808 resultados para networked digital technologies
Our paper is concerned with the visualisation of historical events and artefacts in the context of time. It arises from a project bringing together expertise in visualisation, historiography and software engineering. The work is the result of an extended enquiry over several years which has included investigation of the prior history of such chronographics and their grounding in the temporal ontology of the Enlightenment. Timelines - visual, spatial presentations of chronology - are generally regarded as being too simple, perhaps too childish, to be worthy of academic attention, yet such chronographics should be capable of supporting sophisticated thinking about history and historiography, especially if they take full advantage of the capabilities of digital technologies. They should enable even professional academic historians to 'make sense' of history in new ways, allowing them insights they would not otherwise have achieved. In our paper we highlight key findings from the history of such representations, principally from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and show how, in a project to develop new digital chronographics for collections of cultural objects and events, we have explored new implementations of the important ideas we have extracted about timewise presentation and interaction. This includes the representation of uncertainty, of relations between events, and the epistemology of time as a 'space' for history. We present developed examples, in particular a chronographic presentation of a large database of works by a single author, a composer, and discuss the extent to which our ambitions for chronographics have been realised in practice. Keywords: timeline, chronographics
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013
Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Educação (Área de especialização em Educação e Tecnologias Digitais), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015
Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Pintura), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2016
A Short film about War is a narrative documentary artwork made entirely from information found on the worldwide web. In ten minutes this two screen gallery installation takes viewers around the world to a variety of war zones as seen through the collective eyes of the online photo sharing community Flickr, and as witnessed by a variety of existing military and civilian bloggers. As the ostensibly documentary 'film' plays itself out, a second screen logs the provenance of images, blog fragments and gps locations of each element comprising the work, so that the same information is simultaneously communicated to the viewer in two parallel formats -on one hand as a dramatised reportage and on the other hand as a text log. In offerring this tautology, we are attempting to explore and reveal the way in which information changes as it is gathered, edited and then mediated through networked communications technologies or broadcast media, and how that changes and distorts meaning -especially for (the generally wealthy minority of) the world's users of high speed broadband networks, who have become used to the treacherously persuasive panoptic view that google earth (and the worldwide web) appears to give us.
‘Making space for queer-identifying religious youth’ (2011–2013) is an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)-funded project, which seeks to shed light on youth cultures, queer community and religiosity. While non-heterosexuality is often associated with secularism, and some sources cast religion as automatically negative or harmful to the realisation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) identity (or ‘coming out’), we explore how queer Christian youth negotiate sexual–religious identities. There is a dearth of studies on queer religious youth, yet an emerging and continuing interest in the role of digital technologies for the identities of young people. Based on interviews with 38 LGBT, ‘religious’ young people, this article examines Facebook, as well as wider social networking sites and the online environment and communities. Engaging with the key concept of ‘online embodiment’, this article takes a closer analysis of embodiment, emotion and temporality to approach the role of Facebook in the lives of queer religious youth. Furthermore, it explores the methodological dilemmas evoked by the presence of Facebook in qualitative research with specific groups of young people.
— In the new learning environments, built width digital technologies, the need to promote quality of education resources, commonly known as Learning Objects, which can support formal and informal distance learning, emerge as one of the biggest challenge that educational institutions will have to face. Due to the fact that is expensive, the reuse and sharing became very important issue. This article presents a Learning Object Repository which aims to store, to disseminate and maintain accessible Learning Objects.
