975 resultados para phosphatase activity


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Surface, overlying, and interstitial waters were collected at monthly intervals at three experimental stations in a shallow Chinese eutrophic lake (Lake Donghu) to assess the occurrence, distribution, and status of UV-sensitive phosphorus compounds (UVSP) and phosphatase hydrolyzable phosphorus (PHP), coupled with kinetics of alkaline phosphatase activity (APA). Orthophosphate (o-P) concentrations were generally the highest at Station 1, where chlorophyll a (chl a) was a function of o-P at temporal scale. The V-max/K-m of APA obtained by Michaelis-Menten approach paralleled the chlorophyll data at two stations. These facts imply that the development of phytoplankton may be attributed to APA induced by PHP. The potentially available UVSP and PHP peaked in interstitial, overlying, and surface water simultaneously sometimes in 1995 to 1996 and 1997 to 1999. It is postulated that they may arise from the bottom. UVSP peaked in interstitial water at the 12-16 cm layers in sediment cores. Moreover, in interstitial water, UV irradiation resulted in an elevated o-P concentration and decreased APA in a timeseries analysis. Therefore, the mechanism that APA involved in the process of photorelease of o-P was not demonstrated. UVSP is most likely a functional group of labile phosphorus distinct from the enzymatic substrate in this shallow eutrophic lake.


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Microcystins isolated from toxic cyanobacteria are potent inhibitors of protein phosphatases 1 and 2A (PP1 and PP2A). The inhibitory effects of three structural variants of microcystins (microcystin-LR, -YR, and -RR) on protein phosphatases isolated and purified from the liver and kidney of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) were investigated using the P-32 radiometric assay. The relationships between percentage inhibition of protein phosphatase activity and microcystin levels followed a typical dose-dependent sigmoid curve. These results were compared to those obtained from mouse PP2A. The degree and pattern of inhibition of both fish and mouse protein phosphatases by microcystins were similar. Protein phosphatases in crude fish tissue homogenates showed similar inhibition patterns as purified fish PP2A toward microcystins. (C) 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The growth response of Chlorella vulgaris to low concentration of dimethoate, an organophosphorus pesticide, was studied. Results show that cell density, protein content, chlorophyll pigment and alkaline phosphatase activity were all increased, which indicates that low concentration dimethoate can accelerate growth of Chlorella vulgaris. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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本实验表明:外生菌根真菌彩色豆马勃、劣味乳菇、丝膜菌对PH的适应范围较广,最适生长BH呈酸性。模拟酸雨对马尾松幼苗菌根的外部形态和内部结构有明显影响。在温室栽培中,模拟酸雨(PH2.0)显著抑制菌根侵染率,在田间实验中,对菌根侵染率有一定的影响。菌根PH和土壤PH值随模拟酸雨PH下降而逐渐降低,接种菌根菌可略提高菌根PH和土壤PH值。菌根真菌过氧化氢酶对培养基中PH的变化不敏感,模拟酸雨对菌根过氧化氢酶活性影响也不明显。但沙培中,模拟酸雨(PH2.0)显著抑制菌根过氧化氢酶活性。模拟酸雨(PH2.0)显著刺激菌根过氧化物酶活性,接种菌根菌可以降低菌根过氧化物酶活性。不同PH的培养基对菌体硝酸还原酶活性有明显影响,而且菌体生长速度与硝酸还原酶活性呈正相关。模拟酸雨(PH2.0)显著抑制菌根硝酸还原酶活性,而接种菌根菌明显提高根系硝酸还原酶活性。菌体酸性磷酸酶活性对培养基中PH变化不敏感,同样菌根酸性磷酸酶活性对模拟酸雨的影响也不明显,但是接种菌根菌可明显提高根系酸性磷酸酶活性。模拟酸雨对马尾松幼苗茎的高生长影响不显著。但是对幼苗茎、根系的干重和侧根总长度有显著抑制作用。轻度酸雨(PH4.5-3.0)对马尾松幼苗生长有促进作用,接种菌可提高幼苗生长。从菌根形态结构和生理活性上看,接种菌根菌可减轻模拟酸雨对马尾松幼苗根系的危害,增强对模拟酸雨的抗性。