364 resultados para pesticidas


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Nos últimos 50 anos houve uma redução significativa na fertilidade de animais selvagens. Estudos revelam que as alterações morfológicas e fisiológicas sobre os órgãos reprodutivos de animais e também de seres humanos podem ser conseqüência da exposição a contaminantes ambientais. Vários pesticidas presentes no ambiente têm sido apontados como substâncias capazes de afetar o sistema endócrino, incluindo efeitos sobre a reprodução (COLBORN et al., 1993). Inúmeros fatores contribuem para que o Brasil seja um dos maiores consumidores de pesticidas do mundo. E, neste país, os herbicidas são os pesticidas líderes em vendas. O Roundup® é o herbicida mais utilizado, sendo comercializado em preparação contendo 36% de glifosato e 18% de polioxietilenamida (POEA) (ANVISA, 2002a e 2002b). Estudos de toxicidade reprodutiva realizados com o glifosato técnico referem a possibilidade de efeito sobre o sistema reprodutivo (WHO, 1994). Entretanto a literatura carece de estudos sobre os efeitos do POEA e dos produtos comerciais que o contém associado ao glifosato (DALLEGRAVE, 2002). Sendo assim, o presente trabalho objetivou verificar a influência do herbicida glifosato-Roundup® sobre a fertilidade e o desenvolvimento de ratos Wistar e a possibilidade deste desregular o sistema endócrino. Foram avaliados os efeitos do herbicida glifosato Roundup (lote BS 1096/98) sobre a reprodução de ratos Wistar, incluindo os efeitos teratogênicos (segmento II), sobre fertilidade e performance reprodutiva de machos e fêmeas (segmento I) e sobre animais expostos pré e perinatalmente (segmento III). As concentrações desejadas foram elaboradas mediante adição de água destilada. As progenitoras do ensaio de teratogenicidade foram tratadas, por via oral, com 500, 750 ou 1000mg/kg de glifosato (Roundup) ou água destilada (10ml/kg), do 6° ao 15° dia de gestação. Os animais da geração paterna (segmento I) foram tratados diariamente, por via oral, com 50, 150 ou 450mg/kg de glifosato (Roundup) ou água destilada (10ml/kg). Os machos foram tratados por 70 dias no pré-acasalamento e por 15 dias consecutivos na fase de acasalamento. As fêmeas foram tratadas por 15 dias no pré-acasalamento, de 1 a 15 dias na fase de acasalamento, por 21 a 23 dias durante a gestação, e aquelas que foram deixadas parir, por mais 21 dias referente ao período de lactação. A segunda geração (segmento III) foi exposta apenas durante a gestação e a lactação (fêmeas do segmento I). Os resultados do ensaio de teratogênese mostraram sinais de toxicidade materna com 50% de letalidade para as fêmeas tratadas com 1000mg/kg e sinais de retardo de desenvolvimento do esqueleto dos fetos. Os machos da geração paterna mostraram sinais de toxicidade sistêmica, com aumento na massa relativa de fígado e rins, acompanhado de alterações histopatológicas, e de toxicidade reprodutiva, caracterizada por alterações histopatológicas nos testículos, redução na concentração de espermatozóides, na produção diária de espermatozóides, na concentração de testosterona e aumento no percentual de espermatozóides anormais. As fêmeas da geração paterna não apresentaram sinais de toxicidade sistêmica e/ou reprodutiva nas variáveis avaliadas. Os machos expostos durante as fases pré e perinatal manifestaram sinais de toxicidade reprodutiva, caracterizados por alterações histopatológicas nos testículos, como degeneração das espermátides em ambas as fases, aumento no percentual de espermatozóides anormais na puberdade e redução na concentração de espermatozóides na fase adulta. As fêmeas expostas durante as fases pré e perinatal não apresentaram sinais de toxicidade sistêmica e/ou reprodutiva nas variáveis avaliadas, como também a prole das mesmas não manifestou alterações de desenvolvimento ponderal ou geral. Este estudo revelou que o herbicida glifosato-Roundup provocou um retardo no desenvolvimento esquelético dos fetos expostos durante a fase de organogênese. Afetou ainda o sistema reprodutivo masculino de indivíduos tratados na fase adulta e expostos durante as fases pré e perinatal, interferindo nas variáveis de fertilidade masculina em puberdade e fase adulta. Também houve sinais de toxicidade sistêmica nas fêmeas do ensaio de teratogênese (segmento II) e nos machos do ensaio de fertilidade e performance reprodutiva (segmento I), em doses muito inferiores aquelas referidas na literatura (WHO, 1994) para o glifosato grau técnico. Conclui-se que o glifosato-Roundup manifestou maior grau de toxicidade sistêmica, reprodutiva masculina e de desenvolvimento esquelético fetal, do que o referido na literatura para o glifosato grau técnico. E, frente à toxicidade reprodutiva masculina evidenciada neste estudo, pode-se sugerir que o glifosato- Roundup® manifestou efeitos de modulação endócrina e conseqüentemente, potencial desregulador endócrino.


