983 resultados para man-made cyanobacterial crusts
Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been increasing in atmospheric concentration since the Industrial Revolution. A decreasing number of stomata on leaves of land plants still provides the only morphological evidence that this man-made increase has already affected the biosphere. The current rate of CO2 responsiveness in individual long-lived species cannot be accurately determined from field studies or by controlled-environment experiments. However, the required long-term data sets can be obtained from continuous records of buried leaves from living trees in wetland ecosystems. Fine-resolution analysis of the lifetime leaf record of an individual birch (Betula pendula) indicates a gradual reduction of stomatal frequency as a phenotypic acclimation to CO2 increase. During the past four decades, CO2 increments of 1 part per million by volume resulted in a stomatal density decline of approximately 0.6%. It may be hypothesized that this plastic stomatal frequency response of deciduous tree species has evolved in conjunction with the overall Cenozoic reduction of atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
A presente dissertação de mestrado centra-se na divindade suméria Inanna e na sua homóloga semita Ištar. Recolhemos e analisamos conjuntos de mitos, narrativas, hinos, oráculos, canções e orações, de proveniências e cronologias distintas, para compor um retrato cuja complexidade ultrapassa as questões do género e apela a sentimentos transversais ao ser humano. Num panteão com uma miríade de divindades altamente especializadas, Inanna/Ištar destaca-se pelo facto de acumular funções. Deusa trifuncional, regente do Amor e da Guerra, era igualmente a representação divina do planeta Vénus. Numa primeira abordagem, essa singularidade é um factor desconcertante para a sua compreensão. Pelo seu carácter problemático, foi o principal incentivo para o nosso estudo. Examinando as suas diferentes manifestações, propomos um eixo comum para a sua aparente ambivalência, interpretando o amor e a guerra como metáforas com um mesmo significado: poder. Vemos assim como a guerreira e a noiva se complementam em vez de se contradizerem. Ao lado do rei, no leito sagrado ou no campo de batalha, exprimem sempre a bênção divina assegurando a legitimidade dos seus actos enquanto representante dos deuses na Terra e, por conseguinte, garante da ordem. A permanência no tempo do sistema de crenças originalmente fixado por mão suméria, resistindo a conquistas e mudanças dinásticas, e a sua difusão no espaço, transpondo fronteiras naturais e artificiais, demonstram que os povos do Crescente Fértil o partilharam, não obstante algumas alterações semânticas. Na perspectiva da história das religiões, este olhar projetado sobre o passado permite ainda entender melhor a mente do homem mesopotâmico e acompanhar as consequências das alterações culturais no tecido sociopolítico da época. Afloramos também alguns aspectos de continuidade, manifestados através da presença de influências mesopotâmicas na literatura e religião gregas, mais especificamente em Afrodite e Deméter, deusas do amor e da fertilidade, respectivamente. Por fim, sugerimos a permanência de categorias mentais que transportam o passado até aos dias de hoje, ligando a Antiguidade à Actualidade.
We used a novel system of three continuous wave Doppler radars to successfully record the directivity of i) Strombolian explosions from the active lava lake of Erebus volcano, Antarctica, ii) eruptions at Stromboli volcano, Italy, and iii) a man-made explosion in a quarry. Erebus volcano contains a convecting phonolite lava lake, presumably connected to a magma chamber at depth. It is one of the few open vent volcanoes that allow a direct observation of source processes during explosions. Its lava lake is the source of frequent violent Strombolian explosions, caused by large gas bubbles bursting at the lake surface. The exact mechanism of these bubble bursts is unclear, as is the mechanism of the creation of the infrasound signal accompanying the explosions. We use the Doppler radar data to calculate the directivity of Strombolian eruptions at Erebus. This allows us to derive information about the expected type of infrasound source pattern (i.e. the role of a dipole in addition to the monopole signature) and the physical structure of the volcano. We recorded 10 large explosions simultaneously with three radars, enabling us to calculate time series of 3D directivity vectors (i.e. effectively 4D), which describe the direction of preferred expansion of the gas bubble during an explosion. Such directivity information allows a comparison to dipole infrasound radiation patterns recorded during similar explosions only a few weeks later. Video observations of explosions support our interpretation of the measurements. We conclude that at Erebus, the directivity of explosions is mainly controlled by random processes. Since the geometry of the uppermost conduit is assumed to have a large effect on the directivity of explosions, the results suggest a largely symmetrical uppermost conduit with a vertical axis of symmetry. For infrasound recordings, a significant dipole signature can be expected in addition to the predominant monopole signature.