4dThe result of experiment showed that ectomycorrhizal fungi Pisolithus tinctorins. Lactarius insulsus. Cortinarius russus can be growth in broad PH rang in pure culture, the optimum growth PH is acidity. The external morphology and internal structure of ectomycorrhiza of P. massoniana are affected with simulated acid rain. In greenhouse, simulated acid rain (PH2.0) treatment caused significant decrease in the percent infection, but it's not marked in field. The PH of mycorrhizal and soil are reduced with reducing rainfall PH. These PH are slight higher for inoculation with ectomycorrhizal fungi. Catalase activity of ectomycorrhizal fungus is not sensitive to medium with different PH. Mycorrhiza catalase activiyt is not affected significantly with simulated acid rain, but it's inhibited significantly with simulated acid rain (PH2.0) in the sand culture. Peroxidase atcivity of mycorrhiza is enhanced significantly with simulated acid rain (PH2.0), but it's universally lower for inoculation with ectomycorrhizal fungus. Ectomycorrhizal fungus nitrate reductase activity is affected significantly to medium with differdnt PH, the rates of these fungi growth and nitrate reductase activity is significant correlation. Nitrate reductase activity of mycorrhiza is inhibited significantly with simulated acid rain (PH 2.0), but it's increased significantly for inocnlation with mycorrhizal fungi. Ectomycorrhizal fungas acid phosphatase activity is not affected to medium with different PH, Mycorrhiza acid phosphatase activity is not affected with simulated acid rain too, the acid phosphatase activity of roots inoculated with mycorrhizal fungas is increased significantly. The highest acidity level simulated rain reduced signhficantly root system biomass and the dry weight of stem. Iower acidity level simulated rain can stimulated the growth of P. massoniana, the growth of seedling inocnlated with mycorrhizal fungus can be increased.


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干旱环境常常由于多变的降水事件和贫瘠土壤的综合作用,表现出较低的生产力和较低的植被覆盖度。全球性的气候变暖和人类干扰必将使得干旱地区缺水现状越来越严竣。贫瘠土壤环境中已经很低的有效养分含量也将会随着干旱的扩大而越来越低。干旱与半干旱系统中不断加剧的水分与养分的缺失将严重限制植物的生长和植被的更新,必然会使得已经恶化的环境恶化速率的加快、恶化范围的加大。如何抑制这种趋势,逐步改善已经恶化的环境是现在和将来干旱系统管理者面临的主要关键问题。了解干旱系统本土植物对未来气候变化的适应机制,不仅是植物生态学研究的重要内容,也对人为调节干旱环境,改善干旱系统植被条件,提高植被覆盖度具有重要的实践意义。 本研究以干旱河谷优势灌木白刺花(Sophora davidii)为研究对象,通过两年大棚水分和施N控制实验和一个生长季野外施N半控制实验,从植物生长-生理-资源利用以及植物生长土壤环境特征入手,系统的研究了白刺花幼苗生长特性对干旱胁迫和施N的响应与适应机制,并试图探讨施N是否可调节干旱系统土壤环境,人工促进干旱条件下幼苗定居,最终贡献于促进植被更新实践。初步研究结论如下: 1)白刺花幼苗生长、生物量积累与分配以及水分利用效率对干旱胁迫和施N处理的适应白刺花幼苗株高、基径、叶片数目、叶面积、根长、生物量生产、相对含水量和水分利用效率随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而明显降低,但地下部分生物量比例和R/S随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而增加。轻度施N处理下幼苗株高、基径、叶片数目、叶片面积和生物量生产有所增加。但重度施N处理下这些生长指标表现出微弱甚至降低的趋势。严重干旱胁迫条件下,幼苗叶面积率、R/S、相对含水量和水分利用效率也以轻度施N处理为最高。 2)白刺花幼苗叶片光合生理特征对干旱胁迫和施N处理的适应叶片光合色素含量和叶片光合效率随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而显著降低,并且PS2系统在干旱胁迫条件下表现出一定程度的光损害。但是比叶面积随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而增加。在相对较好水分条件下幼苗净光合速率的降低可能是因为气孔限制作用,而严重干旱胁迫条件下非气孔限制可能是导致幼苗叶片光合速率下降的主要原因。叶片叶绿素含量、潜在光合能力、羧化效率、光合效率以及RUBP再生能力等在施N处理下得到提高,并因而改善干旱胁迫条件下光合能力和效率。虽然各荧光参数对施N处理并无显著的反应,但是干旱胁迫条件下qN和Fv/Fm在轻度施N处理下维持相对较高的水平,而两年连续处理后在严重干旱胁迫条件下幼苗叶片光合效率受到重度施N处理的抑制,并且Fv/Fm和qN也在重度施N处理下降低。 3)白刺花幼苗C、N和P积累以及N、P利用效率对干旱胁迫和施N处理的适应白刺花幼苗C、N和P的积累,P利用效率以及N和P吸收效率随干旱胁迫程度的增加而显著降低,C、N和P的分配格局也随之改变。在相同水分处理下,C、N和P的积累量、P利用效率以及N和P吸收效率在轻度施N处理下表现为较高的水平。然而,C、N和P的积累量和P利用效率在重度施N处理下不仅没有表现出显著的正效应,而且有降低的趋势。另外,在相同水分条件下白刺花幼苗N利用效率随着施N强度的增加而降低。 4)白刺花幼苗生长土壤化学与微生物特性对干旱胁迫和施N的适应白刺花幼苗生长土壤有机C、有效N和P含量也随干旱胁迫程度的增加而明显降低。干旱胁迫条件下土壤C/N、C/P、转化酶、脲酶和碱性磷酸酶活性的降低可能表明较低的N和P矿化速率。尽管微生物生物量C、N和P对一个生长季干旱胁迫处理无显著反应,但微生物生物量C和N在两年连续干旱胁迫后显著降低。土壤有机C和有效P含量在轻度施N处理下大于重度施N处理,但是有效N含量随着施N强度的增加而增加。微生物生物量C和N、碱性磷酸酶和转化酶活性也在轻度施N处理下有所增加。但是碱性磷酸酶活性在重度施N处理下降低。 5)野外条件下白刺花幼苗生长特征及生长土壤生化特性对施N的适应植物生长、生物生产量、C的固定、N、P等资源的吸收和积累、其它受限资源的利用效率(如P)在轻度施N处理下均有所增加,但N利用效率有所降低。幼苗生物生产量及C、N和P等资源的分配格局在轻度施N处理下也没有明显的改变。白刺花幼苗叶片数目、生物生产量和C、N、P的积累量在重度施N处理下虽然也相对于对照有所增加,但幼苗根系长度显著降低。生物量及资源(生物量、C、N、P)在重度施N处理下较多地分配给地上部分(主要是叶片)。另外,土壤有机C、全N和有效N含量随外源施N的增加而显著增加,土壤pH随之降低,但土壤全P含量并无显著反应。其中有机C含量和有效P含量以轻度施N处理最高。微生物生物量C、N和P在轻度施N处理下也显著增加,而微生物生物量C在重度施N处理下显著降低。同时,转化酶、脲酶、碱性磷酸酶和中性磷酸酶活性在施N处理下也明显的提高,但酸性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性显著降低,其中碱性磷酸酶和中性磷酸酶活性以轻度施N处理最高。 综合分析表明,干旱河谷水分和N严重限制了白刺花幼苗的生长。施N不能完全改变干旱胁迫对白刺花幼苗的抑制的作用,但是由于施N增加土壤N有效性,改善土壤一系列生物与化学过程,幼苗的生长特性也对施N表现出强烈的反应,表现为植物结构与资源分配格局的改善,植物叶片光合能力与效率的提高,植物生长以及利用其他受限资源(如水分和P)的效率的增加,致使植物自身生长及其生长环境在干旱环境下得到改善。