983 resultados para multi-media


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Las aplicaciones de la teledetección al seguimiento de lo que ocurre en la superficie terrestre se han ido multiplicando y afinando con el lanzamiento de nuevos sensores por parte de las diferentes agencias espaciales. La necesidad de tener información actualizada cada poco tiempo y espacialmente homogénea, ha provocado el desarrollo de nuevos programas como el Earth Observing System (EOS) de la National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Uno de los sensores que incorpora el buque insignia de ese programa, el satélite TERRA, es el Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR), diseñado para capturar información multiangular de la superficie terrestre. Ya desde los años 1970, se conocía que la reflectancia de las diversas ocupaciones y usos del suelo variaba en función del ángulo de observación y de iluminación, es decir, que eran anisotrópicas. Tal variación estaba además relacionada con la estructura tridimensional de tales ocupaciones, por lo que se podía aprovechar tal relación para obtener información de esa estructura, más allá de la que pudiera proporcionar la información meramente espectral. El sensor MISR incorpora 9 cámaras a diferentes ángulos para capturar 9 imágenes casi simultáneas del mismo punto, lo que permite estimar con relativa fiabilidad la respuesta anisotrópica de la superficie terrestre. Varios trabajos han demostrado que se pueden estimar variables relacionadas con la estructura de la vegetación con la información que proporciona MISR. En esta Tesis se ha realizado una primera aplicación a la Península Ibérica, para comprobar su utilidad a la hora de estimar variables de interés forestal. En un primer paso se ha analizado la variabilidad temporal que se produce en los datos, debido a los cambios en la geometría de captación, es decir, debido a la posición relativa de sensores y fuente de iluminación, que en este caso es el Sol. Se ha comprobado cómo la anisotropía es mayor desde finales de otoño hasta principios de primavera debido a que la posición del Sol es más cercana al plano de los sensores. También se ha comprobado que los valores máximo y mínimo se van desplazando temporalmente entre el centro y el extremo angular. En la caracterización multiangular de ocupaciones del suelo de CORINE Land Cover que se ha realizado, se puede observar cómo la forma predominante en las imágenes con el Sol más alto es convexa con un máximo en la cámara más cercana a la fuente de iluminación. Sin embargo, cuando el Sol se encuentra mucho más bajo, ese máximo es muy externo. Por otra parte, los datos obtenidos en verano son mucho más variables para cada ocupación que los de noviembre, posiblemente debido al aumento proporcional de las zonas en sombra. Para comprobar si la información multiangular tiene algún efecto en la obtención de imágenes clasificadas según ocupación y usos del suelo, se han realizado una serie de clasificaciones variando la información utilizada, desde sólo multiespectral, a multiangular y multiespectral. Los resultados muestran que, mientras para las clasificaciones más genéricas la información multiangular proporciona los peores resultados, a medida que se amplían el número de clases a obtener tal información mejora a lo obtenido únicamente con información multiespectral. Por otra parte, se ha realizado una estimación de variables cuantitativas como la fracción de cabida cubierta (Fcc) y la altura de la vegetación a partir de información proporcionada por MISR a diferentes resoluciones. En el valle de Alcudia (Ciudad Real) se ha estimado la fracción de cabida cubierta del arbolado para un píxel de 275 m utilizando redes neuronales. Los resultados muestran que utilizar información multiespectral y multiangular puede mejorar casi un 20% las estimaciones realizadas sólo con datos multiespectrales. Además, las relaciones obtenidas llegan al 0,7 de R con errores inferiores a un 10% en Fcc, siendo éstos mucho mejores que los obtenidos con el producto elaborado a partir de datos multiespectrales del sensor Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), también a bordo de Terra, para la misma variable. Por último, se ha estimado la fracción de cabida cubierta y la altura efectiva de la vegetación para 700.000 ha de la provincia de Murcia, con una resolución de 1.100 m. Los resultados muestran la relación existente entre los datos espectrales y los multiangulares, obteniéndose coeficientes de Spearman del orden de 0,8 en el caso de la fracción de cabida cubierta de la vegetación, y de 0,4 en el caso de la altura efectiva. Las estimaciones de ambas variables con redes neuronales y diversas combinaciones de datos, arrojan resultados con R superiores a 0,85 para el caso del grado de cubierta vegetal, y 0,6 para la altura efectiva. Los parámetros multiangulares proporcionados en los productos elaborados con MISR a 1.100 m, no obtienen buenos resultados por sí mismos pero producen cierta mejora al incorporarlos a la información espectral. Los errores cuadráticos medios obtenidos son inferiores a 0,016 para la Fcc de la vegetación en tanto por uno, y 0,7 m para la altura efectiva de la misma. Regresiones geográficamente ponderadas muestran además que localmente se pueden obtener mejores resultados aún mejores, especialmente cuando hay una mayor variabilidad espacial de las variables estimadas. En resumen, la utilización de los datos proporcionados por MISR ofrece una prometedora vía de mejora de resultados en la media-baja resolución, tanto para la clasificación de imágenes como para la obtención de variables cuantitativas de la estructura de la vegetación. ABSTRACT Applications of remote sensing for monitoring what is happening on the land surface have been multiplied and refined with the launch of new sensors by different Space Agencies. The need of having up to date and spatially homogeneous data, has led to the development of new programs such as the Earth Observing System (EOS) of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). One of the sensors incorporating the flagship of that program, the TERRA satellite, is Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR), designed to capture the multi-angle information of the Earth's surface. Since the 1970s, it was known that the reflectance of various land covers and land uses varied depending on the viewing and ilumination angles, so they are anisotropic. Such variation was also related to the three dimensional structure of such covers, so that one could take advantage of such a relationship to obtain information from that structure, beyond which spectral information could provide. The MISR sensor incorporates 9 cameras at different angles to capture 9 almost simultaneous images of the same point, allowing relatively reliable estimates of the anisotropic response of the Earth's surface. Several studies have shown that we can estimate variables related to the vegetation structure with the information provided by this sensor, so this thesis has made an initial application to the Iberian Peninsula, to check their usefulness in estimating forest variables of interest. In a first step we analyzed the temporal variability that occurs in the data, due to the changes in the acquisition geometry, i.e. the relative position of sensor and light source, which in this case is the Sun. It has been found that the anisotropy is greater from late fall through early spring due to the Sun's position closer to the plane of the sensors. It was also found that the maximum and minimum values are displaced temporarily between the center and the ends. In characterizing CORINE Land Covers that has been done, one could see how the predominant form in the images with the highest sun is convex with a maximum in the camera closer to the light source. However, when the sun is much lower, the maximum is external. Moreover, the data obtained for each land cover are much more variable in summer that in November, possibly due to the proportional increase in shadow areas. To check whether the information has any effect on multi-angle imaging classification of land cover and land use, a series of classifications have been produced changing the data used, from only multispectrally, to multi-angle and multispectral. The results show that while for the most generic classifications multi-angle information is the worst, as there are extended the number of classes to obtain such information it improves the results. On the other hand, an estimate was made of quantitative variables such as canopy cover and vegetation height using information provided by MISR at different resolutions. In the valley of Alcudia (Ciudad Real), we estimated the canopy cover of trees for a pixel of 275 m by using neural networks. The results showed that using multispectral and multiangle information can improve by almost 20% the estimates that only used multispectral data. Furthermore, the relationships obtained reached an R coefficient of 0.7 with errors below 10% in canopy cover, which is much better result than the one obtained using data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), also onboard Terra, for the same variable. Finally we estimated the canopy cover and the effective height of the vegetation for 700,000 hectares in the province of Murcia, with a spatial resolution of 1,100 m. The results show a relationship between the spectral and the multi-angle data, and provide estimates of the canopy cover with a Spearman’s coefficient of 0.8 in the case of the vegetation canopy cover, and 0.4 in the case of the effective height. The estimates of both variables using neural networks and various combinations of data, yield results with an R coefficient greater than 0.85 for the case of the canopy cover, and 0.6 for the effective height. Multi-angle parameters provided in the products made from MISR at 1,100 m pixel size, did not produce good results from themselves but improved the results when included to the spectral information. The mean square errors were less than 0.016 for the canopy cover, and 0.7 m for the effective height. Geographically weighted regressions also showed that locally we can have even better results, especially when there is high spatial variability of estimated variables. In summary, the use of the data provided by MISR offers a promising way of improving remote sensing performance in the low-medium spatial resolution, both for image classification and for the estimation of quantitative variables of the vegetation structure.