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A avaliação do potencial genotóxico é um importante índice da ação do homem sobre os corpos d’água, complementando os critérios legalmente exigidos na avaliação da qualidade de águas. A bacia do Lago Guaíba é a mais importante do Rio Grande do Sul em termos sócio- econômicos, concentrando em suas margens mais da metade da população e 86% da produção do estado. Esse estudo avaliou o potencial mutagênico de amostras não concentradas das águas superficiais dos rios que compõem a bacia hidrográfica do Guaíba, e do próprio Lago Guaíba, pelo ensaio Salmonella/Microssoma. Paralelamente foi analisada a presença de hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos (criseno e benzo[a]pireno), de pesticidas (pentaclorofenol, organofosforados e carbamatos), e de elementos inorgânicos, buscando uma possível correlação desses com os efeitos mutagênicos encontrados. As amostras apresentaram fraca atividade mutagênica, sendo detectado um único resultado positivo frente a linhagem TA98, na presença de ativação metabólica em águas coletadas no lago Guaíba próximo a um local de liberação de efluente urbano Foram ainda observados cinco indícios de mutagenicidade, indicando a provável presença de compostos de ação indireta sobre o DNA, que causam mutações do tipo substituição nos pares de bases (detectado pela TA100). Os efeitos tóxicos encontrados foram igualmente pouco intensos, podendo estarem relacionados à presença de elementos inorgânicos detectados acima dos limites permitidos pela resolução número 20 do CONAMA. Além disso, observou-se influência sazonal sobre a resposta mutagênica das amostras de água da bacia do Lago Guaíba. Os resultados nos levam a concluir que os rios que formam a Bacia do Guaíba contribuem com uma parte muito pequena da atividade genotóxica das águas do Lago Guaíba, sendo o grande problema a contaminação por esgoto urbano.


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Trata da concorrência que a indústria de defensivos agrícolas, instalada no país, está exposta em conseqüência da globalização dos mercados e da formação dos mercados regionais. Analisa as principais estratégias utilizadas por esta indústria, para a manutenção da sua participação de mercado. Aponta as principais tendências percebidas para o agribusiness e para a agricultura nacional


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Foram pesquisados resíduos organoclorados em três tecidos humanos: sangue, leite materno e tecido adiposo. Sangue foi colhido de 122 indivíduos, leite materno de 19 lactantes e tecido adiposo de 23 pacientes submetidos a diversas cirurgias. Para cada tecido foram compostos dois grupos: um urbano e outro residente em áreas de intensa atividade agrícola. Os resíduos organoclorados pesquisados foram: α - HCH; γ-HCH; Aldrin; Dieldrin; Endrin; Heptacloro; Heptacloro epóxido; HCB; Mirex; o,p´DDD; o,p´DDT; Oxiclordane; p,p´Metoxicloro; p,p´DDD; p,p´DDE; p,p´DDT e Transnonacloro. Todos os doadores responderam a questionário com quesitos sobre idade, sexo, peso, atividade, local de residência, contato ou não com pesticidas. Foi testada, através de análise estatística, a relação entre presença/ausência de organoclorados nos diferentes tecidos e os dados levantados no questionário. Todas as amostras urbanas foram negativas para os organoclorados analisados. As amostras obtidas nas áreas de atividade agrícola foram positivas, com níveis crescentes de contaminação na seqüência sangue, leite materno, tecido adiposo. Os resultados das análises do presente trabalho foram comparados com resultados préexistentes no Rio Grande do Sul. Entre a pesquisa atual e as pesquisas anteriores usadas para comparação, verificou-se diminuição da incidência de organoclorados em todos os tecidos pesquisados. O OC p,p´DDE foi o único organoclorado encontrado em todos os tecidos e em todas as pesquisas, tanto atuais como anteriores usadas para comparação.


