853 resultados para measurement and reporting intellectual capital


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Using panel data of 57 countries during the period of 1995-2012, this study investigates the impact of intellectual property rights (IPR) processes on productivity growth. The IPR processes are decomposed into three stages, innovation process, commercialization process, and IPR protection process. Our results suggest that better IPR protection is directly associated with productivity improvement only in developed economies. In addition, the contribution of IPR processes on growth through foreign direct investment (FDI) appears to be very limited. Only FDI inflows in developed countries which help to create a better innovative capability lead to a higher growth. And in connection with FDI outflows, only IPR protection and commercialization processes are proven to improve productivity in the case of developing countries, particularly when the country acts as the investing country.


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This Master Final Project is intended to show the process developed to the functional and electrical characterization between different devices that use the SpaceWire space communications standard integrated into an evaluation board designed for this purpose. In order to carry out this characterization, firstly, a study to understand the SpaceWire standard is done. After that, another study for the understanding of the demonstration board with its different interfaces and IPs of SpW is done. According to this, it is expected to find out how the SpW devices are structured, especially at FPGA level, and how is the communication between them. Based on the knowledge obtained about SpaceWire and the SpW devices integrated into the evaluation board, the set of measurements and the strategy to validate electrical interoperability between the different devices are defined, as well as to perform functional checks required to ensure its proper understanding. Furthermore, it will let check whether the standard is met and search the limit of operation within a communication system representative of existing equipment in a satellite. Once finished the test plan and implemented on the representative hardware, the board will be considered characterized at SpW level and a report with the conclusions reached about the operation of the SpW interfaces in the board and constraints found will be done. RESUMEN. El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster pretende mostrar el proceso realizado para la caracterización eléctrica y funcional entre distintos dispositivos que utilizan el estándar de comunicaciones espaciales SpaceWire integrados en una tarjeta de evaluación diseñada para tal efecto. Para poder llevar a cabo dicha caracterización, en primer lugar, se realiza un estudio para el conocimiento del estándar SpaceWire. A continuación, se lleva a cabo otro estudio para el conocimiento de la tarjeta de demostración en la que se encuentran los distintos interfaces e IPs de SpW. Con esto último, se pretende conocer como están estructurados los dispositivos SpW, sobre todo a nivel de FPGA, y como se realiza la comunicación entre ellos. En base a los conocimientos adquiridos acerca de SpaceWire y los dispositivos SpW de la tarjeta de evaluación, se definen el conjunto de medidas y la estrategia a seguir para validar eléctricamente la interoperabilidad entre los distintos dispositivos, así como para realizar las comprobaciones funcionales necesarias para asegurar su correcto entendimiento. Además, con ello se podrá comprobar si se cumple el estándar y se podrá también buscar el límite de operación dentro de un sistema de comunicaciones representativo de los equipos existentes en un satélite. Realizado el plan de pruebas y aplicado sobre el hardware representativo se podrá dar por caracterizada la tarjeta a nivel SpW y realizar un informe con las conclusiones alcanzadas acerca del funcionamiento de los interfaces SpW de la tarjeta y las limitaciones encontradas.


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BETs is a three-year project financed by the Space Program of the European Commission, aimed at developing an efficient deorbit system that could be carried on board any future satellite launched into Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The operational system involves a conductive tape-tether left bare to establish anodic contact with the ambient plasma as a giant Langmuir probe. As a part of this project, we are carrying out both numerical and experimental approaches to estimate the collected current by the positive part of the tether. This paper deals with experimental measurements performed in the IONospheric Atmosphere Simulator (JONAS) plasma chamber of the Onera-Space Environment Department. The JONAS facility is a 9- m3 vacuum chamber equipped with a plasma source providing drifting plasma simulating LEO conditions in terms of density and temperature. A thin metallic cylinder, simulating the tether, is set inside the chamber and polarized up to 1000 V. The Earth's magnetic field is neutralized inside the chamber. In a first time, tether collected current versus tether polarization is measured for different plasma source energies and densities. In complement, several types of Langmuir probes are used at the same location to allow the extraction of both ion densities and electron parameters by computer modeling (classical Langmuir probe characteristics are not accurate enough in the present situation). These two measurements permit estimation of the discrepancies between the theoretical collection laws, orbital motion limited law in particular, and the experimental data in LEO-like conditions without magnetic fields. In a second time, the spatial variations and the time evolutions of the plasma properties around the tether are investigated. Spherical and emissive Langmuir probes are also used for a more extensive characterization of the plasma in space and time dependent analysis. Results show the ion depletion because of the wake effect and the accumulation of- ions upstream of the tether. In some regimes (at large positive potential), oscillations are observed on the tether collected current and on Langmuir probe collected current in specific sites.


