956 resultados para low voltage circuit breakers


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Les vertébrés, du poisson à l'homme, possèdent un potentiel membranaire médié en partie par les ions chlorure (Cl-). L’une des premières formes d’activité neuronale lors du développement est la dépolarisation médiée par les ions chlorures extrudés par les canaux glycinergiques (GlyR) et GABAergiques. Cette dépolarisation est rendu possible grâce à l’expression retardée du co-transporteur d’ions chlorure et de potassium KCC2 lors du développement qui génère un gradient hyperpolarisant postnatalement chez les mammifères. Le rôle de cette dépolarisation précoce paradoxale durant le développement est inconnu. En injectant l’ARNm de KCC2 dans des embryons de poissons zébrés nouvellement fertilisé, nous avons devancé l’expression de ce co-transporteur rendant ainsi la glycine hyperpolarisante dans tous les neurones dès les premières phases du développement. Nous avons aussi ciblé le récepteur glycinergique directement en bloquant son activité et son expression à l’aide d’une drogue spécifique, la strychnine et d’un morpholino antisens (Knockdown). Dans les trois cas (KCC2, strychnine et GlyR KD), les perturbations de l’activité neuronale ont provoqués des erreurs dans la neurogenèse, en particulier une diminution du nombre d’interneurones sans avoir d’effets sur les motoneurones et les neurones sensoriels. De plus, en bloquant les canaux calciques activés à bas voltage dans le développement avec la drogue nifedipine, il y a des erreurs dans la neurogénèse semblables à celles remarquées dans les trois conditions précédentes. Nous concluons que la dépolarisation précoce par la glycine permet l’entrée du calcium et l’activation de la neurogénèse chez les interneurones.


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Le canal calcique dépendant du voltage de type-T CaV3.2 joue un rôle important dans l’excitabilité neuronale et dans la perception de la douleur. Le canal CaV3.2 partage une grande homologie structurale et fonctionnelle avec les canaux NaV. Ces deux types de canaux sont activés par de faibles dépolarisations membranaires et possèdent des cinétiques de temps d’activation et d’inactivation plus rapides que les canaux CaV de type-L. Les structures cristallines à haute résolution des canaux bactériens NaVAb (Payandeh et al. 2011; Payandeh et al. 2012) et NaVRh (Zhang et al. 2012) suggèrent que l’hélice amphiphile S4S5 du domaine II peut être couplée avec les résidus de l’hélice S6 dans le domaine II ainsi qu’avec des résidus de l’hélice homologue dans le domaine adjacent, soit le domaine III, et ce, durant l’activation du canal. Pour déterminer les résidus fonctionnellement couplés, durant l’activation du canal CaV3.2, une analyse cyclique de doubles mutants a été effectuée par substitution en glycine et alanine des résidus clés entre l’hélice S4S5 du domaine II et le segment S6 des domaines II et III. Les propriétés biophysiques ont été mesurées à l’aide de la technique de « cut-open » sur les ovocytes. Les énergies d’activation ont été mesurées pour 47 mutations ponctuelles et pour 14 paires de mutants. De grandes énergies de couplage (ΔΔGinteract > 2 kcal mol-1) ont été observées pour 3 paires de mutants introduites dans les IIS4S5/IIS6 et IIS4S5/IIIS6. Aucun couplage significatif n’a été observé entre le IIS4S5 et le IVS6. Nos résultats semblent démontrer que les hélices S4S5 et S6 provenant de deux domaines voisins sont couplées durant l’activation du canal calcique de type-T CaV3.2.


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This thesis contains the author's work in preparing efficient EL phosphors, the details of fabrication of low voltage operated thin film EL (TFEL) devices and DC TFEL devices. Some of the important work presented here are related to the white light emitting ZnS:Cu,Pr,Cl phosphor which can be colour tuned by changing the excitation frequency, observation of energy transfer from Cu/Ag ions to rare earth ions in ZnS:(Cu/Ag), RE,Cl phosphors, development of TFEL device which can be operated below 50V, optimization of the device parameters for long life, high brightness in terms of the active and insulating layer thicknesses, observation of dependence of threshold voltage for the onset of emission on frequency of excitation when a novel dielectric Eu2O3 film was used as insulator and the devices with multicolor emission using ZnS doped with rare earth as active layer. Characterization based on other devices based on ZnS:Sm, ZnS:Pr, ZnS:Dy and their emission characteristics are also illustrated


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Disseny d’una xarxa de distribució d’alta tensió de tercera categoria de 25 kV subterrània, a partir d’ara mitja tensió (MT), amb deu centres de transformació i distribució de 1000 kVA cadascun. La reforma d’un centre de transformació i distribució de 630 kVA i el disseny de la xarxa de baixa tensió. Amb la finalitat de donar subministrament d’energia elèctrica a les industries d’un polígon del terme municipal de Torroella de Montgrí (GIRONA) i obtenir l’autorització administrativa per la posterior posada en servei d’aquesta instal•lació. No queda inclòs en aquest projecte la instal•lació d’enllumenat públic


