973 resultados para neodymium and lead isotopes
Deep-sea pore fluids are potential archives of ancient seawater chemistry. However, the primary signal recorded in pore fluids is often overprinted by diagenetic processes. Recent studies have suggested that depth profiles of Mg concentration in deep-sea carbonate pore fluids are best explained by a rapid rise in seawater Mg over the last 10-20 Myr. To explore this possibility we measured the Mg isotopic composition of pore fluids and carbonate sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) site 807. Whereas the concentration of Mg in the pore fluid declines with depth, the isotopic composition of Mg in the pore fluid increases from -0.78 per mil near the sediment-water interface to -0.15 per mil at 778 mbsf. The Mg isotopic composition of the sediment, with few important exceptions, does not change with depth and has an average d26Mg value of -4.72 per mil. We reproduce the observed changes in sediment and pore-fluid Mg isotope values using a numerical model that incorporates Mg, Ca and Sr cycling and satisfies existing pore-fluid Ca isotope and Sr data. Our model shows that the observed trends in magnesium concentrations and isotopes are best explained as a combination of two processes: a secular rise in the seawater Mg over the Neogene and the recrystallization of low-Mg biogenic carbonate to a higher-Mg diagenetic calcite. These results indicate that burial recrystallization will add Mg to pelagic carbonate sediments, leading to an overestimation of paleo-temperatures from measured Mg/Ca ratios. The Mg isotopic composition of foraminiferal calcite appears to be only slightly altered by recrystallization making it possible to reconstruct the Mg isotopic composition of seawater through time.
Oxygen- and carbon-isotope analyses have been performed on the Quaternary planktonic foraminifers of Sites 548 and 549 (DSDP Leg 80) to investigate major water mass changes that occurred in the northeastern Atlantic at different glacial-interglacial cycles and to compare them with the well-defined picture of 18,000 yr. ago. Oxygen-isotope stratigraphy also provides a chronological framework for the more important data on the fauna and flora. Although bioturbation and sedimentary gaps obliterate the climatic and stratigraphic record, general trends in the oceanographic history can be deduced from the isotopic data. Isotopic stratigraphy has tentatively been delineated down to isotopic Stage 16 at Site 548 and in Hole 549A. This stratigraphy fits well with that deduced from benthic foraminiferal d18O changes and with bioclimatic zonations based on foraminiferal associations at Site 549. Variations in the geographic extension and in the flux of the Gulf Stream subtropical waters are inferred from both d18O and d13C changes. Maximal fluxes occurred during the late Pliocene. Northward extension of subtropical waters increased through the various interglacial phases of the early Pleistocene and decreased through the late Pleistocene interglacial phases. Conversely, glacial maxima were more intense after Stage 16. Isotopic Stages 12 and 16 mark times of important change in water mass circulation. Oxygen- and carbon-isotope analyses have been performed on the Quaternary planktonic foraminifers of Sites 548 and 549 (DSDP Leg 80) to investigate major water mass changes that occurred in the northeastern Atlantic at different glacial-interglacial cycles and to compare them with the well-defined picture of 18,000 yr. ago. Oxygen-isotope stratigraphy also provides a chronological framework for the more important data on the fauna and flora. Although bioturbation and sedimentary gaps obliterate the climatic and stratigraphic record, general trends in the oceanographic history can be deduced from the isotopic data. Isotopic stratigraphy has tentatively been delineated down to isotopic Stage 16 at Site 548 and in Hole 549A. This stratigraphy fits well with that deduced from benthic foraminiferal d18O changes and with bioclimatic zonations based on foraminiferal associations at Site 549. Variations in the geographic extension and in the flux of the Gulf Stream subtropical waters are inferred from both d18O and d13C changes. Maximal fluxes occurred during the late Pliocene. Northward extension of subtropical waters increased through the various interglacial phases of the early Pleistocene and decreased through the late Pleistocene interglacial phases. Conversely, glacial maxima were more intense after Stage 16. Isotopic Stages 12 and 16 mark times of important change in water mass circulation.
We present benthic isotope stratigraphies for Sites 1236, 1237, 1239, and 1241 that span the late Miocene-Pliocene time interval from 6 to 2.4 Ma. Orbitally tuned timescales were generated for Sites 1237 and 1241 by correlating the high-frequency variations in gamma ray attenuation density, percent sand of the carbonate fraction, and benthic d13C to variations in Earth's orbital parameters. The astronomical timescales for Sites 1237 and 1241 are in agreement with the one from Atlantic Site 925/926 (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 154). The comparison of benthic d18O and d13C records from the east Pacific sites and Atlantic Site 925/926 revealed a surprising clarity of the "41-k.y. signal" in d13C records and a remarkably good correlation between their d13C records. This suggests that the late Miocene-Pliocene amplitudes of obliquity-related d13C cycles reflect a magnitude of global response often larger than that provided by obliquity-related d18O cycles. At Site 1237, the orbitally derived ages of Pliocene magnetic reversal boundaries between the base of Réunion and the top of Thvera confirm astronomical datings of the generally accepted ATNTS2004 timescale, except for the top of Kaena and the base of Sidufjall. Our astronomical age for the top of Kaena is about one obliquity cycle older. The base of Sidufjall appears to be about one precession cycle younger. The age models of Sites 1236 and 1239 were established by correlating their benthic d18O and d13C records directly to the orbitally tuned isotope record of Site 1241.
