987 resultados para no tillage system


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O controle de plantas daninhas na cultura do arroz é ainda um problema, mesmo em cultivo mínimo, em razão do revolvimento do solo na linha de semeadura, que proporciona o reaparecimento de infestantes. Assim, objetivou-se estudar o efeito do atraso da aplicação de glyphosate sobre a formação do estande e o desenvolvimento inicial das plantas de arroz cv. IAC 102 irrigado por inundação. O experimento foi conduzido sob túnel plástico, em caixas d'água de 500 L, contendo NEOSSOLO FLÚVICO Ta Eutrófico. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram da aplicação de glyphosate: seis horas antes da semeadura do arroz (testemunha); no início da emergência; três dias após a emergência; e seis dias após, sem e com lâmina d'água. A dose do herbicida foi de 1.920 g i.a. ha-1. Para todas as variáveis analisadas houve efeito significativo dos tratamentos; aos 42 dias após a emergência, constatou-se que a testemunha foi estatisticamente superior, na formação do estande, na altura de plantas, no comprimento de raiz e na massa seca das partes aérea e de raiz, aos demais tratamentos em que ocorreram atrasos na aplicação do glyphosate.


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Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a eficácia agronômica e os efeitos fitotóxicos de herbicidas aplicados em pré-plantio no manejo de Euphorbia heterophylla e Bidens pilosa, em sistema de plantio direto da cultura de soja. O experimento foi desenvolvido na safra 2000/2001, na FEP-UNESP, no município de Selvíria-MS. A variedade de soja utilizada foi a 'Conquista', e o delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com sete tratamentos e quatro repetições, com oito linhas da cultura, totalizando 20 m² cada parcela. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: glyphosate (720 e 960 g ha-1), chlorimuron-ethyl + glyphosate (10 g + 720 e 960 g ha-1), glyphosate + 2,4-D (960 + 868 g ha-1) e testemunhas no mato e no limpo. As aplicações foram realizadas com pulverizador de pressão constante (CO2) de 45 lb pol-2, com barra equipada com quatro bicos do tipo leque Teejet 110.03 XR, espaçados de 0,5 m, e volume de calda de 250 L ha-1. Concluiu-se que os tratamentos testados são eficientes na dessecação de E. heterophylla e B. pilosa e seletivos às plantas de soja. O herbicida chlorimuron-ethyl (10 g ha-1) aplicado juntamente com o glyphosate, no manejo, proporciona ao tratamento um efeito residual significativo para E. heterophylla e B. pilosa, reduzindo a infestação das plantas daninhas durante o ciclo da cultura da soja.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito do atrazine em mistura com nicosulfuron sobre a atividade microbiológica do solo em sistema de cultivo convencional ou semeadura direta. O estudo foi realizado em área de integração milho-braquiária, sendo feitas aplicações dos herbicidas atrazine + nicosulfuron em duas dosagens (1.500 + 10 e 1.500 + 30 g h-1) e mantidas duas áreas testemunhas: não capinada e capinada sem cultivo. Por ocasião do florescimento, foram retiradas amostras do solo em cada unidade experimental, para determinação da taxa de desprendimento de CO2, carbono da biomassa microbiana (CBM) e quociente metabólico (qCO2). Entre os sistemas de cultivo, a taxa de desprendimento de CO2 foi menor nas parcelas não capinadas. O CBM foi maior no sistema de plantio direto, sendo afetado negativamente pela ausência de vegetação. Menores valores para CBM foram observados nas amostras de solo das parcelas capinadas. Os maiores valores de qCO2 foram observados no sistema convencional. No sistema de plantio direto não se verificou diferença entre os tratamentos cujo solo recebeu herbicida e o isento de capinas. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que os indicadores microbiológicos avaliados foram sensíveis aos tratamentos propostos, indicando menor distúrbio ao solo quando em sistema de semeadura direta. Entretanto, na integração lavoura-pecuária em sistema convencional de cultivo, o efeito negativo dos herbicidas é aumentado com o incremento na dose do nicosulfuron.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O sistema cultivo mínimo, por possibilitar pouca movimentação de solo, menor número de operações agrícolas sem incorporação dos resíduos vegetais, apresenta vantagens em razão do menor custo de preparo e da redução das perdas de solo e água. No ano agrícola de 2006/2007, na Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira, SP, Brasil - FEIS/UNESP, situada nas condições do Cerrado Brasileiro, objetivou-se analisar a produtividade de massa de matéria seca da consorciação de forragem (guandu+milheto) (MSF), em função de atributos físicos do solo, tais como resistência à penetração (RP), umidade gravimétrica (UG), umidade volumétrica (UV) e densidade do solo (DS) nas profundidades de 0,0-0,10 m; 0,10-0,20 m e 0,20-0,30 m. Para tanto, foi instalado um ensaio, contendo 117 pontos amostrais, em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, sob pivô central, numa área experimental de 1600 m² sob cultivo mínimo. A análise estatística constou de análise descritiva inicial dos atributos e análise das correlações lineares simples entre eles, e, finalmente, de análise geoestatística. do ponto de vista da correlação espacial, o atributo que mais bem explica a produtividade de massa de matéria seca da consorciação é a densidade do solo na camada de 0,20-0,30 m, com uma correlação inversa, indicando que as espécies se desenvolvem bem em solos adensados.


