895 resultados para low-phonon-energy glasses


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We perform a three-body calculation of direct muon-transfer rates from thermalized muonic hydrogen isotopes to bare nuclei Ne10+, S16+ and Ar18+ employing integro-differential Faddeev-Hahn-type equations in configuration space with a two-state close-coupling approximation scheme. All Coulomb potentials including the strong final-state Coulomb repulsion are treated exactly. A long-range polarization potential is included in the elastic channel to take into account the high polarizability of the muonic hydrogen. The transfer rates so-calculated are in good agreement with recent experiments. We find that the muon is captured predominantly in the n = 6, 9 and 10 states of muonic Ne10+, S16+ and Ar18+, respectively.


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Very-low-energy scattering of orthopositronium by helium has been investigated for the simultaneous study of elastic cross section and pickoff quenching rate using a model exchange potential. The present calculational scheme, while it agrees with the measured cross section of Skalsey et nl., reproduces successfully the parameter (1)Z(eff), the effective number of electrons per atom in a singlet state relative to the positron. Together with the fact that this model potential also leads to an agreement with measured medium energy cross sections of this system, this study seems to resolve the long-standing discrepancy at low energies among different theoretical calculations and experimental measurements.


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We derive the torsion constraints and show the consistency of equations of motion of four-dimensional Type II supergravity in superspace. with Type II sigma model. This is achieved by coupling the four-dimensional compactified Type II Berkovits' superstring to an N = 2 curved background and requiring that the sigma-model has superconformal invariance at tree-level. We compute this in a manifestly 4D N = 2 supersymmetric way. The constraints break the target conformal and SU(2) invariances and the dilaton will be a conformal, SU(2) x U(1) compensator. For Type II superstring in four dimensions, worldsheet supersymmetry requires two different compensators. One type is described by chiral and anti-chiral superfields. This compensator can be identified with a vector multiplet. The other Type II compensator is described by twist-chiral and twist-anti-chiral superfields and can be identified with a tensor hypermultiplet. Also, the superconformal invariance at tree-level selects a particular gauge, where the matter is fixed, but not the compensators. After imposing the reality conditions, we show that the Type II sigma model at tree-level is consistent with the equations of motion for Type II supergravity in the string gauge. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Faddeev-type equations are applied to three-charged particle systems. The rather satisfactory results are obtained for low energy e(+)H elastic scattering and muonic transfer reactions. The cross sections for antihydrogen formation from antiproton-positronium collisions are calculated using a six state model (Ps[1s2s2p], (H) over bar[1s2s2p]).


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We study the low-energy scattering of charmed (D) and strange (K) mesons by nucleons. The short-distance part of the interaction is due to quark-gluon interchanges derived from a model that realizes dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confines color. The quark-gluon interaction incorporates a confining Coulomb-like potential extracted from lattice QCD simulations in Coulomb gauge and a transverse hyperfine interaction consistent with a finite gluon propagator in the infrared. The long-distance part of the interaction is due to single vector (rho, omega) and scalar (sigma) meson exchanges. We show results for scattering cross-sections for isospin I = 0 and I = 1.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Glass samples with the composition (mol%) 80TeO(2)-10Nb(2)O(5)-5K(2)O-5Li(2)O, stable against crystallization, were prepared containing Yb3+, Tm3+ and Ho3+. The energy transfer and energy back transfer mechanisms in samples containing 5% Yb3+-5% Tm3+ and 5% Yb3+-5% Tm3+-0.5% Ho3+ were estimated by measuring the absorption and fluorescence spectra together with the time dependence of the Yb3+ F-2(5/2) excited state. A good fit for the luminescence time evolution was obtained with the Yokota-Tanimoto's diffusion-limited model. The up-conversion fluorescence was also studied in 5% Yb-5% Tm. 5% Yb-0.5% Ho and 5% Yb-5% Tm-0.5% Ho tellurite glasses under laser excitation at 975 nm. Strong emission was observed from (1)G(4) and F-3(2) Tm3+ energy levels in all samples. The S-5(2) Ho3+ emission was observed only in Yb3+Ho3+ samples being completely quenched in Yb3+/Tm3+/Tm3+ samples. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the rate of whole-body protein turnover in moderately and severely alcoholic, malnourished, cirrhotic patients fed with different amounts of protein or energy. Six male patients (Child classes B and C) and four age- and sex-matched healthy control subjects were studied for 18 d in fasting and feeding states; a single oral dose of [N-15]glycine was used as a tracer and urinary ammonia was the end product. The kinetic study showed that patients had higher protein catabolism while fasting (patients: 3.14 +/- 1.2 g of lean body mass/9 h; controls: 1.8 +/- 0.3 g of lean body mass/9 h: P<0.02). Although not statistically significant, protein catabolism (grams of lean body mass/9 h) was lower with the hyperproreic/hyperenergetic diet when compared with fasting. Nitrogen retention was consistent with the lower protein-catabolism rate; a statistically significant increase in nitrogen balance was observed when patients were fed with the hyperproteic/hyperenergetic diet compared with fasting 14.3 +/- 3.2 g of nitrogen/d and -2.2 +/- 1.9 g of nitrogen/d, respectively; P < 0.01). These data indicate that Child class B and C cirrhotic patients are hypercatabolic and that Long-term nutritional intervention with a hyperproteic/hyperenergetic diet is likely needed to improve their clinical and nutritional status. Nutrition 2001;17:239-242. (C) Elsevier B.V. 2001.


