995 resultados para nutrient transport
Insulin stimulates glucose transport in adipocytes and muscle cells by triggering redistribution of the GLUT4 glucose transporter from an intracellular perinuclear location to the cell surface. Recent reports have shown that the microtubule-depolymerizing agent nocodazole inhibits insulin-stimulated glucose transport, implicating an important role for microtubules in this process. In the present study we show that 2 mum nocodazole completely depolymerized microtubules in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, as determined morphologically and biochemically, resulting in dispersal of the perinuclear GLUT4 compartment and the Golgi apparatus. However, 2 mum nocodazole did not significantly effect either the kinetics or magnitude of insulin-stimulated glucose transport. Consistent with previous studies, higher concentrations of nocodazole (10-33 mum) significantly inhibited basal and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in adi. pocytes. This effect was not likely the result of microtubule depolymerization because in the presence of taxol, which blocked nocodazole-induced depolymerization of microtubules as well as the dispersal of the perinuclear GLUT4 compartment, the inhibitory effect of 10-33 muM nocodazole on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake prevailed. Despite the decrease in insulin-stimulated glucose transport with 33 muM nocodazole we did not observe inhibition of insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation to the cell surface under these conditions. Consistent with a direct effect of nocodazole on glucose transporter function we observed a rapid inhibitory effect of nocodazole on glucose transport activity when added to either 3T3-L1 adipocytes or to Chinese hamster ovary cells at 4 degreesC. These studies reveal a new and unexpected effect of nocodazole in mammalian cells which appears to occur independently of its microtubule-depolymerizing effects.
We have examined the requirement for Ca2+ in the signaling and trafficking pathways involved in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-LI adipocytes. Chelation of intracellular Ca2+, using 1,2-bis (o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid tetra (acetoxymethyl) ester (BAPTA-AM), resulted in >95% inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. The calmodulin antagonist, W13, inhibited insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by 60%. Both BAPTA-AM and W13 inhibited Akt phosphorylation by 70-75%. However, analysis of insulin-dose response curves indicated that this inhibition was not sufficient to explain the effects of BAPTA-AM and W13 on glucose uptake. BAPTA-AM inhibited insulin-stimulated translocation of GLUT4 by 50%, as determined by plasma membrane lawn assay and subcellular fractionation. In contrast, the insulin-stimulated appearance of HA-tagged GLUT4 at the cell surface, as measured by surface binding, was blocked by BAPTA/AM.. While the ionophores A23187 or ionomycin prevented the inhibition of Akt phosphorylation and GLUT4 translocation by BAPTA-AM, they did not overcome the inhibition of glucose transport. Moreover, glucose uptake of cells pretreated with insulin followed by rapid cooling to 4 degreesC, to promote cell surface expression of GLUT4 and prevent subsequent endocytosis, was inhibited specifically by BAPTA-AM. This indicates that inhibition of glucose uptake by BAPTA-AM is independent of both trafficking and signal transduction. These data indicate that Ca2+ is involved in at least two different steps of the insulin-dependent recruitment of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane. One involves the translocation step. The second involves the fusion of GLUT4 vesicles with the plasma membrane. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that Ca2+/cahnodulin plays a fundamental role in eukaryotic vesicle docking and fusion. Finally, BAPTA-AM may inhibit the activity of the facilitative transporters by binding directly to the transporter itself.
Motivated by recent experiments on electric transport through single molecules and quantum dots, we investigate a model for transport that allows for significant coupling between the electrons and a boson mode isolated on the molecule or dot. We focus our attention on the temperature-dependent properties of the transport. In the Holstein picture for polaronic transport in molecular crystals the temperature dependence of the conductivity exhibits a crossover from coherent (band) to incoherent (hopping) transport. Here, the temperature dependence of the differential conductance on resonance does not show such a crossover, but is mostly determined by the lifetime of the resonant level on the molecule or dot.
Four animal models were used to quantitatively evaluate hepatic alterations in this study: (1) a carbon tetrachloride control group (phenobarbital treatment only), (2) a CCl4-treated group (phenobarbital with CCl4 treatment), (3) an alcohol-treated group (liquid diet with alcohol treatment), and (4) a pair-fed alcohol control group (liquid diet only). At the end of induction, single-pass perfused livers were used to conduct multiple indicator dilution (MID) studies. Hepatic spaces (vascular space, extravascular albumin space, extravascular sucrose space, and cellular distribution volume) and water hepatocyte permeability/surface area product were estimated from nonlinear regression of outflow concentration versus time profile data. The hepatic extraction ratio of H-3-taurocholate was determined by the nonparametric moments method. Livers were then dissected for histopathologic analyses (e.g., fibrosis index, number of fenestrae). In these 4 models, CCl4-treated rats were found to have the smallest vascular space, extravascular albumin space, H-3-taurocholate extraction, and water hepatocyte permeability/surface area product but the largest extravascular sucrose space and cellular distribution volume. In addition, a linear relationship was found to exist between histopathologic analyses (fibrosis index or number of fenestrae) and hepatic spaces. The hepatic extraction ratio of H-3-taurocholate and water hepatocyte permeability/surface area product also correlated to the severity of fibrosis as defined by the fibrosis index. In conclusion, the multiple indicator dilution data obtained from the in situ perfused rat liver can be directly related to histopathologic analyses.