但是过度施N不仅不能起到改善干旱胁迫下植物生长环境、促进植物生长的作用,反而在土壤过程以及植物生长过程中加重干旱胁迫对植物的伤害。因此,建议在采用白刺花作为先锋种改善干旱河谷系统环境的实践中,可适当施加N以改善土壤环境,调节植物利用与分配资源的效率,促进植物定居,得到人工促进种群更新的目的。但在实践过程中也要避免过度施N。 Arid regions of the world are generally noted for their low primary productivity which is due to a combination of low, unpredictable water supply and low soil nutrient concentrations. The most serious effects of global climate change and human disturbances may well be those which related to increasing drought since drought stress has already been the principal constraint in plant growth. The decline in total rainfall and/or soil water availability expected for the next decades may turn out to be even more drastic under future warmer conditions. Nevertheless, water deficit is not the only limiting factor in arid and semiarid environments. Soils often suffer from nutrient (especially N and P) deficiencies in these ecosystems, which can also be worsened by climate change. How to improve the poor soil quality and enhance the vegetation coverage is always the problem facing ecosystem managers. The adaptive mechanisms of native plant to future climate change is always the focus in plant ecology, it also plays important roles in improving vegetation coverage by manual controlled programmes. Sophora davidii is a native perennial shrub of arid valleys, which is often predominant on eroded slopes and plays a vital role in retaining ecological stability in this region. It has been found that S. davidii was better adapted to dry environment than other shrubs, prompting its use for re-vegetation of arid lands. A two-years greenhouse experiment and a field experiment were conducted in order to understand the adaptation responses of Sophora davidii seedlings to different water and N conditions, and further explore if additional N supply as a modified role could enhance the adaptation ability of S. davidii seedlings to dry and infertile environment. Two-month old seedlings were subjected to a completely randome design with three water (80%, 40% and 20% water field capacity (FC)) and three N supply (N0: 0, Nl: 92 and Nh: 184 mg N kg-1 soil) regimes. Field experiment was arranged only by three N supplies in the dry valley. 1) The growth, biomass partitioning and water-use efficiency of Sophora davidii seedlings in respond to drought stress and N supply Seedlings height, basal diameter, leaf number, leaf area, root length, biomass production, relative water content (RWC) and WUE were decreased with increase of drought stress. An increase in below-ground biomass was observed indicating a higher root/shoot ratio (R/S) under drought stress conditions. Low N supply increased seedlings height, basal diameter, leaf number, leaf area, and biomass production, but decreased root length. In contrast, these growth characteristics showed little or negative effect to high N supply treatment. Leaf percentages increased with increase of N supply, but fine root percentages decreased. In addition, Low N supply rather than the other two N treatments increased leaf area ratio (LAR), leaf/fine root mass ratio (L/FR), R/S and RWC under severe drought stress (20%FC), even though these parameters could increase with the high N supply treatment under well-watered condition (80%FC). Moreover, Low N supply also increased WUE under three water conditions, but high N supply had little effect on WUE under drought stress conditions (40%FC and 20%FC). 