248 resultados para parasitoids


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cotton cultivars expressing Cry proteins are widely used to control lepidopteran pests. The effects of transgenic plants containing insecticidal Cry proteins on non-target species must be comprehended for a better and rational use of this technology for pest management. We investigated the influence of the Bt cotton cultivars NuOPAL and FM 975 on biological parameters of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), a non-target pest of Bt cotton cultivars and on its parasitoid Encarsia desantisi Viggiani (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). The experiments were conducted in a climatized room, and the non-transgenic near isolines were used for rearing whiteflies as control hosts. The effects of the Bt cotton cultivars on the period of embryonic and larval development and the percentage of adult emergence of B. tabaci were assessed. The period required for embryonic, larval, and pupal development and the percentage of emergence and longevity of E. desantisi females were determined using Bt cotton-fed and non-Bt cotton-fed B. tabaci as hosts. Both Bt cotton cultivars resulted in a decrease of approximately 20% of adult emergence of B. tabaci. Differently, an increase of approximately 10% of adult emergence of E. desantisi was observed for parasitoids that used hosts fed with both Bt cotton cultivars. However, female parasitoid longevity decreased when their hosts were fed on Bt cotton cultivars. Our data suggest that the use of Bt cotton cultivars in association with the biological control agent E. desantisi could be functional for the management of B. tabaci in Bt cotton crops.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This is the first report on the parasitoid Palmistichus elaeisis, genus Eulophidae, found in the field parasitizing pupae of defoliating eucalyptus. Lepidopterous pests occur in eucalyptus plantations in Brazil, reaching high population levels. Due to the complexity of pest control in eucalyptus forests, alternative control methods have been proposed, for instance biological control through use of parasitoids. Natural enemies play an important role in regulating host populations because their larvae feed on the eggs, larvae, pupae or adults of other insects. The parasitic Hymenoptera are important agents in biological control programs against forest pests, and may provide economic and environmental benefits. The generalist endoparasitoid Palmistichus elaeisis Delvare and LaSalle, 1993 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) can develop in its host’s pupae, which overcome the host’s physiology and can therefore be used for biological control of agricultural and forest pests. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of P. elaeisis as a pupal parasitoid of S. violascens in providing a potential alternative to chemical control of the pest and creation of an alternative host. The experiment was developed in the Laboratory for Biological Control of Forest Pests, Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio Mesquita Filho”. Parasitoids used in this test were originally collected on pupae of E. eucerus. (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) in eucalyptus plantations at Lençois Paulistas, São Paulo state, Brazil, in 2011. Thereafter, a laboratory culture has been maintained, using pupae of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lep.: Noctuidae) as hosts. S. violascens eggs were collected in a eucalyptus clonal plantation in Sao Paulo state (Brazil). Larvae were reared under ambient conditions on Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake (Myrtaceae) leaves. The following parameters were determined: parasitism level, numbers of emerged and non-emerged parasitoids and duration of egg-adult cycle. The S. violascens pupae were dissected to evaluate the non-emerged parasitoids. The parasitism level reached 100%, with a 100% emergence rate. It was verified that 113.2±0.8 parasitoids emerged per individual pupa versus only 0.7±0.1 that did not emerge. The P. elaeisis egg-adult cycle was 20.3±0.6 days in S. violascens pupae. This opens new perspectives for utilizing this parasitoid in biological control programs against caterpillars important to forestry. Sarsina violascens in Brazil.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this work was study the selectivity of insecticides in favor of natural enemies in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum latifolium Hurtch Lr), DeltaOpal cultivar, in the city of Malhada (BA), and to know the associated beneficial fauna. The study was conducted at the agricultural year of 2010/2011. The design was conducted in randomized blocks with six treatments and four replications. The treatments were: (1) Fipronil 200 SC (0.38 L.ha-1); (2) Alphacypermethrin 100 SC (0.30 L.ha-1), (3) Lufenuron 50 EC (0.30 L.ha-1), (4) Imidacloprid 200 SC (0.30 L.ha-1), (5) Methyl parathion 600 EC (1.00 L.ha-1), and (6) control (water). The product was applied 80 days after emergence, and the evaluations were performed one day before application and 1, 7 and 14 days after application (DAA). The samples were taken using the sampling method beating cloth and Moericke traps. Natural enemies were brought to the laboratory for sorting, counting and identification by family. The toxicity of the products ranged according to the group of natural enemies. Imidacloprid is selective to the spiders and insecticides are moderately toxic (Methyl Parathion and Alphacypermethrin: 1 and 14th DAA; Lufenuron: 14th DAA) or toxic (Fipronil and Alphacypermethrin: 7th DAA). Fipronil (1 DAA), Alphacypermethrin (7th DAA) and Methyl  Parathion (14th DAA) are moderately toxic to adult ladybirds. The analyzed insecticides are toxic to the larvae of ladybirds, with more impact until seven days after the application, with the exception of Methyl Parathion classified, as innocuous until this period. The occurrence of 13 families of spiders and 18 families of parasitic Hymenoptera is registered in cotton agroecosystems in the region of Malhada, in the state of Bahia.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The bronze bug Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae) was detected in Brazil in 2008 and infested >180 000 ha of eucalyptus plantations in 2011. The bronze bug can cause a reduction of 10–15% in wood productivity after 2 years of heavy infestation. Although there is not an effective control method known, biological control is the main control strategy studied. An exotic egg parasitoid, Cleruchoides noackae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), was imported from Australia in 2012, reared in a laboratory and released in three Brazilian regions. Parasitoids were recovered at release points after 20–30 d. In 2013, preliminary evaluations demonstrated parasitoid establishment in these areas, and the parasitoid was recovered in adjacent areas after 1 year of release. Bioassays confi rmed egg parasitism of 15–20% by C. noackae. Other native natural enemies were studied. We found green lacewing Chrysoperla externa and predatory bugs Supputius cincticeps and Atopozelus opsimus preying on nymphs and/or adults of T. peregrinus. Another promising possibility is entomopathogenic fungi. Commercial formulations of Beauveria bassiana were tested with success in lab and fi eld conditions. Fusarium proliferatum and Paecilomyces cateniannulatus caused mortality of T. peregrinus in natural epizooties. After 5 years of research, it is possible to develop an integrated pest management system (IPM) for eucalyptus plantations based on biocontrol strategy for bronze bug.


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The bronze bug, Thaumastocoris peregrinus, is an important pest affecting Eucalyptus plantations. The egg parasitoid Cleruchoides noackae was introduced in Brazil in 2012 for biological control of this pest. A mass rearing of C. noackae was established at EMBRAPA Florestas. This paper summarizes the main techniques developed to date in order to maximize the production of adult C. noackae. The use of eggs laid on towel paper strips increased the number of emerging parasitoids when compared to cutouts of Eucalyptus leaves. Host eggs 2 days old are preferred by C. noackae over 3- or 4-day-old ovipostures. Eggs can be stored at 5 ºC for 30 days after being parasitized without signifi cant effects on parasitoid emergence; such storage is a convenient strategy. The mean parasitoid emergence varies signifi cantly with the density of host eggs; an increase in the number of host eggs offered reduced the number of parasitoids that emerged. These improvements have played a signifi cant role in the production of C. noackae that has made possible mass release of C. noackae in Brazil and the establishment of natural populations of the parasitoid, as recently confi rmed.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)