"NSF 77-51" through "NSF 77-56."
I. Introductory memoir. St. Giles and St. James. Punch's letters to his son.--II. The story of a feather. Cakes and ale.--III. Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures. Men of character. Punch's complete letter writer.--IV. A man made of money. Sketches of the English. The chronicles of Clovernook. The sick giant and the doctor dwarf.
Areas of concern: This notification is based on information Illinois EPA has found while investigating, monitoring and working on two landfill sites in the Chicago Heights/South Chicago Heights area. Tests from groundwater and surface water at one landfill site showed levels of vinyl chloride greater than state Class I groundwater standards - the state standards that are designed to protect groundwater for use as drinking water. Vinyl chloride is from a family of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are common man-made chemicals found in cleaning solvents, gasoline and oil. These chemicals can travel in groundwater long distances from where they were spilled or dumped.
Mode of access: Internet.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Although cytosolic glutathione S-transterase (GST) enzymes occupy a key position in biological detoxification processes, two of the most relevant human isoenzymes. GST1-1 and GSTM1-1, are genetically deleted (non-functional alleles GSTT1*0 and GsTM1*0) in a high percentage of the human population, with major ethnic differences. The structures of the GSTT and GSTM gene areas explain the underlying genetic processes. GSTT1-1 is highly conserved during evolution and plays a major role in phase-II biotransformation of a number of drugs and industrial chemicals. e.g. cytostatic drugs, hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocarbons. GSTM1-1 is particularly relevant in the deactivation of carcinogenic intermediates of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Several lines of evidence Suggest that hGSTT1-1 and/or hGSTM1-1 play a role in the deactivation of reactive oxygen species that are likely to be involved in cellular processes of inflammation, ageing and degenerative diseases. There is cumulating evidence that combinations of the GSTM1*0 state with other genetic traits affecting the metabolism of carcinogens (CYP1A1, GSTP1) may predispose the aero-digestivc tract and lung, especially in smokers, to a higher risk of cancer. The GSTM1*0 status appears also associated with a modest increase in the risk of bladder cancer, consistent with a GSTM1 interaction with carcinogenic tobacco smoke constituents. Both human GST deletions, although largely counterbalanced by overlapping substrate affinities within the GST superfamily, have consequences when the organism comes into contact with distinct man-made chemicals. This appears relevant in industrial toxicology and in drug metabolism.
The bacteria that mediate the anaerobic oxidation of ammonium (anammox) are detected worldwide in natural and man-made ecosystems, and contribute up to 50% to the loss of inorganic nitrogen in the oceans. Two different anammox species rarely live in a single habitat, suggesting that each species has a defined but yet unknown niche. Here we describe a new anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacterium with a defined niche: the co-oxidation of propionate and ammonium. The new anammox species was enriched in a laboratory scale bioreactor in the presence of ammonium and propionate. Interestingly, this particular anammox species could out-compete other anammox bacteria and heterotrophic denitrifiers for the oxidation of propionate in the presence of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate. We provisionally named the new species Candidatus "Anammoxoglobus propionicus".
