987 resultados para nasal carriers
A cluster of six pediatric cases of deep-seated Staphylococcus aureus infection after heart operations prompted us to perform molecular typing of the S. aureus isolates by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. This revealed the presence of genotypically distinct isolates in four of the six patients. Isolates of two patients were genotypically identical. All patients carried S. aureus in the anterior nares. In each patient, the banding pattern of deoxyribonucleic acid in these isolates was indistinguishable from that in strains isolated from blood or wound cultures. Molecular typing with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis ruled out nosocomial transmission of S. aureus between four patients; at the same time, it provided evidence for an association between nasal colonization and postoperative wound infection. Epidemiologic investigation of potential links between two patients with identical isolates did not provide any evidence for nosocomial transmission of S. aureus between these patients. Because nasal colonization with S. aureus may be a risk factor for surgical wound infection in pediatric patients undergoing heart operations, preoperative decolonization appears to be warranted.
Rotavirus is the major cause of diarrhea among young infants in both humans and animals. Immune protection of newborns by vaccination is difficult to achieve since there is not enough time to mount an immune response before exposure to the virus. We have designed a vaccination strategy mediating transfer of neutralizing antibodies from the mother to the offspring during pregnancy and/or lactation. Adult female mice were nasally immunized with virus-like particles (VLPs) made of viral proteins VP2 and 6 (VLP2/6) or VP 2, 6, and 7 (VLP2/6/7) derived from the RF rotavirus strain in the presence or absence of cholera toxin. Both vaccines elicited serum and milk antibodies against the respective VPs. Four days after parturition, suckling pups were challenged orally with RF rotavirus. Pups from mothers immunized with VLP2/6/7 but not VLP2/6 were protected against rotavirus diarrhea, indicating that VP7 plays a key role in protection. Protection was mediated by milk rather than serum antibodies, and mucosal adjuvants were not required. In conclusion, VLPs containing VP7 administered nasally to mothers represent a promising vaccine candidate for the protection of suckling newborns against rotavirus-induced diarrhea, even in the absence of a mucosal adjuvant.
OBJECTIVE: Pseudohypoaldosteronism type I (PHA1) is a rare inborn disease causing severe salt loss. Mutations in the three coding genes of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) are responsible for the systemic autosomal recessive form. So far, no phenotype has been reported in heterozygous carriers. PATIENTS: A consanguineous family from Somalia giving birth to a neonate suffering from PHA1 was studied including clinical and hormonal characteristics of the family, mutational analysis of the SCNN1A, SCNN1B, SCNN1G and CFTR genes and in vitro analysis of the functional consequences of a mutant ENaC channel. RESULTS: CFTR mutations have been excluded. SCNN1A gene analysis revealed a novel homozygous c.1684T > C mutation resulting in a S562P substitution in the alphaENaC protein of the patient. Functional analysis showed a significantly reduced S562P channel function compared to ENaC wild type. Protein synthesis and channel subunit assembly were not altered by the S562P mutation. Co-expression of mutant and wild-type channels revealed a dominant negative effect. In heterozygote carriers, sweat sodium and chloride concentrations were increased without additional hormonal or clinical phenotypes. CONCLUSION: Hence, the novel mutation S562P is causing systemic PHA1 in the homozygous state. A thorough clinical investigation of the heterozygote SCNN1A mutation carriers revealed increased sweat sodium and chloride levels consistent with a dominant effect of the mutant S562P allele. Whether this subclinical phenotype is of any consequence for the otherwise asymptomatic heterozygous carriers has to be elucidated.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and starch blends as carrier materials of rhizobial inoculants regarding their capacity to maintain viable cells and promote cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) nodulation. The experimental design adopted was completely randomized, with three replicates. Forty different compositions of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) with starch, compatibilized or not with different proportions of MgO or ZnO, were evaluated regarding their ability of maintaining rhizobial viable cells during the storage period of one month at room temperature, in an initial screening. Thereafter, selected inoculant carrier blends were evaluated regarding their ability to maintain viable rhizobial cells for a period of 165 days, and their performance as inoculant carriers was compared to a peat-based inoculant carrier under greenhouse conditions. Rhizobial cells were better maintained in blends containing 50-60% CMC. Compatibilizing agents did not increase survival of rhizobial cells for 30 days of storage. The cowpea nodulation of polymer blends was statistically the same of peat-based inoculants. CMC/starch polymer blends are efficient carriers to rhizobial inoculants for up to 165 days of storage, when compatibilized with MgO (1%).
