903 resultados para medicalization of birth


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Objective: To evaluate perinatal factors associated with early neonatal death in preterm infants with birth weights (BW) of 400-1,500 g.Methods: A multicenter prospective cohort study of all infants with BW of 400-1,500 g and 23-33 weeks of gestational age (GA), without malformations, who were born alive at eight public university tertiary hospitals in Brazil between June of 2004 and May of 2005. Infants who died within their first 6 days of life were compared with those who did not regarding maternal and neonatal characteristics and morbidity during the first 72 hours of life. Variables associated with the early deaths were identified by stepwise logistic regression.Results: A total of 579 live births met the inclusion criteria. Early deaths occurred in 92 (16%) cases, varying between centers from 5 to 31%, and these differences persisted after controlling for newborn illness severity and mortality risk score (SNAPPE-II). According to the multivariate analysis, the following factors were associated with early intrahospital neonatal deaths: gestational age of 23-27 weeks (odds ratio - OR = 5.0; 95%CI 2.7-9.4), absence of maternal hypertension (OR = 1.9; 95%CI 1.0-3.7), 5th minute Apgar 0-6 (OR = 2.8; 95%CI 1.4-5.4), presence of respiratory distress syndrome (OR = 3.1; 95%CI 1.4-6.6), and network center of birth.Conclusion: Important perinatal factors that are associated with early neonatal deaths in very low birth weight preterm infants can be modified by interventions such as improving fetal vitality at birth and reducing the incidence and severity of respiratory distress syndrome. The heterogeneity of early neonatal rates across the different centers studied indicates that best clinical practices should be identified and disseminated throughout the country.


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Weight-age and hip height-age relations of Nellore calves, from birth to 10 months old were fitted using a logistic model including sex and year of birth as fixed effects. Calves and their dams were reared on natural pasture using continuous grazing system. The crude protein content and total digestible nutrients were analyzed for pasture selected by the animals. The weights of the calves were adjusted to 205 days and 365 days. There were no significant effects of sex and birth year on the growth curve parameters, but there were significant effects of sex on hip height. The average weight (a parameter) at 10 months of age was 170 kg and the inflection point was observed at 93.5 days old. When weight-age and hip height-age curves were combined in the same graph, the intersection occurred at 142 days. The number of days to gain 160 kg from birth to 205 days of age (adjusted) and number of days to gain 240 kg from 205 days to slaughter was different between the birth years, which were probably due to the quality of the natural pastures. It is necessary to implement nutritional management strategies such as high quality pasture and/or feeding supplementation for calves once they reach three months of age.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objectives this paper were to estimate genetic parameters and genetic and phenotypic trends of birth weight (BWT) and weights adjusted to 205 (WT205), 365 (WT365) and 550 (P550) days of age of beef buffaloes born from 1985 to 2003 in Brazil. For BWT and WT205 the model included direct and maternal genetic and maternal environment as random effects and contemporary and genetic groups as fixed effects. For WT365 and WT550 the same model was used except without direct maternal and maternal environmental effects. The genetic and phenotypic trends were estimated by regression of means of dependent variables on birth year of animals Regressions were obtained by using two methodologies: 1) linear regression; and 2) non-parametric splined regression. The direct heritability estimates were 0.09, 0.45, 0.46 and 0.58 for BWT, WT205, WT365 and WT550, respectively. The direct genetic trends from linear regression were 0.01, 0.23, 0.58 and 1.40 kg per year for PN, WT205, VVT365 and WT550, respectively (P<0.001 for all). Phenotypic trends were strongly positive while genetic trends were consistently positive but small. Genetic parameters indicate potential for increased rate of genetic change with full implementation of genetic improvement programs.