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Canberra, the ?Bush Capital? of Australia, was a project torn between ambition and avoidance. For fear of upsetting Sydney or Melbourne, its location avoided larger territorial aspirations but its crystalline winning scheme was bold, and contained the promise of enlightened irradiation. Postwar Canberra, like so many other cities at the time, let its future be designed by Cold-War traffic engineers, who confidently turned dream into sprawl and highways. Although Canberra s mix of ambition and banality, of symbolic desire and structural normalcy, may be precisely what a good city is all about, it probably contains these in defective proportions. What Canberra needs is just a little more of itself, in different amounts, to a higher pressure from the inside. We can easily imagine the multiplying of the original Griffin plan, adding the city onto itself, organizing the recent sprawl with new nodes and public transport with more urban streets between them. With this reclaimed space for higher density, Canberra can then grow from the inside instead of sprawling away, lowering its expenditure on transport and its carbon and sustainability footprint. The new nodes will be denser and allow for variety and change in its programmatic design. Minor but detailed changes in street and public space design will also allow for easier multi-species (people, animals?) access to urban and natural resources. Video brief of the project: http://vimeo.com/45799435


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Strategic Knowledge: While entrepreneurship may occur as a natural result of personal drive, it occurs most often, most robustly and is most sustainable in an environment designed to encourage it. Potential entrepreneurs become active entrepreneurs when the conditions are most supportive of their commercial opportunities and their business thus helping channel the two key qualities they exhibit as individuals obsessed maniacs and clairvoyant oracles (Carayannis, GWU Lectures, 2000-2005) and (Carayannis et at, 2003a) towards the generation of sustainable wealth. So far, entrepreneurial scholars who turn into intellectual venture capitalists by founding knowledge-driven companies remain one of the least explored specie in the territory of entrepreneurship. GloCal: The increasing engagement of firms within global knowledge and production networks and their ability to source knowledge globally as well as locally (GloCally), for the development of innovation capacities will shape the future of UK's knowledge resources and its role in the global economy. Practices such as off-shoring R&D activities are widely adopted, creating challenging, and not very well understood, issues related to cross-country and inter-firm knowledge and technology flows. We seek to address the internationalisation and networking of research and innovation activities, including the roles and strategies of enterprises, universities, research centres, governments in a cross-country and inter-sectoral way, to assess the impact and the implications for sustaining and enhancing the competitiveness of UK firms and other British knowledge producers and users.


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-tabletutorial- illustrates how Stata can be used to export statistical results and generate customized reports. Part 1 explains how results from Stata routines can be accessed and how they can be exported using the -file- comand or a wrapper such as, e.g., -mat2txt-. Part 2 shows how model estimation results can be archived using -estwrite- and how models can be tabulated and exported to LaTeX, MS Excel, or MS Word using -estout-. Part 3 illustrates how to set up automatic reports in LaTeX or MS Word. The tutorial is based on a talk given at CEPS/INSTEAD in Luxembourg in October 2008. After install, type -help tabletutorial- to start the tutorial (in Stata 8, type -whelp tabletutorial-). The -mat2txt-, -estwrite-, and -estout- packages, also available from SSC, are required to run the examples.


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Previous editions published under title: The measurement of adult intelligence.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D.C.