980 resultados para nonlinear rational expectations models
Four-dimensional flow in the phase space of three amplitudes of circularly polarized Alfven waves and one relative phase, resulting from a resonant three-wave truncation of the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation, has been analyzed; wave 1 is linearly unstable with growth rate , and waves 2 and 3 are stable with damping 2 and 3, respectively. The dependence of gross dynamical features on the damping model as characterized by the relation between damping and wave-vector ratios, 2 /3, k2 /k3, and the polarization of the waves, is discussed; two damping models, Landau k and resistive k2, are studied in depth. Very complex dynamics, such as multiple blue sky catastrophes and chaotic attractors arising from Feigenbaum sequences, and explosive bifurcations involving Intermittency-I chaos, are shown to be associated with the existence and loss of stability of certain fixed point P of the flow. Independently of the damping model, P may only exist as against flow contraction just requiring.In the case of right-hand RH polarization, point P may exist for all models other than Landau damping; for the resistive model, P may exist for RH polarization only if 2+3/2.
The study of lateral dynamics of running trains on bridges is of importance mainly for the safety of the traffic, and may be relevant for laterally compliant bridges. These studies require threedimensional coupled vehicle-bridge models, wheree consideration of wheel to rail contact is a key aspect. Furthermore, an adequate evaluation of safety of rail traffic requires nonlinear models. A nonlinear coupled model is proposed here for vehicle-structure vertical and lateral dynamics. Vehicles are considered as fully three-dimensional multibody systems including gyroscopic terms and large rotation effects. The bridge structure is modeled by means of finite elements which may be of beam, shell or continuum type and may include geometric or material nonlinearities. The track geometry includes distributed track alignment irregularities. Both subsystems (bridge and vehicles) are described with coordinates in absolute reference frames, as opposed to alternative approaches which describe the multibody system with coordinates relative to the base bridge motion. The wheelrail contact employed is a semi-Hertzian model based on realistic wheel-rail profiles. It allows a detailed geometrical description of the contact patch under each wheel including multiple-point contact, flange contact and uplift. Normal and tangential stresses in each contact are integrated at each time-step to obtain the resultant contact forces. The models have been implemented within an existing finite element analysis software with multibody capabilities, Abaqus (Simulia Ltd., 2010). Further details of the model are presented in Antolín et al. (2012). Representative applications are presented for railway vehicles under lateral wind action on laterally compliant viaducts, showing the relevance of the nonlinear wheel-rail contact model as well as the interaction between bridge and vehicle.
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We introduce a technique for quantifying and then exploiting uncertainty in nonlinear stochastic control systems. The approach is suboptimal though robust and relies upon the approximation of the forward and inverse plant models by neural networks, which also estimate the intrinsic uncertainty. Sampling from the resulting Gaussian distributions of the inversion based neurocontroller allows us to introduce a control law which is demonstrably more robust than traditional adaptive controllers.
In this paper, the exchange rate forecasting performance of neural network models are evaluated against the random walk, autoregressive moving average and generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity models. There are no guidelines available that can be used to choose the parameters of neural network models and therefore, the parameters are chosen according to what the researcher considers to be the best. Such an approach, however,implies that the risk of making bad decisions is extremely high, which could explain why in many studies, neural network models do not consistently perform better than their time series counterparts. In this paper, through extensive experimentation, the level of subjectivity in building neural network models is considerably reduced and therefore giving them a better chance of Forecasting exchange rates with linear and nonlinear models 415 performing well. The results show that in general, neural network models perform better than the traditionally used time series models in forecasting exchange rates.
In this paper the exchange rate forecasting performance of neural network models are evaluated against random walk and a range of time series models. There are no guidelines available that can be used to choose the parameters of neural network models and therefore the parameters are chosen according to what the researcher considers to be the best. Such an approach, however, implies that the risk of making bad decisions is extremely high which could explain why in many studies neural network models do not consistently perform better than their time series counterparts. In this paper through extensive experimentation the level of subjectivity in building neural network models is considerably reduced and therefore giving them a better chance of performing well. Our results show that in general neural network models perform better than traditionally used time series models in forecasting exchange rates.
