994 resultados para open innovation


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The inner surface of fused-silica capillaries has been coated with a dense/homogeneous coating of commercial multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) using a stable ink as deposit precursor. Solubilization of the MWCNTs was achieved in water/ethanol/dimethylformamide by the action of a surfactant, which can switch between a neutral or an ionic form depending on the pH of the medium, which thus becomes the driving force for the entire deposition process. Careful control of the experimental conditions has allowed us to selectively deposit CNTs on the inner surface of insulating silica capillaries by a simple, reproducible, and easily adaptable method.


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Este estudio tiene como objetivo estimar la influencia del acceso abierto en los patrones de publicación de la comunidad científica argentina en diferentes campos temáticos (Medicina; Física y Astronomía; Agricultura y Ciencias biológicas y Ciencias sociales y Humanidades), a partir del análisis del modelo de acceso de las revistas elegidas para comunicar los resultados de investigación en el período 2008-2010. La producción fue recogida de la base de datos SCOPUS y los modelos de acceso de las revistas determinados a partir de la consulta a las fuentes DOAJ, e-revist@s, SCielo, Redalyc, PubMed, Romeo-Sherpa y Dulcinea. Se analizó la accesibilidad real y potencial de la producción científica nacional por las vías dorada y verde, respectivamente, así como también por suscripción a través de la Biblioteca Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la Nación Argentina. Los resultados muestran que en promedio, y para el conjunto de las temáticas estudiadas, el 70 de la producción científica argentina visible en SCOPUS se publica en revistas que adhieren de una u otra forma al movimiento de acceso abierto, en una relación del 27 para la vía dorada y del 43 para las que permiten el autoarchivo por la vía verde. Entre el 16 y el 30 (según las áreas temáticas) de los artículos publicados en revistas que permiten el autoarchivo se accede vía suscripción. El porcentaje de revistas sin acceso es del orden del 30 en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, y alcanza cerca del 45 en el resto de las áreas. Se concluye que Argentina presenta condiciones muy favorables para liberar un alto porcentaje de la literatura científica generada en el país bajo la modalidad del acceso abierto a través de repositorios institucionales y de mandatos para el auto-archivo, contribuyendo además a incrementar la accesibilidad y la preservación a largo plazo de la producción científica y tecnológica nacional


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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This chapter argues that creative, innovative organizations are places where there is a firm and shared belief among most members in an inspirational vision of what the organization is trying to achieve. There is a high level of interaction, discussion, constructive debate, and influence among the members of the organization as they go about their work. Trust, cooperative orientations, and a sense of interpersonal safety characterize interpersonal and intergroup relationships. Members of the organization, particularly those at the upper echelons (and there are few echelons) are consistently positive and open to members' ideas for new and improved ways of working, providing both encouragement and the resources for innovation. Creativity is heralded as key for organizational survival and success. As global economic models become the norm and competitiveness assumes an international character, leaders realize that, in order to prosper in a highly challenging environment, companies must innovate. The source of organizational innovation is unquestionably the ideas generated by individuals and teams. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Using a panel of Irish manufacturing plants over the period 1991-2008 we test for dynamic complementarities in the joint use of internal R&D and external knowledge sources. We find little evidence, either from considering successive cross-sectional waves of comparable surveys, or in terms of the strategy switch choices of specific plants, that there has been a systematic move towards the joint use of internal and external knowledge in innovation. We then test formally for the presence of complementarities in the joint use of internal R&D and external innovation linkages. In static terms we find no evidence of complementarity, but in dynamic terms find evidence that strategy switches by individual plants towards a more 'open' strategy are accompanied by increased innovation outputs.


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The urgency of the problem of realizing the principles of open education for training engineers of marine specialities is shown. The innovation educational programme “Marine engineer” has been offered by the Marine technologies, power engineering and transport institute of Astrakhan State technical university [ASTU]. The structure of the Innovation educational center “Marine engineer” has been developed.


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Miért van a magyar gazdaság hasonlóan kritikus helyzetben, mint a rendszerváltást megelőző időkben? Miért nem sikerül az eladósodást megállítani, a gazdaságot konszolidálni, és fenntartható növekedési pályára állítani? Ennek közvetlen okát a szerzők a fejlődés féloldalasságában és a duális gazdasági szerkezetben látják. A piacgazdasági intézmények bevezetése ugyanis nem járt együtt az egész gazdaságot (vagy legalábbis annak nagy részét) átfogó, a tudásvezérelt információgazdaság felé mutató, gyors fejlődéssel. Számos indikátor azt jelzi, hogy az ország lemaradt a nemzetközi innovációs versenyben. Az innovációk elégtelensége azonban nem véletlen, nem exogén adottság, hanem a formális piaci intézmények mögött meghúzódó valós intézményi berendezkedéssel, a gazdaságban ténylegesen észlelhető magatartásmintákkal magyarázható. A piacgazdasági intézmények és jogi keretek, amelyek elvileg lehetőséget adnak az erőforrásokhoz való szabad és nyílt hozzáférésre, csak részben töltődtek meg tartalommal. Az országban még mindig meglehetősen korlátozott a sikeres belépés lehetősége a piaci és a politikai arénába, azaz a magyar társadalom - a north-i terminológiával élve - "korlátozott hozzáférésre alapozott társadalomként" írható le. Az a tény, hogy a piaci szereplők esélyei az államhoz és intézményeihez fűződő kapcsolatoktól függően nagyban különböznek egymástól, és a gazdasági szereplők rendszerszerűen használják e kapcsolatokat járadékszerzésre, lefojtja az innovációt, és újra és újra megakasztja a fejlődést. / === / Why is Hungary's economy still in a critical state similar to the one before the change of system? Why is the indebtedness not being halted, the economy consolidated or vital structural reforms performed? The authors see the direct cause in lopsided development and a dual economic structure. The introduction of market economic institutions was not followed by rapid, overall development towards a knowledge-led, information economy. Several indicators show how Hungary has fallen behind in competition for international innovation. The inadequacy is not a fortuitous, exogenous attribute, but explicable in terms of a real institutional setup underlying the formal market institutions, and of actual behaviour patterns found in the economy. Only in part has substance been gained by the institutions and legal frames of a market economy that theoretically would provide free and open access to resources. The scope for successful entry into the market or political arena remains very narrow, so that in Douglass North's terms, Hungary's is still "a society based on restricted access." Innovation is stifled and development repeatedly impeded by the fact that market players' chances differ widely depending on their connections with the state and its institutions and such connections are used regularly in rent-seeking.


