986 resultados para killer toxins


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An estimated 2%-3% of the world's population is chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) and this is a major cause of liver disease worldwide. Following acute infection, outcome is variable with acute HCV successfully resolved in some individuals (20%-30%), but in the majority of cases the virus is able to persist. Co-infection with human immunodeficiency virus has been associated with a negative impact on the course of HCV infection. The host's immune response is an important correlate of HCV infection outcome and disease progression. Natural killer (NK) cells provide a major component of the antiviral immune response by recognising and killing virally infected cells. NK cells modulate their activity through a combination of inhibitory and activatory receptors such as the killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) that bind to human leukocyte antigen (HLA) Class I molecules. In this workshop component, we addressed the influence of KIR genotypes and their HLA ligands on resolving HCV infection and we discuss the implications of the results of the study of Lopez-Vazquez et al. on KIR and HCV disease progression.


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Nitration of tyrosine residues has been observed during various acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. However, the mechanism of tyrosine nitration and the nature of the proteins that become tyrosine nitrated during inflammation remain unclear. Here we show that eosinophils but not other cell types including neutrophils contain nitrotyrosine-positive proteins in specific granules. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the human eosinophil toxins, eosinophil peroxidase (EPO), major basic protein, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), and the respective murine toxins, are post-translationally modified by nitration at tyrosine residues during cell maturation. High resolution affinity-mass spectrometry identified specific single nitration sites at Tyr349 in EPO and Tyr33 in both ECP and EDN. ECP and EDN crystal structures revealed and EPO structure modeling suggested that the nitrated tyrosine residues in the toxins are surface exposed. Studies in EPO(-/-), gp91phox(-/-), and NOS(-/-) mice revealed that tyrosine nitration of these toxins is mediated by EPO in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and minute amounts of NOx. Tyrosine nitration of eosinophil granule toxins occurs during maturation of eosinophils, independent of inflammation. These results provide evidence that post-translational tyrosine nitration is unique to eosinophils.


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Concanavalin A (Con A)-induced injury is an established natural killer T (NKT) cell-mediated model of inflammation that has been used in studies of immune liver disease. Extracellular nucleotides, such as adenosine triphosphate, are released by Con A-stimulated cells and bind to specific purinergic type 2 receptors to modulate immune activation responses. Levels of extracellular nucleotides are in turn closely regulated by ectonucleotidases, such as CD39/NTPDase1. Effects of extracellular nucleotides and CD39 on NKT cell activation and upon hepatic inflammation have been largely unexplored to date. Here, we show that NKT cells express both CD39 and CD73/ecto-5'-nucleotidase and can therefore generate adenosine from extracellular nucleotides, whereas natural killer cells do not express CD73. In vivo, mice null for CD39 are protected from Con A-induced liver injury and show substantively lower serum levels of interleukin-4 and interferon-gamma when compared with matched wild-type mice. Numbers of hepatic NKT cells are significantly decreased in CD39 null mice after Con A administration. Hepatic NKT cells express most P2X and P2Y receptors; exceptions include P2X3 and P2Y11. Heightened levels of apoptosis of CD39 null NKT cells in vivo and in vitro appear to be driven by unimpeded activation of the P2X7 receptor. CONCLUSION: CD39 and CD73 are novel phenotypic markers of NKT cells. Deletion of CD39 modulates nucleotide-mediated cytokine production by, and limits apoptosis of, hepatic NKT cells providing protection against Con A-induced hepatitis. This study illustrates a further role for purinergic signaling in NKT-mediated mechanisms that result in liver immune injury.


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A 19-year-old man suffered a cardiac arrest during a promenade with his friends. Cardiac resuscitation was started immediately. Anamnesis uncovered that the father as well as a cousin of the patient suffered from myotonic dystrophy (MD). Follow-up ECG monitoring showed intercurrent III degree AV-block as well as several asymptomatic episodes of ventricular tachycardias, atrial flutter with changing conduction and atrial fibrillation. Neuromuscular testing and genetic analyses confirmed the diagnosis of a myotonic dystrophy. Myotonic dystrophy (MD) is a chronic, slowly progressing, autosomal dominant inherited multisystemic disease.The clinical presentation is characterized by wasting of the muscles with delayed relaxation, cataracts and endocrine changes. MD is associated with both cardiac conduction disturbances and structural heart abnormalities. Electrocardiographic abnormalities include conduction disturbances or tachyarrhythmias. This case illustrates that potentially lethal arrhythmias inducing sudden cardiac death may occur in MD patients even in the absence of neurologic symptoms characterizing the systemic illness.