O Arquivo Audiovisual da SIC: a reutilização dos conteúdos da estação na produção diária de notícias
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
The increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in diverse professional and personal contexts calls for new knowledge, and a set of abilities, competences and attitudes, for an active and participative citizenship. In this context it is acknowledged that universities have an important role innovating in the educational use of digital media to promote an inclusive digital literacy. The educational potential of digital technologies and resources has been recognized by both researchers and practitioners. Multiple pedagogical models and research approaches have already contributed to put in evidence the importance of adapting instructional and learning practices and processes to concrete contexts and educational goals. Still, academic and scientific communities believe further investments in ICT research is needed in higher education. This study focuses on educational models that may contribute to support digital technology uses, where these can have cognitive and educational relevance when compared to analogical technologies. A teaching and learning model, centered in the active role of the students in the exploration, production, presentation and discussion of interactive multimedia materials, was developed and applied using the internet and exploring emergent semantic hypermedia formats. The research approach focused on the definition of design principles for developing class activities that were applied in three different iterations in undergraduate courses from two institutions, namely the University of Texas at Austin, USA and the University of Lisbon, Portugal. The analysis of this study made possible to evaluate the potential and efficacy of the model proposed and the authoring tool chosen in the support of metacognitive skills and attitudes related to information structuring and management, storytelling and communication, using computers and the internet.
The particular characteristics and affordances of technologies play a significant role in human experience by defining the realm of possibilities available to individuals and societies. Some technological configurations, such as the Internet, facilitate peer-to-peer communication and participatory behaviors. Others, like television broadcasting, tend to encourage centralization of creative processes and unidirectional communication. In other instances still, the affordances of technologies can be further constrained by social practices. That is the case, for example, of radio which, although technically allowing peer-to-peer communication, has effectively been converted into a broadcast medium through the legislation of the airwaves. How technologies acquire particular properties, meanings and uses, and who is involved in those decisions are the broader questions explored here. Although a long line of thought maintains that technologies evolve according to the logic of scientific rationality, recent studies demonstrated that technologies are, in fact, primarily shaped by social forces in specific historical contexts. In this view, adopted here, there is no one best way to design a technological artifact or system; the selection between alternative designs—which determine the affordances of each technology—is made by social actors according to their particular values, assumptions and goals. Thus, the arrangement of technical elements in any technological artifact is configured to conform to the views and interests of those involved in its development. Understanding how technologies assume particular shapes, who is involved in these decisions and how, in turn, they propitiate particular behaviors and modes of organization but not others, requires understanding the contexts in which they are developed. It is argued here that, throughout the last century, two distinct approaches to the development and dissemination of technologies have coexisted. In each of these models, based on fundamentally different ethoi, technologies are developed through different processes and by different participants—and therefore tend to assume different shapes and offer different possibilities. In the first of these approaches, the dominant model in Western societies, technologies are typically developed by firms, manufactured in large factories, and subsequently disseminated to the rest of the population for consumption. In this centralized model, the role of users is limited to selecting from the alternatives presented by professional producers. Thus, according to this approach, the technologies that are now so deeply woven into human experience, are primarily shaped by a relatively small number of producers. In recent years, however, a group of three interconnected interest groups—the makers, hackerspaces, and open source hardware communities—have increasingly challenged this dominant model by enacting an alternative approach in which technologies are both individually transformed and collectively shaped. Through a in-depth analysis of these phenomena, their practices and ethos, it is argued here that the distributed approach practiced by these communities offers a practical path towards a democratization of the technosphere by: 1) demystifying technologies, 2) providing the public with the tools and knowledge necessary to understand and shape technologies, and 3) encouraging citizen participation in the development of technologies.
