199 resultados para photoacoustic


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In this paper, a mathematical model is derived via Lagrange's Equation for a shear building structure that acts as a foundation of a non-ideal direct current electric motor, controlled by a mass loose inside a circular carving. Non-ideal sources of vibrations of structures are those whose characteristics are coupled to the motion of the structure, not being a function of time only as in the ideal case. Thus, in this case, an additional equation of motion is written, related to the motor rotation, coupled to the equation describing the horizontal motion of the shear building. This kind of problem can lead to the so-called Sommerfeld effect: steady state frequencies of the motor will usually increase as more power (voltage) is given to it in a step-by-step fashion. When a resonance condition with the structure is reached, the better part of this energy is consumed to generate large amplitude vibrations of the foundation without sensible change of the motor frequency as before. If additional increase steps in voltage are made, one may reach a situation where the rotor will jump to higher rotation regimes, no steady states being stable in between. As a device of passive control of both large amplitude vibrations and the Sommerfeld effect, a scheme is proposed using a point mass free to bounce back and forth inside a circular carving in the suspended mass of the structure. Numerical simulations of the model are also presented Copyright © 2007 by ASME.


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Fertility in female mammals may be affected by a variety of endocrine disrupters present in the environment. Herbicide atrazine is an example of endocrine disrupter employed in agriculture, which disrupts estrous cyclicity in rats. Aiming to characterize morphologically the effect of low and sublethal doses of atrazine on the ovaries of Wistar rats, in an effort to determine the possible intrafollicular target site through which this herbicide acts adult females were submitted to both subacute and subchronic treatments. Additionally, immunocytochemical labeling of 90 kDa heat shock protein (HSP90) was performed in order to evaluate the role played by this protein in the ovary, under stressed conditions induced by herbicide exposure. The results indicated that atrazine induced impaired folliculogenesis, increased follicular atresia and HSP90 depletion in female rats submitted to subacute treatment, while the subchronic treatment with low dose of atrazine could compromise the reproductive capacity reflected by the presence of multioocytic follicle and stress-inducible HSP90. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The intension of this paper was to review and discuss some of the current quantitative analytical procedures which are used for quality control of pharmaceutical products. The selected papers were organized according to the analytical technique employed. Several techniques like ultraviolet/visible spectrophotometry, fluorimetry, titrimetry, electroanalytical techniques, chromatographic methods (thin-layer chromatography, gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography), capillary electrophoresis and vibrational spectroscopies are the main techniques that have been used for the quantitative analysis of pharmaceutical compounds. In conclusion, although simple techniques such as UV/VIS spectrophotometry and TLC are still extensively employed, HPLC is the most popular instrumental technique used for the analysis of pharmaceuticals. Besides, a review of recent works in the area of pharmaceutical analysis showed a trend in the application of techniques increasingly rapid such as ultra performance liquid chromatography and the use of sensitive and specific detectors as mass spectrometers.