2) Leaf gas exchange and fluorescence parameters of Sophora davidii seedlings in respond to drought stress and N supply Leaf area (LA), photosynthetic pigment contents, and photosynthetic efficiency were decreased with increase of drought stress, but specific leaf area (SLA) increased. Photodamage in photosystem 2 (PS2) was also observed under drought stress condition. The decreased net photosynthetic rate (PN) under relative well-watered water conditions might result from stomatal limitations, but the decreased PN under other hand, photosynthetic capacity by increasing LA, photosynthetic chlorophyll contents, Pnmax, CE, Jmax were increased with increase N supply, and photosynthetic efficiency was improved with N supply treatment under water deficit. Although N supply did a little in alleviating photodamages to PS2 caused by drought stress, low N supply enhanced qN and kept relative high Fv/Fm under drought stress condition. However, high N supply inhibited leaf photosynthetic efficiency, and declined Fv/Fm and qN under severe drought stress condition after two year continues drought stress and N supply. 3) Carbon accumulation, nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency of Sophora davidii seedlings in respond to drought stress and N supply C, N and P accumulation, NUE , N and P uptake efficiency (NUtE and NUtE ) P N P were decreased with increase of drought stress regardless of N supply. On the other hand, the S. davidii seedlings exhibited strong responses to N supply, but the responses were inconsistent with the various N supply levels. Low N supply rather than the other two N treatments increased C, N and P accumulation, improved NUEP, NUtE and NUtE under corresponding water condition. In contrast, high N supply N P did few even depressed effects on C, N and P accumulation, and NUEP, although NUtEN and NUtEP could increase with high N supply under corresponding water conditions. Even so, a decrease of NUEN was observed with increase of N supply under corresponding water conditions. 4) Soil microbial and chemical characters in respond to drought stress and N supply The content of soil organic C, available N and P were decreased with increase of drought stress. Decreases in C/N and C/P, and invertase, urea and alkaline phosphatase activity were also observed under drought stress conditions, indicating a lower N and P mineralization rate. Although microbial biomass C, N and P showed slight responses to drought stress after one growth period treatment, microbial biomass C and N were also decreased with increase of drought stress after two year continuous treatment. The content of soil organic C and available P showed the stronger positive responses to low N supply than which to high N supply, although than the other two N treatments increased microbial biomass N and invertase activity under severe drought stress condition, even though invertase activity could increase with high N supply treatment under relative well-water conditions. Moreover, low N supply treatment also increased C/P and alkaline phosphatase activity which might result from higher P mineralization, but high N supply did negative effects on alkaline phosphatase activity. 5) The growth characteristics of Sophora davidii seedlings and soil microbial and chemical characters in respond to N supply under field condition Low N supply facilitated seedlings growth by increasing leaf number, basal diameter, root length, biomass production, C, N and P accumulation and absorption, and enhancing the use efficiency of other limited resources as P. Compared to control, however, low N supply did little effect on altering biomass, C, N and P portioning in seedlings components. On the contrary, high N supply treatment also increased leaf number, biomass and C, N and P accumulation relative to control, but significantly decreased root length, and altered more biomass and resources to above-ground, which strongly reduced the ability of absorbing water under drought condition, and thus which might deep the drought stress. In addition, N supply increased soil C, N and available N content, but declined pH and showed little effects on P content. Low N supply showed higher values of soil C and available P content. Low N supply also increased microbial biomass C, N and P, although high N supply decreased microbial biomass C. N supply significantly enhanced soil invertase, urea, alkaline and neutral phosphratase activity, while declined acid phosphratase