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Current text-to-speech systems are developed using studio-recorded speech in a neutral style or based on acted emotions. However, the proliferation of media sharing sites would allow developing a new generation of speech-based systems which could cope with spontaneous and styled speech. This paper proposes an architecture to deal with realistic recordings and carries out some experiments on unsupervised speaker diarization. In order to maximize the speaker purity of the clusters while keeping a high speaker coverage, the paper evaluates the F-measure of a diarization module, achieving high scores (>85%) especially when the clusters are longer than 30 seconds, even for the more spontaneous and expressive styles (such as talk shows or sports).


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Hoy en día, con la evolución continua y rápida de las tecnologías de la información y los dispositivos de computación, se recogen y almacenan continuamente grandes volúmenes de datos en distintos dominios y a través de diversas aplicaciones del mundo real. La extracción de conocimiento útil de una cantidad tan enorme de datos no se puede realizar habitualmente de forma manual, y requiere el uso de técnicas adecuadas de aprendizaje automático y de minería de datos. La clasificación es una de las técnicas más importantes que ha sido aplicada con éxito a varias áreas. En general, la clasificación se compone de dos pasos principales: en primer lugar, aprender un modelo de clasificación o clasificador a partir de un conjunto de datos de entrenamiento, y en segundo lugar, clasificar las nuevas instancias de datos utilizando el clasificador aprendido. La clasificación es supervisada cuando todas las etiquetas están presentes en los datos de entrenamiento (es decir, datos completamente etiquetados), semi-supervisada cuando sólo algunas etiquetas son conocidas (es decir, datos parcialmente etiquetados), y no supervisada cuando todas las etiquetas están ausentes en los datos de entrenamiento (es decir, datos no etiquetados). Además, aparte de esta taxonomía, el problema de clasificación se puede categorizar en unidimensional o multidimensional en función del número de variables clase, una o más, respectivamente; o también puede ser categorizado en estacionario o cambiante con el tiempo en función de las características de los datos y de la tasa de cambio subyacente. A lo largo de esta tesis, tratamos el problema de clasificación desde tres perspectivas diferentes, a saber, clasificación supervisada multidimensional estacionaria, clasificación semisupervisada unidimensional cambiante con el tiempo, y clasificación supervisada multidimensional cambiante con el tiempo. Para llevar a cabo esta tarea, hemos usado básicamente los clasificadores Bayesianos como modelos. La primera contribución, dirigiéndose al problema de clasificación supervisada multidimensional estacionaria, se compone de dos nuevos métodos de aprendizaje de clasificadores Bayesianos multidimensionales a partir de datos estacionarios. Los métodos se proponen desde dos puntos de vista diferentes. El primer método, denominado CB-MBC, se basa en una estrategia de envoltura de selección de variables que es voraz y hacia delante, mientras que el segundo, denominado MB-MBC, es una estrategia de filtrado de variables con una aproximación basada en restricciones y en el manto de Markov. Ambos métodos han sido aplicados a dos problemas reales importantes, a saber, la predicción de los inhibidores de la transcriptasa inversa y de la proteasa para el problema de infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana tipo 1 (HIV-1), y la predicción del European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) a partir de los cuestionarios de la enfermedad de Parkinson con 39 ítems (PDQ-39). El estudio experimental incluye comparaciones de CB-MBC y MB-MBC con los métodos del estado del arte de la clasificación multidimensional, así como con métodos comúnmente utilizados para resolver el problema de predicción de la enfermedad de Parkinson, a saber, la regresión logística multinomial, mínimos cuadrados ordinarios, y mínimas desviaciones absolutas censuradas. En ambas aplicaciones, los resultados han sido prometedores con respecto a la precisión de la clasificación, así como en relación al análisis de las estructuras gráficas que identifican interacciones conocidas y novedosas entre las variables. La segunda contribución, referida al problema de clasificación semi-supervisada unidimensional cambiante con el tiempo, consiste en un método nuevo (CPL-DS) para clasificar flujos de datos parcialmente etiquetados. Los flujos de datos difieren de los conjuntos de datos estacionarios en su proceso de generación muy rápido y en su aspecto de cambio de concepto. Es decir, los conceptos aprendidos y/o la distribución subyacente están probablemente cambiando y evolucionando en el tiempo, lo que hace que el modelo de clasificación actual sea obsoleto y deba ser actualizado. CPL-DS utiliza la divergencia de Kullback-Leibler y el método de bootstrapping para cuantificar y detectar tres tipos posibles de cambio: en las predictoras, en la a posteriori de la clase o en ambas. Después, si se detecta cualquier cambio, un nuevo modelo de clasificación se aprende usando el algoritmo EM; si no, el modelo de clasificación actual se mantiene sin modificaciones. CPL-DS es general, ya que puede ser aplicado a varios modelos de clasificación. Usando dos modelos diferentes, el clasificador naive Bayes y la regresión logística, CPL-DS se ha probado con flujos de datos sintéticos y también se ha aplicado al problema real de la detección de código malware, en el cual los nuevos ficheros recibidos deben ser continuamente clasificados en malware o goodware. Los resultados experimentales muestran que nuestro método es efectivo para la detección de diferentes tipos de cambio a partir de los flujos de datos parcialmente etiquetados