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We assessed and compared host cell specificity of the haemolytic and cytotoxic activity of the RTX toxins from Actinobacillus equuli, an equine pathogen, and Actinobacillus suis, which is pathogenic for pigs. The two bacterial species are closely related, phenotypically as well as phylogenetically, sharing the same 16S rRNA gene sequence. Both species contain specific protein toxins from the family of pore-forming RTX toxins, however, the two species differ in their RTX toxin profiles. Haemolytic A. equuli contains the operon for the Aqx toxin, whereas A. suis harbours genes for ApxI and ApxII. We tested the toxic activity of the corresponding proteins on erythrocytes as well as on lymphocytes isolated from horse and pig blood. The strength of the haemolytic activity for each of the toxins was independent of the origin of erythrocytes. When testing cytotoxic activity, the Aqx protein showed a higher toxic effect for horse lymphocytes than for porcine lymphocytes. On the other hand, ApxI and ApxII showed a strong cytotoxic effect on porcine lymphocytes and a reduced toxicity for horse lymphocytes; the toxicity of ApxII was generally much lower than ApxI. Our results indicate a host species specificity of the toxic activity of RTX toxins Aqx of A. equuli and ApxI and ApxII of A. suis.


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RTX toxins (repeats in the structural toxin) are pore-forming protein toxins produced by a broad range of pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. In vitro, RTX toxins mostly exhibit a cytotoxic and often also a hemolytic activity. They are particularly widespread in species of the family Pasteurellaceae which cause infectious diseases, most frequently in animals but also in humans. Most RTX toxins are proteins with a molecular mass of 100-200 kDa and are post-translationally activated by acylation via a specific activator protein. The repeated structure of RTX toxins, which gave them their name, is composed of iterative glycine-rich nonapeptides binding Ca2+ on the C-terminal half of the protein. Genetic analysis of RTX toxins of various species of Pasteurellaceae and of a few other Gram-negative bacteria gave evidence of horizontal transfer of genes encoding RTX toxins and led to speculations that RTX toxins might have originated from Pasteurellaceae. The toxic activities of RTX toxins in host cells may lead to necrosis and apoptosis and the underlying detailed mechanisms are currently under investigation. The impact of RTX toxins in pathogenicity and the immune responses of the host were described for several species of Pasteurellaceae. Neutralizing antibodies were shown to significantly reduce the cytotoxic activity of RTX toxins. They constitute a valuable strategy in the development of immuno-prophylactics against several animal diseases caused by pathogenic species of Pasteurellaceae. Although many RTX toxins possess cytotoxic and hemolytic activities toward a broad range of cells and erythrocytes, respectively, a few RTX toxins were shown to have cytotoxic activity only against cells of specific hosts and/or show cell-type specificity. Further evidence exists that RTX toxins play a potential role in host specificity of certain pathogens.


