336 resultados para mango


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Sandflies stand out as important vectors of leishmaniasis. The females need to ingest blood meals, enabling them to transmit protozoa of the genus Leishmania, which may give rise to visceral leishmaniasis (VL) or American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL), in addition to transmitting other parasites. Leishmaniasis are important infirmities, distributed worldwide, whose infection results from the interaction of reservoir animals, the vector insect, parasitic protozoa and the healthy host. In the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil, these insects are important transmitters of VL, which usually presents in the most serious form. It occurs mainly in metropolitan areas, with the dog as its main reservoir and Lutzomyia longipalpis as the vector. ATL is most present in the highland areas of the state. In addition to hematophagia, engaged in by the females, both sexes need to ingest carbohydrates, which are essential to the sand flies energy requirements and may interfere in the development of Leishmania. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence and abundance of sand flies in different environments on the farm belonging to the Empresa de Pesquisas Agropecuárias do RN (Institute of Agricultural Research of RN), in the municipality of Parnamirim, in order to relate this occurrence with climatological and biological references and eating habits. Three consecutive monthly collections were carried out with CDC traps in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest, in a residence, on a goat breeding farm and on cashew, dwarf and giant coconut, mango, banana, eucalyptus, acacia and bean plantations. A total of 1241 sandflies from eight species (Lutzomyia evandroi, Lutzomyia longipalpis, Lutzomyia shannoni, Lutzomyia sordellii Lutzomyia walkeri, Lutzomyia wellcomei, Lutzomyia whitmani, and Lutzomyia intermedia) were collected, most in the forest environment. L. longipalpis, the main VL transmitter, was confirmed as a species adapted to anthropic environments, whereas others such as L. wellcomei, the vector of ATL, occurred predominantly in forests. Carbohydrate characterization of the sand flies and plants of the region demonstrated that a number of exotic plants such as hay and eucalyptus may play some role in the adaptation of these species to modified environments. Breeding in laboratory showed a mean biological cycle of 53.5 days from egg to adulthood for L. shannoni and the possibility of diapause behavior in L. wellcomei. This study serves as a source of information that may contribute to the epidemiological vigilance of tegumentary and visceral leishmaniasis in the state, given that it analyzes the bioecology of transmitting species, as well as their potential to adapt to new environments


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Dentre todas as etapas que permeiam um laudo foliar, ainda a amostragem continua sendo a mais sujeita a erros. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o tamanho de amostras foliares e a variação do erro amostral para coleta de folhas de pomares de mangueiras. O experimento contou com delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis repetições e quatro tratamentos, que constaram da coleta de uma folha, em cada uma das quatro posições cardeais, em 5; 10; 20 e 40 plantas. Com base nos resultados dos teores de nutrientes, foram calculados as médias, variâncias, erros-padrão das médias, o intervalo de confiança para a média e a porcentagem de erro em relação à média, através da semi-amplitude do intervalo de confiança expresso em porcentagem da média. Concluiu-se que, para as determinações químicas dos macronutrientes, 10 plantas de mangueira seriam suficientes, coletando-se uma folha nos quatro pontos cardeais da planta. Já para os micronutrientes, seriam necessárias, no mínimo, 20 plantas e, se considerarmos o Fe, seria necessário amostrar, pelo menos, 30 plantas.