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El present projecte pretén oferir una solució constructiva de les instal•lacions de baixa tensió, mesures contra incendis i climatització d’un supermercat i també l’obtenció d’una qualificació energètica de l’establiment. Aquesta activitat terciari d’ús comercial és classifica com un comerç al detall amb predomini de productes alimentaris, begudes i una altra àmplia gamma de mercaderies (com són els cosmètics, detergents, productes de papereria, etc.)


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En este proyecto se realizará una investigación del método analítico, en donde se utilizará una herramienta descrita en el libro “Análisis estructural de sectores estratégicos” (Restrepo & Rivera, 2008) que permitirá comparar los sectores de la construcción y las variables de mercado, para poder plantear una estrategia adecuada que le permita a la empresa Redes y Proyectos de Energía S.A. ser competitiva y cumplir con las necesidades y expectativas de sus clientes. Por este motivo se ve la necesidad de proponer una estrategia de crecimiento para que Redes y Proyectos de Energía S.A., pueda orientarse estratégicamente y pueda llegar a ser una empresa corporativa sostenible y fuertemente posicionada en el sector de las instalaciones eléctricas de media y baja tensión, telecomunicaciones y automatización, puesto que el mismo, ha evolucionado y crecido de una manera acelerada, por lo cual se considera necesario incursionar en nuevos campos y estrategias para mantener su crecimiento y que pueda ser perdurable. Los estudios que van a permitir proponer estas tácticas se soportan en un análisis de aplicación de pruebas económicas como son: Análisis de Hacinamiento, Levantamiento de Panorama Competitivo, Análisis estructural de la Fuerzas del Mercado y Estudio de Competidores, (Restrepo & Rivera, 2006, pág. 29) en donde con un análisis estructural de sectores, se investigarán las necesidades del sector, exigencias de los clientes y se examinará que estará pasando con los competidores, para que se pueda precisar el modelo de negocio que la empresa debe seguir y plantear alternativas que generen un escenario futuro exitoso.


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The hazards associated with high voltage three phase inverters and the rotating shafts of large electrical machines have resulted in most of the engineering courses covering these topics to be predominantly theoretical. This paper describes a set of purpose built, low voltage and low cost teaching equipment which allows the "hands on" instruction of three phase inverters and rotating machines. By using low voltages, the student can experiment freely with the motors and inverter and can access all of the current and voltage waveforms, which until now could only be studied in text books or observed as part of laboratory demonstrations. Both the motor and the inverter designs are optimized for teaching purposes cost around $25 and can be made with minimal effort.


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The hazards associated with high-voltage three-phase inverters and high-powered large electrical machines have resulted in most of the engineering courses covering three-phase machines and drives theoretically. This paper describes a set of purpose-built, low-voltage, and low-cost teaching equipment that allows the hands-on instruction of three-phase inverters and rotating machines. The motivation for moving towards a system running at low voltages is that the students can safely experiment freely with the motors and inverter. The students can also access all of the current and voltage waveforms, which until now could only be studied in textbooks or observed as part of laboratory demonstrations. Both the motor and the inverter designs are for teaching purposes and require minimal effort and cost


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The hazards associated with high voltage three phase inverters ond the rotating sha@s of large electrical machines have resulted in most of the engineering courses covering these topics to be predominantly theoretical. This paper describes a set of purpose built, low voltage and low cost teaching equipment which allows the “hands on I’ instruction of three phase inverters and rotating machines. By using low voltages, the student can experiment freely with the motors and inverter and can access all of the current and voltage waveforms, which until now could only be studied in text books or observed as part of laboratory demonstrations. Both the motor and the inverter designs are optimized for teaching purposes, cost around $25 and can be made with minimal effort.


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The hazards associated with high-voltage three-phase inverters and high-powered large electrical machines have resulted in most of the engineering courses covering three-phase machines and drives theoretically. This paper describes a set of purpose-built, low-voltage, and low-cost teaching equipment that allows the hands-on instruction of three-phase inverters and rotating machines. The motivation for moving towards a system running at low voltages is that the students can safely experiment freely with the motors and inverter. The students can also access all of the current and voltage waveforms, which until now could only be studied in textbooks or observed as part of laboratory demonstrations. Both the motor and the inverter designs are for teaching purposes and require minimal effort and cost.