Bulk carbonate content, planktic and benthic foraminiferal assemblages, stable isotope compositions of bulk carbonate and Nuttallides truempyi (benthic foraminifera), and non-carbonate mineralogy were examined across ~30 m of carbonate-rich Paleogene sediment at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 259, on Perth Abyssal Plain off Western Australia. Carbonate content, mostly reflecting nannofossil abundance, ranges from 3 to 80% and generally exceeds 50% between 35 and 57 mbsf. A clay-rich horizon with a carbonate content of about 37% occurs between 55.17 and 55.37 mbsf. The carbonate-rich interval spans planktic foraminiferal zones P4c to P6b (~57-52 Ma), with the clay-rich horizon near the base of our Zone P5 (upper)-P6b. Throughout the studied interval, benthic species dominate foraminiferal assemblages, with scarce planktic foraminifera usually of poor preservation and limited species diversity. A prominent Benthic Foraminiferal Extinction Event (BFEE) occurs across the clay-rich horizon, with an influx of large Acarinina immediately above. The delta13C records of bulk carbonate and N. truempyi exhibit trends similar to those observed in upper Paleocene-lower Eocene (~57-52 Ma) sediment from other locations. Two successive decreases in bulk carbonate and N. truempyi delta13C of 0.5 and 1.0? characterize the interval at and immediately above the BFEE. Despite major changes in carbonate content, foraminiferal assemblages and carbon isotopes, the mineralogy of the non-carbonate fraction consistently comprises expanding clay, heulandite (zeolite), quartz, feldspar (sodic or calcic), minor mica, and pyrolusite (MnO2). The uniformity of this mineral assemblage suggests that Site 259 received similar non-carbonate sediment before, during and after pelagic carbonate deposition. The carbonate plug at Site 259 probably represents a drop in the CCD from ~57 to 52-51 Ma, as also recognized at other locations.
An Eocene-Oligocene oxygen and carbon isotope history based on planktonic and benthic foraminifers from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 cores has been constructed for the Maurice Ewing Bank of the eastern Falkland Plateau, Southwest Atlantic Ocean. Specifically, the cores cover portions of the middle Eocene, upper Eocene, and lower Oligocene. Surface water isotopic temperatures postulated for the middle Eocene at Site 512 fluctuated within about four degrees but generally averaged about 9°C. Bottom isotopic temperatures at Site 512 (water depth, 1846 m) were generally a degree lower than surface water temperatures. Surface water isotopic temperatures at Site 511 initially averaged about 11°C during the late Eocene, but dropped to an average of 7°C in the early Oligocene. Bottom isotopic temperatures at Site 511 (water depth, 2589 m) generally record temperatures between 12.5°C and 8°C, similar to the range in the surface water isotopic temperatures. During the early Oligocene, bottom isotopic temperatures dropped sharply and averaged about 2°C (very close to present-day values). Surface water temperature values also decreased to an average of about 7°C, therefore leading to a significant divergence between surface and bottom water isotopic temperatures during the early Oligocene. Comparisons among Southern Ocean DSDP Sites 511, 512, and 277, and between these and other DSDP sites from central and northern latitudes (Sites 44, 167, 171, 292, 357, 398, 119, and 401) show that much of the Eocene was characterized by relatively warm temperatures until sometime in either the middle Eocene, late Eocene, or early Oligocene. At each site, conspicuous 18O enrichments occur in both the benthic and planktonic foraminifers over a relatively short period of time. Although a general trend toward a climatic deterioration is evident, the density of data points among the various studies is still too sparse to determine either synchrony or time-transgression between the major isotopic events. A close correlation could be made between the Site 511 oxygen isotope temperature curve and paleoclimatic trends derived independently from radiolarian studies. The sharp temperature drop and the divergence between bottom and surface water temperatures during the early Oligocene apparently reflect a major expansion of the antarctic water mass. The migration of the boundary between the subantarctic and antarctic water masses over the site at this time would account in part for the sharp temperature changes. Sharp changes of this nature would not necessarily be noted in other geographic areas, particularly those to the north which have different oceanographic regimes.
