863 resultados para nozzle shapes
This paper presents a study of the stationary phenomenon of superheated or metastable liquid jets, flashing into a two-dimensional axisymmetric domain, while in the two-phase region. In general, the phenomenon starts off when a high-pressure, high-temperature liquid jet emerges from a small nozzle or orifice expanding into a low-pressure chamber, below its saturation pressure taken at the injection temperature. As the process evolves, crossing the saturation curve, one observes that the fluid remains in the liquid phase reaching a superheated condition. Then, the liquid undergoes an abrupt phase change by means of an oblique evaporation wave. Across this phase change the superheated liquid becomes a two-phase high-speed mixture in various directions, expanding to supersonic velocities. In order to reach the downstream pressure, the supersonic fluid continues to expand, crossing a complex bow shock wave. The balance equations that govern the phenomenon are mass conservation, momentum conservation, and energy conservation, plus an equation-of-state for the substance. A false-transient model is implemented using the shock capturing scheme: dispersion-controlled dissipative (DCD), which was used to calculate the flow conditions as the steady-state condition is reached. Numerical results with computational code DCD-2D vI have been analyzed. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The exact vibration modes and natural frequencies of planar structures and mechanisms, comprised Euler-Bernoulli beams, are obtained by solving a transcendental. nonlinear, eigenvalue problem stated by the dynamic stiffness matrix (DSM). To solve this kind of problem, the most employed technique is the Wittrick-Williams algorithm, developed in the early seventies. By formulating a new type of eigenvalue problem, which preserves the internal degrees-of-freedom for all members in the model, the present study offers an alternative to the use of this algorithm. The new proposed eigenvalue problem presents no poles, so the roots of the problem can be found by any suitable iterative numerical method. By avoiding a standard formulation for the DSM, the local mode shapes are directly calculated and any extension to the beam theory can be easily incorporated. It is shown that the method here adopted leads to exact solutions, as confirmed by various examples. Extensions of the formulation are also given, where rotary inertia, end release, skewed edges and rigid offsets are all included. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A modified cyclone washer was designed, fabricated, and its collection efficiency evaluated. This equipment consists of an American-type cyclone separator with a triple cone and a spray nozzle was introduced into its cylindrical body. The study consisted of an experimental evaluation of the operating conditions at ambient and higher than ambient temperatures, varying chimney height and water flow rate, with the purpose of humidifying the dust. The collection efficiency of the cyclone washer was evaluated particles of micronized quartz with an average diameter of 7.48 mu m and a density of 2.650 g/cm(3). The amount of particles varied from 20-100 mg/m(3) of air. An average efficiency of 97.07 +/- 1.03 % was obtained with four spray nozzles, a chimney height of 0.645 m and 0.358 m(3)/s of gas.
The trapezium is often a better approximation for the FinFET cross-section shape, rather than the design-intended rectangle. The frequent width variations along the vertical direction, caused by the etching process that is used for fin definition, may imply in inclined sidewalls and the inclination angles can vary in a significant range. These geometric variations may cause some important changes in the device electrical characteristics. This work analyzes the influence of the FinFET sidewall inclination angle on some relevant parameters for analog design, such as threshold voltage, output conductance, transconductance, intrinsic voltage gain (A V), gate capacitance and unit-gain frequency, through 3D numeric simulation. The intrinsic gain is affected by alterations in transconductance and output conductance. The results show that both parameters depend on the shape, but in different ways. Transconductance depends mainly on the sidewall inclination angle and the fixed average fin width, whereas the output conductance depends mainly on the average fin width and is weakly dependent on the sidewall inclination angle. The simulation results also show that higher voltage gains are obtained for smaller average fin widths with inclination angles that correspond to inverted trapeziums, i.e. for shapes where the channel width is larger at the top than at the transistor base because of the higher attained transconductance. When the channel top is thinner than the base, the transconductance degradation affects the intrinsic voltage gain. The total gate capacitances also present behavior dependent on the sidewall angle, with higher values for inverted trapezium shapes and, as a consequence, lower unit-gain frequencies.
