949 resultados para kidney injury
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Rolle des Fibronektins im Knochen sowie in der diabetischen Nephropathie. Fibronektin im Knochen: Es war bekannt, dass Osteoblasten für ihre Differenzierung in vitro Fibronektin benötigen, dass Fibronektin für die Ausbildung einer Kollagenmatrix erforderlich ist und für die Matrixintegrität eine kontinuierliche Fibronektin-Versorgung gewährleistet sein muss. Um die Rolle des Fibronektins im Knochen, dessen Matrix zu 90% aus Kollagen besteht, näher zu untersuchen, wurde das Fibronektin der Osteoblasten spezifisch über das Cre/loxP-System in Mäusen ausgeschaltet. Dies führte zu einer erhöhten Anzahl an Osteoblasten, deren Fähigkeit die Matrix zu mineralisieren jedoch beeinträchtigt war. Dennoch zeigte sich kein Einfluss auf die Eigenschaften der Knochenmatrix. Insbesondere war der Fibronektingehalt nicht vermindert, entgegen der allgemeinen Annahme, dass die Osteoblasten die Produzenten des Fibronektins der Knochenmatrix seien. Im Gegensatz dazu stellte sich durch Untersuchungen an anderen genetisch veränderten Mäusen heraus, dass eine Ausschaltung des Plasmafibronektins im Blut zu einer deutlichen Verringerung des Fibronektingehalts des Knochens sowie zu einer Verminderung des Mineralgehalts bezogen auf die Proteinmenge führte. Auch die Komposition des Minerals war verändert. Da es jedoch keinen nennenswerten Effekt auf die Knochenzellen gab, lässt sich schlussfolgern, dass die Osteoblasten-spezifische Fibronektin-Isoform für eine regelgerechte Funktion der Osteoblasten notwendig ist, während das von der Leber produzierte Plasmafibronektin die Zusammensetzung der Knochenmatrix beeinflusst. Fibronektin in der diabetischen Niere: Mit der diabetischen Nephropathie geht eine Ausdehnung des Mesangiums in den Glomeruli einher, die mit dem Ausmaß des Nierenschadens korreliert ist. Fibronektin ist ein Bestandteil dieses expandierten Mesangiums. Vorarbeiten hatten gezeigt, dass injiziertes Fibronektin durch die Blutzirkulation in die Niere gelangt und in der Mesangialmatrix der Glomeruli eingelagert wird. Daher wurden in konditionellen Knockout-Mäusen das Plasmafibronektin bzw. das Fibronektin der Mesangialzellen und das Plasmafibronektin zugleich ausgeschaltet. In diesen Mäusen wurde ein Diabetes mellitus induziert und die Tiere für 22 Wochen mit Diabetes gehalten. Die Ausschaltung des Fibronektins hatte eine geringere Ausbreitung der Mesangialmatrix sowie eine geringere Mortalität der Tiere zur Folge. Interessanterweise schien das Plasmafibronektin alleine bereits grob ein Drittel der Ausdehnung des Mesangiums zu verursachen. Die kombinierte Ausschaltung von zirkulierendem und lokalem Fibronektin vermochte die Expansion der Mesangialmatrix sogar beinahe zu halbieren. Zusammengefasst zeigten sich neue Rollen eines traditionellen Proteins der Extrazellulärmatrix in physiologischen und pathologischen Zuständen. Einige dieser Aspekte demonstrieren die große Bedeutung der Fibronektin-Produktion durch die Leber.