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With the exception of the cleft lip, developmental defects (DD) of the lip are rare. The upper lip originates from the ectomesenchyme and is formed by the merging of the nasal medial and lateral processes with the maxillary process. Disturbances during this formation period can cause DD with functional and/or esthetic repercussions. We present a case of DD of the upper lip in a patient with a history of progressive growth of the left lateral portion of the upper lip that occurred from the time of birth until the age of 22 years. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the area from the left philtral columns to the left commissure of the lip, extending the portion of the surface mucosa creating a flaccid and asymptomatic tissue mass. All other buccal structures appeared to be within normal limits and without any evidence of defects or deformities. In the surgical planning we decided to carry out corrective surgery in two phases. The first phase accomplished a conservative excision of the total abnormal labial tissue mass with a CO2 laser radiation (5 W in continuous mode, bunch diameter φ = 0.6 mm with a power density of 768 W/cm2 and fluency of 0.231 J/cm2) being careful to preserve the vermilion portion of the lip. Postsurgical clinical evaluations were done every three days until the skin sutures were removed and then every seven days until two months post surgery. While the entire mass of excessive tissue could not be completely removed, the removal of the excessive mucosal tissue produced a very good outcome relative to lip function, with a good esthetic result without scarring, and good tissue mobility. The results showed that the CO2 laser is an extremely useful instrument that can provide excellent control of the surgical field and allow for healing that produces excellent functional and esthetic results. © 2005 Taylor & Francis.


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In order to contribute to the genetic breeding programs of buffaloes, this study aimed to determine the influence of environmental effects on the stayability (ST) of dairy female Murrah buffalo in the herd. Data from 1016 buffaloes were used. ST was defined as the ability of the female to remain in the herd for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 years after the first calving. Environmental effects were studied by survival analysis, adjusted to the fixed effects of farm, year and season of birth, class of first-lactation milk yield and age at first calving. The data were analyzed using the LIFEREG procedure of the SAS program that fits parametric models to failure time data (culling or ST = 0), and estimates parameters by maximum likelihood estimation. Breeding farm, year of birth and first-lactation milk yield significantly influenced (P < 0.0001) the ST to the specific ages (1 to 6 years after the first calving). Buffaloes that were older at first calving presented higher probabilities of being culled 1 year after the first calving, without any effect on culling at older ages. Buffaloes with a higher milk yield at first calving presented a lower culling probability and remained for a longer period of time in the herd. The effects of breeding farm, year of birth and first-lactation milk yield should be included in models used for the analysis of ST in buffaloes. Copyright © The Animal Consortium 2010.


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The objective of this study was to define production environments by grouping different environmental factors and, consequently, to assess genotype by production environment interactions on weaning weight (WW) in the Angus populations of Brazil and Uruguay. Climatic conditions were represented by monthly temperature means (°C), minimum and maximum temperatures in winter and summer respectively and accumulated rainfall (mm/year). Mode in month of birth and weaning, and calf weight (kg) and age (days) at weaning were used as indicators of management conditions of 33 and 161 herds in 13 and 34 regions in Uruguay and Brazil, respectively. Two approaches were developed: (a) a bi-character analysis of extreme sub-datasets within each environmental factor (bottom and top 33% of regions), (b) three different production environments (including farms from both countries) were defined in a cluster analysis using standardized environmental factors. To identify the variables that influenced the cluster formation, a discriminant analysis was previously carried out. Management (month, age and weight at weaning) and climatic factors (accumulated rainfalls and winter and summer temperatures) were the most important factors in the clustering of farms. Bi or trivariate analyses were performed to estimate heritability and genetic correlations for WW in extreme sub-datasets within environmental factor or between clusters, using MTDFREML software. Heritability estimates of WW in the first approach ranged from 0.27 to 0.54, and genetic correlations between top and bottom sub-datasets within environmental factors, from -0.29 to 0.70. In the cluster approach, heritabilities were 0.58±0.04 for cluster 1, 0.31±0.01 for Cluster 2 and 0.40±0.02 for Cluster 3. Genetic correlations were 0.27±0.08, 0.32±0.09 and 0.33±0.09, between clusters 1 and 2, 1 and 3, and 2 and 3, respectively. Both approaches suggest the existence of genotype x environment interaction for weaning weight in Angus breed of Brazil and Uruguay. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The objective of the present study was to determine the presence of genotype by environment interaction (G × E) and to characterize the phenotypic plasticity of birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), postweaning weight gain (PWG) and yearling scrotal circumference (SC) in composite beef cattle using the reaction norms model with unknown covariate. The animals were born between 1995 and 2008 on 33 farms located throughout all Brazilian biomes between latitude -7 and -31, longitude -40 and -63. The contemporary group was chosen as the environmental descriptor, that is, the environmental covariate of the reaction norms. In general, higher estimates of direct heritability were observed in extreme favorable environments. The mean of direct heritability across the environmental gradient ranged from 0.05 to 0.51, 0.09 to 0.43, 0.01 to 0.43 and from 0.12 to 0.26 for BW, WW, PWG and SC, respectively. The variation in direct heritability observed indicates a different response to selection according to the environment in which the animals of the population are evaluated. The correlation between the level and slope of the reaction norm for BW and PWG was high, indicating that animals with higher average breeding values responded better to improvement in environmental conditions, a fact characterizing a scale of G × E. Low correlation between the intercept and slope was obtained for WW and SC, implying re-ranking of animals in different environments. Genetic variation exists in the sensitivity of animals to the environment, a fact that permits the selection of more plastic or robust genotypes in the population studied. Thus, the G × E is an important factor that should be considered in the genetic evaluation of the present population of composite beef cattle. © The Animal Consortium 2012.