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Antimony glasses based on the composition Sb2O3-SbPO4 were prepared and characterized. The samples present high refractive index, good transmission from 380 to 2000 nm, and high thermal stability. The nonlinear refractive index, n(2), of the samples was studied using the optical Kerr shutter technique at 800 nm. The third-order correlation signals between pump and probe pulses indicate ultrafast response (<100 fs) for all compositions. Enhancement of n(2) was observed by adding lead oxide to the Sb2O3-SbPO4 composition. Large values of n(2)approximate to10(-14) cm(2)/W and negligible two-photon absorption coefficients (smaller than 0.01 cm/GW) were determined for all samples. The glass compositions studied present appropriate figure-of-merit for all-optical switching applications. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The complex dynamic Young's modulus of ceramic Nd2-xCexCuO4 with x = 0, 0.05 and 0.20 has been measured from 1.5 to 100 K at frequencies of 1 - 10 kHz. In the undoped sample the modulus starts decreasing below similar to 20 K, instead of approaching a constant value as in a normal solid. The modulus minimum has been interpreted in terms of paraelastic contribution from the relaxation of the Nd3+ 4f electrons between the levels of the ground state doublet, which is split by the interaction with the antiferromagnetically ordered Cu sublattice. The value of the splitting is found to be 0.34 meV, in excellent agreement with inelastic neutron scattering, infrared and specific heat experiments. With doping, the anomaly shifts to lower temperature and decreases in amplitude, consistently with a reduction of the local field from the Cu sublattice. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A study of the analytic behavior of different few-particle scattering amplitudes at low energies in two space dimensions is presented. Such a study is of use in modeling and understanding different few-particle processes at low energies. A detailed discussion of the energy and the momentum dependence of the partial-wave on-the-energy-shell and off-the-energy-shell two-particle t matrices is given. These t-matrix elements tend to zero as the energy and momentum variables tend to zero. The multiple-scattering series is used to show that the connected three-to-three amplitudes diverge in the low-energy-momentum limit. Unitarity relations are used to show that the connected two-to-three and one-to-three amplitudes have specific logarithmic singularities at the m-particle breakup threshold. The subenergy singularity in the two-to-three amplitudes is also studied, and comments are made on some applications of the present study in different problems of ph cal interest.


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In five male cirrhotic patients (Child A) and in four age- and sex-matched healthy control subjects, whole-body protein turnover was measured using a single oral dose of N-15-glycine as a tracer and urinary ammonia as end product. Subjects were studied in the fasting and feeding state, with different levels of protein and energy intake. The patients were underweight and presented lower plasma transthyretin and retinol-binding protein levels. When compared with controls, the kinetic studies showed patients to be hypometabolic in the fasting (Do) state and with the control diet [D-1 = (0.85 g of protein/154 kJ). kg(-1). day(-1)]. However, when corrected by body weight, the kinetic differences between groups disappeared, whereas the N-retention in the feeding state showed better results for the patients due mainly to their efficient breakdown decrease. When fed high-level protein or energy diets [D-2 = (0.9 g protein/195 kJ) and D-3 = (1.56 g protein/158 kJ). kg(-1). day(-1)], the patients showed D-0 = D-1 = D-2 < D-3 for N-flux and (D-0 = D-1) < D-3 (D-2 is intermediary) for protein synthesis. Thus, the present data suggest that the remaining mass of the undernourished mild cirrhotic patients has fairly good protein synthesis activity and also that protein, rather than energy intake, would be the limiting factor for increasing their whole-body protein synthesis.


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Complex mass poles, or ghost poles, are present in the Hartree-Fock solution of the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the nucleon propagator in renormalizable models with Yukawa-type meson-nucleon couplings, as shown many years ago by Brown, Puff and Wilets (BPW), These ghosts violate basic theorems of quantum field theory and their origin is related to the ultraviolet behavior of the model interactions, Recently, Krein et.al, proved that the ghosts disappear when vertex corrections are included in a self-consistent way, softening the interaction sufficiently in the ultraviolet region. In previous studies of pi N scattering using ''dressed'' nucleon propagator and bare vertices, did by Nutt and Wilets in the 70's (NW), it was found that if these poles are explicitly included, the value of the isospin-even amplitude A((+)) is satisfied within 20% at threshold. The absence of a theoretical explanation for the ghosts and the lack of chiral symmetry in these previous studies led us to re-investigate the subject using the approach of the linear sigma-model and study the interplay of low-energy theorems for pi N scattering and ghost poles. For bare interaction vertices we find that ghosts are present in this model as well and that the A((+)) value is badly described, As a first approach to remove these complex poles, we dress the vertices with phenomenological form factors and a reasonable agreement with experiment is achieved, In order to fix the two cutoff parameters, we use the A((+)) value for the chiral limit (m(pi) --> 0) and the experimental value of the isoscalar scattering length, Finally, we test our model by calculating the phase shifts for the S waves and we find a good agreement at threshold. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.