905 resultados para magnetism, Fe-Ti-O-phasesystem, Co-Ti-O-phasesystem
Distributions of Mn, Fe, Cu, Cd, Cr, Co and Ni in sea water are investigated (42 samples, dissolved and particulate forms) in the vicinity of the underwater gas vent field on the northwestern slope of the Paramushir Island. While regular background distributions of the elements occur in the shore zone, there is a column of elevated concentrations of particulate matter, particulate Mn, and dissolved Mn, Fe, Cu, Cd, Cr, Co and Ni that coincides with location of the gas plume. This column can be traced as high as 780 m above the bottom. High metal concentrations in water of the plume are attributable to physico-chemical concentration at the phase interface; the source of elevated mineral concentrations is obviously flux of dissolved minerals from interstitial waters, which extends to considerable distances in vertical direction.
Este trabalho apresenta as propriedades morfológicas, físicas e químicas do diamante da região do Alto Araguaia, situada na borda norte da Bacia do Paraná. Os cristais estudados provém dos garimpos dos rios Garças, Araguaia, Caiapó e seus tributários menores. As dimensões dos cristais embora variáveis concentram-se no intervalo 2-15 mm. Ao contrário do que se observa no Alto Paranaíba, são raros os achados de grande porte. Os fragmentos de clivagem são abundantes, indicando transporte prolongado. Cerca de metade dos indivíduos cristalinos são incolores, sendo os demais castanhos, amarelos, verdes e cinzas. Outras cores como rosa e violeta ocorrem excepcionalmente. A morfologia dos cristais é complexa e variada, caracterizando-se pelo acentuado predomínio do hábito rombododecaédrico, grande número de geminados de contato e ausência de formas cúbicas. As faces exibem grau variável de curvatura e diversos padrões de microestruturas resultantes da dissolução provocada por agentes oxidantes. O ataque parece ocorrer durante a colocação do kimberlito, quando o alívio de pressão eleva a temperatura favorecendo a corrosão. As microestruturas mais freqüentes são degraus, colinas e micro-discos em (110), depressões triangulares eqüiláteras em (111), e depressões quadráticas em (100). Alguns diamantes contém inclusões cristalinas, sendo as mais comuns olivina (forsterita), granada (piropo) e o próprio diamante. Esses minerais apresentam-se geralmente idiomorfos e circundados por anomalias ópticas (birrefringência anômala), evidenciando o caráter epigenético dessas inclusões. Anàlogamente ao que ocorre nos kimberlitos africanos e siberianos, essas inclusões são minerais característicos de altas pressões e temperaturas, sendo a olivina a variedade mais freqüente, seguida pelo diamante e granada. Essa é uma evidência de que o diamante do Alto Araguaia provém de matrizes ultrabásicas (kimberlíticas). As inclusões negras (carvões) são extremamente comuns e parecem constituir defeitos do retículo cristalino (clivagens internas, deslocamentos estruturais), resultando talvez de impactos sofridos pelos cristais durante as diversas fases de transporte. O comportamento ao infravermelho indica que a maior parte dos cristais (85%) contém impurezas de nitrogênio (tipo I), sob forma de placas submicroscópicas paralelas a (100) (tipo Ia), ou átomos dispersos no retículo cristalino (tipo Ib). Os espécimes desprovidos de nitrogênio (tipo II) são relativamente raros (6%), sendo os demais intermediários (9%) entre I e II. Além do nitrogênio, os espectros infravermelhos revelaram que alguns diamantes contém hidrogênio. A presença deste elemento juntamente com o carbono e nitrogênio, sugere uma derivação a partir de sedimentos ricos em matéria orgânica, os quais teriam sido incorporados ao magma kimberlítico por correntes de convecção subcrostais. Outras impurezas menores (elementos traços) são: Al, Ca, Si, Mg, Fe, Cu, Cr e Co. Estes elementos são os mesmos encontrados nos diamantes dos kimberlitos africanos. Observado sob luz ultravioleta, 36% dos cristais exibem cores de fluorescência, sendo as mais comuns o azul e verde, e mais raramente amarelo e castanho. Entre as variedades fluorescentes, 27% são também fosforescentes, sendo a cor mais comum o azul. Não foi observada nenhuma relação entre o comportamento luminescente e as demais propriedades estudadas. O peso específico varia entre 3,500 a 3,530. As principais causas dessa variação são as impurezas de nitrogênio, as inclusões minerais e alguns defeitos cristalinos. Os resultados desta pesquisa indicam claramente que as propriedades do diamante do Alto araguaia são semelhantes às dos diamantes africanos e siberianos, originários de matrizes kimberlíticas. Nenhum dado foi obtido que sugerisse uma origem \"sui generis\" para o material estudado. Em relação à localização das possíveis chaminés dispersoras dos cristais, duas alternativas se apresentam: 1) poderiam estar relacionadas ao magmatismo Neocretáceo, responsável por numerosos focos vulcânicos próximos à área; ou 2) ligadas a episódios mais antigos ocorridos no Pré-Cambriano. Em qualquer das alternativas, poderiam estar recobertas por sedimentos mais recentes ou alteradas superficialmente, sendo que, no caso de uma idade pré-cambriana, há ainda a possibilidade destas matrizes terem sido totalmente destruídas.
