189 resultados para ofdm
Recently, wireless network technology has grown at such a pace that scientific research has become a practical reality in a very short time span. One mobile system that features high data rates and open network architecture is 4G. Currently, the research community and industry, in the field of wireless networks, are working on possible choices for solutions in the 4G system. The researcher considers one of the most important characteristics of future 4G mobile systems the ability to guarantee reliable communications at high data rates, in addition to high efficiency in the spectrum usage. On mobile wireless communication networks, one important factor is the coverage of large geographical areas. In 4G systems, a hybrid satellite/terrestrial network is crucial to providing users with coverage wherever needed. Subscribers thus require a reliable satellite link to access their services when they are in remote locations where a terrestrial infrastructure is unavailable. The results show that good modulation and access technique are also required in order to transmit high data rates over satellite links to mobile users. The dissertation proposes the use of OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Multiple Access) for the satellite link by increasing the time diversity. This technique will allow for an increase of the data rate, as primarily required by multimedia applications, and will also optimally use the available bandwidth. In addition, this dissertation approaches the use of Cooperative Satellite Communications for hybrid satellite/terrestrial networks. By using this technique, the satellite coverage can be extended to areas where there is no direct link to the satellite. The issue of Cooperative Satellite Communications is solved through a new algorithm that forwards the received data from the fixed node to the mobile node. This algorithm is very efficient because it does not allow unnecessary transmissions and is based on signal to noise ratio (SNR) measures.
Les systèmes de communication optique avec des formats de modulation avancés sont actuellement l’un des sujets de recherche les plus importants dans le domaine de communication optique. Cette recherche est stimulée par les exigences pour des débits de transmission de donnée plus élevés. Dans cette thèse, on examinera les techniques efficaces pour la modulation avancée avec une détection cohérente, et multiplexage par répartition en fréquence orthogonale (OFDM) et multiples tonalités discrètes (DMT) pour la détection directe et la détection cohérente afin d’améliorer la performance de réseaux optiques. Dans la première partie, nous examinons la rétropropagation avec filtre numérique (DFBP) comme une simple technique d’atténuation de nonlinéarité d’amplificateur optique semiconducteur (SOA) dans le système de détection cohérente. Pour la première fois, nous démontrons expérimentalement l’efficacité de DFBP pour compenser les nonlinéarités générées par SOA dans un système de détection cohérente porteur unique 16-QAM. Nous comparons la performance de DFBP avec la méthode de Runge-Kutta quatrième ordre. Nous examinons la sensibilité de performance de DFBP par rapport à ses paramètres. Par la suite, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode d’estimation de paramètre pour DFBP. Finalement, nous démontrons la transmission de signaux de 16-QAM aux taux de 22 Gbaud sur 80km de fibre optique avec la technique d’estimation de paramètre proposée pour DFBP. Dans la deuxième partie, nous nous concentrons sur les techniques afin d’améliorer la performance des systèmes OFDM optiques en examinent OFDM optiques cohérente (CO-OFDM) ainsi que OFDM optiques détection directe (DDO-OFDM). Premièrement, nous proposons une combinaison de coupure et prédistorsion pour compenser les distorsions nonlinéaires d’émetteur de CO-OFDM. Nous utilisons une interpolation linéaire par morceaux (PLI) pour charactériser la nonlinéarité d’émetteur. Dans l’émetteur nous utilisons l’inverse de l’estimation de PLI pour compenser les nonlinéarités induites à l’émetteur de CO-OFDM. Deuxièmement, nous concevons des constellations irrégulières optimisées pour les systèmes DDO-OFDM courte distance en considérant deux modèles de bruit de canal. Nous démontrons expérimentalement 100Gb/s+ OFDM/DMT avec la détection directe en utilisant les constellations QAM optimisées. Dans la troisième partie, nous proposons une architecture réseaux optiques passifs (PON) avec DDO-OFDM pour la liaison descendante et CO-OFDM pour la liaison montante. Nous examinons deux scénarios pour l’allocations de fréquence et le format de modulation des signaux. Nous identifions la détérioration limitante principale du PON bidirectionnelle et offrons des solutions pour minimiser ses effets.
In this paper, we propose an orthogonal chirp division multiplexing (OCDM) technique for coherent optical communication. OCDM is the principle of orthogonally multiplexing a group of linear chirped waveforms for high-speed data communication, achieving the maximum spectral efficiency (SE) for chirp spread spectrum, in a similar way as the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) does for frequency division multiplexing. In the coherent optical (CO)-OCDM, Fresnel transform formulates the synthesis of the orthogonal chirps; discrete Fresnel transform (DFnT) realizes the CO-OCDM in the digital domain. As both the Fresnel and Fourier transforms are trigonometric transforms, the CO-OCDM can be easily integrated into the existing CO-OFDM systems. Analyses and numerical results are provided to investigate the transmission of CO-OCDM signals over optical fibers. Moreover, experiments of 36-Gbit/s CO-OCDM signal are carried out to validate the feasibility and confirm the analyses. It is shown that the CO-OCDM can effectively compensate the dispersion and is more resilient to fading and noise impairment than OFDM.
Communicating at a high data rate through the ocean is challenging. Such communications must be acoustic in order to travel long distances. The underwater acoustic channel has a long delay spread, which makes orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) an attractive communication scheme. However, the underwater acoustic channel is highly dynamic, which has the potential to introduce significant inter-carrier interference (ICI). This thesis explores a number of means for mitigating ICI in such communication systems. One method that is explored is directly adapted linear turbo ICI cancellation. This scheme uses linear filters in an iterative structure to cancel the interference. Also explored is on-off keyed (OOK) OFDM, which is a signal designed to avoid ICI.