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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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In this work, biodiesel was produced from castor oil that was a byproduct glycerin. The molar ratio between oil and alcohol, as well as the use of (KOH) catalyst to provide the chemical reaction is based on literature. The best results were obtained using 1 mol of castor oil (260g) to 3 moles of methyl alcohol (138g), using 1.0% KOH as catalyst at a temperature of 260 ° C and shaken at 120 rpm. The oil used was commercially available, the process involves the reaction of transesterification of a vegetable oil with methyl alcohol. The product of this reaction is an ester, biodiesel being the main product and the glycerin by-product which has undergone treatment for use as raw material for the production of allyl alcohol. The great advantage of the use of glycerin to obtain allyl alcohol is that its use eliminates the large amount of waste of the biodiesel and various forms of insult to the environment. The reactions for the formation of allyl alcohol was conducted from formic acid and glycerin in a ratio 1/1, at a temperature of 260oC in a heater blanket, being sprayed by a spiral condenser for a period of 2 hours and the product obtained contains mostly the allylic alcohol .. The monitoring of reactions was performed by UV-Visible Spectrophotometer: FTIR Fourier transform, the analysis showed that these changes occur spectrometer indicating the formation of the product allylic alcohol (prop-2-en-1-ol) in the presence of water, This alcohol was appointed Alcohol GL. The absorption bands confirms that the reaction was observed in (υ C = C) 1470 -1600 cm -1 and (υ CO), 3610-3670 attributed to C = C groups and OH respectively. The thermal analysis was carried out in a thermogravimetric analyzer SDT Q600, where the mass and temperature are displayed against time, that allows checking the approximate rate of heating. The innovative methodology developed in the laboratory (LABTAM, UFRN), was able to treat the glycerine produced by transesterification of castor oil and used as raw material for production of allyl alcohol, with a yield of 80%, of alcohol, the same is of great importance in the manufacture of polymers, pharmaceuticals, organic compounds, herbicides, pesticides and other chemicals


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Global warming due to Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions, especially CO2, has been identified as one of the major problems of the twenty-first century, considering the consequences that could represent to planet. Currently, biological processes have been mentioned as a possible solution, especially CO2 biofixation due to association microalgae growth. This strategy has been emphasized as in addition to CO2 mitigation, occurs the production of biomass rich in compounds of high added value. The Microalgae show high photosynthetic capacity and growth rate higher than the superior plants, doubling its biomass in one day. Its culture does not show seasons, they grow in salt water and do not require irrigation, herbicides or pesticides. The lipid content of these microorganisms, depending on the species, may range from 10 to 70% of its dry weight, reaching 90% under certain culture conditions. Studies indicate that the most effective method to promote increased production of lipids in microalgae is to induce stress by limiting nitrogen content in the culture medium. These evidences justify research continuing the production of biofuels from microalgae. In this paper, it was studied the strategy of increasing the production of lipids in microalgae I. galbana with programmed nutritional stress, due to nitrogen limitation. The physiological responses of microalgae, grown in f / 2 with different concentrations of nitrogen (N: P 15,0-control, N: 5,0 P and N: P 2,5) were monitored. During exponential phase, results showed invariability in the studied conditions. However the cultures subjected to stress in stationary phase, showed lower biomass yields. There was an increase of 32,5% in carbohydrate content and 87.68% in lipids content at N: P ratio of 5,0 and an average decrease of 65% in protein content at N: P ratios of 5, 0 and 2.5. There were no significant variations in ash content, independently of cultivation and growth phase. Despite the limitation of biomass production in cultures with N: P smaller ratios, the increase of lipid accumulation highest lipids yields were observed as compared to the control culture. Given the increased concentration of lipids associated to stress, this study suggests the use of microalgae Isochrysis galbana as an alternative raw material for biofuel production


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The Serido is a region of northeastern Brazil highlighted by its problems related to water scarcity because of its semi-arid region, large rates of evaporation and rainfall irregular and scarce. Thus, the underground dams, become a strategically important resource with a simple and inexpensive technique for storage of water. They act in a positive way in the development of inland cities that suffer from drought, because in addition to exercise a great improvement in the social role of these families, can enjoy the type of soil (silt) and provides water for both irrigation and for human consumption throughout the year. Is therefore essential to its monitoring and studies to assess its effectiveness in accordance with its purposes, along with their wells Amazons, as can occur in conditions of physical degradation, chemical and microbiological appropriate, according to the Ordinance No 518/04 Ministry of Health, however, the proposed work aims to analyze the underground dams in the municipality of Sierra Negra North-RN (semi-arid region) as to their uses and their influences on the quality and quantity of water in periods of drought and rain. Analyzing monthly these parameters: determination of pH, conductivity, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfate, RAS (sodium adsorption ratio), turbidity, total iron, nitrite, nitrate, total dissolved solids (STD), bicarbonate (HCO3), fecal coliform and pesticides compared to the standards allowed by the Ordinance in force for quality for human consumption. While at the risk of salinity and sodicity on the model proposed by the United Salinity Laboratory (USSL). Although efficient, it was found that results varied annually on water quality which may influence their specific uses, whether or irrigation water supply in the city


