967 resultados para low frequency
While there is a developing understanding of the influence of sleep on cardiovascular autonomic activity in humans, there remain unresolved issues. In particular, the effect of time within the sleep period, independent of sleep stage, has not been investigated. Further, the influence of sleep on central sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity is uncertain because results using the major method applicable to humans, the low frequency (LF) component of heart rate Variability (HRV), have been contradictory, and because the method itself is open to criticism. Sleep and cardiac activity were measured in 14 young healthy subjects on three nights. Data was analysed in 2-min epochs. All epochs meeting specified criteria were identified, beginning 2 h before, until 7 h after, sleep onset. Epoch values were allocated to 30-min bins and during sleep were also classified into stage 2, slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The measures of cardiac activity were heart irate (HR), blood pressure (BP), high frequency (HF) and LF components of HRV and pre-ejection period (PEP). During non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep autonomic balance shifted from sympathetic to parasympathetic dominance, although this appeared to be more because of a shift in parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) activity. Autonomic balance during REM was in general similar to wakefulness. For BP and the HF and LF components the change occurred abruptly at sleep onset and was then constant over time within each stage of sleep, indicating that any change in autonomic balance over the sleep period is a consequence of the changing distribution of sleep stages. Two variables, HR and PEP, did show time effects reflecting a circadian influence over HR and perhaps time asleep affecting PEP. While both the LF component and PEP showed changes consistent with reduced sympathetic tone during sleep, their pattern of change over time differed.
In the non-color-word Stroop task, university students' response latencies were longer for low-frequency than for higher frequency target words. Visual identity primes facilitated color naming in groups reading the prime silently or processing it semantically (Experiment 1) but did not when participants generated a rhyme of the prime (Experiment 3). With auditory identity primes, generating an associate or a rhyme of the prime produced interference (Experiments 2 and 3). Color-naming latencies were longer for nonwords than for words (Experiment 4). There was a small long-term repetition benefit in color naming for low-frequency words that had been presented in the lexical decision task (Experiment 5). Facilitation of word recognition speeds color naming except when phonological activation of the base word increases response competition.
Drosophila antonietae belongs to the Drosophila buzzatii cluster, a cactophilic group of species naturally endemic to South America. Morphological and genetic analyses indicate that its populations are the most homogenous in the cluster and that the diversity observed is mainly a result of variation within populations. Seven polymorphic microsatellite loci were described for this species and used in the present study to investigate the genetic diversity of natural populations of D. antonietae by both length and sequence variation. The study aimed to understand how homoplasy and null alleles affect inferences about the population history of this species and to obtain an accurate interpretation of population inferences where these loci could be applied. The results provide useful information on the interpretation of genetic data derived from the microsatellite loci described for D. antonietae and on evolutionary aspects of cactophilic Drosophila. Importantly, the results indicate that size homoplasy and null alleles do not represent significant problems for the population genetics analyses because the large amount of variability at microsatellite loci compensate the low frequency of these problems in the populations. (C) 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100, 573-584.
Prospective memory (ProM) is the memory for future actions. It requires retrieving content of anaction in response to an ambiguous cue. Currently, it is unclear if ProM is a distinct form of memory, or merely a variant of retrospective memory (RetM). While content retrieval in ProM appears analogous to conventional RetM, less is known about the process of cue detection. Using a modified version of the standard ProM paradigm, three experiments manipulated stimulus characteristics known to influence RetM, in order to examine their effects on ProM performance. Experiment 1 (N — 80) demonstrated that low frequency stimuli elicited significantly higher hit rates and lower false alarm rates than high frequency stimuli, comparable to the mirror effect in RetM. Experiment 2 (N = 80) replicated these results, and showed that repetition of distracters during the test phase significantly increased false alarm rates to second and subsequent presentations of low frequency distracters. Building on these results. Experiment 3 (AT = 40) showed that when the study list was strengthened, the repeated presentation of targets and distracters did not significantly affect response rates. These experiments demonstrate more overlap between ProM and RetM than has previously been acknowledged. The implications for theories of ProM are considered.