La nascita pretermine determina un’alterazione dei normali processi di maturazione dei vari organi ed apparati che durante la gravidanza fisiologica si completano durante le 38-40 settimane di vita intrauterina. Queste alterazioni sono alla base della mortalità e morbilità perinatale che condiziona la prognosi a breve termine di questa popolazione, ma possono determinare anche sequele a medio e lungo termine. E’ stato ampiamente documentato che la nefrogenesi si completa a 36 settimane di vita intrauterina e pertanto la nascita pretermine altera il decorso fisiologico di tale processo; a questa condizione di immaturità si sovrappongono i fattori patogeni che possono determinare danno renale acuto in epoca neonatale, a cui i pretermine sono in larga misura esposti. Queste condizioni conducono ad un rischio di alterazioni della funzione renale di entità variabile in età infantile ed adulta. Nel presente studio è stata studiata la funzione renale in 29 bambini di 2-4 anni di età, precedentemente sottoposti a valutazione della funzione renale alla nascita durante il ricovero in Terapia Intensiva Neonatale. I dati raccolti hanno mostrato la presenza di alterazioni maggiori (sindrome nefrosica, riduzione di eGFR) in un ridotto numero di soggetti e alterazioni minori ed isolate (proteinuria di lieve entità, riduzione del riassorbimento tubulare del fosforo, pressione arteriosa tra il 90° e il 99° percentile per sesso ed altezza). L’età di 2-4 anni, alla luce dei risultati ottenuti, può rappresentare un momento utile per effettuare una valutazione di screening di funzione renale in una popolazione a rischio come i pretermine, con lo scopo di individuare i soggetti che richiedano una presa in carico specialistica ed un follow-up a lungo termine.
Le cellule mesenchimali stromali (MSC) sono cellule multipotenti e numerosi studi hanno mostrato i loro effetti benefici nel danno renale acuto ma non sono ancora stati dimostrati potenziali effetti nella malattia renale cronica. L'ostruzione ureterale unilaterale (UUO) è un modello di fibrosi interstiziale nel quale l'attivazione di molecole vasoattive, citochine profibrotiche e infiammatorie gioca un ruolo patogenetico nello sviluppo dell'apoptosi e atrofia tubulare. Il sistema renina-angiotensina (RAS) gioca un ruolo chiave nello sviluppo della fibrosi renale e i farmaci che hanno come target l'angiotensina II, principale mediatore del RAS, sono attualmente la terapia più efficace nel ridurre la progressione della malattia renale cronica. E' noto che gli ACE-inibitori (ACEi) inducono un aumento compensatorio della renina plasmatica per la mancaza del feedback negativo sulla sua produzione. Tuttavia, la renina (R) promuove il danno renale non solo stimolando la produzione di ANGII, ma anche up-regolando geni profibrotici attraverso l'attivazione del recettore renina/prorenina. Lo scopo dello studio è stato indagare se l'infusione di MSC riduceva il danno renalein un modello animale di UUO e comparare gli eventuali effetti protettivi di ACEi e MSC in UUO. Abbiamo studiato 5 gruppi di ratti. A: sham operati. B: ratti sottoposti a UUO che ricevevano soluzione salina. C: ratti sottoposti a UUO che ricevavano MSC 3X106 nella vena della coda al giorno 0. D:ratti sottoposti a UUO che ricevevano lisinopril dal g 1 al g 21. E: ratti sottoposti a UUO che ricevevano MSC 3X106 nella vena della coda al giorno 0 e lisinopril dal g 1 al g 21. I ratti sono stati sacrificati al giorno 7 e 21. I risultati dello studio mostrano che MSC in UUO prevengono l'aumento della renina, riducono la generazione di ANGII e che in terapia combinata con ACEi riducono ulteriormente l'ANGII, determinando una sinergia nel miglioramento della fibrosi renale.
Radiological investigations using gadolinium or intravenous iodinated contrast products are used cautiously in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease because of their risk of acute kidney injury and systemic nephrogenic fibrosis. In this article, we review several radiological alternatives that can be useful to obtain renal anatomical and/or functional information in this patient population. The basic principles, indications, and advantages and limitations of Doppler ultrasound with measurement of the resistance index, contrast-enhanced ultrasound, and a technique called BOLD-MRI (blood-oxygenation level dependent-MRI) are discussed.
