988 resultados para lato sensu
En diciembre de 2007, en la Sierra de Loarre (Huesca) observamos signos de Newrobasidion annosum sensu lato asociados a daños de defoliación y mortalidad en una repoblación de Pinus nigra. Se ha identificado la especie biológica de aislamientos recogidos de este patógeno mediante técnicas moleculares, y se ha corroborado mediante cruces con aislamientos homocariontes, que se trata de H. annosum sensu stricto. Esta especie biológica ataca al género Pinus y puede causar daños sobre Pinus nigra.
Mercurialis canariensis Obbard & S. A. Harris is an endemic plant recently described from the Canary Islands (OBBARD et al., 2006b: 103). This taxon went undetected until recently, having been included within the variability of the Mercurialis annua sensu lato complex (HANSEN & SUNDING, 1993:170; STIERSTORFER & GAISBERG, 2006).
The Ivrea and the Strona-Ceneri zones, NW italy and S Switzerland, offer the possibility to study the continental crust of the Southern Alps. Because of its high metamorphic degree and the abundant Permo- Carboniferous mafic intrusions, the Ivrea Zone is classically interpreted an exposed section trough the Permian lower crust. The present work is focused here on metasedimentary slices (septa) intercalated within Permian gabbro (mafic complex). In particular I studied the evolution of accessory phases such as rutile and zircon and the chemistry of the metasediments. The septa build an irregular and discontinuous band that cut obliquely the mafic complex from its deepest part (N) to its roof (S). The chemistry of the metasediments evolves along the band and the chemical evolution can be compared with that observed in the country-rock surrounding the mafic intrusion to the NE and overprinted by a main regional metamorphic event. This suggests that the degree of chemical depletion of the septa was mainly established during the same regional metamorphic event. Moreover it suggests that incorporation of the septa within the gabbro did not modify their original stratigraphie distribution within the crust. It implies that the mafic complex has been emplaced following a dynamic substantially different from the classic model of « gabbro glacier » (Quick et al., 1992; Quick et al., 1994). It is more likely that it has been emplaced by repeated injections of sills at different depths during a protracted period of time. Zircon trace elements and U-Pb ages suggest that regional metamorphism occurred 330-320Ma, the first sills in the deepest part of the Mafic Complex are injected at ~300Ma, the mafic magmas reached higher levels in the crust at 285Ma and the magmatic activity continued locally until 275Ma. The ages of detrital cores in zircons fix the maximal sedimentation age at ~370Ma, this age corresponds therefore with the maximal age of the incorporation of the Ivrea zone within the lower crust. I propose that the Ivrea zone has been accreted to the lower crust during the Hercynian orogeny sensu lato. The analysis of detrital ages suggests that the source terrains for the Ivrea zone and those for the Strona-Ceneri zone have a completely different Palaeozoic history. The systematic analysis of rutile in partially molten metasediments of the Ivrea zone reveals the occurrence of two generations. The two generations are characterized by a different chemistry and textural distribution. A first generation is formed during pro-grade metamorphism in the restitic counterpart. The second generation is formed in the melts during cooling at the same time that part of the first generation re-equilibrate. Re-equilibration of the first generation seems to be spatially controlled by the presence of fluids. Locally the second generation forms overgrowths on the first generation. Considered the different diffusivity of U and Pb in rutile, U heterogeneities have important implication for U-Pb dating of rutile. ID-TIMS and LA-ICPMS dating coupled with a careful textural investigation (SEM) suggest that rutile grains are characterized by multiple path along which Pb diffusion can occur: volume diffusion is an important process, but intragrain and subgrain boundaries provide additional high diffusivity pathways for Pb escape and reduce drastically the effective diffusion length. -- La zone d'Ivrea et la zone de Strona-Ceneri, en Italie nord-occidentale et Suisse méridionale, offrent la possibilité d'étudier la croûte continentale des Alpes du