A rigorous derivation of non-linear equations governing the dynamics of an axially loaded beam is given with a clear focus to develop robust low-dimensional models. Two important loading scenarios were considered, where a structure is subjected to a uniformly distributed axial and a thrust force. These loads are to mimic the main forces acting on an offshore riser, for which an analytical methodology has been developed and applied. In particular, non-linear normal modes (NNMs) and non-linear multi-modes (NMMs) have been constructed by using the method of multiple scales. This is to effectively analyse the transversal vibration responses by monitoring the modal responses and mode interactions. The developed analytical models have been crosschecked against the results from FEM simulation. The FEM model having 26 elements and 77 degrees-of-freedom gave similar results as the low-dimensional (one degree-of-freedom) non-linear oscillator, which was developed by constructing a so-called invariant manifold. The comparisons of the dynamical responses were made in terms of time histories, phase portraits and mode shapes. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
MARTINS, A. R. (Institute of Biology, State University of Campinas - UNICAMP, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil), N. PUT, (Division of Biology and Education, University of Vechta, 49377 Vechta, Germany), A. N. SOARES, A.B BOMB, and B. APPEZZATO DA GLORIA (Biological Science Department, Escola Superior de Agricultura `Luiz de Queiroz`, University of Sao Paulo, 13418-900, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil). J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 137: 220-235. 2010.-New approaches to underground systems in Brazilian Smilax species (Smilacaceae). Scientific studies show that the watery extract of the thickened underground stem and its adventitious roots of the genus Smilax can act as a therapeutic agent in immunoinflammatory disorders, such as rheumatic arthritis. Brazilians have used this genus of plants in folk medicine, however it is very hard to identify these species, since the morphology of the underground systems is very similar in this group. For better identification of those systems, we studied six species of Smilax L. (S. brasiliensis, S. campestris, S. cissoides, S. goyazana, S. oblongifolia and S. rufescens), collected in different regions of Brazil with different physiognomies and soil characteristics. The main purpose is to describe the morpho-anatomy of the underground systems and to analyze if their structure depends on environmental conditions. The underground stem (rhizophore) is of brown color and it is knotty, massive, slender (S. rufescens) or tuberous (S. brasiliensis, S. campestris, S. cissoides, S. goyazana and S. oblongifolia). The tuberization is a result of primary thickened meristem (PTM) activity. The color and thickness of the adventitious roots change during development because the epidermis and outer cortex are disposed of, so the inner cortex becomes the new covering tissue with lignified and dark color cells. There are differences in starch grain shapes in mature roots. The chemical attributes of the soil are very similar in all studied environments and, even when soil characteristics varied, all the species` underground system was distributed close to the soil surface (10 to 15 cm deep). The species exhibited clonal growth hence their underground system functions as storage structures and the axillary buds can sprout into new stems. Only Smilax rufescens, collected in sandy soil of Restinga, has vegetative dispersal due to the runners.
Asymmetric discrete triangular distributions are introduced in order to extend the symmetric ones serving for discrete associated kernels in the nonparametric estimation for discrete functions. The extension from one to two orders around the mode provides a large family of discrete distributions having a finite support. Establishing a bridge between Dirac and discrete uniform distributions, some different shapes are also obtained and their properties are investigated. In particular, the mean and variance are pointed out. Applications to discrete kernel estimators are given with a solution to a boundary bias problem. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we present various diagnostic methods for polyhazard models. Polyhazard models are a flexible family for fitting lifetime data. Their main advantage over the single hazard models, such as the Weibull and the log-logistic models, is to include a large amount of nonmonotone hazard shapes, as bathtub and multimodal curves. Some influence methods, such as the local influence and total local influence of an individual are derived, analyzed and discussed. A discussion of the computation of the likelihood displacement as well as the normal curvature in the local influence method are presented. Finally, an example with real data is given for illustration.
We study in detail the so-called beta-modified Weibull distribution, motivated by the wide use of the Weibull distribution in practice, and also for the fact that the generalization provides a continuous crossover towards cases with different shapes. The new distribution is important since it contains as special sub-models some widely-known distributions, such as the generalized modified Weibull, beta Weibull, exponentiated Weibull, beta exponential, modified Weibull and Weibull distributions, among several others. It also provides more flexibility to analyse complex real data. Various mathematical properties of this distribution are derived, including its moments and moment generating function. We examine the asymptotic distributions of the extreme values. Explicit expressions are also derived for the chf, mean deviations, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, reliability and entropies. The estimation of parameters is approached by two methods: moments and maximum likelihood. We compare by simulation the performances of the estimates from these methods. We obtain the expected information matrix. Two applications are presented to illustrate the proposed distribution.
Observations of cells of axenic peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) microplants by light microscopy revealed movements of small particles within the cells. The phenomenon was characterized initially as Brownian movement, but electron microscopy revealed the presence of an intracellular bacterial community in these plants. Microscopy observations revealed the particular shapes of bacterial cells colonizing inner tissues of analyzed plants. Applying a molecular characterization by polymerase chain reaction and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, it was revealed the existence of bacterial rRNA within the plants. Sequencing of the rRNA identified three different phylogenetic groups; two bands had a high degree of similarity to sequences from Moraxella sp. and Brevibacillus sp., and a third sequence was similar to a non-cultivated cyanobacterium. The presence of those endosymbionts, called bacteriosomes, in axenic peach palm microplants raises the question of whether these stable endosymbionts were acquired in the process of evolution and how could they benefit the process of plants micropropagation.
In stored grains, smaller depositions and great variation with respect to theoretical insecticide doses are frequently found. The objective of this work was to study the effectiveness of the standard method (ISO 5682/1-1996) employed to evaluate hydraulic nozzles used in stored corn and wheat grain protection experiments. The transversal volumetric distribution and droplet spectrum of a model TJ-60 8002EVS nozzle were determined in order to calibrate a spraying system for an application rate of 5 L/t and to obtain theoretical concentrations of 10 and 0.5 mg/kg of fenitrothion and esfenvalerate, respectively. After treatment, the corn and wheat grains were processed and deposition was analyzed by gas chromatography. The type of grain did not have any influence on insecticide deposition and was dependent upon insecticide only. The insecticide deposits on the grains only reached 42.1 and 38.2% of the intended theoretical values for fenitrothion and esfenvalerate concentrations, respectively. These results demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the standard evaluation method for hydraulic nozzles employed in stored grain protection experiments.
