)(trans-L)]+, NN= 4,7-difenil-1,10- fenantrolina (ph2phen) ou 5-cloro-1,10-fenantrolina (Clphen) e L = 1,2-bis(4-piridil)etileno (bpe) ou 4-estirilpiridina (stpy), em acetonitrila ou em filme de poli(metacrilato de metila) (PMMA) resulta em variações espectrais condizentes com a fotoisomerização trans-cis do ligante coordenado. A determinação dos rendimentos quânticos para a fotorreação pela variação espectral resultou em valores aparentes, uma vez que o reagente e o fotoproduto absorvem na mesma região. Para a determinação do rendimento quântico real, Φreal, utilizou-se a técnica de 1H RMN, na qual os sinais do fotoproduto e do reagente são observados em regiões distintas com diferentes constantes de acoplamento. Os valores de Φreal obtidos para fac-[Re(CO)3h(NN)(trans-bpe)]+ (ph2phen: Φ313= 0,43 ± 0,03; Φ365= 0,44 ± 0,02; Φ404= 0,43 ± 0,02; Clphen: Φ313= 0,56 ± 0,03; Φ365= 0,55 ± 0,04; Φ404= 0,57 ± 0,06) são independentes do comprimento de onda de irradiação, indicando a existência de um único canal para a população do estado excitado 3ILtrans-bpe. Por outro lado, para fac-[Re(CO)3(NN)(trans-stpy)]+, os valores de Φreal sob irradiação a 404 nm são menores que os determinados para os demais comprimentos de onda de irradiação (ph2phen: Φ313= 0,60 ± 0,05; Φ365= 0,64 ± 0,09; Φ404= 0,42 ± 0,03; Clphen: Φ313= 0,52 ± 0,05; Φ365= 0,58 ± 0,02; Φ404= 0,41 ± 0,06), indicando que, a energias maiores, em que o Iigante absorve significativamente, deve existir a contribuição de outro canal para a população do estado excitado 3ILtrans-stpy. A eficiência do fotoprocesso foi avaliada por meio da substituição dos ligantes NN e/ou L, e a diferença nos valores de Φreal entre os complexos deve estar relacionada principalmente com as distintas eficiências de cruzamento intersistemas. o fotoprocesso altera as propriedades fotofísicas desses complexos. Os isômeros trans apresentam fraca ou nenhuma emissão a 298 K, enquanto os fotoprodutos, fac-[Re(CO)3(NN)(cis-L)]+, apresentam intensa luminescência dominada pelo estado excitado 3MLCTRe→NN, que é sensivel à rigidez do meio. A reatividade fotoquímica dos pentacianoferratos(II) [Fe(CN)5 (NN)]3-, NN= 2aminobenzilamina (aba), 2-aminobenzamida (ab), 2-(dimetilaminometil)-3-hidroxipiridina (dmampy), 2-aminometilpiridina (ampy), 2-aminoetilpiridina (aepy) ou 2-(2metilaminoetil) piridina (maepy), também foi investigada. A irradiação desses complexos resulta na fotossubstituição do CN-, a qual só pode ser detectada quando o ligante possui um segundo grupo coordenante nas proximidades da esfera de coordenação. Os rendimentos quânticos da fotossubstituição são dependentes do comprimento de onda de irradiação (Φ313= 0,13 ± 0,01; Φ334= 0,091 ± 0,001; Φ365= 0,056 ± 0,002; Φ404= 0,022 ± 0,002; Φ436= 0,015 ± 0,001, por exemplo, para NN = aba) e indicam a existência de canais distintos pelos quais a fotorreação ocorre ou as diferentes eficiências de cruzamento intersistema para a população do estado excitado reativo. A eficiência do fotoprocesso também depende do Iigante utilizado (λirr= 365 nm: Φaba= 0,056, Φab= 0,14, Φampy= 0,046, Φaepy= 0,066, Φmaepy= 0,069 e Φdmampy= 0,12). Na série das diaminas, o rendimento quântico é maior para [Fe(CN)5(ab)]3-, que possui dois sítios para ocorrer o fechamento do anel. Na série das aminopiridinas, observa-se a influência do comprimento da cadeia na eficiência do fechamento do anel. A presença de metilas ligadas ao nitrogênio alifático deve ter pouca ou nenhuma influência na eficiência do fotoprocesso.