OBJECTIVES This case series describes 5 dogs with small intestinal intussusception and acute kidney injury due to infection with Leptospira interrogans serovar Australis. CASE SERIES SUMMARY Small intestinal intussusception was observed in 4 dogs diagnosed with acute kidney injury due to leptospirosis presented between 1997 and 2005. Intussusception was diagnosed at initial presentation or later during hospitalization. An additional dog fulfilling our inclusion criteria was presented to a small animal specialty clinic nearby and was included. Upon admission, all dogs were severely azotemic and thrombocytopenic. All 5 dogs showed the strongest microscopic agglutination test serology reaction to L. interrogans serovar Australis. Two dogs survived with no apparent residual renal damage, 1 survived with subsequent mild chronic kidney disease, and 2 dogs were euthanized at the owners' request due to a guarded prognosis. NEW OR UNIQUE INFORMATION PROVIDED Intussusception can occur or may be seen in dogs with leptospirosis due to L. interrogans serovar Australis and patients should be monitored closely for this potential complication. As all 5 dogs described in this case series showed the highest titer for L. interrogans serovar Australis, these precautions may be especially applied in geographic areas where this particular serovar is seen.
OBJECTIVES The aim of the current Valve Academic Research Consortium (VARC)-2 initiative was to revisit the selection and definitions of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) clinical endpoints to make them more suitable to the present and future needs of clinical trials. In addition, this document is intended to expand the understanding of patient risk stratification and case selection. BACKGROUND A recent study confirmed that VARC definitions have already been incorporated into clinical and research practice and represent a new standard for consistency in reporting clinical outcomes of patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis (AS) undergoing TAVI. However, as the clinical experience with this technology has matured and expanded, certain definitions have become unsuitable or ambiguous. METHODS AND RESULTS Two in-person meetings (held in September 2011 in Washington, DC, and in February 2012 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands) involving VARC study group members, independent experts (including surgeons, interventional and noninterventional cardiologists, imaging specialists, neurologists, geriatric specialists, and clinical trialists), the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and industry representatives, provided much of the substantive discussion from which this VARC-2 consensus manuscript was derived. This document provides an overview of risk assessment and patient stratification that need to be considered for accurate patient inclusion in studies. Working groups were assigned to define the following clinical endpoints: mortality, stroke, myocardial infarction, bleeding complications, acute kidney injury, vascular complications, conduction disturbances and arrhythmias, and a miscellaneous category including relevant complications not previously categorized. Furthermore, comprehensive echocardiographic recommendations are provided for the evaluation of prosthetic valve (dys)function. Definitions for the quality of life assessments are also reported. These endpoints formed the basis for several recommended composite endpoints. CONCLUSIONS This VARC-2 document has provided further standardization of endpoint definitions for studies evaluating the use of TAVI, which will lead to improved comparability and interpretability of the study results, supplying an increasingly growing body of evidence with respect to TAVI and/or surgical aortic valve replacement. This initiative and document can furthermore be used as a model during current endeavors of applying definitions to other transcatheter valve therapies (for example, mitral valve repair).
OBJECTIVE To determine the diagnostic value of a serologic microagglutination test (MAT) and a PCR assay on urine and blood for the diagnosis of leptospirosis in dogs with acute kidney injury (AKI). DESIGN Cross-sectional study. Animals-76 dogs with AKI in a referral hospital (2008 to 2009). PROCEDURES Dogs' leptospirosis status was defined with a paired serologic MAT against a panel of 11 Leptospira serovars as leptospirosis-associated (n = 30) or nonleptospirosis-associated AKI (12). In 34 dogs, convalescent serologic testing was not possible, and leptospirosis status was classified as undetermined. The diagnostic value of the MAT single acute or convalescent blood sample was determined in dogs in which leptospirosis status could be classified. The diagnostic value of a commercially available genus-specific PCR assay was evaluated by use of 36 blood samples and 20 urine samples. RESULTS Serologic acute testing of an acute blood sample had a specificity of 100% (95% CI, 76% to 100%), a sensitivity of 50% (33% to 67%), and an accuracy of 64% (49% to 77%). Serologic testing of a convalescent blood sample had a specificity of 92% (65% to 99%), a sensitivity of 100% (87% to 100%), and an accuracy of 98% (88% to 100%). Results of the Leptospira PCR assay were negative for all samples from dogs for which leptospirosis status could be classified. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Serologic MAT results were highly accurate for diagnosis of leptospirosis in dogs, despite a low sensitivity for early diagnosis. In this referral setting of dogs pretreated with antimicrobials, testing of blood and urine samples with a commercially available genus-specific PCR assay did not improve early diagnosis.