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This work deals with the life strategy of an endangered annual fish, Hypsolebias antenori (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae), of the Brazilian semiarid region. The eggs of these fish hatch at the onset of the rainy season, grows rapidly and they reproduce during the rainy season. When the water puddles dry out, the entire population dies. The resistant eggs which are buried in the bottom of the dried pools go through diapause stages, during which time the embryonic development becomes temporarily arrested. With the onset of the next rainy season, the eggs hatch and a new generation is formed. Specimens of H. antenori were captured during 2011 and 2013, in temporary water pools located in the hydrographic basin of river Jaguaribe in Ceará, Brazil. Sex ratio, the length-weight relationship, the growth type, first sexual maturity, anatomy and histology of the digestive tract, development of gonads, reproductive strategy, karyotypic pattern of the species, and the conservation status of H. antenori were investigated. The results of this study are presented in the form of eight articles. The first article is about the fish faunal composition of the hydrographic basins of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, wherein the record of H. antenori is included. The second article deals with the sex ratio, secondary sexual characteristics of males, the length-weight relationship and the type of growth. Males show a pattern of intense coloration with well developed fins. The sex ratio showed a significant predominance of females (1M:1.7 F). Males were larger in length and weight. The equation of weight and total length relationship was Wt=0.0271Lt3,8937, showing a positively allometric growth, indicating greater increase in weight than in length. The third article discusses the anatomy and histology of the digestive tract of H. antenori. It is considered as a generalist feeder with characteristics of omnivore, which utilizes different food sources. The fourth article discusses the stages and phases of gonad development and type of spawning of H. antenori. The fifth article is about the r reproductive strategy adopted by H. antenori which helps in successful reproduction over a short period of life. The sixth article deals karyotypic pattern of the species, constituting the first cytogenetic contribution to the genus. The seventh article discusses about the risk of extinction of this species which suffers a series of threats, such as, habitat loss through land use, deforestation, construction of reservoirs, pollution due to domestic and industrial sewage, besides pesticides and agrochemicals. Furthermore, decreasing rainfall and intensification of aridity due to global climate changes, interferes with the reproductive cycle. The eighth article deals with aggressive behavior adopted between males and among females during reproduction. All temporary water pools sampled during this study were in high degree of degradation, mainly due to human action. There is a great need for conservation measures to protect the populations of annual fish, including the creation of protected areas in the semiarid ephemeral aquatic environments of Brazil


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Many pollutants dumped in waterways, such as dyes and pesticides, have become so ubiquitous that they represent a serious threat to human health. The electrochemical oxidation is presented as an alternative clean, efficient and economic degradation of wastewater containing organic compounds and a number of advantages of this technique is to just not make use of chemical reagents, since only electrical energy is consumed during the removal of pollutants organic. However, despite being a promising alternative, still needs some tweaking in order to obtain better efficiency in the elimination of persistent pollutants. Thus, this study sought a relationship between a recently discovered phenomenon that reflects the participation of dissolved oxygen in solution in the electrochemical oxidation process, as an anomaly, present a kinetic model that shows instantaneous current efficiency (ICE) above 100% limited by theory, manifested for some experiments with phenolic compounds with H2SO4 or HClO4 as supporting electrolyte with electrodes under anodic oxidation on boron doped diamond (BDD). Therefore it was necessary to reproduce the data ICE exposes the fault model, and thus the 2-naphthol was used as phenolic compound to be oxidised at concentrations of 9, 12 and 15 mmol L-1, and H2SO4 and HClO4 to 1 mol L-1 as a supporting electrolyte under a current density of 30 mA cm-2 in an electrochemical reactor for continuous flow disk configuration, and equipped with anodes DDB at room temperature (25 oC). Experiments were performed using N2 like as purge gas for eliminate oxygen dissolved in solution so that its influence in the system was studied. After exposure of the anomaly of the ICE model and investigation of its relationship with dissolved O2, the data could be treated, making it possible for confirmation. But not only that, the data obtained from eletranálise and spectroscopic analysis suggest the involvement of other strongly oxidizing species (O3 (ozone) and O radicals and O2 -), since the dissolved O2 can be consumed during the formation of new strong oxidizing species, not considered until now, something that needs to be investigated by more accurate methods that we may know a little more of this system. Currently the performance of the electrocatalytic process is established by a complex interaction between different parameters that can be optimized, so it is necessary to the implementation of theoretical models, which are the conceptual lens with which researchers see