and catalase activity. Low N supply exhibited higher alkaline and neutral phosphratase activity compared to the others. The results from this study indicated that both drought and N limited the growth of S. davidii seedlings and their biomass production. Regardless of N supply levels, drought stress dramatically reduced the seedlings growth and biomass production. Although plant growth parameters, including basal diameter, height, leaf number, and biomass and their components were observed to be positive responses to low N supply, N supply alone can not alter the diminishing tendency which is caused by drought. available N content increased with increase N supply. In addition, low N supply rather These findings imply that drought played a primary limitation role and N was only the secondary. Even so, appropriate N supply was seemed to enhance the ability that S. davidii seedlings adapted to the xeric and infertile environment by improving soil processes, stimulating plant growth, increasing recourses accumulation, enhancing use efficiency of other limited resources, and balancing biomass and resources partitioning. Appropriate N supply, therefore, would be recommended to improve S. davidii seedling establishment in this region, but excess N supply should be avoided.


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The response of soil urease and phosphatase activities at different rice growth stages to free air CO 2 enrichment (FACE) was studied. The results showed that comparing with the ambient atmospheric CO 2 concentration (370μmol·mol~ -1), FACE (570μmol·mol~ -1) significantly increased the urease activity of 0~5cm soil layer at the vigorous growth stage of rice, whole that of 5~10cm layer had no significant change during the whole growing season. Phosphatase activity of 0~5cm and 5~10cm soil layers significantly increased, and the peak increment was at the vigorous growth stage of rice.


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The ontogenetic development of the digestive enzymes amylase, lipase, trypsin, and alkaline phosphatase and the effect of starvation in miiuy croaker Miichthys miiuy larvae were studied. The activities of these enzymes were detected prior to exogenous feeding, but their developmental patterns differed remarkably. Trypsin activity continuously increased from 2 days after hatching (dah), peaked on 20 dah, and decreased to 25 dah at weaning. Alkaline phosphatase activity oscillated at low levels within a small range after the first feeding on 3 dah. In contrast, amylase and lipase activities followed the general developmental pattern that has been characterized in fish larvae, with a succession of increases or decreases. Amylase, lipase, and trypsin activities generally started to increase or decrease at transitions from endogenous to exogenous feeding or diet changes, suggesting that these enzymatic activities can be modulated by feeding modes. The activities of all the enzymes remained stable from 25 dah onwards, coinciding with the formation of gastric glands and pyloric caecum. These results imply that specific activities of these enzymes underwent changes due to morphological and physiological modifications or diet shift during larval development but that they became stable after the development of the digestive organs and associated glands was fully completed and the organs/glands functioned. Trypsin and alkaline phosphatase were more sensitive to starvation than amylase and lipase because delayed feeding up to 2 days after mouth opening was able to adversely affect their activities. Enzyme activities did not significantly differ among feeding groups during endogenous feeding; however, all activities were remarkably reduced when delayed feeding was within 3 days after mouth opening. Initiation of larvae feeding should occur within 2 days after mouth opening so that good growth and survival can be obtained in the culture.


