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Pollution of water with pesticides has become a threat to the man, material and environment. The pesticides released to the environment reach the water bodies through run off. Industrial wastewater from pesticide manufacturing industries contains pesticides at higher concentration and hence a major source of water pollution. Pesticides create a lot of health and environmental hazards which include diseases like cancer, liver and kidney disorders, reproductive disorders, fatal death, birth defects etc. Conventional wastewater treatment plants based on biological treatment are not efficient to remove these compounds to the desired level. Most of the pesticides are phyto-toxic i.e., they kill the microorganism responsible for the degradation and are recalcitrant in nature. Advanced oxidation process (AOP) is a class of oxidation techniques where hydroxyl radicals are employed for oxidation of pollutants. AOPs have the ability to totally mineralise the organic pollutants to CO2 and water. Different methods are employed for the generation of hydroxyl radicals in AOP systems. Acetamiprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide widely used to control sucking type insects on crops such as leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, pome fruits, grapes, cotton, ornamental flowers. It is now recommended as a substitute for organophosphorous pesticides. Since its use is increasing, its presence is increasingly found in the environment. It has high water solubility and is not easily biodegradable. It has the potential to pollute surface and ground waters. Here, the use of AOPs for the removal of acetamiprid from wastewater has been investigated. Five methods were selected for the study based on literature survey and preliminary experiments conducted. Fenton process, UV treatment, UV/ H2O2 process, photo-Fenton and photocatalysis using TiO2 were selected for study. Undoped TiO2 and TiO2 doped with Cu and Fe were prepared by sol-gel method. Characterisation of the prepared catalysts was done by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis. Influence of major operating parameters on the removal of acetamiprid has been investigated. All the experiments were designed using central compoiste design (CCD) of response surface methodology (RSM). Model equations were developed for Fenton, UV/ H2O2, photo-Fenton and photocatalysis for predicting acetamiprid removal and total organic carbon (TOC) removal for different operating conditions. Quality of the models were analysed by statistical methods. Experimental validations were also done to confirm the quality of the models. Optimum conditions obtained by experiment were verified with that obtained using response optimiser. Fenton Process is the simplest and oldest AOP where hydrogen peroxide and iron are employed for the generation of hydroxyl radicals. Influence of H2O2 and Fe2+ on the acetamiprid removal and TOC removal by Fenton process were investigated and it was found that removal increases with increase in H2O2 and Fe2+ concentration. At an initial concentration of 50 mg/L acetamiprid, 200 mg/L H2O2 and 20 mg/L Fe2+ at pH 3 was found to be optimum for acetamiprid removal. For UV treatment effect of pH was studied and it was found that pH has not much effect on the removal rate. Addition of H2O2 to UV process increased the removal rate because of the hydroxyl radical formation due to photolyis of H2O2. An H2O2 concentration of 110 mg/L at pH 6 was found to be optimum for acetamiprid removal. With photo-Fenton drastic reduction in the treatment time was observed with 10 times reduction in the amount of reagents required. H2O2 concentration of 20 mg/L and Fe2+ concentration of 2 mg/L was found to be optimum at pH 3. With TiO2 photocatalysis improvement in the removal rate was noticed compared to UV treatment. Effect of Cu and Fe doping on the photocatalytic activity under UV light was studied and it was observed that Cu doping enhanced the removal rate slightly while Fe doping has decreased the removal rate. Maximum acetamiprid removal was observed for an optimum catalyst loading of 1000 mg/L and Cu concentration of 1 wt%. It was noticed that mineralisation efficiency of the processes is low compared to acetamiprid removal efficiency. This may be due to the presence of stable intermediate compounds formed during degradation Kinetic studies were conducted for all the treatment processes and it was found that all processes follow pseudo-first order kinetics. Kinetic constants were found out from the experimental data for all the processes and half lives were calculated. The rate of reaction was in the order, photo- Fenton>UV/ H2O2>Fenton> TiO2 photocatalysis>UV. Operating cost was calculated for the processes and it was found that photo-Fenton removes the acetamiprid at lowest operating cost in lesser time. A kinetic model was developed for photo-Fenton process using the elementary reaction data and mass balance equations for the species involved in the process. Variation of acetamiprid concentration with time for different H2O2 and Fe2+ concentration at pH 3 can be found out using this model. The model was validated by comparing the simulated concentration profiles with that obtained from experiments. This study established the viability of the selected AOPs for the removal of acetamiprid from wastewater. Of the studied AOPs photo- Fenton gives the highest removal efficiency with lowest operating cost within shortest time.


