984 resultados para mortalidad neonatal


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El presente proyecto se plantea por la necesidad de estudiar la problemática derivada de la aplicación del Real Decreto 378/93 que establece un plan de forestación de superficies agrarias adoptando la normativa comunitaria reflejada en el Reglamento 2080/92. El objetivo de la legislación es la forestación de tierras agrícolas de baja rentabilidad, conservando el medio natural y obteniendo otros beneficios de índole diversa. Esta nueva situación genera una problemática que requiere la participación de investigadores, técnicos, gestores, productores y distribuidores para evitar errores que, a largo plazo, pueden provocar un efecto contrario al que pretendía la legislación. La aplicación del RD 378/93 desde el año 1993 afectaba 150.000 ha en el año 1996 con dispar distribución territorial. El éxito en el establecimiento de las plantaciones fue muy heterogéneo, como cabía esperar de la gran diversidad de estaciones forestadas. El objetivo general de la investigación propuesta en el Proyecto era disminuir los índices de mortalidad en plantaciones establecidas en tierras agrarias. La hipótesis de trabajo que se estableció era que la mortalidad elevada se relaciona con la calidad de la planta y que las particulares condiciones de reforestación incrementan la necesidad de utilizar planta con una calidad anatómica y fisiológica óptima. El establecimiento de un sistema de retroalimentación entre los distintos sistemas de producción de planta y los resultados de la plantación permitían diseñar métodos para la evaluación de la calidad de planta de vivero mediante indicadores fisiológicos. La participación en el proyecto de equipos investigadores con experiencia en la caracterización fisiológica de planta forestal producida en vivero (Subproyecto Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes, en adelante ETSIM) y en la influencia de la calidad del sistema radical en la supervivencia y crecimiento en plantación (Subproyecto Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentaries, en adelante IRTA) nos permitía abordar el objetivo general propuesto. La participación de empresas viverísticas e instituciones colaboradoras (Forestal Catalana S.A., Genforsa, Generalitat de Catalunya) nos garantizaba la disponibilidad de material vegetal, instalaciones y parcelas experimentales. Con este planteamiento, se estableció un Plan de Trabajo con los siguientes objetivos parciales (entre paréntesis los equipos implicados en cada tarea).


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The high rate of natural Trypanosoma cruzi infection found in opossums does not always correlate with appreciable densities of local triatomid populations. One alternative method which might bypass the invertebrate vector is direct transmission from mother to offspring. This possibility was investigated in five T. cruzi infected females and their litters (24 young). The influence of maternal antibodies transferred via lactation, on the course of experimental infection, was also examined. Our results show that neonatal transmission is probably not responsible for the high rate of natural T. cruzi infection among opossums. In addition antibodies of maternal origin confer a partial protection to the young. This was demonstrated by the finding of a double prepatency period and 4,5 fold lower levels of circulating parasites, in experimentally infected pouch young from infected as compared to control uninfected mothes. On the other hand, the duration of patent parasitemia was twice as long as that observed in the control group.


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Resum L'estudi és una aproximació a l'anàlisi de l'evolució i de les característiques de la mortalitat a la província de Tarragona durant tot el segle XX. L'objectiu de la recerca és doble, per una part es descriu l'evolució de la mortalitat mitjançant la Transició Demogràfica i Epidemiològica i, per una altra, es desenvolupen algunes hipòtesis que tractaran d'explicar el procés de la Transició Sanitària mitjançant els factors determinants. En contra de l'argument monocausal (McKeown, 1976), els defensors de l'actuació multicausal (Livi Bacci, 1987; entre d'altres) podrien ser els promotors de la Teoria de la Transició Sanitària de Frenk en 1991. La multiplicitat de factors (culturals, educatius, socials, sanitaris...) i les variades interaccions entre ells, que protegeixen i resisteixen la malaltia, és el que podria explicar la diversitat de nivells de causes de malaltia i la mort entre les diferents àrees territorials i la seva cronologia. Resumen El estudio es una aproximación al análisis de la evolución y de las características de la mortalidad en la provincia de Tarragona durante todo el siglo XX. El objetivo de la investigación es doble, por una parte se describe la evolución de la mortalidad a través de la Transición Demográfica y Epidemiológica en la provincia y, por otra, se desarrollan algunas hipótesis que tratarán de explicar el proceso de la Transición Sanitaria a través de los factores determinantes. En contra del argumento monocausal (McKeown, 1976), los defensores de la actuación multicausal (Livi Bacci, 1987; entre otros) podrían ser los promotores de la Teoría de la Transición Sanitaria de Frenk en 1991. La multiplicidad de factores (culturales, educacionales, sociales, sanitarios…) y las variadas interacciones entre ellos, que protegen y resisten a la enfermedad, es lo que podría explicar la diversidad de niveles de causas de enfermedad y la muerte entre las diferentes áreas territoriales y su cronología. ---------- Palabras clave ---------- Demografía, mortalidad, Tarragona, transición epidemiológica, transición sanitaria, enfermedad, salud, esperanza de vida, administración pública