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A tanulmány az innovációnak a vállalati teljesítményre és a versenyképességre gyakorolt hatását vizsgálja, valamint a magyarországi innováció gazdasági környezetének néhány elemét próbálja feltérképezni a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Versenyképesség Kutató Központjának 2009-es felmérése alapján. A termékinnováció fontos szerepet játszik a versenyképes vállalatok sikerében, azonban - elsősorban adatbázisunk keresztmetszeti jellege miatt - az eljárásinnovációról ezt nem tudjuk megállapítani. Ugyancsak nem találtunk szignifikáns kapcsolatot az innováció és a termelékenység között. Az innovatív vállalatok nagyobb valószínűséggel vesznek részt a külkereskedelemben, nagyobb arányban vannak külföldi tulajdonban, s az innovációs folyamat során leginkább saját tudásbázisukra támaszkodnak. Az innováció egyik fő hátráltató tényezőjének tartják az állam szerepét, gyakran néznek szembe finanszírozási problémákkal és a piaci szereplők új termékek iránti igénytelenségével. _____ The paper deals with the impact of innovation on performance and competitiveness based on firm-level data. The research is based on a survey conducted by the Competitiveness Research Centre at Budapest Corvinus University. According to the econometric analysis, the firms that are more innovative are export oriented and foreign owned. Product innovation has an eminent role in competitiveness, but no significant relationship was found between innovation and productivity. As for sources of innovation, internal ones are more important than universities, customers or open sources. Firms themselves perceive legislation and taxation as highly important factors that hamper their innovation activity.


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FDI is believed to be a conduit of new technologies between countries. The first chapter of this dissertation studies the advantages of outward FDI for the home country of multinationals conducting research and development abroad. We use patent citations as a proxy for technology spillovers and we bring empirical evidence that supports the hypothesis that a U.S. subsidiary conducting research and development overseas facilitates the flow of knowledge between its host and home countries.^ The second chapter examines the impact of intellectual property rights (IPR) reforms on the technology flows between the U.S. and host countries of U.S. affiliates. We again use patent citations to examine whether the diffusion of new technology between the host countries and the U.S. is accelerated by the reforms. Our results suggest that the reforms favor innovative efforts of domestic firms in the reforming countries rather than U.S. affiliates efforts. In other words, reforms mediate the technology flows from the U.S. to the reforming countries.^ The third chapter deals with another form of IPR, open source (OS) licenses. These differ in the conditions under which licensors and OS contributors are allowed to modify and redistribute the source code. We measure OS project quality by the speed with which programming bugs are fixed and test whether the license chosen by project leaders influences bug resolution rates. In initial regressions, we find a strong correlation between the hazard of bug resolution and the use of highly restrictive licenses. However, license choices are likely to be endogenous. We instrument license choice using (i) the human language in which contributors operate and (ii) the license choice of the project leaders for a previous project. We then find weak evidence that restrictive licenses adversely affect project success.^


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This paper analyses the impact of stimulating staff creativity and idea generation on the likelihood of innovation. Using data for over 3,000 firms, obtained from the Irish Community Innovation Survey 2008-10, we examine the impact of six creativity generating stimuli on product, process, organisational, and marketing innovation. Our results indicate that the stimuli impact the four forms of innovation in different ways. For instance brainstorming and multidisciplinary teams are found to stimulate all forms of innovation, rotation of employees is found to stimulate organisational innovation, while financial and non-financial incentives are found to have no effect on any form of innovation. We also find that the co-introduction of two or more stimuli increases the likelihood of innovation more than implementing stimuli in isolation. These results have important implications for management decisions in that they suggest that firms should target their creative efforts towards specific innovation outcomes.


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This work aims to reflect on the concept of social innovation, questioning its explanatory capacity for the discipline of social work. For this purpose, certain on-going debates with regard to this concept are examined and certain minimum dimensions are offered to enable an analysis of the social innovation strategies that certain affected groups implement to meet social needs. The approach is to construct «glasses» that permit an analytical engagement with new realities and with the strategies used by certain social groups to resolve situations of severe vulnerability. Finally, a case study is presented: a strategic group known as the Corrala Utopía that seeks to respond to severe housing problems and is developing in the city of Seville. The article highlights the elements of community social innovation emerging from the experience studied.


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This is a pre-print for personal use only. Please refer to the Springer website for the official, published version http://www.springer.com/978-3-662-52923-2