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Among remarkable discoveries concerning propolis, such as antifungal, antiviral, and antioxidant activities, its anti-inflammatory, and mainly its antibacterial, properties deserve special attention when skin wound healing is concerned. Based on this and knowing the distinctive performance of bacterial (BC) membranes on wound healing, in this work it is proposed to demonstrate the potent antimicrobial activity and wound healing properties of a novel propolis containing biocellulose membrane. The obtained propolis/BC membrane was able to adsorb propolis not only on the surface, but also in its interstices demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, and thermogravidimetric assays. Additionally, the polyphenolic compounds determination and the prominent antibacterial activity in the membrane are demonstrated to be dose dependent, supporting the possibility of obtaining propolis/BC membranes at the desired concentrations, taking into consideration its application and its skin residence time. Finally, it could be suggested that propolis/BC membrane may favor tissue repair in less time and more effectively in contaminated wounds. © 2013 Hernane da Silva Barud et al.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The interaction between aerosols and sun light plays an important role in the radiative balance of Earth’s atmosphere. This interaction is obtained by measuring the removal (extinction), redistribution (scattering), and transformation into heat (absorption) of light by the aerosols; i.e. their optical properties. Knowledge of these properties is crucial for our understanding of the atmospheric system. rn Light absorption by aerosols is a major contributor to the direct and indirect effects on our climate system, and an accurate and sensitive measurement method is crucial to further our understanding. A homebuilt photoacoustic sensor (PAS), measuring at a 532nm wavelength, was fully characterized and its functionality validated for measurements of absorbing aerosols. The optical absorption cross-sections of absorbing polystyrene latex spheres, to be used as a standard for aerosol absorption measurements, were measured and compared to literature values. Additionally, a calibration method using absorbing aerosol of known complex refractive index was presented.rn A new approach to retrieve the effective broadband refractive indices (mbroad,eff) of aerosol particles by a white light aerosol spectrometer (WELAS) optical particle counter (OPC) was achieved. Using a tandem differential mobility analyzer (DMA)-OPC system, the nbroad,eff are obtained for both laboratory and field applications. This method was tested in the laboratory using substances with a wide range of optical properties and it was used in ambient measurements to retrieve the nbroad,eff of biomass burning aerosols in a nationwide burning event in Israel. The retrieved effective broadband refractive indices for laboratory generated scattering aerosols were: ammonium sulfate (AS), glutaric acid (GA), and sodium chloride, all within 4% of literature values. For absorbing substances, nigrosine and various mixtures of nigrosine with AS and GA were measured, as well as a lightly absorbing substance, Suwannee river fulvic acid (SRFA). For the ambient measurements, the calibration curves generated from this method were to follow the optical evolution of biomass burning (BB) aerosols. A decrease in the overall aerosol absorption and scattering for aged aerosols during the day after the fires compared to the smoldering phase of the fires was found. rn The connection between light extinction of aerosols, their chemical composition and hygroscopicity for particles with different degrees of absorption was studied. The extinction cross-section (σext) at 532nm for different mobility diameters was measured at 80% and 90% relative humidity (RH), and at an RH<10%. The ratio of the humidified aerosols to the dry ones, fRHext(%RH,Dry), is presented. For purely scattering aerosols, fRHext(%RH,Dry) is inversely proportional with size; this dependence was suppressed for lightly absorbing ones. In addition, the validity of the mixing rules for water soluble absorbing aerosols is explored. The difference between the derived and calculated real parts of the complex RIs were less than 5.3% for all substances, wavelengths, and RHs. The obtained imaginary parts for the retrieved and calculated RIs were in good agreement with each other, and well within the measurement errors of retrieval from pulsed CRD spectroscopy measurements. Finally, a core-shell structure model is also used to explore the differences between the models, for substances with low growth factors, under these hydration conditions. It was found that at 80% RH and for size parameters less than 2.5, there is less than a 5 % difference between the extinction efficiencies calculated with both models. This difference is within measurement errors; hence, there is no significant difference between the models in this case. However, for greater size parameters the difference can be up to 10%. For 90% RH the differences below a size parameter of 2.5 were up to 7%.rn Finally, the fully characterized PAS together with a cavity ring down spectrometer (CRD), were used to study the optical properties of soot and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) during the SOOT-11 project in the AIDA chamber in Karlsruhe, Germany. The fresh fractal-like soot particles were allowed to coagulate for 28 hours before stepwise coating them with SOA. The single scattering albedo for fresh fractal-like soot was measured to be 0.2 (±0.03), and after allowing the soot to coagulate for 28 hours and coating it with SOA, it increased to 0.71(±0.01). An absorption enhancement of the coated soot of up to 1.71 (±0.03) times from the non-coated coagulated soot was directly measured with the PAS. Monodisperse measurements of SOA and soot coated with SOA were performed to derive the complex refractive index (m) of both aerosols. A complex refractive index of m = 1.471(±0.008) + i0.0(±0.002) for the SOA-αO3 was retrieved. For the compact coagulated soot a preliminary complex refractive index of m = 2.04(+0.21/-0.14) + i0.34(+0.18/-0.06) with 10nm(+4/-6) coating thickness was retrieved.rn These detail properties can be use by modelers to decrease uncertainties in assessing climatic impacts of the different species and to improve weather forecasting.rn