Ebben a tanulmányban a klasszikus Harrod növekedési modellt nemlineáris kiterjesztéssel, keynesi és schumpeteri tradíciók bevezetésével reprezentatív ügynök modellbe alakítjuk. A híres Lucas kritika igazolásaként megmutatjuk, hogy az intrinsic gazdasági növekedési ütemek trajektóriái vagy egy turbulens káoszba szóródnak szét, vagy egy nagyméretű rendhez vezetnek, ami elsődlegesen a megfelelő fogyasztási függvény típusától függ, s bizonyos paraméterek piaci értékei, pedig csak másodlagos szerepet játszanak. A másik meglepő eredmény empirikus, ami szerint külkereskedelmi többlet, a hazai valuta bizonyos devizapiaci értékei mellett, különös attraktorokat generálhat. _____ In this paper the classical Harrodian growth model is transformed into a representative agent model by its nonlinear extensions and the Keynesian and Schumpeterian traditions. For the proof of the celebrated Lucas critique it is shown that the trajectories of intrinsic economic growth rates either are scattered into a turbulent chaos or lead to a large scale order. It depends on the type of the appropriate consumption function, and the market values of some parameters are playing only secondary role.Another surprising result is empirical: the international trade su±cit may generate strange attractors under some exchange rate values.
Linear multisectoral models have for long been applied in the Hungarian national economic planning. Price-quantity correspondences and interaction, however, cannot easily be taken into account in the traditional linear framework. Computable general equilibrium modelers in the West have developed techniques which use extensively price-quantity interdependences. However, since they are usually presented with the controversial strict neoclassical interpretation, the possibility of their adaptation to socialist planning models has been concaled. This paper reflects on some results of a research investigating the possible adaptation of eqailibrium modeling techniques to central planning models.
This paper proposes extended nonlinear analytical models, third-order models, of compliant parallelogram mechanisms. These models are capable of capturing the accurate effects from the very large axial force within the transverse motion range of 10% of the beam length through incorporating the terms associated with the high-order (up to third-order) axial force. Firstly, the free-body diagram method is employed to derive the nonlinear analytical model for a basic compliant parallelogram mechanism based on load-displacement relations of a single beam, geometry compatibility conditions, and load-equilibrium conditions. The procedures for the forward solutions and inverse solutions are described. Nonlinear analytical models for guided compliant multi-beam parallelogram mechanisms are then obtained. A case study of the compound compliant parallelogram mechanism, composed of two basic compliant parallelogram mechanisms in symmetry, is further implemented. This work intends to estimate the internal axial force change, the transverse force change, and the transverse stiffness change with the transverse motion using the proposed third-order model in comparison with the first-order model proposed in the prior art. In addition, FEA (finite element analysis) results validate the accuracy of the third-order model for a typical example. It is shown that in the case study the slenderness ratio affects the result discrepancy between the third-order model and the first-order model significantly, and the third-order model can illustrate a non-monotonic transverse stiffness curve if the beam is thin enough.
In this contribution, a system identification procedure of a two-input Wiener model suitable for the analysis of the disturbance behavior of integrated nonlinear circuits is presented. The identified block model is comprised of two linear dynamic and one static nonlinear block, which are determined using an parameterized approach. In order to characterize the linear blocks, an correlation analysis using a white noise input in combination with a model reduction scheme is adopted. After having characterized the linear blocks, from the output spectrum under single tone excitation at each input a linear set of equations will be set up, whose solution gives the coefficients of the nonlinear block. By this data based black box approach, the distortion behavior of a nonlinear circuit under the influence of an interfering signal at an arbitrary input port can be determined. Such an interfering signal can be, for example, an electromagnetic interference signal which conductively couples into the port of consideration. © 2011 Author(s).
An important aspect of constructing discrete velocity models (DVMs) for the Boltzmann equation is to obtain the right number of collision invariants. It is a well-known fact that DVMs can also have extra collision invariants, so called spurious collision invariants, in plus to the physical ones. A DVM with only physical collision invariants, and so without spurious ones, is called normal. For binary mixtures also the concept of supernormal DVMs was introduced, meaning that in addition to the DVM being normal, the restriction of the DVM to any single species also is normal. Here we introduce generalizations of this concept to DVMs for multicomponent mixtures. We also present some general algorithms for constructing such models and give some concrete examples of such constructions. One of our main results is that for any given number of species, and any given rational mass ratios we can construct a supernormal DVM. The DVMs are constructed in such a way that for half-space problems, as the Milne and Kramers problems, but also nonlinear ones, we obtain similar structures as for the classical discrete Boltzmann equation for one species, and therefore we can apply obtained results for the classical Boltzmann equation.