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It is well known that invertebrates are devoid of adaptive immune components and rely primarily on innate immunity to defend against pathogens, but recent studies have demonstrated the existence of enhanced secondary immune protection in some invertebrates. in the present study, the cumulative mortality of scallops received two successive Listonella anguillarum stimulations was recorded, and variations of immune parameters including phagocytosis (phagocytic rate and phagocytic index), phenoloxidase-like enzyme, acid phosphatase and superoxide dismutase activities were also examined. The scallops received a previous short-term L anguillarum stimulation were protected against a long-term stimulation of L. anguillarum. Significantly higher level of phagocytic activities and acid phosphatase activity were observed in the scallops received twice stimulations compared with those only received the secondary stimulation. These results indicated that a short-term immersion with L. anguillarum modulated the scallops' immune system and endowed the scallops with enhanced resistance to the secondary bacterial stimulation: phagocytosis and acid phosphatase were suspected to be involved in the protection. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) containing unmethylated CpG motifs in certain contexts are known to be immunostimulatory in vertebrate systems. CpG ODNs with immune effects have been identified for many fish species but, to our knowledge, not for turbot. In this study, a turbot-effective CpG ODN, ODN 205, was identified and a plasmid, pCN5, was constructed which contains the CpG motif of ODN 205. When administered into turbot via intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection, both ODN 205 and pCN5 could (i) inhibit bacterial dissemination in blood in dose and time dependent manners, and (ii) protect against lethal bacterial challenge. Immunological analyses showed that in vitro treatment with ODN 205 stimulated peripheral blood leukocyte proliferation, while i.p. injection with ODN 205 enhanced the respiratory burst activity, chemiluminescence response, and acid phosphatase activity of turbot head kidney macrophages. pCN5 treatment-induced immune responses similar to those induced by ODN 205 treatment except that pCN5 could also enhance serum bactericidal activity in a calcium-independent manner. To examine whether ODN 205 and pCN5 had any effect on specific immunity, ODN 205 and pCN5 were co-administered into turbot with a Vibrio harveyi subunit vaccine, DegQ. The results showed that pCN5, but not ODN 205, significantly increased the immunoprotective efficacy of DegQ and enhanced the production of specific serum antibodies in the vaccinated fish. Further analysis indicated that vaccination with DegQ in the presence of pCN5 upregulated the expression of the genes encoding MHC class II alpha, IgM, Mx, and IL-8 receptor. Taken together, these results demonstrate that ODN 205 and pCN5 can stimulate the immune system of turbot and induce protection against bacterial challenge. In addition, pCN5 also possesses adjuvant property and can potentiate vaccine-induced specific immunity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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ISG15 is an interferon-stimulated gene that encodes a ubiquitin-like protein. ISG15 homologues have been identified in a number of fish species, some of which are known to be regulated at expression level by virus infection and lipopolysacchande (LPS) treatment However, the relationship between ISG15 and live bacterial infection has not been investigated in piscine models. In this study, an ISG15 homologue, SoISG15, was identified from red drum Scraeriops ocellaws and analyzed at expression and functional levels The open reading frame ofSolSG15 is 477 base pairs (bp) and mtronless, with a 5'-untranslated region (UTR) of 91 bp and a 3'-UTR of 415 bp The deduced amino acid sequence of S0ISG15 shares 60-67% overall identities with the ISG15 of several fish species. S0ISG15 possesses two conserved ubiquinn-like domains and the canonical ubiquitin conjugation motif, LRGG, at the C-terminus. Expressional analysis showed that constitutive expression of SolSG15 was highest in blood and lowest in kidney Experimental challenges with LPS and bacterial pathogens induced significant S0ISG15 expression in the kidney but not in the liver Similar differential induction was also observed at cellular level with primary hepatocytes and head kidney (HK) lymphocytes. Poly(' C), however, effected drastic induction of S0ISG15 expression in kidney and liver at both tissue and cellular levels. Immunoblot analysis showed that S0ISG15 was secreted by cultured HK lymphocytes into the extracellular milieu. Recombinant S0ISG15 expressed in and purified from Eschenclua colt was able to enhance the respiratory burst activity, acid phosphatase activity, and bactericidal activity of HK macrophages. Taken together, the results of this study indicated that SoISG 15 possesses apparent immunological property and is likely to be involved in host immune defense against bacterial infection. (C)2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.