Sud. En raison du haut degré métamorphique et l'abondance d'intrusions mafiques d'âge Permo-Carbonifère [complexe mafique), la zone d'Ivrea est interprétée classiquement comme de la croûte inférieure permienne. Ce travail ce concentre sur des bandes metasédimentaires (septa) incorporées dans les magmas mafiques lors de l'intrusion. Les septa forment une bande irrégulière qui coupe obliquement le complexe mafique du bas (N) vers le haut (S). La chimie des septa évolue du bas vers le haut et l'évolution chimique se rapproche de l'évolution observé dans la roche encaissante l'intrusion affecté par un événement métamorphique régionale. Cette relation suggère que le degré d'appauvrissement chimique des septa a été établit principalement lors de l'événement métamorphique régional. De plus l'incorporation dans les gabbros n'a pas perturbée la distribution stratigraphique originelle des septa. Ces deux observations impliquent que le métamorphisme dans la roche encaissante précède la mise en place du gabbro et que cette dernière ne se fait pas selon le modèle classique (« gabbro glacier » de Quick et al., 1992, 1994), mais se fait plutôt par injections répétées de sills a différentes profondeurs. Les âges U-Pb et les éléments traces des zircons suggèrent que le métamorphisme régionale a eu lieu 330-320Ma, alors que les premiers sills dans la partie profonde du Mafic Complex s'injectent à ~300Ma, le magmatisme mafique atteigne des niveaux supérieurs à 285Ma et continue localement jusqu'à 270Ma. Les âges des coeurs détritiques des zircons permettent de fixer l'âge maximale de sédimentation à ~370Ma ce qui correspond donc à l'âge maximale de l'incorporation de la zone d'Ivrea dans la croûte inférieur. L'analyse systématique des rutiles, nous a permit de montrer l'existence de plusieurs générations qui ont une répartition texturale et une chimie différente. Une génération se forme lors de l'événement UHT dans les restites, une autre génération se forme dans les liquides lors du refroidissement, au même temps qu'une partie de la première génération se rééquilibre au niveau du Zr. Localement la deuxième génération peut former des surcroissances autour de la première génération. Dans ces cas, des fortes différences en uranium entre les deux générations ont des importantes implications pour la datation U-Pb sur rutile. Classiquement les ratios Pb/U dans le rutile sont interprétés comme indiquant l'âges du refroidissement du minéral sous une température à la quelle la diffusion du Pb dans le minéral n'est plus détectable et la diffusion à plus hautes températures est assumée se faire par «volume diffusion» dans le grain (Mezger et al., 1989). Par des datations ID-TIMS (sur grain entier) et LA-ICPMS (in-situ) et une analyse texturale (MEB) approfondie nous montrons que cette supposition est trop simpliste et que le rutile est repartie en sous-domaines. Chacun de ces domaines a ça propre longueur ou chemin de diffusion spécifique. Nous proposons donc une nouvelle approche plus cohérente pour l'interprétation des âges U-Pb sur rutile.
Spermiogenesis in Molluscotaenia crassiscolex begins with the formation of a differentiation zone containing two centrioles. One of the centrioles develops a flagellum directly into the cytoplasmic extension. The nucleus elongates and later migrates along the spermatid body. During advanced stages of spermiogenesis, a periaxonemal sheath appears in the spermatid. Spermiogenesis finishes with the appearance of a single helicoidal crested body at the base of the spermatid and, finally, the narrowing of the ring of arched membranes causes the detachment of the fully formed spermatozoon. The mature spermatozoon of M. crassiscolex exhibits a partially detached crested body in the anterior region of the spermatozoon, one axoneme, twisted cortical microtubules, a periaxonemal sheath, and a spiralled nucleus. The anterior spermatozoon extremity is characterized by the presence of an electron-dense apical cone and a single spiralled crested body, which is attached to the sperm cell in the anterior and posterior areas of region I, whereas in the middle area it is partially detached from the cell. This crested body is described for the first time in cestodes. The posterior extremity of the male gamete exhibits only the disorganizing axoneme. Results are discussed and compared particularly with the available ultrastructural data on dilepidids sensu lato.