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Magnetic nanoparticles attract increasing attention because of their current and potential biomedical applications, such as, magnetically targeted and controlled drug delivery, magnetic hyperthermia and magnetic extraction. Increased magnetization can lead to improved performance in targeting and retention in drug delivery and a higher efficiency in biomaterials extraction. We reported an approach to synthesize iron contained magnetic nanoparticles with high magnetization and good oxidation resistibility by pyrolysis of iron pentacarbonyl (Fe(CO)[subscript 5]) in methane (CH[subscript 4]). Using the high reactivity of Fe nanoparticles, decomposition of CH[subscript 4] on the Fe nanoparticles leads to the formation of nanocrystalline iron carbides at a temperature below 260°C. Structural investigation indicated that the as-synthesized nanoparticles contained crystalline bcc Fe, iron carbides and spinel iron oxide. The Mössbauer and DSC results testified that the as-synthesized nanoparticle contained three crystalline iron carbide phases, which converted to Fe[subscript 3]C after a heat treatment. Surface analysis suggested that the as-synthesized and subsequently heated iron-iron carbide particles were coated by iron oxide, which originated from oxidization of surface Fe atoms. The heat-treated nanoparticles exhibited a magnetization of 160 emu/g, which is two times of that of currently used spinel iron oxide nanoparticles. After heating in an acidic solution with a pH value of 5 at 60°C for 20 h, the nanoparticles retained 90 percentage of the magnetization.


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Apolipoprotein A-IV (apoA-IV) inhibits lipid peroxidation, thus demonstrating potential anti-atherogenic properties. The aim of this study was to investigate how the inhibition of low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation was influenced by common apoA-IV isoforms. Recombinant wild type apoA-IV (100 mu g/ml) significantly inhibited the oxidation of LDL (50 mu g protein/ml) by 5 mu M CuSO4 (P < 0.005), but not by 100 mu M CuSO4, suggesting that it may act by binding copper ions. ApoA-IV also inhibited the oxidation of LDL by the water-soluble free-radical generator 2,2'-azobis(amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH; I mM), as shown by the two-fold increase in the time for half maximal conjugated diene formation (T-1/2; P < 0.05) suggesting it can also scavenge free radicals in the aqueous phase. Compared to wild type apoA-IV, apoA-IV-S347 decreased T-1/2 by 15% (P = 0.036) and apoA-IV-H360 increased T-1/2 by 18% (P = 0.046). All apoA-IV isoforms increased the relative electrophoretic mobility of native LDL, suggesting apoA-IV can bind to LDL and acts as a site-specific antioxidant. The reduced inhibition of LDL oxidation by apoA-IV-S347 compared to wild type apoA-IV may account for the previous association of the APOA4 S347 variant with increased CHD risk and oxidative stress. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Free radicals from one-electron oxidation of the antimalarial drug pyronaridine have been studied by pulse radiolysis. The results show that pyronaridine is readily oxidised to an intermediate semi-iminoquine radical by inorganic and organic free radicals, including those derived from tryptophan and acetaminophen. The pyronaridine radical is rapidly reduced by both ascorbate and caffeic acid. The results indicate that the one-electron reduction potential of the pyronaridine radical at neutral pH lies between those of acetaminophen (707 mV) and caffeic acid (534 mV). The pyronaridine radical decays to produce the iminoquinone, detected by electrospray mass spectrometry, in a second-order process that density functional theory (DFT) calculations (UB3LYP/6-31+G*) suggest is a disproportionation reaction. Important calculated dimensions of pyronaridine, its phenoxyl and aminyl radical, as well as the iminoquinone, are presented.