Hybrid magnetic carbon composites have been recently proposed as the next step in the evolution of catalysts for catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO), with several synergistic effects arising from the combination of the high catalytic activity of metal species with the proven catalytic properties of carbon-based materials in CWPO [1]. Bearing this in mind, this work sought the development of novel magnetic carbon xerogels, composed by interconnected carbon microspheres with iron (Fe) and/or cobalt (Co) microparticles embedded in their structure. As inferred from the extensive characterization performed, materials with distinctive properties were obtained upon inclusion of different metal precursors during the sol-gel polymerization of resorcinol and formaldehyde, followed by thermal annealing.
N. M. State doc. call no.: J87.N6 F401.32 P37 1895
A selection of nine macrocyclic Fe-III/II and Co-III/II transition metal complexes has been chosen to serve as a universal set of mediator-titrants in redox potentiometry of protein samples. The potential range spanned by these mediators is approximately from +300 to -700 mV vs the normal hydrogen electrode, which covers the range of most protein redox potentials accessible in aqueous solution. The complexes employed exhibit stability in both their oxidized and their reduced forms as well as pH-independent redox potentials within the range 6 < pH < 9. The mediators were also chosen on the basis of their very weak visible absorption maxima in both oxidation states, which will enable (for the first time) optical redox potentiometric titrations of proteins with relatively low extinction coefficients. This has previously been impractical with organic mediators, such as indoles, viologens and quinones, whose optical spectra interfere strongly with those of the protein.
The reactions of directly related tellurium and selenium heterocyclic compounds with triiron dodecacarbonyl are described. The reaction of 2-telluraphthalide, C8H8OTe with [Fe3(CO)12 gave [Fe{C6H4(CH2)Te}(CO)3]2, (1). An iron atom has inserted into the telluracyclic ring, and it is probable that one co-ordinated CO ligand arises from the initially organic carbonyl group. X-ray analysis of compound (1) showed that the compound has a Fe2Te2 core, which is achieved by dimerisation. The reaction of telluraphthalic anhydride, C8H402Te with [Fe3(CO)12] gave a known, but unexpected, organic phthalide product, C8H602, which was confirmed by X-ray crystallography. Selenaphthalic anhydride, C8H4O2Se gave intractable products on reaction with [Fe3(CO)12], 2-selenaphthalide, C8H6OSe, on reaction with [Fe3(CO)12] gave a major product [Fe2{C6H4(CH2)Se}(CO)6], (2) and a minor product [Fe3{C6H4(CH2)Se}(CO)8], (3) which is an intermediate in the formation of (2). X-ray analysis of (2) shows that compound (2) is very similar to (1) except that the 18 electron rule is satisfied by co-ordination of a Fe(CO)3 moiety, rather than dimerisation. Compound (3), also studied by X-ray crystallography, differs from (2) mainly in the addition of an Fe(CO)2 moiety. Telluraphtbalic anhydride, C8H402Te, and selenaphthalic anhydride, C8H402Se, are both monoclinic and crystallise in space group P21/n. 2-Selenaphthalide, C8H402Se, is also monoclinic, space group P21/C. The reactions of the following compounds (l,3-dihydrobenzo[c]selenophene, 1,3,7,9-tetrahydrobenzo[1,2c; 4,5c'] ditellurophene, dibenzoselenophene, phenoxselenine, 3, 5-naphtho-1-telluracyclohexane and 3,5-naphtho-1-selenacyclohexane) with [Fe3lCO)12] are reported. It is unfortunate that the above compounds do not react under the conditions employed; this may be due to differing degrees of ring strain. 1,8-bis(bromomethyl)naphthalene, C12H10Br2 is monoclinic and crystallises in space group C2/c. 1,1-diiodo-3,5-naphthotelluracyclohexane, C12H10TeI2 and 3,5-naphtho-l-telluracyclohexane, C12H10Te are monoclinic and crystallise in space group P21/c. 3,5-naphtho-l-selenacyclohexane, C12H10Se and 2,2,8,8-tetraiodo-1,3,7,9-tetrahydrobenzo[1,2c;4,5c']ditellurophene are also monoclinic, space group P21/a. The syntheses of intramolecular stabilised organo-tellurium and selenium compounds are reported, having a general formula of REX (where R = phenylazophenyl; E = Se, Te; X = electronegative group, for example C1, Br or I). The crystal structures of R'TeBr, RTeI, RSeCI, RSeCI/I and RSeI (where R = phenylazophenyl) are reported. The tellurium containing X-ray structures are triclinic and have a space group P-1. The selenium containing X-ray structures are monoclinic with space group P21/n. The inclusion of nitrogen in selenium heterocycles provides access to an entirely new area of organometallic chemistry. The reaction of 2-methylbenzoselenazole with [Fe3(CO)12] gave [Fe2{C6H4(NCH2CH3)Se}(CO)6]. The reactions of 2-(methyltelluro)benzanilide or 2-(methylseleno)benzanilide with [Fe3(CO)12] gave reaction products [Fe2(μTeMe)2(CO)6] and [Fe2 (μ-SeMe)2(CO)6] respectively, which were confmned by X-ray crystallography. The use of Mossbauer spectroscopy on the products obtained from the reactions of heterocyclic compounds with [Fe3(CO)12] can give useful information, for example the number of iron sites and the environments of these iron sites within the products.