Eucalyptus savannas on low nutrient soils are being extensively cleared in Queensland. In this paper we provide background information relevant to understanding nutrient (particularly nitrogen) dynamics in sub/tropical savanna, and review the available evidence relevant to understanding the potential impact of clearing Eucalyptus savanna on nutrient relations. The limited evidence presently available can be used to argue for the extreme positions that: (i) woody vegetation competes with grasses Cor resources. and tree/shrub clearing improves pasture production, (ii) woody vegetation benefits pasture production. At present, the lack of fundamental knowledge about Australian savanna nutrient relations makes accurate predictions about medium- and long-term effects of clearing on nutrient relations in low nutrient savannas difficult. The future of cleared savannas will differ if herbaceous species maintain all functions that woody vegetation has previously held, or if woody species have functions distinct from those of herbaceous vegetation. Research suggests that savanna soils are susceptible to nitrate leaching, and that trees improve the nutrient status of savanna soils in some situations. The nitrogen capital of cleared savanna is at risk if mobile ions are not captured efficiently by the vegetation. and nitrogen input via N-2 fixation from vegetation and microbiotic crusts is reduced. In order to predict clearing effects on savanna nutrient relations, research should be directed to answering (i) how open or closed nutrient cycles are in natural and cleared savanna, (ii) which functions are performed by savanna constituents such as woody and herbaceous vegetation, native and exotic plant species. termites, and microbiotic 7 crusts in relation to nutrient cycles. In the absence of detailed knowledge about savanna functioning, clearing carries the risk of promoting continuous nutrient depiction.
It is shown that the observed difference in sediment transporting efficiency by the swash uprush, compared with the downrush, could be mainly due to greater bed shear stress for a given velocity in the more abruptly accelerated uprush. The bed shear stress generated by an arbitrary free stream velocity time series is modelled in terms of usual wave boundary layer models plus a phase lead (phi(tau) of the bed shear stress compared with the free stream velocity at the peak frequency. With this approach, the total transport amounts in uprush and downrush can be modelled satisfactorily with the same sediment transport formula, without the need for different uprush and downrush coefficients. While the adaptation of sediment transport formulae from steady flow can thus lead to the right total amounts of sediment moved by this method, the timing of the instantaneous sediment transport rates are probably not accurately modelled due to the highly unsteady nature of the swash and the presence of pre-suspended sediment in the uprush. Nevertheless, the proposed method is a useful intermediate step before we have a complete understanding of sediment transport under very rapid accelerations and of the relative contribution of pre-suspended sediment to the onshore sediment transport in swash zones. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
A simple method is provided for calculating transport rates of not too fine (d(50) greater than or equal to 0.20 mm) sand under sheet flow conditions. The method consists of a Meyer-Peter-type transport formula operating on a time-varying Shields parameter, which accounts for both acceleration-asymmetry and boundary layer streaming. While velocity moment formulae, e.g.., = Constant x calibrated against U-tube measurements, fail spectacularly under some real waves (Ribberink, J.S., Dohmen-Janssen, C.M., Hanes, D.M., McLean, S.R., Vincent, C., 2000. Near-bed sand transport mechanisms under waves. Proc. 27th Int. Conf. Coastal Engineering, Sydney, ASCE, New York, pp. 3263-3276, Fig. 12), the new method predicts the real wave observations equally well. The reason that the velocity moment formulae fail under these waves is partly the presence of boundary layer streaming and partly the saw-tooth asymmetry, i.e., the front of the waves being steeper than the back. Waves with saw-tooth asymmetry may generate a net landward sediment transport even if = 0, because of the more abrupt acceleration under the steep front. More abrupt accelerations are associated with thinner boundary layers and greater pressure gradients for a given velocity magnitude. The two real wave effects are incorporated in a model of the form Q(s)(t) = Q(s)[theta(t)] rather than Q(S)(t) = Q(S)[u(infinity)(t)], i.e., by expressing the transport rate in terms of an instantaneous Shields parameter rather than in terms of the free stream velocity, and accounting for both streaming and accelerations in the 0(t) calculations. The instantaneous friction velocities u(*)(t) and subsequently theta(t) are calculated as follows. Firstly, a linear filter incorporating the grain roughness friction factor f(2.5) and a phase angle phi(tau) is applied to u(infinity)(t). This delivers u(*)(t) which is used to calculate an instantaneous grain roughness Shields parameter theta(2.5)(t). Secondly, a constant bed shear stress is added which corresponds to the streaming related bed shear stress -rho ($) over bar((u) over tilde(w) over tilde)(infinity) . The method can be applied to any u(infinity)(t) time series, but further experimental validation is recommended before application to conditions that differ strongly from the ones considered below. The method is not recommended for rippled beds or for sheet flow with typical prototype wave periods and d(50) < 0.20 turn. In such scenarios, time lags related to vertical sediment movement become important, and these are not considered by the present model. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Canola (Brassica napus L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), two important oilseed crops, are sensitive to low boron (B) supply. Symptoms of B deficiency are often more severe during the reproductive stage, but it is not known if this is due to a decreased external B supply with time or an increased sensitivity to low B during this stage. Canola and sunflower were grown for 75 days after transplanting (DAT) in two solution culture experiments using Amberlite (IRA-743) B-specific resin to maintain constant B concentration in solution over the range 0.6 - 53 muM. Initially, the vegetative growth of both crops was good in all treatments. With the onset of the reproductive stage, however, severe B deficiency symptoms developed and growth of canola and sunflower was reduced with less than or equal to 0.9 and less than or equal to 0.7 muM B, respectively. At these concentrations, reproductive parts failed to develop. The critical B concentration (i.e. 90% of maximum shoot dry matter yield) in the youngest opened leaf was 18 mg kg(-1) in canola and 25 mg kg(-1) in sunflower at 75 DAT. The results of this study indicate that the reproductive stage of these two oilseed crops is more sensitive than the vegetative stage to low B supply.
Synthesis of novel polycationic lipophilic peptide core(s) was accomplished and these agents successfully transfected human retinal pigment epithelium cells with ODN1 upon complexation with the oligonucleotide. The level of transfection was indirectly measured by the decreased production of the protein hVEGF (human vascular endothelial growth factor) in comparison to the transfection agent cytofectin GSV(TM). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Contaminant transport in coastal aquifers is of increasing interest since, with the development of coastal areas, contaminants from surface sources may enter coastal aquifers and pollute the groundwater flow. Coastal groundwater flow is complicated because of the presence of a freshwater-saltwater diffusion zone and the tidal variation of sea level at the seaward end. This paper investigates experimentally the behaviour of contaminant plumes with different densities in an unconfined coastal aquifer. Experiments were performed in a flow tank filled with glass beads as the porous medium. Results show that the dense contaminant has a more diffusive front than the less dense one in the seaward direction towards the coastline. The plume becomes more diffusive when it travels closer to the saltwater interface. On the contrary, the less dense contaminant presents a relatively sharp outline. It tends to migrate in the upper portion of the aquifer and exits in a concentrated manner over a small discharge area at the coastline, not further seaward under the sea. Non-dimensional parameters show that instabilities occur in our experiments for a density difference of 1.2% or larger between the contaminant and the ambient water. The experimental results provide guidance for field monitoring and numerical modelling. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper employs a two-dimensional variable density flow and transport model to investigate the transport of a dense contaminant plume in an unconfined coastal aquifer. Experimental results are also presented to show the contaminant plume in a freshwater-seawater flow system. Both the numerical and experimental results suggest that the neglect of the seawater interface does not noticeably affect the horizontal migration rate of the plume before it reaches the interface. However, the contaminant will travel further seaward and part of the solute mass will exit under the sea if the higher seawater density is not included. If the seawater density is included, the contaminant will travel upwards towards the beach along the freshwater-saltwater interface as shown experimentally. Neglect of seawater density, therefore, will result in an underestimate of solute mass rate exiting around the coastline. (C) 2002 IMACS. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
With evidence of increasing accident risk due to age-related declines in health and cognition affecting driver performance, there is a need for research promoting safe mobility of older people. The present study aimed to identify transport options and licensing issues for a group of older people in an Australian community. Ninety-five participants aged 75 and over were interviewed about their driving status and accident record and tested for cognitive ability. After stratification on cognitive level and driver status (current, ex-driver or non-driver), 30 were selected for further in-depth interviews concerning demographics, licence status and impact of change, travel options available and used, and travel characteristics. Considerable reliance on the motor vehicle as the mode of transport and the decision to cease driving were major quality-of-life issues. There was little evidence of planning and support in making the decision to stop driving. Some differences in transport decisions on the basis of cognitive level were evident; however, people with severely compromised cognitive ability (and, therefore, unable to give informed consent) had been excluded. The study suggested the need for resources to assist older people/carers/health professionals to plan for the transition from driver to non-driver and to manage alternative transport options more effectively