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Fluorescent proteins (FPs) are extremely valuable biochemical markers which have found a wide range of applications in cellular and molecular biology research. The monomeric variants of red fluorescent proteins (RFPs), known as mFruits, have been especially valuable for in vivo applications in mammalian cell imaging. Fluorescent proteins consist of a chromophore caged in the beta-barrel protein scaffold. The photophysical properties of an FP is determined by its chromophore structure and its interactions with the protein barrel. Application of hydrostatic pressure on FPs results in the modification of the chromophore environment which allows a systematic study of the role of the protein-chromophore interactions on photophysical properties of FPs. Using Molecular Dynamics (MD) computer simulations, I investigated the pressure induced structural changes in the monomeric variants mCherry, mStrawberry, and Citrine. The results explain the molecular basis for experimentally observed pressure responses among FP variants. It is found that the barrel flexibility, hydrogen bonding interactions and chromophore planarity of the FPs can be correlated to their contrasting photophysical properties at vaious pressures. I also investigated the oxygen diffusion pathways in mOrange and mOrange2 which exhibit marked differences in oxygen sensitivities as well as photostability. Such computational identifications of structural changes and oxygen diffusion pathways are important in guiding mutagenesis efforts to design fluorescent proteins with improved photophysical properties.


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Conjugated polymers (CPs) are intrinsically fluorescent materials that have been used for various biological applications including imaging, sensing, and delivery of biologically active substances. The synthetic control over flexibility and biodegradability of these materials aids the understanding of the structure-function relationships among the photophysical properties, the self-assembly behaviors of the corresponding conjugated polymer nanoparticles (CPNs), and the cellular behaviors of CPNs, such as toxicity, cellular uptake mechanisms, and sub-cellular localization patterns. Synthetic approaches towards two classes of flexible CPs with well-preserved fluorescent properties are described. The synthesis of flexible poly(p-phenylenebutadiynylene)s (PPBs) uses competing Sonogashira and Glaser coupling reactions and the differences in monomer reactivity to incorporate a small amount (~10%) of flexible, non-conjugated linkers into the backbone. The reaction conditions provide limited control over the proportion of flexible monomer incorporation. Improved synthetic control was achieved in a series of flexible poly(p-phenyleneethynylene)s (PPEs) using modified Sonogashira conditions. In addition to controlling the degree of flexibility, the linker provides disruption of backbone conjugation that offers control of the length of conjugated segments within the polymer chain. Therefore, such control also results in the modulation of the photophysical properties of the materials. CPNs fabricated from flexible PPBs are non-toxic to cells, and exhibit subcellular localization patterns clearly different from those observed with non-flexible PPE CPNs. The subcellular localization patterns of the flexible PPEs have not yet been determined, due to the toxicity of the materials, most likely related to the side-chain structure used in this series. The study of the effect of CP flexibility on self-assembly reorganization upon polyanion complexation is presented. Owing to its high rigidity and hydrophobicity, the PPB backbone undergoes reorganization more readily than PPE. The effects are enhanced in the presence of the flexible linker, which enables more efficient π-π stacking of the aromatic backbone segments. Flexibility has minimal effects on the self-assembly of PPEs. Understanding the role of flexibility on the biophysical behaviors of CPNs is key to the successful development of novel efficient fluorescent therapeutic delivery vehicles.


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The purpose of this communication is to make a bibliographic review of Quantum Dots methods and their applications in the field of Biotechnology. Quantum dots (QDs) are a novel class of inorganic fluorophores, which are gaining widespread recognition as a result of their exceptional photophysical properties.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia Química e Biológica, 2016.


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The development of organic materials with 2PA has attracted intensive attention in the past two decades [1]. In two-photon bio-imaging applications the design of the chromophore requires to have a good cross-section (σ2PA) and good biological compatibility which depends on the molecular volume and polarity [2]. In this work, we present the design, synthesis and characterization of new indolium derivatives. These compounds are easy to achieve with good yields and good photophysical properties. In addition, time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) has been carried out to investigate the energy level of the ground and excited state. Their spectral properties and assays performed on cultured cells, demonstrate the potential of these compounds as fluorescent probes with application in two-photon bio-imaging.