Wood dust is recognised as a human carcinogen, based on the strong association of wood dust exposure and the elevated risk of malignant tumours of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses [sino-nasal cancer (SNC)]. The study aimed to assess genetic damage in workers exposed to wood dust using biomarkers in both buccal and nasal cells that reflect genome instability events, cellular proliferation and cell death frequencies. Nasal and buccal epithelial cells were collected from 31 parquet layers, installers, carpenters and furniture workers (exposed group) and 19 non-exposed workers located in Switzerland. Micronucleus (MN) frequencies were scored in nasal and buccal cells collected among woodworkers. Other nuclear anomalies in buccal cells were measured through the use of the buccal micronucleus cytome assay. MN frequencies in nasal and buccal cells were significantly higher in the exposed group compared to the non-exposed group; odds ratio for nasal cells 3.1 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.8-5.1] and buccal cells 1.8 (95% CI 1.3-2.4). The exposed group had higher frequencies of cells with nuclear buds, karyorrhectic, pyknotic, karyolytic cells and a decrease in the frequency of basal, binucleated and condensed cells compared to the non-exposed group. Our study confirms that woodworkers have an elevated risk for chromosomal instability in cells of the aerodigestive tract. The MN assay in nasal cells may become a relevant biomonitoring tool in the future for early detection of SNC risk. Future studies should seek to standardise the protocol for MN frequency in nasal cells similar to that for MN in buccal cells.
ABSTRACT Asthma is a complex inflammatory syndrome caused by environmental factors in predisposed individuals (atopics). Its severity correlates with the presence of activated T lymphocytes and eosinophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Induction of tolerance via the nasal route results in reduced recruitment of eosinophils into BALF upon challenge, inhibition of TH2 pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion and T cell hyporesponsiveness. Recently, CD4+CD25+ natural regulatory T cells (Treg) were proposed as key players in controlling the development of asthma and allergic disease. The objective of the present study is to investigate the role of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells in the mechanisms leading to tolerance in an established model of asthma. In this goal we depleted CD4+CD25+ T cells at different times during asthma and tolerance induction protocol in mice and looked at efficiency of tolerization (intranasal application of high dose of allergen) in the absence of natural Tregs. First, ovalbumin-sensitized mice were depleted of CD25+ T cells by intraperitoneal injection of anti-CD25 mAb (PC61) either for along-term (repeated injections of anti-CD25 from day 31 until the end of the protocol) or a short-term period (single injection of anti-CD25 before or after tolerance induction). We demonstrated that the long-term depletion of CD4+CD25+ T cells severely hampered tolerance induction (marked enhancement in eosinophil recruitment into BALF and a vigorous antigen specific T cell response to OVA upon allergen challenge) whereas transient depletions were not sufficient to do so. We then characterized T cell subsets by flow cytometry and observed that a large part of CD4+CD25+ T cells express Foxp3, an established marker of regulatory T cells. We also tested in-vitro suppressor activity of CD4+CD25+ T cells from tolerized mice by cell proliferation assay in coculture and observed a strong suppressive activity. Our data suggest that CD4+CD25+ T cells with regulatory properties play a crucial role in the induction of tolerance via the nasal route. The relationship between CD25+ natural Treg and inducible IL-10+ TRl-type Treg will have to be defined. RESUME L'asthme est un syndrome