O estudo de caso tem por objetivo principal analisar e avaliar a utilização de um Ambiente de Aprendizagem Enriquecido pela Tecnologia (TELE) no Ensino Superior, através do que é normalmente designado de eLearning e, perceber, o impacto que estas metodologias estão a ter no ensino presencial, a forma como estão a ser usadas e de que forma alunos e professores têm sido confrontados com esta realidade. Especificamente visa analisar o impacto da implementação de um modelo de eLearning na aprendizagem e perceber a relação entre uma estratégia metodológica suportada pela LMS Moodle na sala de aula, as competências digitais e skills que os alunos têm e de que forma isso resulta em termos de ensino-aprendizagem. O Moodle foi a plataforma de aprendizagem selecionada enquanto suporte ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem na unidade curricular de Edição Multimédia do curso de Licenciatura em Comunicação Social e Cultural da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), com uma turma de 42 alunos no total. Por conseguinte, foi o ambiente usado para a interação entre os alunos e entre estes com o professor em espaço e tempo extra aula. Com o objetivo de cumprir os objetivos propostos recorreu-se a três instrumentos de recolha de dados: dois questionários aos alunos, em momentos distintos. Primeiro, procurou-se obter conhecimentos sobre as suas competências digitais e, num segundo momento, aferir sobre a perceção e o nível de satisfação dos alunos face ao modelo de aprendizagem implementado; observação não participante de sala de aula (estruturada e naturalista), delimitando-se as seguintes dimensões: estratégias operacionalizadas pelo professor, materiais/recursos e ferramentas utilizadas e práticas e atitudes do aluno; registos da plataforma pela análise das interações entre os alunos e destes com o professor através dos fóruns de discussão. O estudo permitiu atestar o impacto bastante positivo nos níveis de satisfação dos alunos e estabelecer uma relação eficaz entre a tecnologia e a aquisição de aprendizagens significativas: potenciou uma aprendizagem ativa, interativa e um contexto para o trabalho colaborativo; consequente capacidade autorregulatória da aprendizagem; promoveu o desenvolvimento da Literacia digital; possibilitou a adoção de metodologias de aprendizagem diversificadas; contribuiu para o aumento da participação, motivação e entusiasmo dos alunos.
Dans une époque de changements des moyens de représentation et communication en architecture, cette recherche porte sur l’enseignement de la conception architecturale et plus spécifiquement sur l’apport que l’informatique pourrait avoir dans ce processus. En nous basant sur une méthodologie qualitative, exploratoire et participative, nous y procédons par enchainement de questions, celle de départ étant la suivante: Comment l’enseignement de la conception architecturale pourrait tirer avantage des moyens numériques? Notre objectif est de proposer des méthodes et des outils d’apprentissage aux étudiants en architecture pour enrichir leurs démarches de conception grâce à l’ordinateur. Après une revue de la littérature dans le domaine, et un approfondissement de l’étude sur le rôle des référents architecturaux et sur la conception intégrée, nous avons procédé à une observation exploratoire du travail des étudiants en atelier d’architecture. Ces premières étapes de la recherche ont permis de dégager des discordances entre les positions théoriques et la pratique en l’atelier, pour concrétiser ultérieurement la question de recherche. Dans le but de discerner des méthodes efficaces et innovatrices pour répondre aux discordances identifiées, nous avons engagé une étude de la littérature sur les théories cognitives par rapport aux connaissances, l’apprentissage et la conception. Certaines stratégies ont pu être définies, notamment la nécessité de représentation multimodale des référents architecturaux, l’importance de représenter le processus et non seulement le résultat, ainsi que l’avantage d’inciter les étudiants à travailler dans leur ‘zone proximale’ de développement. Suite à ces recherches, une méthode d’enseignement complémentaire a été définie. Elle propose aux étudiants des explorations de l’objet en conception basées sur la manipulation des savoir-faire architecturaux. Cette méthode a été opérationnalisée d’un point de vue pédagogique ainsi que didactique et mise à l’épreuve auprès des étudiants en atelier. Un prototype de librairie de référents architecturaux interactifs (LibReArchI) a été créé dans ce but. Elle a été conçue en tant qu’environnement de conception et espace de partage de savoir-faire entre étudiants et enseignants. Les principaux résultats de cette recherche démontrent le rôle positif de la méthode proposée pour le transfert des savoir-faire architecturaux lors de l’apprentissage en atelier. Son potentiel d’assister la conception intégrée et de stimuler l’émergence d’idées a été constaté. Au niveau théorique, un modèle d’un cycle du processus de design avec le numérique a été esquissé. En conclusion, des avenues de développements futurs de cette recherche sont proposées.