Seabirds act as natural reservoirs to Lyme borreliosis spirochetes and may play a significant role in the global circulation of these pathogens. While Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (Bbsl) has been shown to occur in ticks collected from certain locations in the North Pacific, little is known about interspecific differences in exposure within the seabird communities of this region. We examined the prevalence of anti-Bbsl antibodies in 805 individuals of nine seabird species breeding across the North Pacific. Seroprevalence varied strongly among species and locations. Murres (Uria spp.) showed the highest antibody prevalence and may play a major role in facilitating Bbsl circulation at a worldwide scale. Other species showed little or no signs of exposure, despite being present in multispecific colonies with seropositive birds. Complex dynamics may be operating in this wide scale, natural hostparasite system, possibly mediated by the host immune system and host specialization of the tick vector.
An on-line electrodissolution procedure implemented in a flow injection system for determination of copper, zinc and lead in brasses alloys by ICP-AES is described. Sample dissolution procedure was carried out by using a PTFE chamber and a DC power supply with constant current. Solid sample was attached to chamber as anode and a gold tubing coupled in the chamber was used as cathode. An electrolytic solution flowing through the gold tubing closed the electric circuit with sample, in order to provide condition for electric dissolution when the DC power supply was switched on. The best results were achieved by using a 1.5 mol l-1 nitric acid solution as electrolyte and a 2.5 A current intensity. The procedure presented a good performance characterized by a relative standard deviation better than < 5% (n=5) and a sample throughput of 180 determinations per hour for Cu, Zn and Pb. Results were in agreement with those obtained by conventional acid dissolution (99% confidence level).
Lyme borreliosis is a tick-transmitted infection caused by the spirochete bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. The tick injects bacteria into host skin, where a first line defence, mainly the complement system, neutrophils, dendritic cells and macrophages are ready to attack foreign intruders. However, in the case of Lyme borreliosis, the original immune response in the skin is untypically mild among bacterial infections. A further untypical feature is the ability of B. burgdorferi to disseminate to distant organs, where, in some patients, symptoms appear after years after the original infection. This study aimed at uncovering some of the immune evasion mechanisms utilized by B. burgdorferi against the complement system, neutrophils and dendritic cells. B. burgdorferi was shown to inhibit chemotaxis of human neutrophils towards nformyl- methyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP). Outer surface protein B (OspB) of B. burgdorferi was shown to promote resistance to the attack of the complement system and neutrophil phagocytosis at low complement concentrations. B. burgdorferi was shown to inhibit migration of dendritic cells in vitro towards CCL19 and CCL21 and also in an in vivo model. This effect was shown to be due to the absence of CD38 on the borrelia-stimulated dendritic cell surface. A defect in p38 mitogen-activated-protein-kinase (p38) signaling was linked to defective CD38 expression. A defect in CD38 expression on B. burgdorferi-stimulated neutrophils was also observed. In this study, a number of novel immune evasion strategies utilized by B burgdorferi were chracterized. However, further studies are needed as other immune evasion mechanisms await to be uncovered.
Invocatio: KREIKKAA Alpha, omega.
Invocatio: KREIKKAA [Alpha et omega].
Dedicatio: Christianus Cavander.
Invocatio: D.D.
Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, A4 B2.
Este trabalho apresenta a síntese dos resultados de uma pesquisa documental sobre o ensino de Bioética na pós-graduação da área da saúde. Seu objetivo principal é caracterizar o perfil acadêmico dos professores desse curso. Para tanto, foi mapeado o perfil acadêmico de professores das disciplinas relacionadas com a Bioética de 163 cursos reconhecidos pela CAPES. Por meio da identificação dos docentes nos programas das disciplinas, efetuou-se uma pesquisa nos currículos disponíveis na Plataforma Lattes do CNPq. Devido à ausência de registros e tendo-se excluído aqueles que aparecem mais de uma vez em outras disciplinas, só foi possível analisar os currículos de 96 professores. Desses, 58 (60,4%) eram do sexo masculino, sendo 45 (46,9%) da área médica; 51 (53,1%) de outras 12 áreas acadêmicas; 36 (37,5%) têm duas ou mais pós-graduações; 2 (2,08%) são graduados em Filosofia; 1 (1,04%) em Linguística; 83 (86,47%) dos currículos não registram formação específica em cursos lato ou stricto sensu em Filosofia, Ética e Bioética; 16 (n = 16,7%) integram Comitês de Ética e em apenas 5 (5,2%) constam que já participaram desse tipo de comitê. O estudo evidenciou que o maior desafio é vencer a carência de profissionais qualificados para o ensino da Bioética em pós-graduação no País.
