983 resultados para mandibular glands


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Cytochemistry studies of the nuclei of the venom glands' cells of worker bees of Apis mellifera indicated that there is a higher activity in the young workers while there is a predominance of degenerative characteristics in the older workers. In addition, we demonstrated that there is an occurrence of differential nuclear synthetic activities between the cells of the distal and the proximal regions of the secretory filament and of the venom reservoir. Signs of a higher nuclear activity were evidenced at the distal regions of this gland in 14-day old workers, while at the more proximal regions of the venom gland of 40-day old workers we identified the most obvious signs of degeneration. Therefore, it was evident that the process of glandular degeneration begins at the distal region of the venom gland instead of beginning at the proximal region as had been established previously. In addition, characteristics of nuclear synthetic activities were noted in the cells of the proximal region of the reservoir; these cells were thought to be non-secretory.


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As compared to Apis mellifera where only workers have hypopharyngeal glands, in Scaptotrigona postica, these glands occur in workers, queens and males. They are composed of two long axial ducts with many unicellular secretory alveoli interconnected by secretory canaliculi. The axial ducts are longer in miles than in workers, but the alveolar areas of queens and males are generally smaller. In workers the alveoli have their greatest size in the nurses or middle-aged individuals while in queens and males they are larger in newly emerged individuals. The results indicate that the glands in workers may produce food for the brood as in A. mellifera, since they are well developed in the nurse workers. However, the function of the glands in queens and males remains to be clarified since these individuals have no part in brood care.


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In order to investigate the action of the juvenile hormone (JH) on honeybee caste differentiation two exocrine glands, Koschewnikow and Dufour glands, were chosen for study. Two combs (I & II) were taken from a single posture of a queen to use for this research. In comb I the larvae were treated with a topical application of JH in Acetone, and those from the comb II (control group) received only Acetone. Immediately after the emergence of the workers, their glands were dissected and prepared for microscopic measurements. The results showed cell area reduction in the Koschewnikow gland induced by the JH application. The results for the Dufour gland displayed taller epithelial cells with the JH application. The difference in glandular responses to the JH relates to gland function, hormone targets, and individual homeostasis.


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The wasps of the genus Polistes have been considered the key to understanding the evolution of social behavior in Hymenoptera. Several studies have shown that the development of organized insect societies was accompanied by the evolution of structures like exocrine glands, which became specialized to perform specific functions. This article investigates the ultrastructural and cytochemical features of the hypopharyngeal glands of Polistes versicolor. These glands have been studied in depth in social bees, where they occur only in nurses and produce the royal jelly. Our results revealed that these glands basically did not vary among individuals or between sexes. They are constituted by spherical cells, each with a large nucleus and well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum. Secretion vesicles are abundant, but lipid droplets were not observed, indicating that these glands may not have a role in pheromone synthesis. Acid phosphatase was detected in lysosomes, and also free in the cytosol, but did not seem to be related with cell death. Thus, our results suggest that the hypopharyngeal glands of P. versicolor may not have a specialized social role, but could produce digestive enzymes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este é um primeiro relato sobre a presença de células glandulares no tegumento lateral do mesotórax de abelhas da subfamília Meliponinae. Trata-se de células glandulares de classe III que estão presentes em rainhas, operárias e machos. As glândulas são mais desenvolvidas nas rainhas que nas operárias e nestas mais que nos machos.


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The mandibular gland secretion (MGS) and the faecal fluid (FF) of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel affected the spore germination of selected microfungi isolated from nests of this insect. MGS was more effective than the FF, completely inhibiting the spore germination of four out of six microfungi species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Different from the classic view, the prostate is not a gland exclusive to the male, also being an organ of the female genital system presenting morphofunctional similarity between human and rodent. Thus structural, ultrastructural, morphometric-stereological features of the female prostate (Skene's paraurethral gland) and steroid serological levels were evaluated during young, adult, and senile ages in the Mongolian gerbil. The morphofunctional precocity of the female gland in comparison with the male gland occurring in young gland is probably associated with the female circulating steroid levels. The hormonal imbalance in senesce coincides with its susceptibility to histopathological lesions, such as epithelial hypertrophy, metaplasia, and intraepithelial neoplasia. Differently than that of males, the aging degeneration of the female gland involves the accumulation of lipofuscin granules. However, the alterations in senile prostate did not damage its functionality. These analyses reinforce the use of this experimental model for the comprehension of glandular morphofunctional aspects with special attention to senescence. Thus, the appreciation of this organ becomes relevant to avoid future discomfort to women's health.


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Among the osteotomies performed in orthognathic surgery, the sagittal osteotomy of the mandibular ramus (SOMR) is the most common, allowing a great range of movements and stable internal fixation (SIF), therefore eliminating the need of maxillomandibular block in the postoperative period. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biomechanical resistance of three national systems used for SIF in SOMR in sheep mandibles. Material and methods: The study was performed in 30 sheep hemi-mandibles randomly divided into 3 experimental groups, each containing 10 hemi-mandibles. The samples were measured to avoid discrepancies and then subjected to SOMR with 5-mm advancement. In group I, 2.0x12 mm screws were used for fixation, inserted in an inverted "L" pattern (inverted "L" group). In group II, fixation was performed with two 2.0x12 mm screws, positioned in a linear pattern and a 4-hole straight miniplate and four 2.0x6.0 mm monocortical screws (hybrid group). In group III, fixation was performed with two-hole straight miniplates and eight 2.0x6.0 mm monocortical screws (mini plate group). All materials used for SIF were supplied by Osteosin - SIN. The hemimandibles were subjected to vertical linear load test by Kratos K2000MP mechanical testing unit for loading registration and displacement. Results: All groups showed similar resistance during mechanical test for loading and displacement, with no statistically significant differences between groups according to analysis of variance. Conclusion: These results indicate that the three techniques of fixation are equally effective for clinical fixation of SOMR.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to verify, in vivo and in vitro, the prevalence of root canal bifurcation in mandibular incisors by digital radiography. Material and Methods: Four hundred teeth were analyzed for the in vivo study. Digital radiographs were taken in an orthoradial direction from the mandibular incisor and canine regions. The digital radiographs of the canine region allowed visualizing the incisors in a distoradial direction using 20 degrees deviation. All individuals agreed to participate by signing an informed consent form. The in vitro study was conducted on 200 mandibular incisors positioned on a model, simulating the mandibular dental arch. Digital radiographs were taken from the mandibular incisors in both buccolingual and mesiodistal directions. Results: The digital radiography showed presence of bifurcation in 20% of teeth evaluated in vitro in the mesiodistal direction. In the buccolingual direction, 17.5% of teeth evaluated in vivo and 15% evaluated in vitro presented bifurcation or characteristics indicating bifurcation. Conclusions: Digital radiography associated with X-ray beam distally allowed detection of a larger number of cases of bifurcated root canals or characteristics of bifurcation.