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A malformação da mangueira causada pelo fungo Fusarium subglutinans Wollenweb & Reinking é provavelmente a doença que mais causa prejuízos à produção de manga no Brasil e em outros países produtores. Esse fungo foi isolado de uma planta-matriz da cultivar Tommy Atkins com avançados sintomas da doença, purificado e preparado para ser inoculado em 15 cultivares de manga nacionais e importadas. Inicialmente, foram inoculadas, em julho de 2000, 10 cultivares: Bourbon IAC - 100, Coração-de-Boi, Keitt, Parvin, Primor de Amoreira, Sensation, Smith, Surpresa, Tommy Atkins e Van Dyke. O segundo grupo foi inoculado em dezembro de 2000, com as cultivares: Adams, Bhadauran, Palmer, Princesa e Zill, e repetiu-se a inoculação com outras mudas das cultivares Primor de Amoreira, Sensation e Tommy Atkins, com a finalidade de se compararem as duas épocas de inoculação. Através dos dados obtidos com as plantas avaliadas nas duas épocas de inoculação, após 11 meses de observações, realizou-se o teste de médias Z para comparar a proporção de plantas doentes entre as cultivares, podendo-se concluir, com os resultados obtidos, que as cultivares Bhadauran, Palmer, Parvin, Sensation, Surpresa, Van Dyke e Zill apresentam menor porcentagem de plantas com sintomas de malformação ou menor progressão de sintomas em relação às outras cultivares inoculadas, para as condições de ambiente protegido em que foram realizados os ensaios.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a ação antifúngica de extratos de plantas medicinais e óleo de eucalipto frente ao dermatófito Trichophyton mentagropytes, visando a utilização da fitoterapia no controle. As plantas utilizadas na obtenção dos extratos foram arruda (Ruta graveolens), citronela (Cymbopogon nardus), cravo de defunto (Tagetes minuta), eucalipto (Eucalyptus spp), graviola (Annona muricata), fruta do conde (Annona spp), manga (Mangifera indica), romã (Punica granatum), flores e folhas de primavera (Bougainvillea spectabilis). Verificou-se que uso de 0,5% óleo de eucalipto no combate ao T. mentagropytes foi eficaz, já os extratos de citronela (4%) eucalipto (5%) e romã (8%) atuaram como fungistáticos e os restantes não devem ser usados contra este dermatófito porque não causaram nenhum efeito.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Com a finalidade de se testar a viabilidade do método de microenxertia para produzir mudas de mangueira livres do fungo Fusarium subglutinans, agente causal da malformação, foram realizados experimentos utilizando-se do ápice meristemático da cultivar Tommy Atkins. Retirou-se o ápice meristemático do porta-enxerto e colocou-se o ápice meristemático da cultivar-copa, denominando-se essa metodologia de microenxertia por substituição de ápice meristemático, na qual foram utilizadas as cultivares Coquinho, Espada, Ouro e Ubá como porta-enxertos. O material de propagação utilizado foi retirado de uma planta-matriz da cultivar Tommy Atkins sem sintomas de malformação. Primeiramente, a parte apical dos ramos foi cortada com aproximadamente 3 cm de comprimento. Os meristemas foram colocados em uma solução antioxidante composta de ácido ascórbico, ácido cítrico e L-cisteína, para evitar a oxidação dos compostos fenólicos existentes na manga. Os meristemas apicais foram cortados com comprimento de 2 mm. em seguida, efetuou-se o corte do meristema apical e de folhas do porta-enxerto, colocando-se o meristema apical sobre o corte do porta-enxerto, recobrindo-se com Parafilm®. Demonstrou-se com a técnica de microenxertia a possibilidade de formação de plantas-matrizes, para implantação de jardim clonal em condições de viveiro protegido.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Avaliaram-se produtos minimamente processados de mangas 'Tommy Atkins' amadurecidas naturalmente ou com etileno. Os frutos amadurecidos com aplicação de etileno foram colhidos no estádio meio-maturo (de vez) e tratados com etileno (1g.L-1) e mantidos em câmaras, por 12 horas, a 23-25ºC e 85-90% UR. Os frutos foram selecionados, lavados com detergente, sanitizados (200mg.L-1 de cloro) e armazenados por 12 horas, a 10ºC. Após este período, foram processados sob condições assépticas, a 12ºC, acondicionados em embalagem PET ou bandeja de poliestireno expandido recoberta por filme de PVC e armazenados a 3ºC. Foram avaliados, a cada 3 dias, a resistência e a coloração da polpa, os teores de ácido ascórbico, sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT), carboidratos solúveis, redutores e amido, relação SS/AT, pH e atividade da peroxidase. Durante o período de armazenamento, os pedaços de manga tornaram-se mais firmes e mantiveram-se amarelos, porém mais escurecidos, o que foi indicado por redução na luminosidade. Os teores de ácido ascórbico nos pedaços das mangas amadurecidas com etileno apresentaram-se menores que os das amadurecidas naturalmente. A acidez apresentou tendência de redução durante o armazenamento, com as amadurecidas com etileno apresentando os maiores valores e os menores pH. Os produtos de mangas amadurecidas com etileno apresentaram os maiores valores de SS, mas menor relação SS/AT, indicando gosto mais azedo. Os teores de carboidratos solúveis e de amido não apresentaram variação com tendência definida, mas os de carboidratos redutores apresentaram tendência de acréscimo, e a atividade da peroxidase, de decréscimo durante o armazenamento. Os produtos de mangas amadurecidas naturalmente foram superiores aos amadurecidos com etileno, mantendo boa qualidade e aparência adequada para a comercialização até o 13º dia, enquanto os das amadurecidas com etileno, por 11 dias.


