345 resultados para optimistic


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This is an optimistic, full length pop instrumental featuring piano, dub-step styled drums, synth bass, muted trumpet, Hollywood styled strings and vibraphone. The break is touched with the melancholy.


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Ultramodernity (Willaime 2006), following on from modernity, has been characterised as an era of fear, risk and uncertainty and paradoxically as a time of great hope and global interdependence (Baumann 2006; Beck 2006; Obama 2006). Following the events of September 11, 2001, the Bali and London bombings, a climate of fear has inspired a plethora of policies that have eroded civil liberties, jeopardising trust in state systems and thereby inadvertently elevating the risk of further violence, particularly in so-called Western societies. Conversely, ultramodern scholars, including Jürgen Habermass and Ulrich Beck, have advocated cosmopolitan solutions to more effectively and cooperatively counter global risks. These optimistic scenarios, while reaching populist proportions, have also received their fare share of criticism (Brassett 2008). Indeed, when we look toward the current state of the United Nations it is difficult not to lose hope. Where is the proof that Immanuel Kant’s cosmopolitan condition is coming into being in the global arena beyond these sociological theories? I argue that the rise of multifaith movements in ultramodernity provides this much needed evidence.


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Studies of Australian perceptions of Muslims and Islam tend to be based on research into media representations of these themes. Additionally, most research on attitudes pertaining to social cohesion and security in the post-9/11 environment concentrates on the opinions of minority groups on these matters. The following study is drawn from materials extracted from focus group discussions relating to Islam, multiculturalism and security that took place with 119 Australians from so-called ethnic and religious majority groups (European descended, and identifying with Judaeo-Christian traditions or having no religious affiliation) in selected metropolitan and rural/regional centres of the state of Victoria in 2007–2008. This article is guided by the following research questions: How can ‘mainstream’ Australian attitudes towards Muslims be categorized? What concerns ‘mainstream’ Australians most about Muslims? Can these attitudes be considered to be Islamophobic? If not, how else may we classify these attitudes? Although some participants voiced very strong, critical and at times unflattering and potentially antagonistic opinions of Muslims, most contributors were guardedly optimistic that current tensions with and controversies surrounding Australia’s Muslims would subside, and that Muslims would soon become well established within Australian society, as previous generations of migrants have since World War II.


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Information and communication technologies are thought by some to offer a new solution to world poverty.
It is argued that information and communication technologies (ICT) allow poor countries to ‘leap-frog’
traditional stages of development and become immediately engaged with the ‘new economy’. Such an
optimistic view requires appropriate government policies to facilitate this shift. Interventions required
would include improving access levels and quality of telecommunication and electricity infrastructure,
improved quality of education and numbers of those accessing education, and providing both direct
and indirect support to encourage local firms to become engaged with the global economy. Ironically,
these policies are consistent with current orthodox development policies currently pursued within the
‘traditional’ economy. This chapter therefore considers what exactly is new about ICT in terms of its
potential impact on the poor.


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 This paper analyses a small group of pieces of gold jewellery in order to explore the digger challenge to the colonial culture of conservative deference in 1850s gold rush Victoria. In spending on lavish gold ornaments, lucky diggers asserted the value of their hard, manual labour to subvert the hegemonic respectability of the colonial elite. The brooches offer evidence of values that informed the digger population in its transformation from optimistic transnational transients into civilians who originated the modern form of the Australian middle class.


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The current global economic instability and the vulnerability of small nations provide the impetus for greater integration between the countries of the South Pacific region. This exercise is critical for their survival. Past efforts of regional integration in the South Pacific have mostly failed. However, today’s IT collaborative capabilities provide the opportunity to develop a shared IT infrastructure to facilitate integration in the South Pacific. In developing an IT-backed model of regional integration, this study identifies and reports on the antecedents of the current stage for integration in the Pacific. We conducted interviews with twenty five individuals from various sectors and find that while most respondents were optimistic about the potential of IT-backed regional integration, significant challenges exists. The study identifies and discusses these challenges providing policy implications to stakeholders in the regional integration process. The findings will assist in suggesting a model of regional integration 2.0 for the Pacific region.


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While parents are central to the development of behaviours in their young children, little is known about how parents view their role in shaping physical activity and screen time behaviours.

Using an unstructured focus group design, parental views and practices around children′s physical activity and screen time (television and computer use) were explored with eight groups of new parents (n=61; child age <12 months) and eight groups of parents with preschool-aged (3–5 year old) children (n=36) in Melbourne, Australia.

Parents generally believed children are naturally active, which may preclude their engagement in strategies designed to increase physical activity. While parents across both age groups shared many overarching views concerning parenting for children′s physical activity and screen time behaviours, some strategies and barriers differed depending on the age of the child. While most new parents were optimistic about their ability to positively influence their child′s behaviours, many parents of preschool-aged children seemed more resigned to strategies that worked for them, even when aware such strategies may not be ideal.

Interventions aiming to increase children′s physical activity and decrease screen time may need to tailor strategies to the age group of the child and address parents′ misconceptions and barriers to optimum parenting in these domains.