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Pasteurellaceae species particularly of porcine origin which are closely related to Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae were analyzed for the presence of analogues to the major A. pleuropneumoniae RTX toxin genes, apxICABD, apxIICA and apxIIICABD and for their expression. Actinobacillus suis contains both apxICABD(var.suis) and apxIICA(var. suis) operons and was shown to produce ApxI and ApxII toxin. Actinobacillus rossii contained the operons apxIICA(var.rossii) and apxIIICABD(var.rossii). However, only the toxin ApxII and not ApxIII could be detected in cultures of A. rossii. The Apx toxins found in A. suis and A. rossi may play a role in virulence of these pathogens. Actinobacillus lignieresii, which was included since it is phylogenetically very closely related to A. pleuropneumoniae, was found to contain a full apxICABD(var.lign.) operon which however lacks the -35 and -10 boxes in the promoter sequences. As expected from these results, no expression of ApxI was detected in A. lignieresii grown under standard culture conditions. Actinobacillus seminis, Actinobacillus equuli, Pasteurella aerogenes, Pasteurella multocida, Haemophilus parasuis, and also Mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica, which is known to secrete leukotoxin, were all shown to be devoid of any of the apx toxin genes and did not produce ApxI, ApxII or ApxIII toxin proteins. However, proteins of slightly lower molecular mass than ApxI, ApxII and ApxIII which showed limited cross-reactions with monospecific, polyclonal anti-ApxI, anti-ApxII and anti-ApxIII were detected on immunoblot analysis of A. equuli, A. seminis and P. aerogenes. The presence of Apx toxins and proteins that imunologically cross react with Apx toxins in porcine Actinobacillus species other than A. pleuropneumoniae can be expected to interfere with serodiagnosis of porcine pleuropneumonia.


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Avibacterium paragallinarum is an important pathogen of chicken livestock causing infectious coryza. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of the virulent A. paragallinarum serotype A strain JF4211 (2.8 Mbp and G+C content of 41%) and the two toxin operons discovered from the annotation of the genome.


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The immuno-regulatory functions displayed by NK and iNKT cells have highlighted their importance as key lymphocytes involved in innate and adaptive immunity. Therefore, understanding the dynamics influencing the generation of NK and iNKT cells is extremely important. IL-15 has been shown to provide a critical signal throughout the development and homeostasis of NK and iNKT cells; however, the cellular source of IL-15 has remained unclear. In this investigation, I provide evidence that the cell-type providing IL-15 to NK and iNKT cells via trans-presentation is determined by the tissue site and the maturation status of NK and iNKT cells. For NK cells, I revealed the non-hematopoietic compartment provides IL-15 to NK cells in the early stages of development while hematopoietic cells were crucial for the generation and maintenance of mature NK cells. Regarding iNKT cells in the thymus, IL-15 trans-presentation by non-hematopoietic cells was crucial for the survival of mature iNKT cells. In the liver, both hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic compartments provided IL-15 to both immature and mature iNKT cells. This IL-15 signal helped mediate the survival and proliferation of both NK and iNKT cells as well as induce the functional maturation of mature iNKT cells via enhanced T-bet expression. In conclusion, my work illustrates an important notion that the immunological niche of NK and iNKT cells is tightly regulated and that this regulation is meticulously influenced by the tissue microenvironment.


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Nucleotides, such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), are released by cellular injury, bind to purinergic receptors expressed on hepatic parenchymal and nonparenchymal cells, and modulate cellular crosstalk. Liver resection and resulting cellular stress initiate such purinergic signaling responses between hepatocytes and innate immune cells, which regulate and ultimately drive liver regeneration. We studied a murine model of partial hepatectomy using immunodeficient mice to determine the effects of natural killer (NK) cell-mediated purinergic signaling on liver regeneration. We noted first that liver NK cells undergo phenotypic changes post-partial hepatectomy (PH) in vivo, including increased cytotoxicity and more immature phenotype manifested by alterations in the expression of CD107a, CD27, CD11b, and CD16. Hepatocellular proliferation is significantly decreased in Rag2/common gamma-null mice (lacking T, B, and NK cells) when compared to wildtype and Rag1-null mice (lacking T and B cells but retaining NK cells). Extracellular ATP levels are elevated post-PH and NK cell cytotoxicity is substantively increased in vivo in response to hydrolysis of extracellular ATP levels by apyrase (soluble NTPDase). Moreover, liver regeneration is significantly increased by the scavenging of extracellular ATP in wildtype mice and in Rag2/common gamma-null mice after adoptive transfer of NK cells. Blockade of NKG2D-dependent interactions significantly decreased hepatocellular proliferation. In vitro, NK cell cytotoxicity is inhibited by extracellular ATP in a manner dependent on P2Y1, P2Y2, and P2X3 receptor activation. Conclusion: We propose that hepatic NK cells are activated and cytotoxic post-PH and support hepatocellular proliferation. NK cell cytotoxicity is, however, attenuated by hepatic release of extracellular ATP by way of the activation of specific P2 receptors. Clearance of extracellular ATP elevates NK cell cytotoxicity and boosts liver regeneration.