A idéia do envelhecimento como declínio da existência humana começa a perder sentido nas sociedades contemporâneas e dar espaço a uma outra concepção da terceira idade. Neste contexto, a Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, campus Vergueiro São Bernardo do Campo, oferece o curso Universidade Livre da Terceira Idade, que tem como finalidade a formação de agentes sociais. Um dos eixos desse curso é a educação ambiental. Meio ambiente é aqui entendido como entorno do indivíduo, sendo ele natural, construído e sócio-cultural, com suas instituições, saberes e valores. Assim, o educador ambiental apresenta conhecimentos sobre as questões ambientais e habilidade ao lidar com pessoas dos mais diferentes contextos. Nesta perspectiva, o agente social da terceira idade desenvolve os atributos necessários para atuação enquanto educador ambiental, uma vez que trabalha o saber ambiental necessário às ações de intervenção e consolida sua formação pessoal. Este trabalho objetiva analisar a percepção ambiental dos alunos da universidade da terceira idade ao iniciar o curso, dentro do módulo de educação ambiental. Verificar se os conteúdos e metodologias utilizadas na disciplina de educação ambiental contribuem para a formação do agente social da terceira idade e para sua atuação como educador ambiental. O corpo teórico desta pesquisa foi composto pelo conceito de complexidade de Edgar Morin, as idéias de meio ambiente de Enrique Leff, a concepção de educação de Paulo Freire e a compreensão de educação ambiental de Marcos Reigota. Como instrumentos metodológicos, foram utilizados técnicas de análise de documentos, questionários e grupo focal. A apresentação e interpretação dos dados coletados sugerem a viabilidade da atuação do indivíduo da terceira idade como educador ambiental nas ações de intervenção em sua realidade local.
Currently over 50 million people worldwide wear contact lenses, of which over 75% wear hydrogel lenses. Significant deposition occurs in approximately 80% of hydrogel lenses and many contact lens wearers cease wearing lenses due to problems associated with deposition. The contact lens field is not alone in encountering complications associated with interactions between the body and artificial devices. The widespread use of man-made materials to replace structures in the body has emphasised the importance of studies that examine the interactions between implantation materials and body tissues.This project used carefully controlled, randomized clinical studies to study the interactive effects of contact lens materials, care systems, replacement periods and patient differences. Of principal interest was the influence of these factors on material deposition and their subsequent impact on subjective performance. A range of novel and established analytical techniques were used to examine hydrogel lenses following carefully controlled clinical studies in which clinical performance was meticulously monitored. These studies established the inter-relationship between clinical performance and deposition to be evaluated. This project showed that significant differences exist between individuals in their ability to deposit hydrogel lenses, with approximately 20% of subjects displaying significant deposition irrespective of the lens material. Additionally, materials traditionally categorised together show markedly different spoilation characteristics, which are wholly attributable to their detailed chemical structure. For the first time the in vivo deposition kinetics of both protein and lipid in charged and uncharged polymers was demonstrated. In addition the importance of care systems in the deposition process was shown, clearly demonstrating the significance of the quality rather than the quantity of deposition in influencing subjective performance.
Many of the applications of geometric modelling are concerned with the computation of well-defined properties of the model. The applications which have received less attention are those which address questions to which there is no unique answer. This thesis describes such an application: the automatic production of a dimensioned engineering drawing. One distinctive feature of this operation is the requirement for sophisticated decision-making algorithms at each stage in the processing of the geometric model. Hence, the thesis is focussed upon the design, development and implementation of such algorithms. Various techniques for geometric modelling are briefly examined and then details are given of the modelling package that was developed for this project, The principles of orthographic projection and dimensioning are treated and some published work on the theory of dimensioning is examined. A new theoretical approach to dimensioning is presented and discussed. The existing body of knowledge on decision-making is sampled and the author then shows how methods which were originally developed for management decisions may be adapted to serve the purposes of this project. The remainder of the thesis is devoted to reports on the development of decision-making algorithms for orthographic view selection, sectioning and crosshatching, the preparation of orthographic views with essential hidden detail, and two approaches to the actual insertion of dimension lines and text. The thesis concludes that the theories of decision-making can be applied to work of this kind. It may be possible to generate computer solutions that are closer to the optimum than some man-made dimensioning schemes. Further work on important details is required before a commercially acceptable package could be produced.