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Some empirical studies firmly reveal that people tend to form overly pessimistic survival expectations for relatively less distant ages and overly optimistic survival expectations for relatively more distant ages. We incorporate this observation into a life-cycle continuous time overlapping-generations model of consumption/saving with a general form for a subjective survival function. Resulting time-inconsistent optimal control problem has been analytically solved. At the micro level, time inconsistency leads to higher consumption at young and old ages, but this alone fails to improve lifetime well-being since micro-level decisions made with a lack of information about true mortality are suboptimal. In general equilibrium, however, such time inconsistent behavior with survival misperception is conducive to aggregate capital accumulation and greater equilibrium bequest income. The latter effects can produce substantial welfare gains. We also note that empirically observed old age optimistic bias is an important phenomenon, as it helps to avoid unrealistic very old-age debt accumulation within a life-cycle model. In addition, if for a given level of optimistic bias we increase early-life pessimism, this would result in slower capital accumulation, lower bequest income, and thus be detrimental to welfare. Since recent literature reports that young-age survival pessimism has grown over time, it raises some concerns.


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Most species of marine turtle breed every two or more years and it is the norm for females to lay more than one clutch of eggs within a nesting season. Knowing the interval between breeding seasons and the clutch frequency (number of clutches laid by an individual in a breeding season) of females allows us to assess the status of a nesting population. At Alagadi Beach, Northern Cyprus, over a period of 6 years (1995–2000), we attributed 96% of green Chelonia mydas and 80% of loggerhead Caretta caretta turtle clutches to known individual females. This intensive level of monitoring enabled us to estimate the clutch frequency for both species. Using four different methods we estimated clutch frequency to be 2.9–3.1 clutches per female for green turtles and 1.8–2.2 clutches per female for loggerhead turtles. The median interval between nesting seasons for green turtles was 3 years, and for loggerhead turtles it was 2 years. Utilizing these parameters and available data from other beaches that are monitored regularly, we estimate that there are 2,280–2,787 logger-head and 339–360 green turtles nesting annually at these sites in the Mediterranean. This highlights the Critically Endangered status of this population of green turtles. Furthermore, as conventional beach patrols underestimate clutch frequency, these population estimates are likely to be optimistic.


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The Bill outlines the overarching purpose of the NZICC Agreement ‘to provide economic benefits to New Zealanders’. It is really a form of PPP (Public Private Partnership) where the beneficiaries are said to be the Crown and SkyCity but the real payment comes from the losses of the (mainly) community members who will gamble on the expanded facilities outlined in the Agreement. The Howeth International Convention and Exhibition Centre study (2009) established a clear business case for an international convention centre; with an optimistic benefit-cost ratio of 1.433 (which translates into a benefit to the economy of $1.433
for ever $1 spent). Aside from the short-term stimulus to jobs of the construction phase, a convention centre with capacity for 1000 delegates would create about 800 new jobs and attract up to 35 additional conferences of between 150 and 2500 delegates per year (an additional 22,000 additional international visitors and more than 200,000 extra visitor days, worth approximately $85.4 million in tourism-related expenditure per year15. It is therefore questionable as to why this venture needs to be captured by gambling interests, which will also dictate the location. This points to the efficacy of a non-casino provider being able to tender for establishment of an International Convention Centre that could be run profitably without being part of the for-profit model based on expanded gambling machines/revenue.


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Rapid population influx due to migration in Australia has produced diverse cultural landscapes, which become visible in cities as physical forms, settings and symbols produced by different ethnic communities. Scholars have argued that people moving away from the country of their birth, whether this be a necessary migration, labour mobility or voluntary migration, results in a difficult process of resettlement for families and individuals. To provide a cohesive multicultural society for all citizens, it is essential to understand how immigrants perceive their new environments and how they make connections in a new land in the process of cultural renewal. While the policy of ‘multiculturalism’ has had a rocky road since the optimistic 1970s, a drive through many suburbs in Australian cities shows buildings, festivals and communal gatherings of people that express and refer to diverse cultural backgrounds. Urban green spaces, ranging from private home gardens to public parks and botanical gardens, play an important role in the life of immigrants. Besides psychological and the restorative effects of urban green spaces, these spaces are public places that provide opportunities for recreation, social gatherings, and the celebration of collective cultural values and events such as festivals for many communities. This study aims to raise awareness of ethnicity as an important issue in park settings and spaces. It investigates the interrelationship between these cultural practices in the urban park environment, in relation to ethnic and cultural identity and physical settings. The concept of transculturalism – reinventing a new common culture as a result of migration to a new place – can help the analysis of the affects and the perception of urban green spaces. The paper will review different experiences of immigrants in relation to the use and perception of urban green spaces, developing alternative perspectives about the Australian landscapes.