inflammatoire complexe provoqué par des facteurs environnementaux chez des individus génétiquement prédisposés (atopiques). Sa sévérité corrèle avec la présence des lymphocytes T activés et d'éosinophiles dans le lavage bronchoalvéolaire (BAL). L'induction de la tolérance par la voie nasale résulte en une diminution du recrutement des eosinophils dans le BAL, une inhibition de la sécrétion de cytokines pro-inflammatoires de type TH2 et de l'hypo-réponse des cellules T à l'allergène. Récemment, les cellules régulatrices «naturelles » de type CD4+CD25+ T (Tregs) ont été proposées comme acteurs essentiels dans le développement de l'asthme et de l'allergie. L'objectif de cette étude est d'étudier le rôle des cellules régulatrices CD4+CD25+ T dans les mécanismes menant à la tolérance dans un modèle établi d'asthme. Dans ce but nous avons déplété les cellules de CD4+CD25+ T à différents temps au cours du protocole d'induction d'asthme et de tolérance et nous avons regardé l'efficacité de l'induction de tolérance (application intranasale d'une dose importante d'allergène) en l'absence de Tregs. Dans un premier temps des souris sensibilisées à l'ovalbumine (OVA) ont été déplétées en cellules CD25+ T par l'injection intrapéritonéale d'anti-CD25 mAb (PC61) pour une longue période (injections répétées d'anti-CD25 du jour 31 jusqu'à la fin du protocole) ou pour une courte période (injection unique d'anti-CD25 avant ou après l'induction de tolérance). Nous avons démontré que la déplétion à long t erme des cellules de CD4+CD25+ T a empêché l'induction de tolérance (recrutement accru d'éosinophiles dans le BAL et une réponse vigoureuse des cellules T spécifiques de l'antigène après exposition à l'allergène) tandis des déplétions à court-terme n'ont pas cet effet. Nous avons ensuite caractérisé des sous-populations de cellules T par cytométrie de flux. Nous avons observé que la majorité des cellules CD4+CD25+ T expriment Foxp3, un marqueur établi des cellules régulatrices. Nous avons également examiné in vitro l'activité régulatrice des cellules T CD4+CD25+ issues de souris tolérisées. La prolifération de cellules T en coculture a démontré une forte activité suppressive des cellules CD4+CD25+. Nos données suggèrent que des cellules T CD4+CD25+ ayant des propriétés régulatrices jouent un rôle crucial dans l'induction de la tolérance par la voie nasale. Le rapport entre les cellules régulatrices naturelles CD4+CD25+ et les cellules régulatrices inductible de type TR1 I1-10+ devra être défini. RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC L'asthme est une maladie inflammatoire des bronches, caractérisée par des crises de dyspnée (gêne respiratoire) témoignant d'une activation brutale des muscles bronchoconstricteurs, auxquelles s'associent un oedème et une hypersécrétion des muqueuses des voies aériennes ainsi qu'une importante production d'anticorps de l'allergie (IgE). Chez la plupart des enfants atteints et chez près de la moitié des adultes concernés par l'asthme, c'est une allergie à des substances présentes dans l'air environnant (acariens, pollens ou poils d'animaux) qui est à l'origine de la maladie. . Le traitement actuel de l'asthme repose d'une part sur le soulagement des symptômes grâce à des produits à base de stéroïdes ou des bronchodilatateurs. D'autre part, l'immunothérapie spécifique (aussi appelée désensibilisation) permet d'améliorer l'asthme et de «reprogrammer» le système immunitaire. C'est à ce jour, le seul moyen connu de faire régresser une allergie. Cependant l'immunothérapie prend beaucoup de temps (3 à 5 ans) et ne marche pas à tous les coups ni pour tous les antigènes. Il est donc important de mieux comprendre les mécanismes impliqués lors d'un tel traitement afin d'en améliorer l'efficacité. Af n de pouvoir investiguer en détail ces mécanismes des modèles d'immunothérapie ont été mis au point chez la souris. Notre étude se base sur un modèle d'asthme allergique chez