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Plasmonic nanoparticles exhibit strong light scattering efficiency due to the oscillations of their conductive electrons (plasmon), which are excited by light. For rod-shaped nanoparticles, the resonance position is highly tunable by the aspect ratio (length/width) and the sensitivity to changes in the refractive index in the local environment depends on their diameter, hence, their volume. Therefore, rod-shaped nanoparticles are highly suitable as plasmonic sensors.rnWithin this thesis, I study the formation of gold nanorods and nanorods from a gold-copper alloy using a combination of small-angle X-ray scattering and optical extinction spectroscopy. The latter represents one of the first metal alloy nanoparticle synthesis protocols for producing rod-shaped single crystalline gold-copper (AuxCu(1-x)) alloyed nanoparticles. I find that both length and width independently follow an exponential growth behavior with different time-constants, which intrinsically leads to a switch between positive and negative aspect ratio growth during the course of the synthesis. In a parameter study, I find linear relations for the rate constants as a function of [HAuCl4]/[CTAB] ratio and [HAuCl4]/[seed] ratio. Furthermore, I find a correlation of final aspect ratio and ratio of rate constants for length and width growth rate for different [AgNO3]/[HAuCl4] ratios. I identify ascorbic acid as the yield limiting species in the reaction by the use of spectroscopic monitoring and TEM. Finally, I present the use of plasmonic nanorods that absorb light at 1064nm as contrast agents for photoacoustic imaging (BMBF project Polysound). rnIn the physics part, I present my automated dark-field microscope that is capable of collecting spectra in the range of 450nm to 1750 nm. I show the characteristics of that setup for the spectra acquisition in the UV-VIS range and how I use this information to simulate measurements. I show the major noise sources of the measurements and ways to reduce the noise and how the combination of setup charactersitics and simulations of sensitivity and sensing volume can be used to select appropriate gold rods for single unlabeled protein detection. Using my setup, I show how to estimate the size of gold nano-rods directly from the plasmon linewidth measured from optical single particle spectra. Then, I use this information to reduce the distribution (between particles) of the measured plasmonic sensitivity S by 30% by correcting for the systematic error introduced from the variation in particle size. I investigate the single particle scattering of bowtie structures — structures consisting of two (mostly) equilateral triangles pointing one tip at each other. I simulate the spectra of the structures considering the oblique illumination angle in my setup, which leads to additional plasmon modes in the spectra. The simulations agree well with the measurements form a qualitative point of view.rn


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Arctic soils contain a large fraction of Earth's stored carbon. Temperature increases in the Arctic may enhance decomposition of this stored carbon, shifting the role of Arctic soils from a net sink to a new source of atmospheric CO2. Predicting the impact of Arctic warming on soil carbon reserves requires knowledge of the composition of the stored organic matter. Here, we employ solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared-photoacoustic spectroscopy (FTIR-PAS) to investigate the chemical composition of soil organic matter collected from drained thaw-lake basins ranging in age from 0 to 5500 years before present (y BP). The 13C NMR and FTIR-PAS data were largely congruent. Surface horizons contain relatively large amounts of O-alkyl carbon, suggesting that the soil organic matter is rich in labile constituents. Soil organic matter decreases with depth with the relative amounts of O-alkyl carbon decreasing and aromatic carbon increasing. These data indicate that lower horizons are in a more advanced stage of decomposition than upper horizons. Nonetheless, a substantial fraction of carbon in lower horizons, even for ancient thaw-lake basins (2000-5500 y BP), is present as O-alkyl carbon reflecting the preservation of intrinsically labile organic matter constituents. Climate change-induced increases in the depth of the soil active layer are expected to accelerate the depletion of this carbon.