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Stabilized nano-sized water droplet carrying water-soluble Co2+ species is employed as a new catalyst system for the oxidation of the alkyl aromatics in the presence of a fluorinated surfactant. This stable system contains no labile C-H structure and can facilitate excellent mixing of catalytic Co(II)/NaBr species, hydrocarbon substrates and oxygen in supercritical carbon dioxide fluid, which is demonstrated to be an excellent alternative solvent system to acetic acid or nitric acid for air oxidation of a number of alkyl aromatic hydrocarbons using Co(II) species at mild conditions. As a result, potential advantages of this 'greener' catalytic method including safer operation, easier separation and purification, higher catalytic activity with selectivity and without using corrosive or oxidation unstable solvent are therefore envisaged.


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Low density lipoprotein (LDL) has recently been shown to be oxidised by iron within the lysosomes of macrophages and this is a novel potential mechanism for LDL oxidation in atherosclerosis. Our aim was to characterise the chemical and physical changes induced in LDL by iron at lysosomal pH and to investigate the effects of iron chelators and α-tocopherol on this process. LDL was oxidised by iron at pH 4.5 and 37°C and its oxidation monitored by spectrophotometry and HPLC. LDL was oxidised effectively by FeSO4 (5-50 µM) and became highly aggregated at pH 4.5, but not at pH 7.4. Cholesteryl esters decreased and after a pronounced lag 7-ketocholesterol increased greatly. Total hydroperoxides (measured by tri-iodide assay) increased up to 24 h and then decreased only slowly. The lipid composition after 12 h at pH 4.5 and 37°C was similar to that of LDL oxidised by copper at pH 7.4 and 4°C, i.e. rich in hydroperoxides but low in oxysterols. Previously oxidised LDL aggregated rapidly and spontaneously at pH 4.5, but not at pH 7.4. Ferrous was much more effective than ferric iron at oxidising LDL when added after the oxidation was already underway. The iron chelators diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid and, to a lesser extent, desferrioxamine inhibited LDL oxidation when added during its initial stages, but were unable to prevent LDL aggregating after it had been partially oxidised. Surprisingly, desferrioxamine increased the rate of LDL modification when added late in the oxidation process. α-Tocopherol enrichment of LDL initially increased the oxidation of LDL, but inhibited it later. The presence of oxidised and highly aggregated lipid within lysosomes has the potential to perturb the function of these organelles and to promote atherosclerosis.


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In this study we investigated the effects of Caesalpinia decapetala (CD) extracts on lipid oxidation in ground beef patties. Plant extracts and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) were individually added to patties at both 0.1% and 0.5% (w/w) concentrations. We assessed the antioxidant efficacy of CD by the ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay and evaluated their potential as natural antioxidants for meat preservation by thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) values, hexanal content, fatty acid composition and color parameters. These were tested periodically during 11 days of refrigerated storage. TBARS levels were significantly lower (p ≤ 0.05) in the samples containing plant extracts or BHT than in the non-treated control. In addition, the beef patties formulated with the selected plant extracts showed significantly (p ≤ 0.05) better color stability than those without antioxidants. These results indicate that edible plant extracts are promising sources of natural antioxidants and can potentially be used as functional preservatives in meat products.