We investigate whether arterial baroreceptors mediate the training-induced blood pressure fall and resting bradycardia in hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive rats (WKY). Male SHR and WKY rats, submitted to sino-aortic denervation (SAD) or sham surgery (SHAM group), were allocated to training (T; 55% of maximal exercise capacity) or sedentary (S) protocols for 3 months. Rats were instrumented with arterial and venous catheters for haemodynamic measurements at rest (power spectral analysis) and baroreceptor testing. Kidney and skeletal muscles were processed for morphometric analysis of arterioles. Elevated mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) in SHAM SHRS were accompanied by increased sympathetic variability and arteriolar wall/lumen ratio [+3.4-fold on low-frequency (LF) power and +70%, respectively, versus WKYS, P < 0.05]. Training caused significant HR (similar to 9% in WKY and SHR) and MAP reductions (-8% in the SHR), simultaneously with improvement of baroreceptor reflex control of HR (SHR and WKY), LF reduction (with a positive correlation between LF power and MAP levels in the SHR) and normalization of wall/lumen ratio of the skeletal muscle arterioles (SHR only). In contrast, SAD increased pressure variability in both strains of rats, causing reductions in MAP (-13%) and arteriolar wall/lumen ratio (-35%) only in the SHRS. Training effects were completely blocked by SAD in both strains; in addition, after SAD the resting MAP and HR and the wall/lumen ratio of skeletal muscle arterioles were higher in SHRT versus SHRS and similar to those of SHAM SHRS. The lack of training-induced effects in the chronic absence of baroreceptor inputs strongly suggests that baroreceptor signalling plays a decisive role in driving beneficial training-induced cardiovascular adjustments.
The BOLD contrast signal history determined by lagged Unear correlation has a significant contribution to functional connectivity in activation data sets. It has been demonstrated that in resting state fMRI data, the major contribution to synchronous correlation between functionally connected areas arises from low frequency contributions (
We examine the mean flux across a homogeneous membrane of a charged tracer subject to an alternating, symmetric voltage waveform. The analysis is based on the Nernst-Planck flux equation, with electric field subject to time dependence only. For low frequency electric fields the quasi steady-state flux can be approximated using the Goldman model, which has exact analytical solutions for tracer concentration and flux. No such closed form solutions can be found for arbitrary frequencies, however we find approximations for high frequency. An approximation formula for the average flux at all frequencies is also obtained from the two limiting approximations. Numerical integration of the governing equation is accomplished by use of the numerical method of lines and is performed for four different voltage waveforms. For the different voltage profiles, comparisons are made with the approximate analytical solutions which demonstrates their applicability. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background and purpose: Tinnitus is a frequent disorder which is very difficult to treat and there is compelling evidence that tinnitus is associated with functional alterations in the central nervous system. Targeted modulation of tinnitus-related cortical activity has been proposed as a promising new treatment approach. We aimed to investigate both immediate and long-term effects of low frequency (1 Hz) repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in patients with tinnitus and normal hearing. Methods: Using a parallel design, 20 patients were randomized to receive either active or placebo stimulation over the left temporoparietal cortex for five consecutive days. Treatment results were assessed by using the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory. Ethyl cysteinate dimmer-single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging was performed before and 14 days after rTMS. Results: After active rTMS there was significant improvement of the tinnitus score as compared to sham rTMS for up to 6 months after stimulation. SPECT measurements demonstrated a reduction of metabolic activity in the inferior left temporal lobe after active rTMS. Conclusion: These results support the potential of rTMS as a new therapeutic tool for the treatment of chronic tinnitus, by demonstrating a significant reduction of tinnitus complaints over a period of at least 6 months and significant reduction of neural activity in the inferior temporal cortex, despite the stimulation applied on the superior temporal cortex.
The popular Newmark algorithm, used for implicit direct integration of structural dynamics, is extended by means of a nodal partition to permit use of different timesteps in different regions of a structural model. The algorithm developed has as a special case an explicit-explicit subcycling algorithm previously reported by Belytschko, Yen and Mullen. That algorithm has been shown, in the absence of damping or other energy dissipation, to exhibit instability over narrow timestep ranges that become narrower as the number of degrees of freedom increases, making them unlikely to be encountered in practice. The present algorithm avoids such instabilities in the case of a one to two timestep ratio (two subcycles), achieving unconditional stability in an exponential sense for a linear problem. However, with three or more subcycles, the trapezoidal rule exhibits stability that becomes conditional, falling towards that of the central difference method as the number of subcycles increases. Instabilities over narrow timestep ranges, that become narrower as the model size increases, also appear with three or more subcycles. However by moving the partition between timesteps one row of elements into the region suitable for integration with the larger timestep these the unstable timestep ranges become extremely narrow, even in simple systems with a few degrees of freedom. As well, accuracy is improved. Use of a version of the Newmark algorithm that dissipates high frequencies minimises or eliminates these narrow bands of instability. Viscous damping is also shown to remove these instabilities, at the expense of having more effect on the low frequency response.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of anti-C1q antibodies Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein Research Institute, Sao Paulo, Brazil in 67 juvenile Systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) patients and 26 healthy controls and to assess the association of these antibodies with disease activity, nephritis, and presence of anti-double-stranded (ds)DNA. Anti-C1q antibodies were detected by ELISA. A higher frequency of anti-C1q antibodies was observed in JSLE patients compared to controls (20% vs. 0%, P = 0.016). Specificity of these antibodies was 100% [95% confidence interval (CI) 86.7-100%] and sensitivity was 19.4% (95% CI 10.7-30.8%) for a lupus diagnosis. The median anti-C1q antibodies was higher in JSLE patients compared to controls [median (range) 9.4 (5.5-127) vs. 7.3 (5-20) units, P = 0.004]. Remarkably, a positive Spearman`s coefficient was found between anti-dsDNA and anti-C1q units (r = 0.42, P = 0.0004, 95% CI 0.19-0.60). Our results confirm a low frequency of anti-C1q antibody in our lupus populations, but the presence of anti-C1q antibodies appears to be a good marker for JSLE diagnosis.
