964 resultados para mean-field theory


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In this thesis we discuss a representation of quantum mechanics and quantum and statistical field theory based on a functional renormalization flow equation for the one-particle-irreducible average effective action, and we employ it to get information on some specific systems.


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BCJ-relations have a series of important consequences in Quantum FieldrnTheory and in Gravity. In QFT, one can use BCJ-relations to reduce thernnumber of independent colour-ordered partial amplitudes and to relate nonplanarrnand planar diagrams in loop calculations. In addition, one can usernBCJ-numerators to construct gravity scattering amplitudes through a squaringrn procedure. For these reasons, it is important to nd a prescription tornobtain BCJ-numerators without requiring a diagram by diagram approach.rnIn this thesis, after introducing some basic concepts needed for the discussion,rnI will examine the existing diagrammatic prescriptions to obtainrnBCJ-numerators. Subsequently, I will present an algorithm to construct anrneective Yang-Mills Lagrangian which automatically produces kinematic numeratorsrnsatisfying BCJ-relations. A discussion on the kinematic algebrarnfound through scattering equations will then be presented as a way to xrnnon-uniqueness problems in the algorithm.


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The Curie-Weiss model is defined by ah Hamiltonian according to spins interact. For some particular values of the parameters, the sum of the spins normalized with square-root normalization converges or not toward Gaussian distribution. In the thesis we investigate some correlations between the behaviour of the sum and the central limit for interacting random variables.


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Some of the most interesting phenomena that arise from the developments of the modern physics are surely vacuum fluctuations. They appear in different branches of physics, such as Quantum Field Theory, Cosmology, Condensed Matter Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, and also in Mathematical Physics. One of the most important of these vacuum fluctuations, sometimes called "zero-point energy", as well as one of the easiest quantum effect to detect, is the so-called Casimir effect. The purposes of this thesis are: - To propose a simple retarded approach for dynamical Casimir effect, thus a description of this vacuum effect when we have moving boundaries. - To describe the behaviour of the force acting on a boundary, due to its self-interaction with the vacuum.


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In questa tesi vengono presentati i piu recenti risultati relativi all'estensione della teoria dei campi localmente covariante a geometrie che permettano di descrivere teorie di campo supersimmetriche. In particolare, si mostra come la definizione assiomatica possa essere generalizzata, mettendo in evidenza le problematiche rilevanti e le tecniche utilizzate in letteratura per giungere ad una loro risoluzione. Dopo un'introduzione alle strutture matematiche di base, varieta Lorentziane e operatori Green-iperbolici, viene definita l'algebra delle osservabili per la teoria quantistica del campo scalare. Quindi, costruendo un funtore dalla categoria degli spazio-tempo globalmente iperbolici alla categoria delle *-algebre, lo stesso schema viene proposto per le teorie di campo bosoniche, purche definite da un operatore Green-iperbolico su uno spazio-tempo globalmente iperbolico. Si procede con lo studio delle supervarieta e alla definizione delle geometrie di background per le super teorie di campo: le strutture di super-Cartan. Associando canonicamente ad ognuna di esse uno spazio-tempo ridotto, si introduce la categoria delle strutture di super-Cartan (ghsCart) il cui spazio-tempo ridotto e globalmente iperbolico. Quindi, si mostra, in breve, come e possibile costruire un funtore da una sottocategoria di ghsCart alla categoria delle super *-algebre e si conclude presentando l'applicazione dei risultati esposti al caso delle strutture di super-Cartan in dimensione 2|2.


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