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Fluorescent proteins (FPs) are extremely valuable biochemical markers which have found a wide range of applications in cellular and molecular biology research. The monomeric variants of red fluorescent proteins (RFPs), known as mFruits, have been especially valuable for in vivo applications in mammalian cell imaging. Fluorescent proteins consist of a chromophore caged in the beta-barrel protein scaffold. The photophysical properties of an FP is determined by its chromophore structure and its interactions with the protein barrel. Application of hydrostatic pressure on FPs results in the modification of the chromophore environment which allows a systematic study of the role of the protein-chromophore interactions on photophysical properties of FPs. Using Molecular Dynamics (MD) computer simulations, I investigated the pressure induced structural changes in the monomeric variants mCherry, mStrawberry, and Citrine. The results explain the molecular basis for experimentally observed pressure responses among FP variants. It is found that the barrel flexibility, hydrogen bonding interactions and chromophore planarity of the FPs can be correlated to their contrasting photophysical properties at vaious pressures. I also investigated the oxygen diffusion pathways in mOrange and mOrange2 which exhibit marked differences in oxygen sensitivities as well as photostability. Such computational identifications of structural changes and oxygen diffusion pathways are important in guiding mutagenesis efforts to design fluorescent proteins with improved photophysical properties.


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Conjugated polymers (CPs) are intrinsically fluorescent materials that have been used for various biological applications including imaging, sensing, and delivery of biologically active substances. The synthetic control over flexibility and biodegradability of these materials aids the understanding of the structure-function relationships among the photophysical properties, the self-assembly behaviors of the corresponding conjugated polymer nanoparticles (CPNs), and the cellular behaviors of CPNs, such as toxicity, cellular uptake mechanisms, and sub-cellular localization patterns. ^ Synthetic approaches towards two classes of flexible CPs with well-preserved fluorescent properties are described. The synthesis of flexible poly( p-phenylenebutadiynylene)s (PPBs) uses competing Sonogashira and Glaser coupling reactions and the differences in monomer reactivity to incorporate a small amount (∼10%) of flexible, non-conjugated linkers into the backbone. The reaction conditions provide limited control over the proportion of flexible monomer incorporation. Improved synthetic control was achieved in a series of flexible poly(p-phenyleneethynylene)s (PPEs) using modified Sonogashira conditions. In addition to controlling the degree of flexibility, the linker provides disruption of backbone conjugation that offers control of the length of conjugated segments within the polymer chain. Therefore, such control also results in the modulation of the photophysical properties of the materials. ^ CPNs fabricated from flexible PPBs are non-toxic to cells, and exhibit subcellular localization patterns clearly different from those observed with non-flexible PPE CPNs. The subcellular localization patterns of the flexible PPEs have not yet been determined, due to the toxicity of the materials, most likely related to the side-chain structure used in this series. ^ The study of the effect of CP flexibility on self-assembly reorganization upon polyanion complexation is presented. Owing to its high rigidity and hydrophobicity, the PPB backbone undergoes reorganization more readily than PPE. The effects are enhanced in the presence of the flexible linker, which enables more efficient π-π stacking of the aromatic backbone segments. Flexibility has minimal effects on the self-assembly of PPEs. Understanding the role of flexibility on the biophysical behaviors of CPNs is key to the successful development of novel efficient fluorescent therapeutic delivery vehicles.^