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Migrants are mobile by definition. They literally uproot themselves and move to sometimes-distant lands for a variety of reasons. Some move away from real or imagined threats to their very existence. Others seek a better quality of life. And some adventurous souls are inhabited by a restless wanderlust – a desire to roll the dice and see what happens. Such mobility requires fortitude and faith. Migrants move through space and, if they have an aspirational disposition, they attempt to accumulate symbolic capital to move up those social and economic hierarchies that bestow status and prestige within their adopted homes. The migrant journey to Australia often ends with the realisation that one has to make and re-make one’s identity, and perform a series of adjustments – adjustments in terms of comportment, dress, accent and disposition. My father was a migrant to Australia. More specifically, he was an Anglo-Indian migrant – a member of the ‘mixed-race’ community produced by British colonialism. He left India for the UK in 1962 and, after living in London for 10 years or so, immigrated to Australia in 1973, dragging his immediate family with him. Lured to the so-called ‘lucky country’ by the optimistic prospect of building wealth and prosperity under the Southern Cross, his ambitions were thwarted by casual and institutional racism. He died prematurely at the age of 53. This multi-media presentation tells his story through a series of encounters with the historical archive and the material remnants of my father’s relatively short life (letters, photographs, sound recordings, 8mm films). It provides a singular account of the performance practices involved in becoming a ‘New Australian’. Combining personal anecdotes and philosophical ruminations on history, technology, and cultural identity, the performance interrogates and performs a series of migrant mobilities.


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O universo daquilo que é abertamente comercial na sociedade contemporânea costuma ser tratado nos meios acadêmicos de forma costumeiramente distante, simplista e ressentida. Ou, ao contrário, através do otimismo ingênuo característico da literatura de celebração. O estudo da história social da publicidade e do marketing é estratégico para avançar contra esse maniqueísmo paralisante. Ele ajuda a ampliar a visão das relações entre industrialização capitalista e mercado, urbanização e modernização, comunicação de massa e vida familiar, favorecendo uma visão mais adulta dos significados do consumo, tanto material quanto simbólico. O texto apoia-se em alguns títulos selecionados em uma bibliografia especializada recolhida recentemente nos EUA, e escolhidos por sua relevância em recolocar questões de sociologia da cultura.


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Nas últimas décadas a frequência à escola entre os jovens brasileiros aumentou consideravelmente. A porcentagem de crianças, entre 10 e 14 anos de idade que estão matriculados na escola está acima de 95% e na faixa de 15 a 18 anos de idade, cerca de 70%. Vinte anos atrás estes números eram 80% e 50%, respectivamente. Por outro lado, quando se analisa os dados de participação na força de trabalho o quadro é menos otimista: para ambos os grupos, a participação é bastante elevada e tem apresentado comportamento estável ao longo dos anos. Este estuda analisa o efeito da participação no mercado de trabalho sobre o atraso escolar de crianças de nestes dois grupos de faixa etária utilizando a metodologia de emparelhamento por nota de propensão (propensity score matching) de participação no mercado de trabalho. Como seria de se esperar quanto maior a probabilidade de participar maior o atraso escolar. Mas, nosso principal resultado é que em ambos os grupos e mais acentuadamente para os mais jovens, a diferença de atraso entre os que participam e não participam do mercado de trabalho é mais elevado para valores intermediários de probabilidade de trabalhar. Nos valores extremos da distribuição as diferenças não são tão elevadas e muitas vezes não significantes estatisticamente. Isto significa que para os jovens com elevada probabilidade de participar no mercado de trabalho, e que são os que têm o mais elevado grau de atraso escolar, o trabalho em si não é a maior razão para este mal desempenho. Estes resultados sugerem que as políticas públicas para combate ao atraso escolar entre os grupos mais pobres deveriam ser mais abrangentes envolvendo uma ação mais ampla sobre a família e não apenas na erradicação do trabalho infantil e juvenil.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a diferença de rentabilidade entre emissões de títulos de dívida corporativa de empresas brasileiras nos mercados local e externo. Sob a ótica do investidor interessado em comprar esses títulos, busca-se responder se, protegendo-se contra oscilações de fatores como câmbio e juros e controlando pelo prazo de vencimento, seria mais rentável em média adquirir um título local (debênture) ou externo (bond) de um mesmo emissor. Para isso, analisamos 177 emissões de debêntures e 119 emissões de bonds de 31 companhias não financeiras brasileiras no período entre janeiro de 2004 e abril de 2013. Regressões em painel com efeitos fixos para controlar pelas características de cada emissor verificam que, em média, o título do mercado externo paga de 164 a 197 bps a mais que o do mercado local, e que tal diferença é estatisticamente significante. A diferença deve-se à maior oferta e variedade de títulos de dívida corporativa no mercado externo, à existência de uma demanda cativa de investidores institucionais por debêntures no mercado local e à falta de integração entre os mercados. A participação de pessoas físicas no mercado externo também é identificada como fator relevante, assim como o possível maior custo de estruturação de dívida cobrado por bancos de investimento no mercado doméstico. Dentre as hipóteses formuladas para o motivo dessa diferença de rentabilidade não ser arbitrada, destacam-se o desconhecimento dos investidores e obstáculos operacionais, como custos de transação, impossibilidade de operação no mercado internacional e de venda a descoberto no mercado local. Tal fato causa ainda uma supervalorização das debêntures pela atuação dos investidores mais otimistas. A alta sensibilidade dos investidores institucionais locais à volatilidade dos retornos, também aparece como fator relevante.