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The decomposition of organic hydroperoxides into peroxyl radicals is a potential source of singlet molecular oxygen [O(2) ((1)Delta(g))] in biological systems. This study shows that 5-(hydroperoxymethyl)uracil (5-HPMU), a thymine hydroperoxide within DNA, reacts with metal ions or HOCl, generating O(2) ((1)Delta(g)). Spectroscopic evidence for generation of O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) was obtained by measuring (i) the bimolecular decay, (ii) the monomolecular decay, and (iii) the observation of D(2)O enhancement of O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) production and the quenching effect of NaN(3). Moreover, the presence of O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) was unequivocally demonstrated by the direct characterization of the near-infrared light emission. For the sake of comparison, O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) derived from the H(2)O(2)/HOCl system and from the thermolysis of the N,N`-di(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-1,4-naphthalenedipropanamide endoperoxide was also monitored. More evidence of O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) generation was obtained by chemical trapping of O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) with anthracene-9,10-divinylsulfonate (AVS) and detection of the specific AVS endoperoxide by HPLC/MS/MS. The detection by HPLC/MS of 5-(hydroxymethyl)uracil and 5-formyluracil, two thymine oxidation products generated from the reaction of 5-HPMU and Ce(4+) ions, supports the Russell mechanism. These photoemission properties and chemical trapping clearly demonstrate that the decomposition of 5-HPMU generates O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) by the Russell mechanism and point to the involvement of O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) in thymidine hydroperoxide cytotoxicity. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Antioxidant potential is generally investigated by assaying the ability of a compound to protect biological systems from free radicals. However, non-radical reactive oxygen species can also be harmful. Singlet molecular oxygen ((1)O(2)) is generated by energy transfer to molecular oxygen. The resulting (1)O(2) is able to oxidize the nucleoside 2`-deoxyguanosine (dGuo), which leads to the formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2`-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo) and spiroiminodihydantoin 2`-deoxyribonucleoside diastereomers (dSp) in an aqueous solution. The main objective of the present study was to verify whether the presence of flavonoids (flavone, apigenin, quercetin, morin and catechin) at different concentrations could protect dGuo from (1)O(2) damage. Of the tested flavonoids, flavone possessed antioxidant activity, as determined by a decrease in the formation of both products. Apigenin, morin, quercetin and catechin all increased the formation of 8-oxodGuo at a concentration of 100 mu M. The quantification of plasmid strand breaks after treatment with formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase showed that flavone protected and quercetin and catechin enhanced DNA oxidation. Our results show that compounds, such as flavonoids, may affect the product distribution of (1)O(2)-mediated oxidation of dGuo, and, in particular, high concentrations of flavonoids with hydroxyl groups in their structure lead to an increase in the formation of the mutagenic lesion 8-oxodGuo. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work deals with the covalent functionalization of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) with phenosafranine (PS) and Nile Blue (NB) dyes. These dyes can act as photosensitizers in energy and electron transfer reactions, with a potential to be applied in photodynamic therapy. Several changes in the characteristic Raman vibrational features of the dyes suggest that a covalent modification of the nanotubes with the organic dyes occurs. Specifically, the vibrational modes assigned to the NH(2) moieties of the dyes are seen to disappear in the SWNT-dye nanocomposites, corroborating the bond formation between amine groups in the dyes and carboxyl groups in the oxidized nanotubes. The X-ray absorption (XANES) data also show, that the intense band at 398.6 eV attributed to 1s -> 2p pi* transition of the nitrogen of the aromatic PS ring, is shifted due to the bonding with the carbonic structure of the SWNTs. The cytotoxicity data of dyes-modified SWNT composites in the presence and absence of light shows that the SWNT-NB (4 mu g/mL) composite presents a good photodynamic effect, namely a low toxicity in the dark, higher toxicity in the presence of light and also a reduced dye photobleaching by auto-oxidation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electrocatalytic oxidation of glycine by doped nickel hydroxide modified electrodes and their use as sensors are described. The electrode modification was carried out by a simple electrochemical coprecipitation and its electrochemical properties