In this article we review the most relevant acronyms, scores and classifications in the fields of nephrology and urology, including the newest definitions of acute kidney injury and chronic kidney diseases. We will also present a short overview of the histopathological Lupus nephritis classification, the renal cysts Bosniak classification and the vesicoureteral reflux grading.
INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of two different mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) targets on needs for resuscitation, organ dysfunction, mitochondrial respiration and inflammatory response in a long-term model of fecal peritonitis. METHODS: Twenty-four anesthetized and mechanically ventilated pigs were randomly assigned (n = 8/group) to a septic control group (septic-CG) without resuscitation until death or one of two groups with resuscitation performed after 12 hours of untreated sepsis for 48 hours, targeting MAP 50-60 mmHg (low-MAP) or 75-85 mmHg (high-MAP). RESULTS: MAP at the end of resuscitation was 56 ± 13 mmHg (mean ± SD) and 76 ± 17 mmHg respectively, for low-MAP and high-MAP groups. One animal each in high- and low-MAP groups, and all animals in septic-CG died (median survival time: 21.8 hours, inter-quartile range: 16.3-27.5 hours). Norepinephrine was administered to all animals of the high-MAP group (0.38 (0.21-0.56) mcg/kg/min), and to three animals of the low-MAP group (0.00 (0.00-0.25) mcg/kg/min; P = 0.009). The high-MAP group had a more positive fluid balance (3.3 ± 1.0 mL/kg/h vs. 2.3 ± 0.7 mL/kg/h; P = 0.001). Inflammatory markers, skeletal muscle ATP content and hemodynamics other than MAP did not differ between low- and high-MAP groups. The incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) after 12 hours of untreated sepsis was, respectively for low- and high-MAP groups, 50% (4/8) and 38% (3/8), and in the end of the study 57% (4/7) and 0% (P = 0.026). In septic-CG, maximal isolated skeletal muscle mitochondrial Complex I, State 3 respiration increased from 1357 ± 149 pmol/s/mg to 1822 ± 385 pmol/s/mg, (P = 0.020). In high- and low-MAP groups, permeabilized skeletal muscle fibers Complex IV-state 3 respiration increased during resuscitation (P = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The MAP targets during resuscitation did not alter the inflammatory response, nor affected skeletal muscle ATP content and mitochondrial respiration. While targeting a lower MAP was associated with increased incidence of AKI, targeting a higher MAP resulted in increased net positive fluid balance and vasopressor load during resuscitation. The long-term effects of different MAP targets need to be evaluated in further studies.