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Soil contamination by pesticides is an environmental problem that needs to be monitored and avoided. However, the lack of fast, accurate and low cost analytical methods for discovering residual pesticide in complex matrices, such as soil, is a problem still unresolved. This problem needs to be solved before we are able to assess the quality of environmental samples. The intensive use of pesticides has increased since the 60s, because the dependence of their use, causing biological imbalances and promoting resistance and recurrence of high populations of pests and pathogens (upwelling). This has contributed to the appearance of new pests that were previously under natural control. To develop analytical methods that are able to quantify residues pesticide in complex environment. It is still a challenge for many laboratories. The integration of two analytical methods one ecotoxicological and another chemical demonstrates the potential for environmental analysis of methamidophos. The aim of this study was to evaluate an ecotoxicological method as "screening" analytical methamidophos in the soil and perform analytical confirmation in the samples of the concentration of the analyte by chemical method LC-MS/MS In this work we tested two soils: a clayey and sandy, both in contact with the kinetic methamidophos model followed pseudo-second order. The clay soil showed higher absorption of methamidophos and followed the Freundlich model, while the sandy, the Langmuir model. The chemical method was validated LC-MS/MS satisfactory, showing all parameters of linearity, range, precision, accuracy, and sensitivity adequate. In chronic ecotoxicological tests with C. dubia, the NOEC was 4.93 and 3.24 for ng L-1 of methamidophos to elutriate assays of sandy and clay soils, respectively. The method for ecotoxicological levels was more sensitive than LC-MS/MS detection of methamidophos, loamy and sandy soils. However, decreasing the concentration of the standard for analytical methamidophos and adjusting for the validation conditions chemical acquires a limit of quantification (LOQ) in ng L-1, consistent with the provisions of ecotoxicological test. The methods described should be used as an analytical tool for methamidophos in soil, and the ecotoxicological analysis can be used as a "screening" and LC-MS/MS as confirmatory analysis of the analyte molecule, confirming the objectives of this work


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For many decades the problematic raised about the indiscriminate use of pesticides in modern agriculture has incited the interest of many researchers to discover the effects caused by such products in the environment and consequently in the life of the ones which use that products (farmers) and those people who live in places next to the agricultural areas. Facing these facts, this research had the intention of comprehend the environmental perception of habitants of the Distrito Irrigado do Baixo-Açu (DIBA), located in the semiarid of Rio Grande do Norte, by using agro toxics and its possible environmental effects, as well as evaluate the levels of toxicity of waters from agricultural runoff in this region by using eco-toxicological exams with Ceriodaphnia silvestii. Were done 86 interviews with dwellers and farmers from DIBA. With the results reached in the evaluation of the interviews it was possible to identify that one of major problems is the inappropriate discard of empty packs of the pesticides used at that place. The samples collected for eco-toxicological evaluation showed a variation in its toxicity, once that the point of collect which receives waters from different cultures presented in four out of five samples toxicity for the tested species. Therefore, it concludes that the indiscriminate use of pesticides agricultural practice presented a potential to pollute to the irrigation waters, and the absence of elucidation by the farmers about the manipulation of these products contribute to the risk of environmental contamination and the possible decrease of the quality of life of the dwellers of the region


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O presente trabalho estudou a intoxicação acidental por arsênico em um lote de 24 vacas Girolando, as quais tiveram acesso a pasto pulverizado com herbicida à base de metano arsonato ácido monossódico (MSMA). Os bovinos apresentaram apatia, anorexia e diarreia profusa. Foram necropsiados na fazenda dois animais de 14 que morreram. Os principais achados macroscópicos foram úlceras abomasais e congestão renal. No exame microscópico, as principais lesões observadas foram abomasite e omasite necro-hemorrágica multifocal acentuada e, nos rins, necrose tubular difusa. As concentrações médias de arsênico em vacas com sinais clínicos foram 1,19±0,40, 10,52±2,16 e 76,06±48,37ppm no sangue, leite e fezes, respectivamente. Os níveis de arsênico encontrados em dois animais necropsiados foram 25,58 e 23,85ppm em fígado, e 28,71 e 35,94ppm em rins, respectivamente. No feto de uma vaca necropsiada, os níveis de arsênico mensurados no fígado e rim foram 9,0 e 8,92ppm, respectivamente. A concentração de arsênico no capim do piquete pulverizado foi 111,58ppm. No Brasil, o uso MSMA na composição de pesticidas e herbicidas é permitido somente para uso agrícola, mas não pecuário. A utilização desse ou de outros produtos à base de arsênico na pecuária pode causar altos índices de mortalidade no rebanho, além de diminuição da produção e contaminação de produtos de origem animal.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)