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Streptococcus iniae is a severe aquaculture pathogen that can also infect humans and animal. A putative secretory antigen, Slat 0, was identified from a pathogenic S. iniae strain by in vivo-induced antigen technology. Using turbot as an animal model, the immunoprotective effect of Sia10 was examined as a DNA vaccine in the form of plasmid pSia10, which expresses sia10 under the cytomegalovirus immediate-early promoter. In fish vaccinated with pSia10, transcription of sia10 was detected in muscle, liver, spleen, and kidney at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, and 49 days post-vaccination. In addition, production of Sia10 protein was also detected in the muscle tissues of pSia10-vaccinated fish. Fish vaccinated with pSia10 exhibited a relative percent survival (RPS) of 73.9% and 92.3%, respectively, when challenged with high and low doses (producing a cumulative mortality of 92% and 52%, respectively, in the control groups) of S. iniae. Immunological and transcriptional analyses showed that vaccination with pSia10(i) induced much stronger chemiluminescence response and significantly higher levels of nitric oxide production and acid phosphatase activity in head kidney macrophages; (ii) caused the production of specific serum antibodies, which afforded apparent immunoprotection when transferred passively into naive fish; and (iii) upregulated the expression of the genes encoding proteins that are possibly involved in both innate and adaptive immune responses. Taken together, these results indicated that pSia10 is an effective vaccine candidate and may be used in the control of S. iniae infection in aquaculture. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Zhikong Scallop, Chlamys farreri, is one of the most Important bivalve mollusks cultured in northern China However, mass mortality of the cultured C farreri has posed a serious threat to the maricultural Industry in recent years. Acute Viral Necrobiotic Virus (AVNV) is believed as an important etiological agent causing the scallop mass mortalities To understand the mechanism behind the AVNV associated scallop disease and mortality, we assessed the physiological and immune responses of C farreri to the virus infection using oxygen consumption rate, ammonium-nitrogen excretion rate, hemocyte copper, zinc superoxide dismutase gene expression, and plasma superoxide dismutase activity and alkaline phosphatase activity as indicators Scallops challenged by AVNV at 25 C developed typical disease signs 2 days after virus injection Before the disease manifested, scallop oxygen consumption and NH4+-N excretion rates rose and then fell back. Real-time PCR revealed that the hemocyte cytosol Cu, Zn SOD gene expression was upregulated followed by recovery The plasma SOD activity, however, augmented consistently following virus injection Moreover, plasma AKP activity first lowered and then elevated gradually to the highest level at 24 h post virus injection Scallops challenged by AVNV at 17 degrees C neither developed notable disease nor showed obvious responses that could be associated with the virus infection. While the results suggested a correlation between the elevated seawater temperature and the AVNV infection associated C farreri mortalities, they also indicated that the viral infection provoked multiple physiological and immune responses in the host scallops (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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Acute myeloid leukaemia refers to cancer of the blood and bone marrow characterised by the rapid expansion of immature blasts of the myeloid lineage. The aberrant proliferation of these blasts interferes with normal haematopoiesis, resulting in symptoms such as anaemia, poor coagulation and infections. The molecular mechanisms underpinning acute myeloid leukaemia are multi-faceted and complex, with a range of diverse genetic and cytogenetic abnormalities giving rise to the acute myeloid leukaemia phenotype. Amongst the most common causative factors are mutations of the FLT3 gene, which codes for a growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase required by developing haematopoietic cells. Disruptions to this gene can result in constitutively active FLT3, driving the de-regulated proliferation of undifferentiated precursor blasts. FLT3-targeted drugs provide the opportunity to inhibit this oncogenic receptor, but over time can give rise to resistance within the blast population. The identification of targetable components of the FLT3 signalling pathway may allow for combination therapies to be used to impede the emergence of resistance. However, the intracellular signal transduction pathway of FLT3 is relatively obscure. The objective of this study is to further elucidate this pathway, with particular focus on the redox signalling element which is thought to be involved. Signalling via reactive oxygen species is becoming increasingly recognised as a crucial aspect of physiological and pathological processes within the cell. The first part of this study examined the effects of NADPH oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species on the tyrosine phosphorylation levels of acute myeloid leukaemia cell lines. Using two-dimensional phosphotyrosine immunoblotting, a range of proteins were identified as undergoing tyrosine phosphorylation in response to NADPH oxidase activity. Ezrin, a cytoskeletal regulatory protein and substrate of Src kinase, was selected for further study. The next part of this study established that NADPH oxidase is subject to regulation by FLT3. Both wild type and oncogenic FLT3 signalling were shown to affect the expression of a key NADPH oxidase subunit, p22phox, and FLT3 was also demonstrated to drive intracellular reactive oxygen species production. The NADPH oxidase target protein, Ezrin, undergoes phosphorylation on two tyrosine residues downstream of FLT3 signalling, an effect which was shown to be p22phox-dependent and which was attributed to the redox regulation of Src. The cytoskeletal associations of Ezrin and its established role in metastasis prompted the investigation of the effects of FLT3 and NADPH oxidase activity on the migration of acute myeloid leukaemia cell lines. It was found that inhibition of either FLT3 or NADPH oxidase negatively impacted on the motility of acute myeloid leukaemia cells. The final part of this study focused on the relationship between FLT3 signalling and phosphatase activity. It was determined, using phosphatase expression profiling and real-time PCR, that several phosphatases are subject to regulation at the levels of transcription and post-translational modification downstream of oncogenic FLT3 activity. In summary, this study demonstrates that FLT3 signal transduction utilises a NADPH oxidase-dependent redox element, which affects Src kinase, and modulates leukaemic cell migration through Ezrin. Furthermore, the expression and activity of several phosphatases is tightly linked to FLT3 signalling. This work reveals novel components of the FLT3 signalling cascade and indicates a range of potential therapeutic targets.