y también tiene una buena precisión de la clasificación. Finalmente, la tercera contribución, sobre el problema de clasificación supervisada multidimensional cambiante con el tiempo, consiste en dos métodos adaptativos, a saber, Locally Adpative-MB-MBC (LA-MB-MBC) y Globally Adpative-MB-MBC (GA-MB-MBC). Ambos métodos monitorizan el cambio de concepto a lo largo del tiempo utilizando la log-verosimilitud media como métrica y el test de Page-Hinkley. Luego, si se detecta un cambio de concepto, LA-MB-MBC adapta el actual clasificador Bayesiano multidimensional localmente alrededor de cada nodo cambiado, mientras que GA-MB-MBC aprende un nuevo clasificador Bayesiano multidimensional. El estudio experimental realizado usando flujos de datos sintéticos multidimensionales indica los méritos de los métodos adaptativos propuestos. ABSTRACT Nowadays, with the ongoing and rapid evolution of information technology and computing devices, large volumes of data are continuously collected and stored in different domains and through various real-world applications. Extracting useful knowledge from such a huge amount of data usually cannot be performed manually, and requires the use of adequate machine learning and data mining techniques. Classification is one of the most important techniques that has been successfully applied to several areas. Roughly speaking, classification consists of two main steps: first, learn a classification model or classifier from an available training data, and secondly, classify the new incoming unseen data instances using the learned classifier. Classification is supervised when the whole class values are present in the training data (i.e., fully labeled data), semi-supervised when only some class values are known (i.e., partially labeled data), and unsupervised when the whole class values are missing in the training data (i.e., unlabeled data). In addition, besides this taxonomy, the classification problem can be categorized into uni-dimensional or multi-dimensional depending on the number of class variables, one or more, respectively; or can be also categorized into stationary or streaming depending on the characteristics of the data and the rate of change underlying it. Through this thesis, we deal with the classification problem under three different settings, namely, supervised multi-dimensional stationary classification, semi-supervised unidimensional streaming classification, and supervised multi-dimensional streaming classification. To accomplish this task, we basically used Bayesian network classifiers as models. The first contribution, addressing the supervised multi-dimensional stationary classification problem, consists of two new methods for learning multi-dimensional Bayesian network classifiers from stationary data. They are proposed from two different points of view. The first method, named CB-MBC, is based on a wrapper greedy forward selection approach, while the second one, named MB-MBC, is a filter constraint-based approach based on Markov blankets. Both methods are applied to two important real-world problems, namely, the prediction of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase and protease inhibitors, and the prediction of the European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) from 39-item Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39). The experimental study includes comparisons of CB-MBC and MB-MBC against state-of-the-art multi-dimensional classification methods, as well as against commonly used methods for solving the Parkinson’s disease prediction problem, namely, multinomial logistic regression, ordinary least squares, and censored least absolute deviations. For both considered case studies, results are promising in terms of classification accuracy as well as regarding the analysis of the learned MBC graphical structures identifying known and novel interactions among variables. The second contribution, addressing the semi-supervised uni-dimensional streaming classification problem, consists of a novel method (CPL-DS) for classifying partially labeled data streams. Data streams differ from the stationary data sets by their highly rapid generation process and their concept-drifting aspect. That is, the learned concepts and/or the underlying distribution are likely changing and evolving over time, which makes the current classification model out-of-date requiring to be updated. CPL-DS uses the Kullback-Leibler divergence and bootstrapping method to quantify and detect three possible kinds of drift: feature, conditional or dual. Then, if any occurs, a new classification model is learned using the expectation-maximization algorithm; otherwise, the current classification model is kept unchanged. CPL-DS is general as it can be applied to several classification models. Using two different models, namely, naive Bayes classifier and logistic regression, CPL-DS is tested with synthetic data streams and applied to the real-world problem of malware detection, where the new received files should be continuously classified into malware or goodware. Experimental results show that our approach is effective for detecting different kinds of drift from partially labeled data streams, as well as having a good classification performance. Finally, the third contribution, addressing the supervised multi-dimensional streaming classification problem, consists of two adaptive methods, namely, Locally Adaptive-MB-MBC (LA-MB-MBC) and Globally Adaptive-MB-MBC (GA-MB-MBC). Both methods monitor the concept drift over time using the average log-likelihood score and the Page-Hinkley test. Then, if a drift is detected, LA-MB-MBC adapts the current multi-dimensional Bayesian network classifier locally around each changed node, whereas GA-MB-MBC learns a new multi-dimensional Bayesian network classifier from scratch. Experimental study carried out using synthetic multi-dimensional data streams shows the merits of both proposed adaptive methods.