la souris. Des souris sont rendues allergiques à l'ovalbumine (OVA) et présentent alors les caractéristiques majeures de l'asthme humain (recrutement de cellules inflammatoires dans les poumons, augmentation de la production d'IgE et de la résistance des bronches aux flux respiratoires). Ces souris asthmatiques une fois traitées par l'application nasale d'OVA (forme d'immunothérapie muqueuse) ne développent plus de réaction allergique lors d'une ré-exposition à l'allergène. Notre hypothèse est que cette «guérison» (tolérance) est liée à l'action de cellules (lymphocytes T CD4) dites «régulatrices» et caractérisées par le marqueur CD25. Pour le démontrer, nous avons éliminé ces cellules «régulatrices» CD25 de nos souris asthmatiques grâce à un anticorps monoclonal spécifique. Nous n'avons dès lors plus été en mesure d'induire une tolérance à l'allergène. Ceci suggère donc un rôle clé des cellules «régulatrices» T CD4+CD25+ dans la réussite de l'immunothérapie nasale dans notre modèle. Nos résultats n'excluent pas la participation d'autres cellules telles que les lymphocytes producteurs d'IL-10 (lymphocytes régulateurs induits). Le rôle respectif de ces sous-populations régulatrices devra être examiné dans les études à venir. Une meilleure maîtrise des mécanismes de régulation pourrait s'avérer cruciale pour améliorer les thérapies de l'asthme.
Objective: Respiratory assistance with nasal continuous positive airway pressure (n-CPAP) is an effective treatment in premature newborns presenting respiratory distress. The aim of the study was to depict cardiac function, systemic (Qs) and pulmonary output (Qp) by echocardiography in stable premature infants requiring prolonged n-CPAP. Our hypothesis was that n-CPAP could reduce pulmonary blood flow. Patients and methods: All premature infants < 32 weeks gestation, > 7 days-old, requiring n-CPAP without severe respiratory compromise nor need for additional oxygen were prospectively included. Every patient had a first echocardiography while on n-CPAP. N-CPAP was then discontinued for two hours and a second echocardiography was performed. Results: 17 premature infants were included. Mean gestational age was 28 ± 2 weeks and mean weight 1.1 ± 0.3 kg. Following retrieval of n-CPAP we observed an increase in Qp of 53 ml/kg/min (95% CI 19-87 ml/kg/min), but no significant change in Qs. Consecutively a significant increase in Qp/Qs ratio of 16% was found (95% CI 7-29%). Conclusions: Nasal continuous positive airway pressure has hemodynamic effects in preterm infants in stable pulmonary and cardiac conditions. It reduces pulmonary output without interference with systemic output.
OBJETIVO: Este estudo propõe-se a avaliar o papel da tomografia computadorizada e da ressonância magnética na caracterização da extensão profunda dos tumores malignos da cavidade nasal. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Entre 1990 e 2000 foram avaliados, retrospectivamente, 12 pacientes com diagnóstico de tumores malignos da cavidade nasal atendidos nos Departamentos de Diagnóstico por Imagem e Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço do Complexo Hospitalar Heliópolis, São Paulo, SP. Todos os casos foram confirmados com exame anatomopatológico. RESULTADOS: Foi identificada extensão para os seios maxilares e etmoidal em seis pacientes, para a cavidade nasal contralateral, órbita e lâmina crivosa em cinco pacientes, para a nasofaringe e espaço mastigatório em dois pacientes, e para o seio cavernoso, fossas cranianas anterior e média, fossa pterigomaxilar, fissuras orbitárias superior e inferior, seio frontal, seio etmoidal contralateral, lâmina crivosa contralateral, palato duro e fossa pterigopalatina em um paciente. CONCLUSÃO: A análise precisa da extensão local e disseminação tumoral dada pela tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética desempenha papel importante no planejamento terapêutico, influenciando também o prognóstico.