Ce travail a pour objet le found footage, analysé en tant que pratique de recyclage culturel et comme important mouvement cinématographique de notre époque. L’étude trace d’abord un parallèle entre la fabrication du film d’images trouvées et le processus de recyclage industriel. Ensuite, le travail aborde les influences artistiques de ce mouvement du cinéma expérimental initié dans les années 1960, qui s’intensifie de plus en plus depuis l’avènement des dernières technologies numériques. En dernier lieu, l’étude propose une mise au point sur le found footage à l’ère des technologies numériques, en analysant les causes et conséquences de la (re)montée du mouvement, et en tenant compte de sa présence qui se multiplie sur l’Internet, par le biais du mashup.
Cette recherche explore le sens que la « génération de l’information » (20-35 ans) donne à l’engagement. Alors que sociologues et médias ont longtemps brandi des chiffres alarmants concernant la désaffection électorale des jeunes et leur rejet des associations ou groupes de pression usuels, le développement du Web 2.0 semble donner lieu à de nouvelles formes d’action visant le changement social, qui sont particulièrement prisées par les jeunes. Analysant leur recours à des pratiques de manifestations éclairs (flash mobs), de cyberdissidence, l’utilisation du micro-blogging et des réseaux Facebook et Twitter dans le cadre de mobilisations récentes, des enquêtes suggèrent qu’elles témoignent d’une nouvelle culture de la participation sociale et politique, qui appelle à repenser les façons de concevoir et de définir l’engagement. Or, si nous assistons à une transformation profonde des répertoires et des modes d’action des jeunes, il demeure difficile de comprendre en quoi et comment l’utilisation des TIC influence leur intérêt ou motivation à « agir ». Que veut dire s’engager pour les jeunes aujourd’hui ? Comment perçoivent-ils le contexte social, politique et médiatique ? Quelle place estiment-ils pouvoir y occuper ? Soulignant l’importance du sens que les acteurs sociaux donnent à leurs pratiques, la recherche s’éloigne des perspectives technocentristes pour explorer plus en profondeur la façon dont de jeunes adultes vivent, expérimentent et interprètent l’engagement dans le contexte médiatique actuel. La réflexion s’ancre sur une observation empirique et deux séries d’entretiens en profondeur (de groupe et individuels), menés auprès de 137 jeunes entre 2009-2012. Elle analyse un ensemble de représentations, perceptions et pratiques d’individus aux horizons et aux modes d’engagement variés, soulignant les multiples facteurs qui agissent sur la façon dont ils choisissent d’agir et les raisons qui les mènent à recourir aux TIC dans le cadre de pratiques spécifiques. À la croisée d’une multiplication des modes de participation et des modes d’interaction qui marquent l’univers social et politique des jeunes, la recherche propose de nouvelles hypothèses théoriques et une métaphore conceptuelle, le « murmure des étourneaux », pour penser la façon dont les pratiques d’affichage personnel, de relais, et d’expérimentation mises en avant par les jeunes s’arriment en réseau à celles d’autrui pour produire des « dérives culturelles » : des changements importants dans les façons de percevoir, d’agir et de penser. Loin d’une génération apathique ou technophile, les propos soulevés en entretiens suggèrent un processus réflexif de construction de sens, dont l’enjeu vise avant tout à donner l’exemple, et à penser ensemble de nouveaux possibles. La recherche permet d’offrir un éclairage qualitatif et approfondi sur ce qui caractérise la façon dont les jeunes perçoivent et définissent l’engagement, en plus d’ouvrir de nouvelles avenues pour mieux comprendre comment ils choisissent d’agir à l’ère du Web.
A literary text is a milieu in which different intermedial relations can occur. Borrowing on Bolter and Grusin’s notion of remediation and displacing the latter from digital technologies to literature, this article defines three strategies by which a novel can convoke modes that are conventionally related to other forms of mediation. The breaking points and the blanks that result from these intermedial strategies are then discussed from a reader-response perspective, to substantiate the hypothesis that a strong intermedial dynamic in a novel enhances the reader’s activity. Océan mer serves as a ground for an analysis that demonstrates the dynamism of the interactions that characterize such an intermedial object.