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Mangas 'Tommy Atkins' produzidas na região de Ibirá, São Paulo, foram pulverizadas na pré-colheita com cloreto de cálcio, nas concentrações de 0,0%, 2,5% e 5,0%, em três épocas de seu desenvolvimento (40; 60 e 90 dias após a floração) a fim de verificar a influência do cálcio na estrutura da parede celular destes frutos através de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, imediatamente após a colheita e depois de 35 dias de armazenamento. Para fixar o material da polpa, utilizou-se metodologia descrita por Jacob e Gowanlock (1995). Nas condições experimentais, verificou-se que os frutos do tratamento-controle (sem cloreto de cálcio), no dia da colheita, já apresentavam desestruturação da parede celular e dissolução da lamela média (LM). A degradação da parede celular ocorre inicialmente na LM, levando à formação de espaços vazios bastante distintos, apresentando uma dissolução ainda maior, com o armazenamento prolongado (35 dias). Os frutos tratados com cloreto de cálcio a 5,0% apresentaram uma LM bem definida e ausência de espaços vazios, mesmo após o armazenamento, mostrando ser uma concentração efetiva na preservação da lamela média.


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A demanda por manga tem apresentado crescimento significativo no mercado internacional. No Brasil, a produção de manga apresenta grande potencial de crescimento para exportação. A utilização de técnicas de indução floral e póscolheita tem permitido explorar brechas de mercado, no momento em que se reduz a oferta dos países concorrentes. O Estado de São Paulo tem aumentado a produção e a exportação de manga na última década. O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar a relação entre a adoção de técnicas de melhoria da qualidade da manga produzida, exigidas na exportação, e a expansão da cultura no Estado de São Paulo. Para a análise da qualidade da manga produzida, utilizou-se como parâmetro o grau de adequação do produtor às normas exigidas nos mercados consumidores, em duas cidades do Estado. A pesquisa de campo mostrou que a adequação aos requisitos exigidos de qualidade tem conformado regiões no Estado de São Paulo, onde o aumento de produção está diretamente relacionado com as exportações. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que essa atividade tem apresentado um retorno econômico atraente aos produtores.


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The scarcity of farmland, reducing the supply of irrigation water and lack of technologies for conservation, makes the globalized world facing serious difficulties in the production of food for its population. The most viable outlet for this dilemma is the dissemination of technologies, economically viable and available to the whole population, for dehydration of perishable foods produced. This paper presents a solar dryer of direct exposure to the production of dried fruit, made from recycled polyethylene drum of 200 liters, used for storing water or trash. The drum was sectioned in half in its longitudinal axis and has its halves together forming a trough-like structure. It describes the processes of construction and assembly of solar dryer proposed, whose main characteristic its low cost, and was designed for use by people with low income, for processing fruits widely available in our region (mango, banana, guava, cashew, pineapple, tomato and others) in dried fruit and flour, contributing significantly to increase the life of these foods. The nuts and flours can be used for own consumption and for marketing jobs and income generation. Tests were conducted to diagnose the feasibility of using solar dryer for the various types of tropical fruits. Were also compared parameters such as drying times and thermal efficiency obtained with the prototype found in the specialized literature in food dehydration. The drying times in the dryer were obtained competitive with those obtained in other models of dryers LMHES developed