O cerrado tem sido objeto de discussão de grupos temáticos que estudam a conservação de biodiversidade no Estado de Minas Gerais. São inúmeras as áreas de conservação com vegetação de cerrado das quais não se têm informações a respeito de sua composição florística e estrutura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar florística e fitossociologicamente uma área de cerrado sensu stricto, no município de Abaeté-MG. A área de estudo é um fragmento com 2 ha de cerrado sensu stricto, preservado como área de reserva da CAF-Santa Bárbara, situada nas coordenadas 19º05'S e 44º58'W, a uma altitude de 480 m, em leve depressão próxima de uma vereda. O clima pertence ao tipo Cwa pelo sistema de Köppen, com precipitação média anual de 1.400 mm. O solo é do tipo Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. Foram instaladas 15 parcelas de 200 m² (10 x 20 m), distribuídas sistematicamente ao longo de trilhas, distanciadas 10 m entre si. Foram amostrados todos os indivíduos lenhosos vivos com circunferência do caule ao nível do solo (CAS) igual ou maior que 10 cm. O índice de Shannon foi de 3,590 e a equabilidade foi de 0,804, considerados comuns para cerrados bem conservados. Foram amostrados 1.339 indivíduos, sendo a composição florística constituída por 85 espécies, distribuídas em 44 famílias. As famílias com maior número de espécies foram Leguminosae Caesalpinioideae com sete espécies, Annonaceae com cinco, Myrtaceae, Malpighiaceae, Erythroxylaceae, Anacardiaceae, Rubiaceae e Bignoniaceae com quatro, seguidas de Vochysiaceae e Leguminosae Papilionoideae com três. As espécies que apresentaram o maior valor de importância (VI) foram Xylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart. (22,21), Myrcia lingua Berg (18,18) Caryocar brasiliense Cambess. (17,91), Eugenia dysenterica DC. (17,58), Byrsonima intermedia A. Juss. (13,69) e Brosimum gaudichaudii Trécul (11,86).
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito do fogo na estrutura e composição florística de uma área de 10 ha de cerrado sensu stricto, localizada na fazenda Água Limpa da Universidade de Brasília. Foram realizados dois inventários, sendo o primeiro em 1999, logo após a área ter sido totalmente queimada, devido a um incêndio criminoso, e o segundo em novembro de 2002. Quatro parcelas de 0,1 ha (20 x 50 m) foram tomadas, aleatoriamente, na área queimada. Todos os indivíduos lenhosos arbóreos vivos, com Db (diâmetro tomado a 0,30 m do solo) igual ou superior a 3 cm, foram identificados botanicamente, e seus diâmetros e alturas foram registrados. Valores de densidade, dominância, freqüência e índice de valor de cobertura foram obtidos para os dois levantamentos. A avaliação da similaridade florística entre os dois inventários foi realizada para dados qualitativos (presença e ausência de espécies), a partir do índice de Sfrensen. Os resultados mostraram que houve pouca mudança na composição florística da comunidade durante o período estudado. Entre os dois inventários houve um aumento de aproximadamente 125% na densidade por hectare. A similaridade entre os dois levantamentos foi alta (índice de Sfrensen igual a 0,68). A densidade florística, obtida a partir do índice de Shannon, foi baixa (cerca de 2,5) nas duas épocas monitoradas, quando comparada com pesquisas a longo prazo no cerrado sensu stricto da FAL (cerca de 3,5). Contudo, este valor é comum em áreas de cerrado que sofreram distúrbios. No segundo inventário, realizado três anos após o fogo, surgiram 13 espécies novas na área, o que comprova a sua recuperação e recolonização.