When wandering around a city such as Sao Paulo, we are surrounded by letters, numbers and symbols. These elements form part of an environment full of signs in many shapes and sizes that compete for our attention. Our perception of these elements contributes towards our spatial guidance and sense of place. The idea of `reading` the city, or urban environment, was introduced by Kevin Lynch, for whom reading the urban structure follows on from recognizing or identifying its numerous visual elements, not necessarily verbal ones. Beginning with a brief bibliographic review of perception theories, this article combines concepts from environmental psychology with concerns brought up by the fields of information design and epigraphy studies, setting out the basis of a methodological proposal for the study of typography and lettering in the urban environment.
The hot melt granulation of a coarse pharmaceutical powder in a top spray spouted bed is described. The substrate was lactose-polyvinylpyrrolidone particles containing or not acetaminophen as a drug model. Polyethylene glycol (MW, 4000) used as binder was atomized onto the bed by a two-fluid spray nozzle. The granulation experiments followed a 2(3) factorial design with triplicates at the center point and were carried out by varying the spray nozzle vertical position, the atomizing air flow rate and the binder feed rate. Granules were evaluated by their pharmacotechnical properties like size distribution, bulk and tapped densities, Carr index, Hausner ratio and tableting characteristics. Analysis of variance showed that granule sizes were affected by the PEG feed rate and atomizing air pressure at the significance levels of 1.0 and 5.0%. respectively, but spray nozzle distance to the substrate bed was not significant. The spray conditions also affected granule flow and consolidation properties. measured by the Carr index and Hausner ratio. Measured densities, Carr indexes and Hausner ratios proved that granules flowability and consolidation properties are adequate for pharmaceutical processing and tableting. Tablets prepared with acetaminophen-containing granules showed good properties and adequate release profiles in in vitro dissolution tests. The results indicate the suitability of spouted beds for the hot melt granulation of pharmaceutical coarse powders. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The characteristics of high frequency (1000 Hz) acoustic admittance results obtained from normal neonates were described in this study. Participants were 170 healthy neonates (96 boys and 74 girls) aged between 1 and 6 days (mean = 3.26 days, SD = 0.92). Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs), and 226 Hz and 1000 Hz probe tone tympanograms were obtained from the participants using a Madsen Capella OAE/middle ear analyser. The results showed that of the 170 neonates, 34 were not successfully tested in both ears, 14 failed the TEOAE screen in one or both ears, and 122 (70 boys, 52 girls) passed the TEOAE screen in both ears and also maintained an acceptable probe seal during tympanometry. The 1000 Hz tympanometric data for the 122 neonates (244 ears) showed a single-peaked tympanogram in 225 ears (92.2 %), a flat-sloping tympanogram in 14 ears (5.7 %), a double-peaked tympanogram in 3 ears (1.2 %) and other unusual shapes in 2 ears (0.8 %). There was a significant ear effect, with right ears showing significantly higher mean peak compensated static admittance and tympanometric width, but lower mean acoustic admittance at +200 daPa and gradient than left ears. No significant gender effects or its interaction with ear were found. The normative tympanometric data derived from this cohort may serve as a guide for detecting middle ear dysfunction in neonates.
Copper concentrate (chalcopyrite) was granulated in a rotating drum with a diameter of 0.3 m and a length of 0.2 m. Water was used as the binder and it was sprayed onto the powder bed with a nozzle. This material exhibited induction type behaviour, which was defined by Iveson and Litster [AIChE J. 44 (1998) 1510]. Induction type behaviour is characterized by the occurrence of an induction stage, during which the granules are gradually being compacted and little or no growth occurs. At the end of this induction stage, binder liquid is squeezed from the interior of the granules onto the granule surface and the granules are then surface-wet. This results in a rapid growth rate of the granules. Different types of experiments were conducted. The influence of the nozzle pressure and the distance from the nozzle to the powder bed on the growth behaviour of the granules as well as on the binder distribution was examined. The results of these experiments led to the postulation of a modified mechanism for induction type behaviour: it was found that after the binder was delivered, there were large granules containing a high amount of binder and small granules containing less binder. During the induction stage, the granules are compacted and binder liquid continuously appears at the surface of the large granules. These wet spots that are continuously being formed pick up the dry and small granules. When all the small granules have been picked up, further expulsion of binder liquid onto the granules' surface results in granules that remain surface-wet. This phenomenon marks the end of the induction stage and it coincides with the disappearance of the small granules. The hypothesis was tested by selectively removing the smaller granules during an experiment. As expected, this resulted in a shorter induction time.