Free fatty acids (FFAs) have been shown to produce alteration of heart rate variability (HRV) in healthy and diabetic individuals. Changes in HRV have been described in septic patients and in those with hyperglycemia and elevated plasma FFA levels. We studied if sepsis-induced heart damage and HRV alteration are associated with plasma FFA levels in patients. Thirty-one patients with sepsis were included. The patients were divided into two groups: survivors(n = 12) and nonsurvivors (n = 19). The following associations were investigated: (a) troponin I elevation and HRV reduction and (b) clinical evolution and HRV index, plasma troponin, and plasma FFA levels. Initial measurements of C-reactive protein and gravity Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation scores were similar in both groups. Overall, an increase in plasma troponin level was related to increased mortality risk. From the first day of study, the nonsurvivor group presented a reduced left ventricular stroke work systolic index and a reduced low frequency (LF) that is one of HRV indexes. The correlation coefficient for LF values and troponin was r(2) = 0.75 (P < 0.05). All patients presented elevated plasma FFA levels on the first day of the study (5.11 +/- 0.53 mg/mL), and this elevation was even greater in the nonsurvivor group compared with the survivors (6.88 +/- 0.13 vs. 3.85 +/- 0.48 mg/mL, respectively; P < 0.05). Cardiac damage was confirmed by measurement of plasma troponin I and histological analysis. Heart dysfunction was determined by left ventricular stroke work systolic index and HRV index in nonsurvivor patients. A relationship was found between plasma FFA levels, LFnu index, troponin levels, and histological changes. Plasma FFA levels emerged as possible cause of heart damage in sepsis.
Background: The relation between left ventricular filing velocities determined by Doppler echocardiography and autonomic nervous system function assessed by heart rate variability (HRV) is unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the autonomic nervous system assessed by the time and frequency domain indices of HRV in the Doppler indices of left ventricular diastolic filling velocities in patients without heart disease. Methods: We studied 451 healthy individuals (255 female [56.4%]) with normal blood pressure, electrocardiogram, chest x-ray, and treadmill electrocardiographic exercise stress test results, with a mean age of 43 +/- 12 (range 15-82) years, who underwent transthoracic Doppler echocardiography and 24-hour electrocardiographic ambulatory monitoring. We studied indices of HRV on time (standard deviation [SD] of all normal sinus RR intervals during 24 hours, SD of averaged normal sinus RR intervals for all 5-minute segments, mean of the SD of all normal sinus RR intervals for all 5-minute segments, root-mean-square of the successive normal sinus RR interval difference, and percentage of successive normal sinus RR intervals > 50 ms) and frequency (low frequency, high frequency, very low frequency, low frequency/high frequency ratio) domains relative to peak flow velocity during rapid passive filling phase (E), atrial contraction (A), E/A ratio, E-wave deceleration time, and isovolumic relaxation time. Statistical analysis was performed with Pearson correlation and logistic regression. Results: Peak flow velocity during rapid passive filling phase (E) and atrial contraction (A), E/A ratio, and deceleration time of early mitral inflow did not demonstrate a significant correlation with indices of HRV in time and frequency domain. We found that the E/A ratio was < 1 in 45 individuals (10%). Individuals with an E/A ratio < 1 had lower indices of HRV in frequency domain (except low frequency/high frequency) and lower indices of the mean of the SD of all normal sinus RR intervals for all 5-minute segments, root-mean-square of the successive normal sinus RR interval difference, and percentage of successive normal sinus RR intervals > 50 ms in time domain. Logistic regression demonstrated that an E/A ratio < 1 was associated with lower HF. Conclusion: Individuals with no evidence of heart disease and an E/A ratio < 1 demonstrated a significant decrease in indexes of HRV associated with parasympathetic modulation. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2010;23: 762-5.)