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Natural killer cells may provide an important first line of defense against metastatic implantation of solid tumors. This antitumor function occurs during the intravascular and visceral lodgment phase of cancer dissemination, as demonstrated in small animal metastasis models. The role of the NK cell in controlling human tumor dissemination is more difficult to confirm, at least partially because of ethical restraints on experimental design. Nonetheless, a large number of solid tumor patient studies have demonstrated NK cell cytolysis of both autologous and allogeneic tumors.^ Of the major cancer therapeutic modalities, successful surgery in conjunction with other treatments offers the best possibility of cure. However, small animal experiments have demonstrated that surgical stress can lead to increased rates of primary tumor take, and increased incidence, size, and rapidity of metastasis development. Because the physiologic impact of surgical stress can also markedly impair perioperative antitumor immune function in humans, we examined the effect of surgical stress on perioperative NK cell cytolytic function in a murine preclinical model. Our studies demonstrated that hindlimb amputation led to a marked impairment of postoperative NK cell cytotoxicity. The mechanism underlying this process is complex and involves the postsurgical generation of splenic erythroblasts that successfully compete with NK cells for tumor target binding sites; NK cell-directed suppressor cell populations; and a direct impairment of NK cell recycling capacity. The observed postoperative NK cell suppression could be prevented by in vivo administration of pyrimidinone biologic response modifiers or by short term in vitro exposure of effector cells to recombinant Interleukin-2. It is hoped that insights gained from this research may help in the future development of NK cell specific perioperative immunotherapy relevant to the solid tumor patients undergoing cancer resection. ^


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Treatment of mice with the immunomodulating agent, Corynebacterium parvum (C. parvum), was shown to result in a severe and long-lasting depression of splenic natural killer (NK) cell-mediated cytotoxicity 5-21 days post-inoculation. Because NK cells have been implicated in immunosurveillance against malignancy (due to their spontaneous occurrence and rapid reactivity to a variety of histological types of tumors), as well as in resistance to established tumors, this decreased activity was of particular concern, since this effect is contrary to that which would be considered therapeutically desirable in cancer treatment (i.e. a potentiation of antitumor effector functions, including NK cell activity, would be expected to lead to a more effective destruction of malignant cells). Therefore, an analysis of the mechanism of this decline of splenic NK cell activity in C.parvum treated mice was undertaken.^ From in vitro co-culturing experiments, it was found that low NK-responsive C. parvum splenocytes were capable of reducing the normally high-reactivity of cells from untreated syngeneic mice to YAC-1 lymphoma, suggesting the presence of NK-directed suppressor cells in C. parvum treated animals. This was further supported by the demonstration of normal levels of cytotoxicity in C. parvum splenocyte preparations following Ficoll-Hypaque separation, which coincided with removal of the NK-suppressive capabilities of these cells. The T cell nature of these regulatory cells was indicated by (1) the failure of C. parvum to cause a reduction of NK cell activity, or the generation of NK-directed suppressor cells in T cell-deficient athymic mice, (2) the removal of C. parvum-induced suppression by T cell-depleting fractionation procedures or treatments, and (3) demonstration of suppression of NK cell activity by T cell-enriched C. parvum splenocytes. These studies suggest, therefore, that the eventual reduction of suppression by T cell elimination and/or inhibition, may result in a promotion of the antitumor effectiveness of C. parvum due to the contribution of "freed" NK effector cell activity.^ However, the temporary suppression of NK cell activity induced by C. parvum (reactivity of treated mice returns to normal levels within 28 days after C. parvum injection), may in fact be favorable in some situations, e.g. in bone marrow transplantation cases, since NK cells have been suggested to play a role also in the process of bone marrow graft rejection.^ Therefore, the discriminate use of agents such as C. parvum may allow for the controlled regulation of NK cell activity suggested to be necessary for the optimalization of therapeutic regimens. ^