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Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and three-dimensional (3D) woven poly(ɛ-caprolactone) (PCL) scaffolds are promising tools for skeletal tissue engineering. We hypothesized that in vitro culture duration and medium additives can individually and interactively influence the structure, composition, mechanical, and molecular properties of engineered tissues based on hMSCs and 3D poly(ɛ-caprolactone). Bone marrow hMSCs were suspended in collagen gel, seeded on scaffolds, and cultured for 1, 21, or 45 days under chondrogenic and/or osteogenic conditions. Structure, composition, biomechanics, and gene expression were analyzed. In chondrogenic medium, cartilaginous tissue formed by day 21, and hypertrophic mineralization was observed in the newly formed extracellular matrix at the interface with underlying scaffold by day 45. Glycosaminoglycan, hydroxyproline, and calcium contents, and alkaline phosphatase activity depended on culture duration and medium additives, with significant interactive effects (all p < 0.0001). The 45-day constructs exhibited mechanical properties on the order of magnitude of native articular cartilage (aggregate, Young's, and shear moduli of 0.15, 0.12, and 0.033 MPa, respectively). Gene expression was characteristic of chondrogenesis and endochondral bone formation, with sequential regulation of Sox-9, collagen type II, aggrecan, core binding factor alpha 1 (Cbfα1)/Runx2, bone sialoprotein, bone morphogenetic protein-2, and osteocalcin. In contrast, osteogenic medium produced limited osteogenesis. Long-term culture of hMSC on 3D scaffolds resulted in chondrogenesis and regional mineralization at the interface between soft, newly formed engineered cartilage, and stiffer underlying scaffold. These findings merit consideration when developing grafts for osteochondral defect repair.


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Prolonged exposure of cells or tissues to drugs or hormones such as catecholamines leads to a state of refractoriness to further stimulation by that agent, known as homologous desensitization. In the case of the beta-adrenergic receptor coupled to adenylate cyclase, this process has been shown to be intimately associated with the sequestration of the receptors from the cell surface through a cAMP-independent process. Recently, we have shown that homologous desensitization in the frog erythrocyte model system is also associated with increased phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor. We now provide evidence that the phosphorylation state of the beta-adrenergic receptor regulates its functional coupling to adenylate cyclase, subcellular translocation, and recycling to the cell surface during the process of agonist-induced homologous desensitization. Moreover, we show that the receptor phosphorylation is reversed by a phosphatase specifically associated with the sequestered subcellular compartment. At 23 degrees C, the time courses of beta-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation, sequestration, and adenylate cyclase desensitization are identical, occurring without a lag, exhibiting a t1/2 of 30 min, and reaching a maximum at approximately 3 hr. Upon cell lysis, the sequestered beta-adrenergic receptors can be partially recovered in a light membrane vesicle fraction that is separable from the plasma membranes by differential centrifugation. The increased beta-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation is apparently reversed in the sequestered vesicle fraction as the sequestered receptors exhibit a phosphate/receptor stoichiometry that is similar to that observed under basal conditions. High levels of a beta-adrenergic receptor phosphatase activity appear to be associated with the sequestered vesicle membranes. The functional activity of the phosphorylated beta-adrenergic receptor was examined by reconstituting purified receptor with its biochemical effector the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (Ns) in phospholipid vesicles and assessing the receptor-stimulated GTPase activity of Ns. Compared to controls, phosphorylated beta-adrenergic receptors, purified from desensitized cells, were less efficacious in activating the Ns GTPase activity. These results suggest that phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor leads to its functional uncoupling and physical translocation away from the cell surface into a sequestered membrane domain. In the sequestered compartment, the phosphorylation is reversed thus enabling the receptor to recycle back to the cell surface and recouple with adenylate cyclase.