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The electronic and mechanical media such as film, television, photography, offset, are just examples of how fast and important the technological development had become in society. Nevertheless the outcoming technologies and the continuous development had provided newer and better possibilities every time for having advanced services. Nowadays multi-view video has been developed with different tools and applications, having as main goal to be more innovative and bring within technical offerings in a friendly for all users in general, in terms of managing and accessibility (just internet connection is needed). The intention of all technologies is to generate an innovation in order to gain more users and start being popular, therefore is important to realize an implementation in this case. In such terms realizing about the outreach that Multi View Video, an importance to become more global in this days, an application that supports this aim such as the possibility of language selection within the use of a same scenario has been realized. Finally is important to point out that thanks to the Multi View Video's continuous progress in technology a more intercultural market will be reachable, making of it a shared society growth on the world's global development. � ��� ���� ������� ��� �� ��� ��� �������� ��� ���� ��� ��� ������ ���������� � ���� � �� ���� ���� � ���� �� � � ���� � � ��� ��� �� ��� �� � ��� ��� ��������� �� � ����� ��������� ��� � ��� � ���� ���� ����� ����������� ��� ��� �� � ������������� �� �������� �������� ������� ������� �� ����� �������� ��� � � �� ���� �������� ���� ����� �������� �������� �� ������ ���� �� � ����������� ������������� � � ��!��� � � � �� ������� ��� ��������"������ � �� ���������� �������� ��� �� ������ � ����� ����� ��� ��� �� � �� �� ���� �� ��� �� ���� � � � �� ��� ������ �� �� ��� �� �� ��� �� � �� ��� #�� ��� ������� � ��� �� � �� ������$������� � ��� ��� # ������� � ����� ����� �� ���� �% ���% �������� ��� ����� ����������� �� ������� �� � �� ������ ��� ���� �� ��� �� � ����� �� � �� � �� ����� ��� ��� ���� � � �� ��� ��������� ����� ��� � � �� ���������������������� ����������� ��� #����& ������ �� ��� �� � ���� � ��� � �� � ���'�� �� ��� ��� � % ��� % ���(�� ��� ������ � �� ���� �� ���������� ���� �� � � ��� � ����� '� �� ��� ��� ���������� ��' ������ ������ ������ � ��� �� ����� ����� ��(������������������� ��� � �


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One of the key factors for a given application to take advantage of cloud computing is the ability to scale in an efficient, fast and reliable way. In centralized multi-party video conferencing, dynamically scaling a running conversation is a complex problem. In this paper we propose a methodology to divide the Multipoint Control Unit (the video conferencing server) into more simple units, broadcasters. Each broadcaster receives the media from a participant, processes it and forwards it to the rest. These broadcasters can be distributed among a group of CPUs. By using this methodology, video conferencing systems can scale in a more granular way, improving the deployment.


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Multi party videoconference systems use MCU (Multipoint Control Unit) devices to forward media streams. In this paper we describe a mechanism that allows the mobility of such streams between MCU devices. This mobility is especially useful when redistribution of streams is needed due to scalability requirements. These requirements are mandatory in Cloud scenarios to adapt the number of MCUs and their capabilities to variations in the user demand. Our mechanism is based on TURN (Traversal Using Relay around NAT) standard and adapts MICE (Mobility with ICE) specification to the requirements of this kind of scenarios. We conclude that this mechanism achieves the stream mobility in a transparent way for client nodes and without interruptions for the users.


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Traditional Text-To-Speech (TTS) systems have been developed using especially-designed non-expressive scripted recordings. In order to develop a new generation of expressive TTS systems in the Simple4All project, real recordings from the media should be used for training new voices with a whole new range of speaking styles. However, for processing this more spontaneous material, the new systems must be able to deal with imperfect data (multi-speaker recordings, background and foreground music and noise), filtering out low-quality audio segments and creating mono-speaker clusters. In this paper we compare several architectures for combining speaker diarization and music and noise detection which improve the precision and overall quality of the segmentation.