Seventeen whole-rock samples, generally taken at 25- to 50-meter intervals from 5 to 560 meters sub-basement in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 504B, were analyzed for 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and rubidium and strontium concentrations. Ten of these samples also were analyzed for Pb-isotope composition. Strontium-isotope ratios for eight samples from the upper 260 meters of the hole range from 0.70287 to 0.70377, with a mean of 0.70320. In the interval 330 to 560 meters, five samples have a restricted range of 0.70259 to 0.70279, with a mean of 0.70266, almost identical to the average value of fresh mid-ocean-ridge basalts. In the interval 260 to 330 meters, approximately intermediate strontium- isotope ratios are found. The higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the upper part of the hole can be interpreted in terms of strontium-isotope alteration during basalt-sea-water interaction. Relative to average fresh mid-ocean ridge basalts, the upper 260 meters of basalts are enriched by an average of about 9% in sea-water strontium 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7091). This Sr presumably is located in the smectites, which, as the main secondary minerals throughout the hole, replace olivine and matrix glass and locally fill vesicles (analyzed samples contained no veins). The strontium-isotope data strongly suggest that the integrated flux of sea water through the upper part of the Hole 504B crust has been greater than through the lower part. This is also suggested by (1) the common occurrence of Feoxide- hydroxide minerals as alteration products above 270 meters, but their near absence below 320 meters, (2) the presence of vein calcite above 320 meters, but its near absence below this level, and (3) the occurrence of vein pyrite only below a depth of 270 meters. Sea-water circulation in the lower basalts may have been partly restricted by the greater number of relatively impermeable massive lava flows below 230 meters sub-basement. Although sufficient sea water was present within the lower part of the hole to produce smectitic alteration products, the overall water /rock ratio was low enough to prevent significant modification of strontium-isotope ratios. Lead-isotope ratios of Hole 504B basalts form approximately linear arrays in plots of 208Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb. The arrays are similar to those reported for basalts from other mid-ocean ridges. There is no trend in Hole 504B lead-isotope ratios with vertical position in the basement. The arrays indicate that the lead-isotope composition of the upper mantle from which the Hole 504B basaltic melts were derived was inhomogeneous.
Subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the Mariana forearc releases fluids to the overlying mantle wedge that ascend, producing serpentinite "mud" that discharges on the ocean floor. As part of Leg 195 of the Ocean Drilling Program cores were obtained from drill-holes into the mud volcanoes. We report the isotopic composition of Sr in water squeezed from intervals of the cores, in the serpentinite mud, in leaches of the serpentinite mud, and in entrained small harzburgitic clasts. Except in the upper few meters below the seawater-mud interface, where pore water approaches seawater Sr concentration and isotopic ratio, Sr concentration and isotopic composition remain constant at 3-6 µmol/kg and ~0.7054. Because the elemental chemistry of the pore water is unlike seawater, this isotopic composition reflects fluids derived from the subducted slab, probably modified by reaction with mantle material during ascent. Higher Sr isotopic ratios, up to 0.7087, - but not with higher Sr concentrations in pore water - occur superimposed on an advection profile at 13-16 mbsf surrounding a thin layer of foraminiferal sand. Since the upward seepage velocity of slab fluids in the mud volcano vents is a few cm/yr, exchange of Sr between these carbonates and the rising fluids must have occurred within a maximum of a few hundred years, essentially instantaneously given the millions, or tens of millions, of years the mud volcanoes have been in existence. In contrast, the strontium isotopic compositions of leached serpentinite mud, and of small harzburgite clasts entrained in the mud, are always significantly greater than that of the pore water. In small harzburgite clasts the ratio reaches 0.7088, almost as high as the seawater value of 0.7092 and much higher than the value of typical mantle-derived strontium of ~0.704. The serpentinite muds and harzburgite clasts clearly equilibrated with seawater Sr when they were initially deposited at the surface of the seamount, but following burial they have not fully equilibrated with strontium in the pore water now discharging through the vents. These variations in the strontium isotopic composition of solids and pore waters are more consistent with episodic expulsion of fluids in the subduction zone than steady state flow. Whereas strontium in carbonates equilibrates isotopically within a few hundred years, strontium in buried harzburgite clasts does not equilibrate in the same time, assuming steady state rates of upward fluid flow. By inference, the harzburgite clasts and associated serpentinite mud must have been near the seafloor, unburied, for a yet undetermined but much longer period of time to have equilibrated from ~0.704 to 0.709 prior to subsequent burial. It may be possible to characterize at least the periodicity of fluid release in the mud volcano setting by investigating the zonation of strontium isotopic composition of hartzburgite clasts throughout the 60-meter deep composite cores.
A detailed oxygen and carbon isotope study of the upper Maestrichtian-lower Paleocene section of Hole 516F from the Rio Grande Rise reveals that large isotopic anomalies are clearly associated with the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, the total carbonate content reaches a maximum exceeding 80% before rapidly decreasing in covariance with the carbon isotope record. This strong covariance between d13C and percent CaCO3 suggests either a significant reduction in primary productivity or a rapid shoaling of the calcium carbonate compensation depth. Importantly, the d13C record 2 Ma after the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary remained depleted in 13C by at least 0.5 per mil compared to the late Maestrichtian.