977 resultados para open work
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"Mr. J. S. Hales ... was assisted by Mr. W. C. Moss, B. SC., and the work was supervised by Mr. A. Blackie ..."--p. iii.
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Purpose: Many practitioners base the prescription of near vision additions on the assertion that only one half or two-thirds of an individual’s amplitude of accommodation is sustainable for a prolonged period. To better understand how much eye focus needs to be restored for presbyopic corrections to be adequate, this study investigated the robustness of the pre-presbyopic human accommodative system during a sustained and intensive near vision task. Methods: Twenty-one pre-presbyopic volunteers (aged 26.1 ± 4.7 years) participated in the study. Binocular subjective amplitude of accommodation was measured before and after a prolonged reading exercise, using the RAF rule. During the 30 min reading task, the subject’s closest comfortable eye-to-text distance and pupil size was monitored. Accommodative accuracy to 0.2, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 D stimuli was determined objectively using a validated binocular open-view autorefractor immediately before, and after the reading task. Results: Amplitude of accommodation (p = 0.09) and accommodative accuracy (p > 0.05) were statistically unchanged following the intensive near task. The mean proportion of accommodation exerted throughout the near exercise was 80.6% (range 45.3 ± 3.7 to 96.6 ± 4.3%), which increased as the task progressed (F = 2.24, p = 0.02). The mean percentage of accommodation utilised increased with subject age (r = 0.517, p = 0.016). Conclusion: The pre-presbyopic human accommodative system is robust to fatigue during intense and prolonged near work. A greater proportion of one’s amplitude of accommodation may be continuously exerted than previously suggested.
This research was conducted at the Space Research and Technology Centre o the European Space Agency at Noordvijk in the Netherlands. ESA is an international organisation that brings together a range of scientists, engineers and managers from 14 European member states. The motivation for the work was to enable decision-makers, in a culturally and technologically diverse organisation, to share information for the purpose of making decisions that are well informed about the risk-related aspects of the situations they seek to address. The research examined the use of decision support system DSS) technology to facilitate decision-making of this type. This involved identifying the technology available and its application to risk management. Decision-making is a complex activity that does not lend itself to exact measurement or precise understanding at a detailed level. In view of this, a prototype DSS was developed through which to understand the practical issues to be accommodated and to evaluate alternative approaches to supporting decision-making of this type. The problem of measuring the effect upon the quality of decisions has been approached through expert evaluation of the software developed. The practical orientation of this work was informed by a review of the relevant literature in decision-making, risk management, decision support and information technology. Communication and information technology unite the major the,es of this work. This allows correlation of the interests of the research with European public policy. The principles of communication were also considered in the topic of information visualisation - this emerging technology exploits flexible modes of human computer interaction (HCI) to improve the cognition of complex data. Risk management is itself an area characterised by complexity and risk visualisation is advocated for application in this field of endeavour. The thesis provides recommendations for future work in the fields of decision=making, DSS technology and risk management.
The aim of this thesis is to examine the experience of time of four professional occupational groups working in public sector organisations and the factors affecting this experience. The literature on time and work is examined to delineate the key parameters of research in this area. A broad organisation behaviour approach to the experience of time and work is developed in which individual, occupational, organisational and socio-political factors are inter-related. The experience of secondary school teachers, further education lecturers, general medical practitioners and hosoital consultants is then examined. Multiple methods of data collection are used: open-ended interviews, a questionnaire survey and the analysis of key documents relating to the institutional settings in which the four groups work. The research aims to develop our knowledge of working time by considering the dimensions of the experience of time at work, the contexts in wlhich this experience is generated and the constraints these contexts give rIse to. By developing our understanding of time as a key feature of work experience we also extend our knowledge of organisation behaviour in general. In conclusion a model of the factors relating the experience of time to the negotiation of time at work is presented.
Summary: This paper focuses on the role of personality at different stages of people's working lives. We begin by reviewing the research in industrial, work, and organizational (IWO) psychology regarding the longitudinal and dynamic influences of personality as an independent variable at different career stages, structuring our review around a framework of people's working lives and careers over time. Next, we review recent studies in the personality and developmental psychology domain regarding the influence of changing life roles on personality. In this domain, personality also serves as a dependent variable. By blending these two domains, it becomes clear that the study of reciprocal effects of work and personality might open a new angle in IWO psychology's long-standing tradition of personality research. To this end, we outline various implications for conceptual development (e.g., trait stability) and empirical research (e.g., personality and work incongruence). Finally, we discuss some methodological and statistical considerations for research in this new research domain. In the end, our review should enrich the way that IWO psychologists understand personality at work, focusing away from its unidirectional predictivist influence on job performance toward a more complex longitudinal reciprocal interplay of personality and working life. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Bed expansion occurs during the operation of gas-fluidized beds and is influenced by particle properties, gas properties and distributor characteristics. It has a significant bearing on heat and mass transfer phenomena within the bed. A method of predicting bed expansion behavior from other fluidizing parameters would be a useful tool in the design process, dispensing with the need for small-scale trials. This study builds on previous work on fluidized beds with vertical inserts to produce a correlation that links a modified particle terminal velocity, minimum fluidizing velocity and distributor characteristics with bed voidage in the relationship with P as the pitch between holes in the perforated distributor plate. © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
We present a new program tool for interactive 3D visualization of some fundamental algorithms for representation and manipulation of Bézier curves. The program tool has an option for demonstration of one of their most important applications - in graphic design for creating letters by means of cubic Bézier curves. We use Java applet and JOGL as our main visualization techniques. This choice ensures the platform independency of the created applet and contributes to the realistic 3D visualization. The applet provides basic knowledge on the Bézier curves and is appropriate for illustrative and educational purposes. Experimental results are included.
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): H.5.2, H.2.8, J.2, H.5.3.
The paper presents in brief the “2nd Generation Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe” project (http://www.openaire.eu/) and what is done in Bulgaria during the last year in the area of open access to scientific information and data.
This work was supported in part by the EU „2nd Generation Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe" (OpenAIRE+). The autumn training school Development and Promotion of Open Access to Scientific Information and Research is organized in the frame of the Fourth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage—DiPP2014 (September 18–21, 2014, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, http://dipp2014.math.bas.bg/), organized under the UNESCO patronage. The main organiser is the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences with the support of EU project FOSTER (http://www.fosteropenscience.eu/) and the P. R. Slaveykov Regional Public Library in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.