In the developed world we are surrounded by man-made objects, but most people give little thought to the complex processes needed for their design. The design of hand knitting is complex because much of the domain knowledge is tacit. The objective of this thesis is to devise a methodology to help designers to work within design constraints, whilst facilitating creativity. A hybrid solution including computer aided design (CAD) and case based reasoning (CBR) is proposed. The CAD system creates designs using domain-specific rules and these designs are employed for initial seeding of the case base and the management of constraints. CBR reuses the designer's previous experience. The key aspects in the CBR system are measuring the similarity of cases and adapting past solutions to the current problem. Similarity is measured by asking the user to rank the importance of features; the ranks are then used to calculate weights for an algorithm which compares the specifications of designs. A novel adaptation operator called rule difference replay (RDR) is created. When the specifications to a new design is presented, the CAD program uses it to construct a design constituting an approximate solution. The most similar design from the case-base is then retrieved and RDR replays the changes previously made to the retrieved design on the new solution. A measure of solution similarity that can validate subjective success scores is created. Specification similarity can be used as a guide whether to invoke CBR, in a hybrid CAD-CBR system. If the newly resulted design is suffciently similar to a previous design, then CBR is invoked; otherwise CAD is used. The application of RDR to knitwear design has demonstrated the flexibility to overcome deficiencies in rules that try to automate creativity, and has the potential to be applied to other domains such as interior design.
This thesis is concerned with understanding how Emergency Management Agencies (EMAs) influence public preparedness for mass evacuation across seven countries. Due to the lack of cross-national research (Tierney et al., 2001), there is a lack of knowledge on EMAs perspectives and approaches to the governance of public preparedness. This thesis seeks to address this gap through cross-national research that explores and contributes towards understanding the governance of public preparedness. The research draws upon the risk communication (Wood et al., 2011; Tierney et al., 2001) social marketing (Marshall et al., 2007; Kotler and Lee, 2008; Ramaprasad, 2005), risk governance (Walker et al., 2010, 2013; Kuhlicke et al., 2011; IRGC, 2005, 2007; Renn et al., 2011; Klinke and Renn, 2012), risk society (Beck, 1992, 1999, 2002) and governmentality (Foucault, 1978, 2003, 2009) literature to explain this governance and how EMAs responsibilize the public for their preparedness. EMAs from seven countries (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom) explain how they prepare their public for mass evacuation in response to different types of risk. A cross-national (Hantrais, 1999) interpretive research approach, using qualitative methods including semi-structured interviews, documents and observation, was used to collect data. The data analysis process (Miles and Huberman, 1999) identified how the concepts of risk, knowledge and responsibility are critical for theorising how EMAs influence public preparedness for mass evacuation. The key findings grounded in these concepts include: - Theoretically, risk is multi-functional in the governance of public preparedness. It regulates behaviour, enables surveillance and acts as a technique of exclusion. - EMAs knowledge and how this influenced their assessment of risk, together with how they share the responsibility for public preparedness across institutions and the public, are key to the governance of public preparedness for mass evacuation. This resulted in a form of public segmentation common to all countries, whereby the public were prepared unequally. - EMAs use their prior knowledge and assessments of risk to target public preparedness in response to particular known hazards. However, this strategy places the non-targeted public at greater risk in relation to unknown hazards, such as a man-made disaster. - A cross-national conceptual framework of four distinctive governance practices (exclusionary, informing, involving and influencing) are utilised to influence public preparedness. - The uncertainty associated with particular types of risk limits the application of social marketing as a strategy for influencing the public to take responsibility and can potentially increase the risk to the public.