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O experimento foi conduzido na UNESP - Jaboticabal com o objetivo de obter informações sobre o rendimento de matéria seca (RMS) e composição química das forrageiras de inverno, aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schreb) e triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack), em plantio direto sob palhada de área com milheto (Pennisetum americanum (L.) K. Schum.) ou híbrido sorgo sudão (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench x Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf) submetidas a pastejo. A forragem foi rebaixada por vacas da raça Holandês. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, em arranjo de parcelas subdivididas, sendo analisado nas parcelas as espécies forrageiras e nas sub-parcelas as épocas de pastejo, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos testados foram: AS: Aveia Preta sobre palhada de sorgo; AM: Aveia preta sobre palhada de milheto; TS: Triticale sobre palhada de sorgo; e, TM: Triticale sobre palhada de milheto. As pastagens apresentaram RMS semelhantes e, em relação às épocas de avaliação observou-se menor rendimento no segundo corte. Foram observados maiores teores de PB e de FDA na forragem colhida no primeiro corte e de hemicelulose no segundo corte, enquanto os valores de FDN não foram diferentes. A forragem de triticale apresentou menor conteúdo de PB e maiores teores de constituintes da parede celular.


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The purpose of this work was to assess the effects of soil preparation methods (with or without subsoiling) on physical properties of a cerrado soil cropped to corn during the, 1986/87 season, in the Selviria county (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil). Also, the objective of this was to check the changes in the soil (dark red latosol-Acrustox) caused by the preparation after nine years of cultivation in comparison with natural state. The experiment consisted of six soil preparation systems: conventional, superpreparation, reversed, revolving hoe, reduced and no-tillage. Along with these systems subsoiling was also tested. The reversed system showed the best com grain yield. Subsoiling only presented positive results in productivity with the no-tillage system. All the preparation system tested degraded the physical properties in comparison with the natural soil.


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The persistence of straw, as well as the dynamics of nutrients release of it, are important aspects to consider in the choice of plants for composition of crop rotations in a no tillage system. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the decomposition rate and macronutrients and silicon (Si) release from sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) phytomass, as a function of management, with and without fragmentation. A randomized blocks design, with four replications, in a factorial 2x6, constituted by two aboveground phytomass management after 75 days after emergence (with and without mechanical fragmentation) and six sampling times (0, 18, 32, 46, 74 and 91 days after management (DAM)), were evaluated the decomposition rate and nutrient release from sunn hemp biomass. The mechanical fragmentation of sunn hemp straw did not change the decomposition and macronutrients release. The maximum release rates occurred 0-18 DAM. Potassium is the most rapidly available nutrient, while the silicon is more slowly released to the ground. Over time there has been increasing Si content in the straw.


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With technological innovations, such as irrigation, the bean has been grown by producers who have the most varied levels of technology that, in suitable times, allows the planting great success in grain yield. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of the dry bean to different managements of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization with no-tillage system, in Aquidauana - MS, Brazil. The experiment was conducted at the Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS), with the soil of the area classified as Alfisol, using the bean crop "Perola" sown on June 30, 2007. The experimental design was a randomized block split-plot consisting of three blocks and two replications within each block. The plots were composed of three management of irrigation, by the Class A pan method, using Hargreaves-Samani equation, and management by tensiometry (-40 kPa), with water replacement of 16.5 mm for all irrigation plots. The subplots consisted on four rates of nitrogen fertilization (0; 50; 100 and 150 kg ha(-1)), in which the nitrogen source was urea. It was concluded that the irrigation management through the Class A pan and Hargreaves-Samani equation conduced to higher grain yields of bean, 3031.11 and 3005.02 kg ha(-1) respectively.