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In most studies on beef cattle longevity, only the cows reaching a given number of calvings by a specific age are considered in the analyses. With the aim of evaluating all cows with productive life in herds, taking into consideration the different forms of management on each farm, it was proposed to measure cow longevity from age at last calving (ALC), that is, the most recent calving registered in the files. The objective was to characterize this trait in order to study the longevity of Nellore cattle, using the Kaplan-Meier estimators and the Cox model. The covariables and class effects considered in the models were age at first calving (AFC), year and season of birth of the cow and farm. The variable studied (ALC) was classified as presenting complete information (uncensored = 1) or incomplete information (censored = 0), using the criterion of the difference between the date of each cow's last calving and the date of the latest calving at each farm. If this difference was >36 months, the cow was considered to have failed. If not, this cow was censored, thus indicating that future calving remained possible for this cow. The records of 11 791 animals from 22 farms within the Nellore Breed Genetic Improvement Program ('Nellore Brazil') were used. In the estimation process using the Kaplan-Meier model, the variable of AFC was classified into three age groups. In individual analyses, the log-rank test and the Wilcoxon test in the Kaplan-Meier model showed that all covariables and class effects had significant effects (P < 0.05) on ALC. In the analysis considering all covariables and class effects, using the Wald test in the Cox model, only the season of birth of the cow was not significant for ALC (P > 0.05). This analysis indicated that each month added to AFC diminished the risk of the cow's failure in the herd by 2%. Nonetheless, this does not imply that animals with younger AFC had less profitability. Cows with greater numbers of calvings were more precocious than those with fewer calvings. Copyright © The Animal Consortium 2012.


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O efeito da idade relativa, que consiste na vantagem obtida pelo atleta nascido mais próximo ao início do ano de seleção, tem se mostrado uma variável importante para o processo de seleção de esportistas. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a influência da época de nascimento no tempo de reação de escolha de futebolistas presentes nas categorias de base (sub 13) de clubes profissionais futebol. Participaram 76 atletas com idade de 13,36 ± 0,45 anos. Os voluntários foram submetidos ao teste do TRE, e os resultados categorizados conforme o semestre de nascimento (S1 ou S2). Foi empregado o teste t para a comparação entre grupos, e análise de Correlação de Pearson para verificar a existência de associações entre as variáveis. Os resultados não indicaram diferenças entre os grupos no tempo de reação (r = 0,033 e p = 0,772) e no tempo de movimento (r = 0,0073 e p = 0,530). Concluiu-se que para essa população, a época de nascimento não influencia no desempenho dessa capacidade.