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Estudios recientes promueven la integración de estímulos multisensoriales en activos multimedia con el fin de mejorar la experiencia de usuario mediante la estimulación de nuevos sentidos, más allá de la tradicional experiencia audiovisual. Del mismo modo, varios trabajos proponen la introducción de componentes de interacción capaces de complementar con nuevas características, funcionalidades y/o información la experiencia multimedia. Efectos sensoriales basados en el uso de nuevas técnicas de audio, olores, viento, vibraciones y control de la iluminación, han demostrado tener un impacto favorable en la sensación de Presencia, en el disfrute de la experiencia multimedia y en la calidad, relevancia y realismo de la misma percibidos por el usuario. Asimismo, los servicios basados en dos pantallas y la manipulación directa de (elementos en) la escena de video tienen el potencial de mejorar la comprensión, la concentración y la implicación proactiva del usuario en la experiencia multimedia. El deporte se encuentra entre los géneros con mayor potencial para integrar y explotar éstas soluciones tecnológicas. Trabajos previos han demostrado asimismo la viabilidad técnica de integrar éstas tecnologías con los estándares actualmente adoptados a lo largo de toda la cadena de transmisión de televisión. De este modo, los sistemas multimedia enriquecidos con efectos sensoriales, los servicios interactivos multiplataforma y un mayor control del usuario sobre la escena de vídeo emergen como nuevas formas de llevar la multimedia immersiva e interactiva al mercado de consumo de forma no disruptiva. Sin embargo, existen numerosas interrogantes relativas a los efectos sensoriales y/o soluciones interactivas más adecuadas para complementar un contenido audiovisual determinado o a la mejor manera de de integrar y combinar dichos componentes para mejorar la experiencia de usuario de un segmento de audiencia objetivo. Además, la evidencia científica sobre el impacto de factores humanos en la experiencia de usuario con estas nuevas formas de immersión e interacción en el contexto multimedia es aún insuficiente y en ocasiones, contradictoria. Así, el papel de éstos factores en el potencial de adopción de éstas tecnologías ha sido amplia-mente ignorado. La presente tesis analiza el impacto del audio binaural, efectos sensoriales (de iluminación y olfativos), interacción con objetos 3D integrados en la escena de vídeo e interacción con contenido adicional utilizando una segunda pantalla en la experiencia de usuario con contenidos de deporte. La posible influencia de dichos componentes en las variables dependientes se explora tanto a nivel global (efecto promedio) como en función de las características de los usuarios (efectos heterogéneos). Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un experimento con usuarios orientado a explorar la influencia de éstos componentes immersivos e interactivos en dos grandes dimensiones de la experiencia multimedia: calidad y Presencia. La calidad de la experiencia multimedia se analiza en términos de las posibles variaciones asociadas a la calidad global y a la calidad del contenido, la imagen, el audio, los efectos sensoriales, la interacción con objetos 3D y la interacción con la segunda pantalla. El posible impacto en la Presencia considera dos de las dimensiones definidas por el cuestionario ITC-SOPI: Presencia Espacial (Spatial Presence) e Implicación (Engagement). Por último, los individuos son caracterizados teniendo en cuenta los siguientes atributos afectivos, cognitivos y conductuales: preferencias y hábitos en relación con el contenido, grado de conocimiento de las tecnologías integradas en el sistema, tendencia a involucrarse emocionalmente, tendencia a concentrarse en una actividad bloqueando estímulos externos y los cinco grandes rasgos de la personalidad: extroversión, amabilidad, responsabilidad, inestabilidad emocional y apertura a nuevas experiencias. A nivel global, nuestro estudio revela que los participantes prefieren el audio binaural frente al sistema estéreo y que los efectos sensoriales generan un aumento significativo del nivel de Presencia Espacial percibido por los usuarios. Además, las manipulaciones experimentales realizadas permitieron identificar una gran variedad de efectos heterogéneos. Un resultado interesante es que dichos efectos no se encuentran distribuidos de forma equitativa entre las medidas de calidad y Presencia. Nuestros datos revelan un impacto generalizado del audio binaural en la mayoría de las medidas de calidad y Presencia analizadas. En cambio, la influencia de los efectos sensoriales y de la interacción con la segunda pantalla se concentran en las medidas de Presencia y calidad, respectivamente. La magnitud de los efectos heterogéneos identificados está modulada por las siguientes características personales: preferencias en relación con el contenido, frecuencia con la que el usuario suele ver contenido similar, conocimiento de las tecnologías integradas en el demostrador, sexo, tendencia a involucrarse emocionalmente, tendencia a a concentrarse en una actividad bloqueando estímulos externos y niveles de amabilidad, responsabilidad y apertura a nuevas experiencias. Las características personales consideradas en nuestro experimento explicaron la mayor parte de la variación en las variables dependientes, confirmando así el importante (y frecuentemente ignorado) papel de las diferencias individuales en la experiencia multimedia. Entre las características de los usuarios con un impacto más generalizado se encuentran las preferencias en relación con el contenido, el grado de conocimiento