We demonstrate cascaded 100-Gb/s sub-channel add/drop from a 1-Tb/s multi-band OFDM super-channel having 2-GHz inter-sub-channel guard-bands within a recirculating loop via a hierarchical ROADM using high-resolution filters, showcasing 1000-km transmission reach and five ROADM node passages for the add/drop sub-channel when hybrid Raman-EDFA is implemented.
In Beyond 5G technologies, Terahertz communications will be used: frequency bands between 100 GHz and 10 THz will be exploited in order to have higher throughput and lower latency. Those frequency bands suffer from several impairments, and it is thought that phase noise is one of the most significant. Orthogonal Chirp Division Multiplexing (OCDM) might be used in Beyond 5G communications, thanks to its robustness to multipath fading: it outperforms Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The aim of this thesis is to find a suitable model for describing phase noise in Terahertz communications, and to study the performance of an OCDM system affected by this impairment. After this, a simple compensation scheme is introduced, and the improvement that it provides is analysed. The thesis is organized as follow: in the first chapter Terahertz communications and Beyond 5G are introduced, in the second chapter phase noise is studied, in the third chapter OCDM is analysed, and in the fourth chapter numerical results are presented.
Questo elaborato tratta lo studio e l'implementazione della modulazione Orthogonal Time Frequency Space (OTFS) in sistemi di tipo Joint Sensing and Communication (JSC), ossia sistemi in cui le funzionalità di comunicazione e "sensing" condividono lo stesso hardware e la stessa banda di frequenze. La modulazione OTFS è una recente tecnica di modulazione bidimensionale, progettata nel dominio delay-Doppler, che sta riscuotendo particolare interesse nel panorama delle telecomunicazioni in quanto portatrice di alcuni importanti vantaggi nei sistemi delle reti cellulari. Rispetto alle moderne modulazioni multi-portante, come l'OFDM, l'OTFS si dimostra essere in grado di offrire prestazioni migliori e più robuste in condizioni di connessioni ad alta velocità (High Mobility), con una maggiore efficienza spettrale, in quanto non prevede l'utilizzo di un prefisso ciclico per la gestione del problema dell'ISI. Un altro punto di forza importante della modulazione OTFS è quello di risultare particolarmente adatta e compatibile con le applicazioni di JSC, soprattutto grazie all'estrema robustezza a grandi spostamenti Doppler, e la possibilità di fare "sensing" raggiungendo distanze decisamente maggiori rispetto all'OFDM, grazie all'assenza del prefisso ciclico. Tutto questo però viene al costo di un notevole incremento del sistema, con tempi di esecuzione molto elevati. Dopo aver presentato il sistema OTFS in generale e in ambito JSC, in un particolare scenario, lo si è implementando in MATLAB sviluppando due versioni: una standard e una a complessità ridotta, in grado di raggiungere risoluzioni molto elevate in tempi di calcolo contenuti. Infine questo sistema, in grado di stimare i parametri radar di distanza e velocità radiale relativa, associati ad un certo target, è stato simulato e i risultati relativi alle performance sulla stima dei parametri, in termini di RMSE e CRLB, sono stati riportati e posti a confronto con quelli ottenuti nel caso OFDM, a parità di scenario.
An emerging technology, that Smart Radio Environments rely on to improve wireless link quality, are Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs). A RIS, in general, can be understood as a thin layer of EM composite material, typically mounted on the walls or ceilings of buildings, which can be reconfigured even after its deployment in the network. RISs made by composing artificial materials in an engineered way, in order to obtain unconventional characteristics, are called metasurfaces. Through the programming of the RIS, it is possible to control and/or modify the radio waves that affect it, thus shaping the radio environment. To overcome the limitations of RISs, the metaprism represents an alternative: it is a passive and non-reconfigurable frequency-selective metasurface that acts as a metamirror to improve the efficiency of the wireless link. In particular, using an OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing) signaling it is possible to control the reflection of the signal, suitably selecting the sub-carrier assigned to each user, without having to interact with the metaprism or having to estimate the CSI. This thesis investigates how OFDM signaling and metaprism can be used for localization purposes, especially to extend the coverage area at low cost, in a scenario where the user is in NLoS (Non-line-of-sight) conditions with respect to the base station, both single antenna. In particular, the paper concerns the design of the analytical model and the corresponding Matlab implementation of a Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimator able to estimate the unknown position, behind an obstacle, from which a generic user transmits to a base station, exploiting the metaprism.
Gli UAV, o meglio conosciuti come ‘droni’, sono aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto il cui utilizzo si estende dal settore militare a quello civile. Quest’ultimi, possono essere attrezzati con numerosi dispositivi accessori, come ad esempio disturbatori di frequenze. La simbiosi UAV-jammer attacca le comunicazioni wireless tramite interferenze a radiofrequenza, per degradare o interrompere il servizio offerto dalle reti. Questo elaborato, si concentra sull’analisi di algoritmi di localizzazione passiva, per stimare la posizione dell’UAV e interrompere l’interferenza. Inizialmente, viene descritto il segnale emesso dall’UAV, che utilizza lo standard di comunicazione 802.11a. A seguire, dato che la localizzazione passiva si basa sulle misure TDOA rilevate da una stazione di monitoraggio a terra, vengono presentati tre algoritmi di stima TDOA, tra i quali fast TDOA, adaptive threshold-based first tap detection e un algoritmo sviluppato per i nuovi sistemi GNSS. Successivamente, vengono esaminati tre algoritmi di localizzazione passiva, che sfruttano il principio dei minimi quadrati (LS), ovvero il CTLS, LCLS e CWLS. Infine, le prestazioni degli algoritmi di localizzazione vengono valutate in un ambiente di simulazione realistico, con canale AWGN o con canale ITU Extended pedestrian A.