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Postnatal glucocorticoid treatment of preterm infants was mimicked by treating newborn rats with dexamethasone (0.1-0.01 microg/g, days 1-4). This regimen has been shown to cause delayed alveolarization. Knowing that microvascular maturation (transformation of double- to single-layered capillary networks in alveolar septa) and septal thinning prevent further alveolarization, we measured septal maturation on electron photomicrographs in treated and control animals. In treated rats and before day 10, we observed a premature nonreversing microvascular maturation and a transient septal thinning, which both appeared focally. In vascular casts of both groups, we observed contacts between the two capillary layers of immature alveolar septa, which were predictive for capillary fusions. Studying serial electron microscopic sections of human lungs, we were able to confirm the postulated fusion process for the first time. We conclude that alveolar microvascular maturation indeed occurs by capillary fusion and that the dexamethasone-induced impairment of alveolarization is associated with focal premature capillary fusion.


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The multiplicity of cell death mechanisms induced by neonatal hypoxia-ischemia makes neuroprotective treatment against neonatal asphyxia more difficult to achieve. Whereas the roles of apoptosis and necrosis in such conditions have been studied intensively, the implication of autophagic cell death has only recently been considered. Here, we used the most clinically relevant rodent model of perinatal asphyxia to investigate the involvement of autophagy in hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. Seven-day-old rats underwent permanent ligation of the right common carotid artery, followed by 2 hours of hypoxia. This condition not only increased autophagosomal abundance (increase in microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3-11 level and punctuate labeling) but also lysosomal activities (cathepsin D, acid phosphatase, and beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase) in cortical and hippocampal CA3-damaged neurons at 6 and 24 hours, demonstrating an increase in the autophagic flux. In the cortex, this enhanced autophagy may be related to apoptosis since some neurons presenting a high level of autophagy also expressed apoptotic features, including cleaved caspase-3. On the other hand, enhanced autophagy in CA3 was associated with a more purely autophagic cell death phenotype. In striking contrast to CA3 neurons, those in CA1 presented only a minimal increase in autophagy but strong apoptotic characteristics. These results suggest a role of enhanced autophagy in delayed neuronal death after severe hypoxia-ischemia that is differentially linked to apoptosis according to the cerebral region.


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Hypoglycemia, if recurrent, may have severe consequences on cognitive and psychomotor development of neonates. Therefore, screening for hypoglycemia is a daily routine in every facility taking care of newborn infants. Point-of-care-testing (POCT) devices are interesting for neonatal use, as their handling is easy, measurements can be performed at bedside, demanded blood volume is small and results are readily available. However, such whole blood measurements are challenged by a wide variation of hematocrit in neonates and a spectrum of normal glucose concentration at the lower end of the test range. We conducted a prospective trial to check precision and accuracy of the best suitable POCT device for neonatal use from three leading companies in Europe. Of the three devices tested (Precision Xceed, Abbott; Elite XL, Bayer; Aviva Nano, Roche), Aviva Nano exhibited the best precision. None completely fulfilled the ISO-accuracy-criteria 15197: 2003 or 2011. Aviva Nano fulfilled these criteria in 92% of cases while the others were <87%. Precision Xceed reached the 95% limit of the 2003 ISO-criteria for values ≤4.2 mmol/L, but not for the higher range (71%). Although validated for adults, new POCT devices need to be specifically evaluated on newborn infants before adopting their routine use in neonatology.


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El fracàs renal agut constitueix una de les complicacions més greus en els pacients de les unitats de cures intensives, amb una mortalitat segons publicacions del 42%. Un nombre important d’aquests pacients requereixen tècniques continues de depuració extrarrenal (TCDE). Hem realitzat un estudi en el que s’ha inclós 29 pacients ingressats durant l’any 2008 a la UCI del Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, que foren sotmesos a TCDE. Analitzem les possibles variables associades a la mortalitat. Les variables relacionades amb la mortalitat són el tipus de patologia motiu d'ingrés en UCI, l'edat i els dies de tractament amb TCDE.


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Estudi retrospectiu realitzat en dos centres hospitalaris durant el període 1996-2009, per valorar els factors pronòstics de mortalitat a la pneumònia pneumocòccica greu. Van ser inclosos 70 pacients ingressats a unitats de cures intensives amb Streptococcus pneumoniae aïllat a cultiu de sang i amb criteris de pneumònia greu segons la American Thoracic Society. Al nostre estudi, la resistència als macròlids i una alta puntuació als índexs de gravetat APACHE II, SOFA i PSI son factors associats a un major risc de mortalitat en pacients amb pneumònia pneumocòccica greu.