de las tecnologías integradas en el sistema y la tendencia a involucrarse emocionalmente. En particular, los primeros dos factores parecen generar un conflicto de atención hacia el contenido versus las características/elementos técnicos del sistema, respectivamente. Asimismo, la experiencia multimedia de los fans del fútbol parece estar modulada por procesos emociona-les, mientras que para los no-fans predominan los procesos cognitivos, en particular aquellos directamente relacionados con la percepción de calidad. Abstract Recent studies encourage the integration of multi-sensorial stimuli into multimedia assets to enhance the user experience by stimulating other senses beyond sight and hearing. Similarly, the introduction of multi-modal interaction components complementing with new features, functionalities and/or information the multimedia experience is promoted. Sensory effects as odor, wind, vibration and light effects, as well as an enhanced audio quality, have been found to favour media enjoyment and to have a positive influence on the sense of Presence and on the perceived quality, relevance and reality of a multimedia experience. Two-screen services and a direct manipulation of (elements in) the video scene have the potential to enhance user comprehension, engagement and proactive involvement of/in the media experience. Sports is among the genres that could benefit the most from these solutions. Previous works have demonstrated the technical feasibility of implementing and deploying end-to-end solutions integrating these technologies into legacy systems. Thus, sensorially-enhanced media, two-screen services and an increased user control over the displayed scene emerge as means to deliver a new form of immersive and interactive media experiences to the mass market in a non-disruptive manner. However, many questions remain concerning issues as the specific interactive solutions or sensory effects that can better complement a given audiovisual content or the best way in which to integrate and combine them to enhance the user experience of a target audience segment. Furthermore, scientific evidence on the impact of human factors on the user experience with these new forms of immersive and interactive media is still insufficient and sometimes, contradictory. Thus, the role of these factors on the potential adoption of these technologies has been widely ignored. This thesis analyzes the impact of binaural audio, sensory (light and olfactory) effects, interaction with 3D objects integrated into the video scene and interaction with additional content using a second screen on the sports media experience. The potential influence of these components on the dependent variables is explored both at the overall level (average effect) and as a function of users’ characteristics (heterogeneous effects). To these aims, we conducted an experimental study exploring the influence of these immersive and interactive elements on the quality and Presence dimensions of the media experience. Along the quality dimension, we look for possible variations on the quality scores as-signed to the overall media experience and to the media components content, image, audio, sensory effects, interaction with 3D objects and interaction using the tablet device. The potential impact on Presence is analyzed by looking at two of the four dimensions defined by the ITC-SOPI questionnaire, namely Spatial Presence and Engagement. The users’ characteristics considered encompass the following personal affective, cognitive and behavioral attributes: preferences and habits in relation to the content, knowledge of the involved technologies, tendency to get emotionally involved and tendency to get absorbed in an activity and block out external distractors and the big five personality traits extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experience. At the overall level, we found that participants preferred binaural audio than standard stereo audio and that sensory effects increase significantly the level of Spatial Presence. Several heterogeneous effects were also revealed as a result of our experimental manipulations. Interestingly, these effects were not equally distributed across the quality and Presence measures analyzed. Whereas binaural audio was foud to have an influence on the majority of the quality and Presence measures considered, the effects of sensory effects and of interaction with additional content through the tablet device concentrate mainly on the dimensions of Presence and on quality measures, respectively. The magnitude of these effects was modulated by individual’s characteristics, such as: preferences in relation to the content, frequency of viewing similar content, knowledge of involved technologies, gender, tendency to get emotionally involved, tendency to absorption and levels of agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience. The personal characteristics collected in our experiment explained most of the variation in the dependent variables, confirming the frequently neglected role of individual differences on the media experience. Preferences in relation to the content, knowledge of involved technologies and tendency to get emotionally involved were among the user variables with the most generalized influence. In particular, the former two features seem to present a conflict in the allocation of attentional resources towards the media content versus the technical features of the system, respectively. Additionally, football fans’ experience seems to be modulated by emotional processes whereas for not fans, cognitive processes (and in particular those related to quality judgment) prevail.