were investigated. The modified electrode presented activity for glycine oxidation after applying a potential required to form NiOOH (similar to 0.45 V vs Ag/AgCl). In these conditions a sensitivity of 0.92 mu A mmol(-1) L and a linear response range from 0.1 up to 1.2 mmol L(-1) were achieved in the electrolytic Solutions at PH 12.6. Limits of detection and quantification were found to be 30 and 110 mu mol L(-1), respectively. Kinetic studies performed with rotating disk electrode (RDE) and by chronoamperometry allowed to determine the heterogeneous rate constant of 4.3 x 10(2) mol(-1) Ls(-1), Suggesting that NiOOH is a good electrocatalyst for glycine oxidation. NiOOH activity to oxidize other amino acids was also investigated, (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electrocatalytic oxidation of ascorbate on a ruthenium oxide hexacyanoferrate (RuOHCF) glassy carbon (GC) modified electrode was investigated at pH 6.9 by using rotating disc electrode (RDE) voltammetry. The influence of the systematic variation of rotation rate, film thickness, ascorbate concentration and the electrode potential indicated that the rate of cross-chemical reaction between Ru(III) centres immobilized into the film and ascorbate controls the overall process. The kinetic regime may be classified as a Sk `` mechanism and the second order rate constant for the surface electrocatalytic reaction was found to be 1.56 x 10(-3) mol(-1) L-1 s(-1) cm. A carbon fibre microelectrode modified with the RuOHCF film was successfully used as an amperometric sensor to monitor the ascorbate diffusion in a simulated microenvironment experiment. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Some oxindole-Schiff base copper(II) complexes have already shown potential antitumor activity towards different cells, inducing apoptosis in a process modulated by the ligand, and having nuclei and mitochondria as main targets. Here, three novel copper(II) complexes with analogous ligands were isolated and characterized by spectroscopic techniques, having their reactivity compared to the so far most active complex in this class. Cytotoxicity experiments carried out toward human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells confirmed its proapoptosis property. DNA cleavage studies were then performed in the presence of these complexes, in order to verify the influence of ligand structural features in its nuclease activity. All of them were able to cause double-strand DNA scissions, giving rise to nicked circular Form II and linear Form III species, in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. Additionally, DNA Form II was also detected in the absence of peroxide when the most active complex, [Cu(isaepy)(2)](2+) 1, was used. In an effort to better elucidate their interactions with DNA, solutions of the different complexes titrated with DNA had their absorption spectra monitored. An absorbance hyperchromism observed at 260 nm pointed to the intercalation of these complexes into the DNA structure. Further, investigations of 2-deoxy-D-ribose (DR) oxidation catalyzed by each of those complexes, using 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS) method, and detection of reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation by spin-trapping EPR, suggested that their mechanism of action in performing efficiently DNA cleavage occurs preferentially, but not only by oxidative pathways. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The anodic oxidation of ascorbic acid on a ruthenium oxide hexacyanoferrate modified electrode was characterized by cyclic voltammetry. On this modified surface, the electrocatalytic process allows the determination of ascorbic acid to be performed at 0.0 V and pH 6.9 with a limit of detection of 2.2 mu M in a flow injection configuration. Under this experimental condition, no interference from glucose, nitrite and uric acid was noticed. Lower detection limit values were obtained by measuring flow injection analysis (FIA) responses at 0.4 V (0.14 mu M), but a concurrent loss of selectivity is expected at this more positive potential. Under optimal FIA operating conditions, the linear response of the method was extended up to 1 mM ascorbic acid. The repeatability of the method for injections of a 1.0 mM ascorbic acid solution was 2.0% (n=10). The usefulness of the method was demonstrated by an addition-recovery experiment with urine samples and the recovered values were in the 98-104% range. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electroanalytical techniques are very promissing to perform the quality control of crude vegetable. Solid State Differential Pulse Voltammetry in the supporting electrolyte is able to detect the oxidation signals of the active material, which can be used as a parameter to identify the type of crude vegetable and its antioxidant activity. The working electrode consisted in a carbon paste electrode modified with the powder of vegetable raw material (EMF). The electrochemical measurements were performed in a cell containing the working (EMF), reference (Ag/AgCl, KClsat) and auxiliary (Pt) electrodes.