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The continuous trait age at subsequent rebreeding (ASR) was evaluated using survival analysis in Nellore breed cows that conceived for the first time at approximately 14 months of age. This methodology was chosen because the restricted breeding season produces censored data. The dataset contained 2885 records of ASR (in days). Records of females that did not produce calves in the following year after being exposed to a sire were considered censored (48.3% of the total). The statistical model used was a Weibull mixed survival model, which included fixed effects of contemporary groups (CG) and period and a random effect of individual animal. The effect of contemporary groups on ASR was significant (P < 0.01). Heritabilities obtained for ASR were 0.03 and 0.04 in logarithmic and original scales, respectively. These results indicate that the genetic selection response for subsequent reproduction of 2-year-old Nellore breed females is not expected to be effective based on survival analysis. Furthermore, these results suggest that environmental improvement is fundamental to this important trait. It should be highlighted that an increase in the average date of birth can produce an adverse effect in the future, since this cannot be compensated by genetic improvement.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for milk yield (MY) in buffaloes using reaction norms. Model included the additive direct effect as random and contemporary group (herd and year of birth) were included as fixed effects and cow age classes (linear) as covariables. The animal additive direct random effect was modeled through linear Legendre polynomials on environment gradient (EG) standardized means. Mean trends were taken into account by a linear regression on Legendre polynomials of environmental group means. Residual variance was modeled trough 6 heterogeneity classes (EG). These classes of residual variance was formed : EG1: mean = 866,93 kg (621,68 kg-1011,76 kg); EG2: mean = 1193,00 kg (1011,76 kg-1251,49 kg); EG3: mean = 1309,37 kg (1251,49 kg -1393,20 kg); EG4: mean = 1497,59 kg (1393,20 kg-1593,53 kg); EG5: mean = 1664,78 kg (1593,53 kg -1727,32kg) e EG6: mean = 1973,85 kg (1727,32 kg -2422,19 kg).(Co) variance functions were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood (REML) using the GIBBS3F90 package. The heritability estimates for MY raised as the environmental gradient increased, varying from 0.20 to 0.40. However, in intermediate to favorable environments, the heritability estimates obtained with Considerable genotype-environment interaction was found for MY using reaction norms. For genetic evaluation of MY is necessary to consider heterogeneity of variances to model the residual variance.


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Contents The objective of this work was to verify that mothers classified as super precocious (M1) and precocious (M2) produce more precocious bulls than females classified as normal (M3). This study included 21186 animals with an average age of 21.29 +/- 1.77months that underwent a breeding soundness evaluation from 1999 to 2008. Of these animals, 2019, 6059 and 13108 were offspring of M1, M2 and M3 females, respectively. In the breeding soundness examination, the animals were classified as sound for reproduction, sound under a natural mating regime, unsound for reproduction and discarded. To compare the averages obtained for each category of mother within the individual breeding soundness classes, a chi-square test with a 5% error probability was used, considering the effects of year and month of birth and farm. For the three classes of mothers (M1, M2 and M3), 67.26, 67.22 and 64.16% of bull calves were considered sound for reproduction and 19.71, 19.46 and 21.90% were considered unsound for reproduction, respectively. There was no difference in the frequency of animals that were sound for reproduction under the natural breeding regime between the three classes of mothers (8.87, 9.31 and 9.19%, respectively). There was a difference between the numbers of precocious and normal females that were discarded, with frequencies of 4.01 and 4.75%, respectively (p<0.05). There were differences in year and month of birth and farm between super precocious and precocious cows in relation to the breeding soundness classification of the animals. It was concluded that the bull offspring of super precocious and precocious cows presented a higher percentage of approval in the breeding soundness examination than the bull offspring of normal cows, demonstrating that the selection for precocity of females has contributed to an increase in the sexual precocity of the herd in relation to the sexual maturity of bulls.


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Compared with human beings, the application of ultrasound in estimating fetal age in bitches is limited due to the large variation of breed and size in this species. Several formulas were developed to calculate the gestational age and to provide the date of birth in dogs, but the efficacy of these formulas on the different gestational stages and dog breeds is unknown. The aim of this study was to compare sonographic methods for assessment of gestational age and days before parturition in dogs with different body weights and pregnancy stages. Twenty seven bitches of several sizes were examined and divided into three groups according to the initial body weight (A: <10kg; B: 10.1 - 20kg; C: >20.1kg); then each group was divided into three subgroups according to pregnancy stage (1st: 18 to 30 days; 2nd: 31 to 40 days; 3rd: >40 days) estimated according to the first day of copulation. Ultrasonography was performed weekly from the first stage of pregnancy. In the first and second stage the following formulas were applied: GA = (6XGSD) + 20; DBP = 65 - IG; by Nyland & Matton (2002); GA: gestational age; DBP: days before parturition; DSG: gestational sac diameter; in the third stage: DBP = 61,2 - (24,6 X BD); DBP = 43,5 - (10,9 X CD); by Burk & Ackerman (1996); BD: biparietal diameter; CD: body diameter, and: GA = (15 X BD) + 20; GA = (7 X CD) + 29; GA = (6 X BD) + (3 X CD) + 30; DBP = 65 - GA; by Nyland & Matton (2002). Results were compared statistically. The equations proposed by Nyland & Matton (2002), were more accurate in all pregnancy stages, with a margin of error of only three days, regardless of the size of the animal; therefore these methods are the best option in veterinary practice.