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The elemental analysis of Spanish palm dates by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry is reported for the first time. To complete the information about the mineral composition of the samples, C, H, and N are determined by elemental analysis. Dates from Israel, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Iran have also been analyzed. The elemental composition have been used in multivariate statistical analysis to discriminate the dates according to its geographical origin. A total of 23 elements (As, Ba, C, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, H, In, K, Li, Mg, Mn, N, Na, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, V, and Zn) at concentrations from major to ultra-trace levels have been determined in 13 date samples (flesh and seeds). A careful inspection of the results indicate that Spanish samples show higher concentrations of Cd, Co, Cr, and Ni than the remaining ones. Multivariate statistical analysis of the obtained results, both in flesh and seed, indicate that the proposed approach can be successfully applied to discriminate the Spanish date samples from the rest of the samples tested.


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Social networking apps, sites and technologies offer a wide range of opportunities for businesses and developers to exploit the vast amount of information and user-generated content produced through social networking. In addition, the notion of second screen TV usage appears more influential than ever, with viewers continuously seeking further information and deeper engagement while watching their favourite movies or TV shows. In this work, the authors present SAM, an innovative platform that combines social media, content syndication and targets second screen usage to enhance media content provisioning, renovate the interaction with end-users and enrich their experience. SAM incorporates modern technologies and novel features in the areas of content management, dynamic social media, social mining, semantic annotation and multi-device representation to facilitate an advanced business environment for broadcasters, content and metadata providers, and editors to better exploit their assets and increase their revenues.


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Australia ’s media policy agenda has recently been dominated by debate over two key issues: media ownership reform, and the local content provisions of the Australia–United States Free Trade Agreement. Challenging the tendency to analyse these issues separately, the article considers them as interlinked indicators of fundamental shifts occurring in the digital media environment. Converged media corporations increasingly seek to achieve economies of scale through ‘content streaming’: multi-purposing proprietary content across numerous digitally enabled platforms. This has resulted in rivalries for control of delivery technologies (as witnessed in media ownership debates) as well as over market access for corporate content (in the case of local content debates). The article contextualises Australia’s contemporary media policy flashpoints within international developments and longer-term industry strategising. It further questions the power of media policy as it is currently conceived to deal adequately with the challenges raised by a converging digital media marketplace.


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In this paper, we explore the idea of social role theory (SRT) and propose a novel regularized topic model which incorporates SRT into the generative process of social media content. We assume that a user can play multiple social roles, and each social role serves to fulfil different duties and is associated with a role-driven distribution over latent topics. In particular, we focus on social roles corresponding to the most common social activities on social networks. Our model is instantiated on microblogs, i.e., Twitter and community question-answering (cQA), i.e., Yahoo! Answers, where social roles on Twitter include "originators" and "propagators", and roles on cQA are "askers" and "answerers". Both explicit and implicit interactions between users are taken into account and modeled as regularization factors. To evaluate the performance of our proposed method, we have conducted extensive experiments on two Twitter datasets and two cQA datasets. Furthermore, we also consider multi-role modeling for scientific papers where an author's research expertise area is considered as a social role. A novel application of detecting users' research interests through topical keyword labeling based on the results of our multi-role model has been presented. The evaluation results have shown the feasibility and effectiveness of our model.


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The popularity of online social media platforms provides an unprecedented opportunity to study real-world complex networks of interactions. However, releasing this data to researchers and the public comes at the cost of potentially exposing private and sensitive user information. It has been shown that a naive anonymization of a network by removing the identity of the nodes is not sufficient to preserve users’ privacy. In order to deal with malicious attacks, k -anonymity solutions have been proposed to partially obfuscate topological information that can be used to infer nodes’ identity. In this paper, we study the problem of ensuring k anonymity in time-varying graphs, i.e., graphs with a structure that changes over time, and multi-layer graphs, i.e., graphs with multiple types of links. More specifically, we examine the case in which the attacker has access to the degree of the nodes. The goal is to generate a new graph where, given the degree of a node in each (temporal) layer of the graph, such a node remains indistinguishable from other k-1 nodes in the graph. In order to achieve this, we find the optimal partitioning of the graph nodes such that the cost of anonymizing the degree information within each group is minimum. We show that this reduces to a special case of a Generalized Assignment Problem, and we propose a simple yet effective algorithm to solve it. Finally, we introduce an iterated linear programming approach to enforce the realizability of the anonymized degree sequences. The efficacy of the method is assessed through an extensive set of experiments on synthetic and real-world graphs.


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This paper presents an innovative approach for enhancing digital libraries functionalities. An innovative distributed architecture involving digital libraries for effective and efficient knowledge sharing was developed. In the frame of this architecture semantic services were implemented, offering multi language and multi culture support, adaptability and knowledge resources recommendation, based on the use of ontologies, metadata and user modeling. New methods for teacher education using digital libraries and knowledge sharing were developed. These new methods were successfully applied in more than 15 pilot experiments in seven European countries, with more than 3000 teachers trained.


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The possibility of crowdsourced information, multi-geographical and multi-organisational information flows during emergencies and crises provided by web 2.0 tools are providing emergency management centres with new communication challenges and opportunities. Building on the existing emergency management and social media literature, this article explores how institutions are using and adopting social media for emergency communication. By examining the drivers and barriers of social media adoption in two European governmental agencies dealing with emergencies, the paper aims to establish a framework to examine whether and how institutional resilience could be improved.