Analysis of fuel emissions is crucial for understanding the pathogenesis of mortality because of air pollution. The objective of this study is to assess cardiovascular and inflammatory toxicity of diesel and biodiesel particles. Mice were exposed to fuels for 1 h. Heart rate (HR), heart rate variability, and blood pressure were obtained before exposure, as well as 30 and 60 min after exposure. After 24 h, bronchoalveolar lavage, blood, and bone marrow were collected to evaluate inflammation. B100 decreased the following emission parameters: mass, black carbon, metals, CO, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and volatile organic compounds compared with B50 and diesel; root mean square of successive differences in the heart beat interval increased with diesel (p < 0.05) compared with control; low frequency increased with diesel (p < 0.01) and B100 (p < 0.05) compared with control; HR increased with B100 (p < 0.05) compared with control; mean corpuscular volume increased with B100 compared with diesel (p < 0.01), B50, and control (p < 0.001); mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration decreased with B100 compared with B50 (p < 0.001) and control (p < 0.05); leucocytes increased with B50 compared with diesel (p < 0.05); platelets increased with B100 compared with diesel and control (p < 0.05); reticulocytes increased with B50 compared with diesel, control (p < 0.01), and B100 (p < 0.05); metamyelocytes increased with B50 and B100 compared with diesel (p < 0.05); neutrophils increased with diesel and B50 compared with control (p < 0.05); and macrophages increased with diesel (p < 0.01), B50, and B100 (p < 0.05) compared with control. Biodiesel was more toxic than diesel because it promoted cardiovascular alterations as well as pulmonary and systemic inflammation.
Neuromodulation is the branch of neurophysiology related to the therapeutic effects of electrical stimulations of the nervous system. There are currently different practical applications of neuromodulation techniques for the treatment of various neurological disorders, such as deep brain stimulation for Parkinson`s disease and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for major depression. An increasing number of studies have been devoted to the analgesic effects of rTMS in chronic pain patients. RTMS has been used either as a therapeutic tool per se, or as a preoperative test in patients undergoing epidural precentral gyrus stimulation. High-frequency rTMS (a parts per thousand yen5 Hz) is considered to be excitatory, while low-frequency stimulation (a parts per thousand currency sign1 Hz) is considered to exert an inhibitory effect over neuronal populations of the primary motor cortex. However, other parameters of stimulation may play a central role on its clinical effects such as the type of coil, its orientation over the scalp, and the total number of rTMS sessions performed. Experimental data from animals, healthy volunteers, and neuropathic pain patients have suggested that stimulation of the primary motor cortex by rTMS is able to activate brain regions implicated in the processing of the different aspects of chronic pain, and influence brain regions involved in the endogenous opioid system. Over twenty prospective randomized sham-controlled trials have studied the analgesic effects of rTMS on chronic pain. Most of the patients included in these trials had central or peripheral neuropathic pain. Although most studies used a single session of stimulation, recent studies have shown that the analgesic effects of rTMS may outlast the stimulation period for many days when repetitive sessions are performed. This opens the possibility to use rTMS as a therapeutic tool of its own in the armamentarium against neuropathic pain.
The present study has investigated in conscious rats the influence of the duration of physical training sessions on cardiac autonomic adaptations by using different approaches; 1) double blockade with methylatropine and propranolol; 2) the baroreflex sensitivity evaluated by alternating bolus injections of phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside; and 3) the autonomic modulation of HRV in the frequency domain by means of spectral analysis. The animals were divided into four groups: one sedentary group and three training groups submitted to physical exercise (swimming) for 15, 30, and 60 min a day during 10 weeks. All training groups showed similar reduction in intrinsic heart rate (IHR) after double blockade with methylatropine and propranolol. However, only 30-min and 60-min physical training presented an increase in the vagal autonomic component for determination of basal heart rate (HR) in relation to group sedentary. Spectral analysis of HR showed that the 30-min and 60-min physical training presented the reduction in low-frequency oscillations (LF = 0.20-0.75 Hz) and the increase in high-frequency oscillations (HF = 0.75-2.5 Hz) in normalized units. These both groups only showed an increased baroreflex sensitivity to tachycardiac responses in relation to group sedentary, however when compared, the physical training of 30-min exhibited a greater gain. In conclusion, cardiac autonomic adaptations, characterised by the increased predominance of the vagal autonomic component, were not proportional to the duration of daily physical training sessions. In fact, 30-minute training sessions provided similar cardiac autonomic adaptations, or even more enhanced ones, as in the case of baroreflex sensitivity compared to 60-minute training sessions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.