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Compósitos de polímeros de polietileno linear de baixa densidade (LLDPE) possuem baixo desempenho mecânico devido principalmente à sua fraca interação, intermolecular, entre a cadeia polimérica e a carga. Uma maneira de minimizar esse baixo desempenho mecânico se faz com a mudança da estrutura química da poliolefina com a inserção de um grupo polar a sua cadeia, ou seja, faz-se a funcionalização das poliolefinas. O sistema de funcionalização adotado foi o processamento reativo, no qual foi utilizado para este sistema de processamento o misturador de dupla rosca acoplado a um reâmetro de torque. Neste trabalho, os grupos polares inseridos à cadeia dos polímeros de LLDPE\'s de copolímeros 1-buteno e 1-octeno (LLDPE-but e LLDPE-oct) foram o anidrido maléico (AM) e o anidrido tetrahidroftálico (ATF). Para a confecção dos compósitos foram utilizadas as cargas de microesferas de sílica modificada, no qual foi inserido compostos silanados em sua superfície (3-aminopropilsilano - APS - e trimetoxiclorosilano TMCISi) para estudo de interação com as poliolefinas funcionalizadas. Neste trabalho foram realizados ensaios de caracterização térmica, vibracional além de análises de torque do polímero fundido, análises do grau de reticulação e ensaios mecânicos de tração por elongação. Na caracterização térmica foram utilizadas as técnicas: termogravimetria (TG) e calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC). Na caracterização vibracional utilizou-se a espectroscopia fotoacústica no infravermelho (PAS-IR) e a espectroscopia de espalhamento Raman. Pela técnica PAS-IR foi possível comprovar a inserção dos anidridos à cadeia das poliolefinas assim como foi possível verificar a interação entre o polímero funcionalizado e a carga. Pelas técnicas térmicas de DSC e TG foi possível verificar mudanças das propriedades do compósito frente aos polímeros originais ou funcionalizados. Os ensaios mecânicos comprovaram que os compósitos de polímeros funcionalizados possuem maior elongação e tensão à ruptura comparada aos compósitos dos LLDPE\'s não funcionalizados


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Poly(β-hydroxybutyrate), (PHB), is a biologically produced, biodegradable thennoplastic with commercial potential. In this work the qualitative and quantitative investigations of the structure and degradation of a previously unstudied, novel, fibrous form of PHB, were completed. This gel-spun PHB fibrous matrix, PHB(FM), which has a similar appearance to cotton wool, possesses a relatively complex structure which combines a large volume with a low mass and has potential for use as a wound scaffolding device. As a result of the intrinsic problems presented by this novel structure, a new experimental procedure was developed to analyze the degradation of the PHB to its monomer hydroxybutyric acid, (HBA). This procedure was used in an accelerated degradation model which accurately monitored the degradation of the undegraded and degraded fractions of a fibrous matrix and the degradation of its PHB component. The in vitro degradation mechanism was also monitored using phase contrast and scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, fibre diameter distributions and Fourier infra-red photoacoustic spectroscopy. The accelerated degradation model was used to predict the degradation of the samples in the physiological model and this provided a clearer picture as to the samples potential biodegradation as medical implantation devices. The degradation of the matrices was characterized by an initial penetration of the degradative medium and weakening of the fibre integrity due to cleavage of the ester linkages, this then led to the physical collapse of the fibres which increased the surface area to volume ratio of the sample and facilitated its degradation. Degradation in the later stages was reduced due to the experimental kinetics, compaction and degradation resistant material, most probably the highly crystalline regions of the PHB. The in vitro degradation of the PHB(FM) was influenced by blending with various polysaccharides, copolymerizing with poly(~-hydroxyvalerate), (PHV), and changes to the manufacturing process. The degradation was also detennined to be faster than that of conventional melt processed PHB based samples. It was concluded that the material factors such as processing, sample size and shape affected the degradation of PHB based samples with the major factor of sample surface area to volume ratio being of paramount importance in determining the degradation of a sample.