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This study aimed to investigate the foam mat drying process of pineapple and mango pulp, as well as to evaluate the final product quality. Initially, the selection of fruit and additives was conducted based on density and stability determinations of mango, seriguela, umbu and pineapple foams. After selecting pineapple and mango for further studies, the fruit pulps and fruit foams were characterized in regard to their physicochemical composition. The temperature (60oC or 70oC) and the foam thickness (4 and 11 mm) were evaluated in accordance to the obtained drying curves and after model adjustment. Mango and pineapple powders obtained at the best process conditions were characterized in regard to their physicochemical composition, solubility, reconstitution time. Yoghurts were prepared with the addition of pineapple and mango powders and they were evaluated for their sensory acceptance. Results show that the best drying rates were achieved by using 70o C and layers 4mm thick for both fruits. The Page model successfully fitted the drying experimental data and it can be used as a predictive model. Pineapple and mango powders showed acid pH, high soluble solids content, low water activity (approx. 0.25), lipids between 1.46% and 2.03%, protein around 2.00%, and ascorbic acid content of 17,73 mg/100g and 14.32 mg/100g, for mango and pineapple, respectively. It was observed higher ascorbic acid retention for pineapple and mango powders processed at 70o C, which would be explained by the lower drying time applied. The fruit powders exhibited high solubility and fast reconstitution in water. The sensory acceptance indexes for yoghurts with the addition of both fruit powders were higher than 70%, which reflect the satisfactory product acceptance


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Drying of fruit pulps in spouted beds of inert particles has been indicated as a viable technique to produce fruit powders. Most of the processes employed to produce dried fruit pulps and juices, such as Foam Mat, encapsulation by co-crystallization and spray drying utilize adjuvant and additives (such as thickeners, coating materials, emulsifiers, acidulants, flavors and dyes), which is not always desirable. The fruit pulp composition exerts an important effect on the fruit powder production using a spouted bed. In the study by Medeiros (2001) it was concluded that lipids, starch and pectin contents play an important role on the process performance, enhancing the powder production; however, the drying of fruit pulps containing high content of reducing sugars (glucose and fructose) is practically unviable. This work has the objective of expanding the studies on drying of fruit pulps in spouted bed with aid of adjuvant (lipids, starch and pectin) aiming to enhance the dryer performance without jeopardizing the sensorial quality of the product. The optimum composition obtained by Medeiros (2001) was the basis for preparing the mixtures of pulps. The mixture formulations included pulps of mango (Mangifera indica), umbu (Spondias tuberosa) and red mombin (Spondia purpurea) with addition of cornstarch, pectin and lipids. Different products were used as lipids source: olive and Brazil nut oils, coconut milk, heavy milk, powder of palm fat and palm olein. First of all, experiments were conducted to define the best formulation of the fruit pulps mixture. This definition was based on the drying performance obtained for each mixture and on the sensorial characteristics of the dry powder. The mixture formulations were submitted to drying at fixed operating conditions of drying and atomizing air flow rate, load of inert particles, temperature and flow rate of the mixture. The best results were obtained with the compositions having powder of palm fat and palm olein in terms of the drying performance and sensorial analysis. Physical and physicochemical characteristics were determined for the dry powders obtained from the mixtures formulations. Solubility and reconstitution time as well as the properties of the product after reconstitution were also evaluated. According to these analyses, the powder from the mixtures formulations presented similar characteristics and compatible quality to those produced in other types of dryers. Considering that the palm olein is produced in Brazil and that it has been used in the food industry substituting the palm fat powder, further studies on drying performance were conducted with the composition that included the palm olein. A complete factorial design of experiments 23, with three repetitions at the central point was conducted to evaluate the effects of the air temperature, feeding flow rate and intermittence time on the responses related to the process performance (powder collection efficiency, material retained in the bed and angle of repose of the inert particles after the process) and to the product quality (mean moisture content, loss of vitamin C and solubility). Powder production was uniform for the majority of the experiments and the higher efficiency with lower retention in the bed (59.2% and 1.8g, respectively) were obtained for the air temperature of 80°C, mixture feed rate of 5ml/min in intervals of 10 min. The statistical analysis of the results showed that the process variables had individual or combined significant influences on the powder collection efficiency, material retention in the bed, powder moisture content and loss of vitamin C. At the experimental ranges of this work, the angle of repose and solubility were not influenced by the operating variables. From the results of the experimental design, statistical models were obtained for the powder moisture content and loss of vitamin C