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As low carbon technologies become more pervasive, distribution network operators are looking to support the expected changes in the demands on the low voltage networks through the smarter control of storage devices. Accurate forecasts of demand at the single household-level, or of small aggregations of households, can improve the peak demand reduction brought about through such devices by helping to plan the appropriate charging and discharging cycles. However, before such methods can be developed, validation measures are required which can assess the accuracy and usefulness of forecasts of volatile and noisy household-level demand. In this paper we introduce a new forecast verification error measure that reduces the so called “double penalty” effect, incurred by forecasts whose features are displaced in space or time, compared to traditional point-wise metrics, such as Mean Absolute Error and p-norms in general. The measure that we propose is based on finding a restricted permutation of the original forecast that minimises the point wise error, according to a given metric. We illustrate the advantages of our error measure using half-hourly domestic household electrical energy usage data recorded by smart meters and discuss the effect of the permutation restriction.


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Energy storage is a potential alternative to conventional network reinforcementof the low voltage (LV) distribution network to ensure the grid’s infrastructure remainswithin its operating constraints. This paper presents a study on the control of such storagedevices, owned by distribution network operators. A deterministic model predictive control (MPC) controller and a stochastic receding horizon controller (SRHC) are presented, wherethe objective is to achieve the greatest peak reduction in demand, for a given storagedevice specification, taking into account the high level of uncertainty in the prediction of LV demand. The algorithms presented in this paper are compared to a standard set-pointcontroller and bench marked against a control algorithm with a perfect forecast. A specificcase study, using storage on the LV network, is presented, and the results of each algorithmare compared. A comprehensive analysis is then carried out simulating a large number of LV networks of varying numbers of households. The results show that the performance of each algorithm is dependent on the number of aggregated households. However, on a typical aggregation, the novel SRHC algorithm presented in this paper is shown to outperform each of the comparable storage control techniques.


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More and more households are purchasing electric vehicles (EVs), and this will continue as we move towards a low carbon future. There are various projections as to the rate of EV uptake, but all predict an increase over the next ten years. Charging these EVs will produce one of the biggest loads on the low voltage network. To manage the network, we must not only take into account the number of EVs taken up, but where on the network they are charging, and at what time. To simulate the impact on the network from high, medium and low EV uptake (as outlined by the UK government), we present an agent-based model. We initialise the model to assign an EV to a household based on either random distribution or social influences - that is, a neighbour of an EV owner is more likely to also purchase an EV. Additionally, we examine the effect of peak behaviour on the network when charging is at day-time, night-time, or a mix of both. The model is implemented on a neighbourhood in south-east England using smart meter data (half hourly electricity readings) and real life charging patterns from an EV trial. Our results indicate that social influence can increase the peak demand on a local level (street or feeder), meaning that medium EV uptake can create higher peak demand than currently expected.


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Clustering methods are increasingly being applied to residential smart meter data, providing a number of important opportunities for distribution network operators (DNOs) to manage and plan the low voltage networks. Clustering has a number of potential advantages for DNOs including, identifying suitable candidates for demand response and improving energy profile modelling. However, due to the high stochasticity and irregularity of household level demand, detailed analytics are required to define appropriate attributes to cluster. In this paper we present in-depth analysis of customer smart meter data to better understand peak demand and major sources of variability in their behaviour. We find four key time periods in which the data should be analysed and use this to form relevant attributes for our clustering. We present a finite mixture model based clustering where we discover 10 distinct behaviour groups describing customers based on their demand and their variability. Finally, using an existing bootstrapping technique we show that the clustering is reliable. To the authors knowledge this is the first time in the power systems literature that the sample robustness of the clustering has been tested.


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The failure of materials is always an unwelcome event for several reasons: human lives are put in danger, economic losses, and interference in the availability of products and services. Although the causes of failures and behaviour of materials can be known, the prevention of such a condition is difficult to be guaranteed. Among the failures, wear abrasion by the low voltage is the kind of failure that occurs in more equipment and parts industry. The Plants Sucroalcooleiras suffer significant losses because of such attrition, this fact that motivated their choice for the development of this work. For both, were considered failures in the swing hammers desfibradores stopped soon after the exchange provided in accordance with tonnage of cane processed, then were analyzed by the level of wear testing of rubber wheel defined by the standard ASTM G65-91.The failures were classified as to the origin of the cause and mechanism, moreover, were prepared with samples of welding procedures according to ASME code, sec. IX as well, using the technique of thermal spraying to analyze the performance of these materials produced in laboratories, and compares them with the solder used in the plant. It was observed that the bodies-of-proof prepared by the procedure described as welding, and the thermal spraying the results of losing weight have been minimized significantly compared to the preparations in the plant. This is because the use of techniques more appropriate and more controlled conditions of the parameters of welding. As for the thermal spraying, this technique has presented a satisfactory result, but requires the use of these coatings in the best condition for real affirmation of the results