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New push-pull copolymers based on thiophene (donor) and benzothiadiazole (acceptor) units, poly[4,7-bis(3-dodecylthiophene-2-yl) benzothiadiazole-co- thiophene] (PT3B1) and poly[4,7-bis(3-dodecylthiophene-2-yl) benzothiadiazole-co-benzothiadiazole] (PT2B2), are designed and synthesized via Stille and Suzuki coupling routes respectively. Gel permeation chromatography shows the number average molecular weights are 31100 and 8400 g mol-1 for the two polymers, respectively. Both polymers have shown absorption throughout a wide range of the UV-vis region, from 300 to 650 nm. A significant red shift of the absorption edge is observed in thin films compared to solution of the copolymers; the optical band gap is in the range of 1.7 to 1.8 eV. Cyclic voltammetry indicates reversible oxidation and reduction processes with HOMO energy levels calculated to be in the range of 5.2 to 5.4 eV. Upon testing both materials for organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), PT3B1 showed a hole mobility of 6.1 × 10-4 cm2 V-1 s -1, while PT2B2 did not show any field effect transport. Both copolymers displayed a photovoltaic response when combined with a methanofullerene as an electron acceptor. The best performance was achieved when the copolymer PT3B1 was blended with [70]PCBM in a 1:4 ratio, exhibiting a short-circuit current of 7.27 mA cm-2, an open circuit voltage of 0.85 V, and a fill factor of 41% yielding a power conversion efficiency of 2.54% under simulated air mass (AM) 1.5 global (1.5 G) illumination conditions (100 mW cm-2). Similar devices utilizing PT2B2 in place of PT3B1 demonstrated reduced performance with a short-circuit current of 4.8 mA cm -2, an open circuit voltage of 0.73 V, and a fill factor of 30% resulting in a power conversion efficiency of roughly 1.06%.


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A few fixed distance covalently linked porphyrin-quinone molecules have been synthesized in which a benzoquinone is directly attached to a meso/beta-pyrrole position of tri(phenyl/pentafluorophenyl)/tetraphenylporphyrins. The choice of fluoroarylporphyrins permit modulation of Delta G(ET) values for photoinduced electron-transfer reactions in these systems. All short distance porphyrin-quinone molecules showed efficient quenching of the porphyrin singlet excited state. The electrochemical redox data coupled with the steady-state and time-resolved singlet emission data are analysed to evaluate the dependence of Delta G(ET) values on the rate of electron transfer (k(ET)) in these systems. The meso-trifluoroarylporphyrin-quinones are found to be sensitive probes of the surrounding dielectric environment. Varying solvent polarity on the mechanism of fluorescence quenching and k(ET) values revealed that short donor-acceptor distance and the solvent dielectric relaxation properties play a dominant role. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Starburst-substituted hexaazatriphenylene Compounds have been designed and synthesized by introducing various peripheral aryl substituents to the central heterocyclic core. The effects of various substituent groups on the photophysical and electrochemical properties of the substituted hexaazatriphenylene have been investigated. Significant red-shifts of the absorption peak (from 413 nm to 530 nm) and emission peak (from 432 nm to 700 nm) were observed when the electron-donating ability of the aryl substituents was increased, corresponding to a decrease in the band gap from 2.90 eV to 2.05 eV. Introducing bulky substituents with weak electron-donating ability enhances the fluorescence quantum yield from 23% to 87%. In contrast, incorporating aryl substituents with strong electron-donating ability decreases the fluorescence quantum yield.


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Four cyclometalated Pt(II) complexes, i.e., [(L-2)PtCl] (1b), [(L-3)PtCl] (1c), [(L-2)PtC CC6H5] (2b) and [(L-3)PtC CC6H5] (2c) (HL2 = 4-[p-(N-butyl-N-phenyl)anilino]-6-phenyl-2,2'-bipyridine and HL3 = 4-[p(-N,N'-dibutyl-N'-phenyl)phenylene-diamino]-phenyl-6-phenyl-2,2'-bipyridine), have been synthesized and verified by H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR and X-ray crystallography. Unlike previously reported complexes [(L-1)PtCl] (1a) and [(L-1)PtC CC6H5] (2a) (HL1 = 4,6-diphenyl-2,2'-bipyridine), intense and continuous absorption bands in the region of 300-500 nm with strong metal-to-ligand charge transfer ((MLCT)-M-1) (d pi(Pt) -> pi*(L)) transitions (epsilon similar to 2 x 10(4) dm(3) mol (1) cm (1)) at 449-467 nm were observed in the UV-Vis absorption spectra of complexes 1b, 1c, 2b and 2c.