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No-tillage system is an efficient technique in control of soil erosion, when compared with conventional tillage, however, some studies indicate higher compaction under no-tillage, mainly in the surface layer. Strategies that increase the organic matter content, as crop rotation and organic fertilization, can be used to solve the soil compaction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of soil managements (crop succession and crop rotation) and fertilization (organic, mineral and organic-mineral) in the physical properties of the soil, under no-tillage system, from 2006 to 2008. The evaluations were carried out in February 2007, after the summer corn harvest, and in September 2008, after the winter corn harvest. Crop rotation decreased the soil density and soil resistance to penetration and increased the macroporosity and total porosity. The use of organic sources of fertilization did not affect any of the physical attributes of soil. The yield of summer corn was highest in succession crop and mineral fertilization, however, in the winter, there was no difference between the soil managements and among the fertilizations.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen sources and rates on maize nutrition and grain yield under no-tillage system in sandy soil. The experiment was conducted in a Typic Quartzipsamment, in the city of Cassilandia, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. A completely randomized block design was used in a factorial array 3x4 with four replicates. Treatments consisted of three sources [urea, extruded urea with starch (Starea), and ammonium sulfonitrate with nitrification inhibitor of 3,4-dimethylpyrazole-phosphate (Entec (R) 26)] and four rates (0, 45, 90 and 180 kg ha(-1)) of nitrogen, applied in side-dressing when the plants presented four and six expanded leaves. The nitrogen source affected N, K, and S concentration in the leaf, but did not interfere in the components of production and maize grain yield. Nitrogen application like ammonium sulfonitrate promoted higher concentrations of N, K and S in the maize leaf in relation to the urea, especially in the larger rates studied. Side-dressing nitrogen fertilization increased the number of ears per plant, number of grains per ear and grain yield, grown under no-tillage system in sandy soil, independent of the used source.


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Organic carbon is a major component of soil organic matter and its stock is influenced by the management system adopted. This study aimed to examine the effects of cropping systems and nutrient sources (mineral and organic) on the concentrations and storage of soil organic carbon in no-tillage system. The experiment was carried out in Mercedes, Parana, Brazil, in an Nitossolo Vermelho (Alfisol) from October 2007 to September 2009. The treatments consisted of four crop succession systems: (1) soybean/wheat/corn/wheat; (2) soybean/black oat/corn/black oat, (3) soybean/radish/corn/radish and (4) soybean/common vetch/corn/common vetch and by two sources of nutrients (mineral and organic), arranged in a to split plot randomized block design with four replications. Soil samples were collected in layers of 0.0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20 and 0.20 to 0.40 m deep in the first and the second years of cultivation. Different cropping systems does not affect the content and the stock of soil organic carbon in the first two years of adoption of the systems. The organic fertilization with manure increased soil organic carbon stock, with an annual contribution of C, layer 0.0 to 0.20 m, 1.15 Mg ha(-1) yr(-1). Cropping systems fertilized with mineral fertilizers provide the greatest losses of soil organic carbon, resulting in negative balance of C in soil.


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Recently, a notable shift in weed patterns has occurred in some soybean growing regions, as a result of tillage system change and herbicide use. The weed communities are very diversified and strongly interfere with soybean growth and productivity, especially when the shading of superior leaves of the canopy occurs. Some changes to certain agricultural practices, such as cultivars, row spacing and sowing density, were studied and were considered suitable for the establishment of an integrated weed management system under Brazilian conditions. -from Author


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The present work aimed to investigate which was the soil tillage system that better fits for conditions of intensive agriculture, on the region of Selviria-MS. The main objective of this paper was to study the conservation and availability of water in the soil profile. In order to evaluate the soil matric potential in field conditions, readings were accomplished, using tensiometers with a mercury gauger. Matric potential was measured at 0.10 m depth, during the vegetative period of Triticum aestivum L. and at four depths 0.10; 0.20; 0.30 e 0.40 m during the vegetative period of Phaseolus vulgaris L. The study areas were located in the municipal district of Selviria, MS, Brazil. The used experimental set-up was entirely random designed, with treatments disposed in strips; three treatments and four repetitions were used. In the different treatments, soil matric potential was determined. Result allow to conclude that the water matric potential was highest for no-tillage and minimum tillage; however, it was also shown that these two tillage systems, allowed to conserve more water in the soil, when compared to the conventional tillage. In the last cycle of the Phaseolus vulgaris L. crop, no-tillage presented smaller storage of water in the soil, compared to the minimum tillage.