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This study was carried out in the towns of Dracena, Junquciropolis, Mirandopolis, Aliancas, Ilha Solteira, Castilho, Aracatuba, Birigui and Guararapes, São Paulo State, by surveying 17 Shiitake growers through a questionnaire. Data pertaining to the stages of log-Shiitake growing, recording and characterization of growers and growing systems were entered into Microsoft Excel for Windows. The results showed that Shiitake cultivation is recent and increasing in this region, and that growers have a high education level. Shiitake cultivation is mainly located in rural areas, with both Brazilians of Japanese descent and native Brazilians growing it. The most commonly used trees are eucalyptus and mango. The high level of log contamination is perhaps due to growing without temperature or moisture control and to the inappropriate growing system.. In 2004, there were 45,000 Shiitake-inoculated logs in this region, and the yield stood around 200 g of fresh mushroom/log. The mushrooms are picked in boxes of 200 g, and are sold mainly to Ceasa in open markets.


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Drying of fruit pulps in spouted beds of inert particles has been indicated as a viable technique to produce fruit powders. Most of the processes employed to produce dried fruit pulps and juices, such as Foam Mat, encapsulation by co-crystallization and spray drying utilize adjuvant and additives (such as thickeners, coating materials, emulsifiers, acidulants, flavors and dyes), which is not always desirable. The fruit pulp composition exerts an important effect on the fruit powder production using a spouted bed. In the study by Medeiros (2001) it was concluded that lipids, starch and pectin contents play an important role on the process performance, enhancing the powder production; however, the drying of fruit pulps containing high content of reducing sugars (glucose and fructose) is practically unviable. This work has the objective of expanding the studies on drying of fruit pulps in spouted bed with aid of adjuvant (lipids, starch and pectin) aiming to enhance the dryer performance without jeopardizing the sensorial quality of the product. The optimum composition obtained by Medeiros (2001) was the basis for preparing the mixtures of pulps. The mixture formulations included pulps of mango (Mangifera indica), umbu (Spondias tuberosa) and red mombin (Spondia purpurea) with addition of cornstarch, pectin and lipids. Different products were used as lipids source: olive and Brazil nut oils, coconut milk, heavy milk, powder of palm fat and palm olein. First of all, experiments were conducted to define the best formulation of the fruit pulps mixture. This definition was based on the drying performance obtained for each mixture and on the sensorial characteristics of the dry powder. The mixture formulations were submitted to drying at fixed operating conditions of drying and atomizing air flow rate, load of inert particles, temperature and flow rate of the mixture. The best results were obtained with the compositions having powder of palm fat and palm olein in terms of the drying performance and sensorial analysis. Physical and physicochemical characteristics were determined for the dry powders obtained from the mixtures formulations. Solubility and reconstitution time as well as the properties of the product after reconstitution were also evaluated. According to these analyses, the powder from the mixtures formulations presented similar characteristics and compatible quality to those produced in other types of dryers. Considering that the palm olein is produced in Brazil and that it has been used in the food industry substituting the palm fat powder, further studies on drying performance were conducted with the composition that included the palm olein. A complete factorial design of experiments 23, with three repetitions at the central point was conducted to evaluate the effects of the air temperature, feeding flow rate and intermittence time on the responses related to the process performance (powder collection efficiency, material retained in the bed and angle of repose of the inert particles after the process) and to the product quality (mean moisture content, loss of vitamin C and solubility). Powder production was uniform for the majority of the experiments and the higher efficiency with lower retention in the bed (59.2% and 1.8g, respectively) were obtained for the air temperature of 80°C, mixture feed rate of 5ml/min in intervals of 10 min. The statistical analysis of the results showed that the process variables had individual or combined significant influences on the powder collection efficiency, material retention in the bed, powder moisture content and loss of vitamin C. At the experimental ranges of this work, the angle of repose and solubility were not influenced by the operating variables. From the results of the experimental design, statistical models were obtained for the powder moisture content and loss of vitamin C