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We employed two independent approaches to inactivate the angiogenic protein VEGF in newborn mice: inducible, Cre-loxP- mediated gene targeting, or administration of mFlt(1-3)-IgG, a soluble VEGF receptor chimeric protein. Partial inhibition of VEGF achieved by inducible gene targeting resulted in increased mortality, stunted body growth and impaired organ development, most notably of the liver. Administration of mFlt(1-3)-IgG, which achieves a higher degree of VEGF inhibition, resulted in nearly complete growth arrest and lethality. Ultrastructural analysis documented alterations in endothelial and other cell types. Histological and biochemical changes consistent with liver and renal failure were observed. Endothelial cells isolated from the liver of mFlt(1-3)-IgG-treated neonates demonstrated an increased apoptotic index, indicating that VEGF is required not only for proliferation but also for survival of endothelial cells. However, such treatment resulted in less significant alterations as the animal matured, and the dependence on VEGF was eventually lost some time after the fourth postnatal week. Administration of mFlt(1-3)-IgG to juvenile mice failed to induce apoptosis in liver endothelial cells. Thus, VEGF is essential for growth and survival in early postnatal life. However, in the fully developed animal, VEGF is likely to be involved primarily in active angiogenesis processes such as corpus luteum development.


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La fractura de maluc és una lesió d’alta gravetat la incidència de la qual ha augmentat de manera notable durant les últimes dècades, per causa de l’envelliment de la població. Suposa una gran font de morbimortalitat en la gent gran i origina un gran problema tant en l’àmbit econòmic com en l’àmbit social. Dins dels factors que s’han descrit com responsables d’una major mortalitat trobem la demora quirúrgica. Al nostre estudi, però, una major demora no va tenir relació amb una major mortalitat.


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L’objectiu es valorar si els pacients afectats de fractura d’húmer proximal tractats quirúrgicament tenen menys morbi-mortalitat a mig termini que els que presenten una fractura de fèmur proximal tractada quirúrgicament. Observem una menor mortalitat en les fractures d’húmer proximal amb un 14.43% respecte al 36% de les fractures de maluc als 8 anys de seguiment. El 79.5% dels pacients amb fractures d’húmer continuen essent independents per a les activitats de la vida diària. Un 26% han tingut fractures posteriors a la fractura d’húmer i un 11.3% ja estaven diagnosticats d’osteoporosis amb anterioritat.


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Objetivo: Analizar los factores asociados a mortalidad en UCI, en planta y al año. Material y Métodos: Estudio prospectivo observacional de 134 pacientes cuya evolución se sigue hasta el fallecimiento o hasta el año del episodio crítico. Resultados: mortalidad en UCI 20,9%, mortalidad hospitalaria 24,6%, mortalidad al año 34,1%. Conclusiones: La mortalidad en UCI se correlaciona con el APACHE II medio de 22 y SAPS II medio de 60. Los fallecidos en planta tienen una APACHE de 15 y SAPS de 51. Al año, encontramos relación con la edad media de 69 años, APACHE de 20 y SAPS de 57.


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Acute heart failure in the early neonatal period is rare. Normally it is due to asphyxia, severe septicaemia, a congenital heart malformation or a viral myocarditis. Kawasaki disease (KD) as a cause of an neonatal myocarditis is not an established diagnosis. KD is a vasculitis of still unknown origin occurring predominantly in infants and preschool children. KD before the age of 3 months is rare. There are only few reports about KD in the 1st month. We present a newborn who showed the cardiac symptoms of KD in the 1st week of life with coronary dilatation and myocarditis. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of incomplete KD should be considered not only in infants but also in newborns with signs of myocarditis and coronary abnormalities. Therapy with gammaglobulins may prevent the sequelae of coronary involvement.


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Hypoglycaemia is a major cause of neonatal morbidity and may induce long-term developmental sequelae. Clinical signs of hypoglycaemia in neonatal infants are unspecific or even absent, and therefore, precise and accurate methods for the assessment of glycaemia are needed. Glycaemia measurement in newborns has some particularities like a very low limit of normal glucose concentration compared to adults and a large range of normal haematocrit values. Many bedside point-of-care testing (POCT) systems are available, but literature about their accuracy in newborn infants is scarce and not very convincing. In this retrospective study, we identified over a 1-year study period 1,324 paired glycaemia results, one obtained at bedside with one of three different POCT systems (Elite? XL, Ascensia? Contour? and ABL 735) and the other in the central laboratory of the hospital with the hexokinase reference method. All three POCT systems tended to overestimate glycaemia values, and none of them fulfilled the ISO 15197 accuracy criteria. The Elite XL appeared to be more appropriate than Contour to detect hypoglycaemia, however with a low specificity. Contour additionally showed an important inaccuracy with increasing haematocrit. The bench analyzer ABL 735 was the most accurate of the three tested POCT systems. Both of the tested handheld glucometers have important drawbacks in their use as screening tools for hypoglycaemia in newborn infants. ABL 735 could be a valuable alternative, but the blood volume needed is more than 15 times higher than for handheld glucometers. Before daily use in the newborn population, careful clinical evaluation of each new POCT system for glucose measurement is of utmost importance.