The data given in this and previous communications is insufficient to assess the quantitative role of these supplementary sources in the Indian Ocean, but they do not rule out their local significance. Elucidation of this problem requires further data on the characteristics of the composition and structure of nodules in various different metallogenic regions of the ocean floor. A study of the distribution of ore elements in nodules both depthwise and over the area of the floor together with compilation of the first schematic maps based on the results of analyses of samples from 54 stations) enables us to give a more precise empirical relation between the Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Co contents in Indian Ocean nodules, the manganese ratio and the values of the oxidation potential, which vary regularly with depth. This in turn also enables us to confirm that formation of nodules completes the prolonged process of deposition of ore components from ocean waters, and the complex physico-chemical transformations of sediments in the bottom layer. Microprobe investigation of ore rinds revealed the nonuniform distribution of a num¬ber of elements within them, owing to the capacity of particles of hydrated oxides of manganese and iron to adsorb various elements. High concentration of individual elements is correlated with local sectors of the ore rinds, in which the presence of todorokite, in particular, has been noted. The appearance of this mineral apparently requires elevated Ca, Mg, Na, and K concentrations, because the stable crystalline phase of this specific mineral form of the psilomelane group may be formed when these cations are incorporated into a lattice of the delta-MnO2 type.
Recent sediment cores of the western Baltic Sea were analyzed for heavy metal and carbon isotope contents. The sedimentation rate was determined from radiocarbon dates to be 1.4 mm/yr. The 'recent age' of the sediment was about 850 yr. Within the upper 20 cm of sediment, certain heavy metals became increasingly enriched towards the surface; Cd, Pb, Zn and Cu increased 7-, 4-, 3- and 2-fold, respectively, whereas Fe, Mn, Ni and Co remained unchanged. Simultaneously, the radiocarbon content decreased by about 14 per cent. The enrichment in heavy metals as well as the decrease in the 14C-concentration during the last 130 ± 30yr parallels industrial growth as reflected in European fossil fuel consumption within that same period of time. The near-surface sediments are affected by residues released from fossil fuels at the rate of about 30 g/m**2 yr for the past two decades. The residues have a pronounced effect on the heavy metal and carbon isotope composition of the most Recent sediments allowing estimates to be made for sedimentation, erosion and heavy metal pollution.
The paper presents data on the chemical composition of Late Pleistocene-Holocene sediments in the Gakkel Ridge according to data on sediment core PS 70/306-3, offers a hypothetical litho-stratigraphic model, and provides data on chemo-stratigraphic horizons distinguished based on the distribution of carbonates, organic carbon, metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, Ni, V, Pb), As, and P in the core. Chemical transformations of sediments at the redox barrier are discussed, along with relations between the composition of the sediments and the facies sedimentation conditions.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2011.
A structural investigation of cubic oxides (space group I23) of the formula Bi(26-x)M(x)O(40-delta) (M = Ti, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Pb) related to the Y-Bi2O3 phase has been carried out by the Rietveld profile analysis of high-resolution X-ray powder diffraction data in order to establish the cation distributions. Compositional dependence of the cation distribution has been examined in the case of Bi26-xCoxO40-delta (1 < x < 16). The study reveals that in Bi(26-X)M(X)O(40-delta) with M = Ti, Mn, Fe, Co or Pb, the M cations tend to occupy tetrahedral (2a) sites when x < 2 while the octahedral (24f) sites are shared by the excess Co or Ni cations with Bi atoms when x > 2. Also experimental magnetic moments of Mn, Co and Ni derivatives have been used to establish the valence state and distribution of these cations.
A method was developed for the determination of trace and ultratrace amounts of REE. Cd. In. Tl. Th. Nb, Ta. Zr and Hf in soils and sediments. With NaOH-Na2O2 as the flux. Ti(OH)(4)-Fe(OH)(3) co-precipitation as the preconcentration technique and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for measurement, the whole procedure was concise and suitable for batch analysis of multi-element solutions. An investigation was carried out of the Ti(OH)(4)-Fe(OH)(3) co-precipitation system, and the results obtained showed that the natural situation of Ti tightly coexisting with Nb. Ta, Zr and Hf in geological samples plays a very important role in the complete co-precipitation of the four elements. The accuracy of this procedure was established using six Chinese soil and sediment certified reference materials (GSS and GSD). and the relative errors between the found and certified values were mostly below 10%.
With XRD, R-T, and ac chi measurements a comparative study on the doping effects of 3d elements in Bi(1.5)Pb(0.2)Sr(2)Ca(2)Cu(2.8)M(0.2)O(y) (M = Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, or Zn) has been carried out. The effects of the former five members are significantly different, both on phase formed and on T-c, from the latter four. It seems that the effect on phase stabilization correlates with the valency of the doped cation. In connection with the instability of the 2223 phase, the correlation has been discussed.