BACKGROUND Endothelial glycocalyx participates in the maintenance of vascular integrity, and its perturbations cause capillary leakage, loss of vascular responsiveness, and enhanced adhesion of leukocytes and platelets. We hypothesized that marked shedding of the glycocalyx core protein, syndecan-1, occurs in end-stage liver disease (ESLD) and that it increases during orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). We further evaluated the effects of general anesthesia on glycocalyx shedding and its association with acute kidney injury (AKI) after OLT. PATIENTS AND METHODS Thirty consecutive liver transplant recipients were enrolled in this prospective study. Ten healthy volunteers served as a control. Acute kidney injury was defined by Acute Kidney Injury Network criteria. RESULTS Plasma syndecan-1 was significantly higher in ESLD patients than in healthy volunteers (74.3 ± 59.9 vs 10.7 ± 9.4 ng/mL), and it further increased significantly after reperfusion (74.3 ± 59.9 vs 312.6 ± 114.8 ng/mL). The type of general anesthesia had no significant effect on syndecan-1. Syndecan-1 was significantly higher during the entire study in patients with posttransplant AKI stage 2 or 3 compared to patients with AKI stage 0 or 1. The area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristics curve of syndecane-1 to predict AKI stage 2 or 3 within 48 hours after reperfusion was 0.76 (95% confidence interval, 0.57-0.89, P = 0.005). CONCLUSIONS Patients with ESLD suffer from glycocalyx alterations, and ischemia-reperfusion injury during OLT further exacerbates its damage. Despite a higher incidence of AKI in patients with elevated syndecan-1, it is not helpful to predict de novo AKI. Volatile anesthetics did not attenuate glycocalyx shedding in human OLT.
BACKGROUND Anticoagulation is required during transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) procedures. Although an optimal regimen has not been determined, heparin is mainly used. Direct thrombin inhibition with bivalirudin may be an effective alternative to heparin as the procedural anticoagulant agent in this setting. OBJECTIVES The goal of this study was to determine whether bivalirudin offers an alternative to heparin as the procedural anticoagulant agent in patients undergoing TAVR. METHODS A total of 802 patients with aortic stenosis were randomized to undergo transfemoral TAVR with bivalirudin versus unfractionated heparin during the procedure. The 2 primary endpoints were major bleeding within 48 h or before hospital discharge (whichever occurred first) and 30-day net adverse clinical events, defined as the combination of major adverse cardiovascular events (all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction, or stroke) and major bleeding. RESULTS Anticoagulation with bivalirudin versus heparin did not meet superiority because it did not result in significantly lower rates of major bleeding at 48 h (6.9% vs. 9.0%; relative risk: 0.77; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.48 to 1.23; p = 0.27) or net adverse cardiovascular events at 30 days (14.4% vs. 16.1%; relative risk: 0.89; 95% CI: 0.64 to 1.24; risk difference: -1.72; 95% CI: -6.70 to 3.25; p = 0.50); regarding the latter, the prespecified noninferiority hypothesis was met (pnoninferiority < 0.01). Rates of major adverse cardiovascular events at 48 h were not significantly different (3.5% vs. 4.8%; relative risk: 0.73; 95% CI: 0.37 to 1.43; p = 0.35). At 48 h, the bivalirudin group had significantly fewer myocardial infarctions but more acute kidney injury events than the heparin group; at 30 days, these differences were no longer significant. CONCLUSIONS In this randomized trial of TAVR procedural pharmacotherapy, bivalirudin did not reduce rates of major bleeding at 48 h or net adverse cardiovascular events within 30 days compared with heparin. Although superiority was not shown, the noninferiority hypothesis was met with respect to the latter factor. Given the lower cost, heparin should remain the standard of care, and bivalirudin can be an alternative anticoagulant option in patients unable to receive heparin in TAVR. (International, Multi-center, Open-label, Randomized Controlled Trial in Patients Undergoing TAVR to Determine the Treatment Effect [Both Safety and Efficacy] of Using Bivalirudin Instead of UFH [BRAVO-2/3]; NCT01651780).
In hemodialysis patients, radiographic imaging with iodinated contrast medium (ICM) application plays a central role in the diagnosis and/or follow-up of disease-related conditions. Therefore, safety aspects concerning ICM administration and radiation exposure have a great impact on this group of patients. Current hardware and software improvements including the design and synthesis of modern contrast compounds allow the use of very small amounts of ICM in concert with low radiation exposure. Undesirable ICM side effects are divided into type A (predictable reactions such as heat feeling, headache, and contrast-induced acute kidney injury, for example) and type B (nonpredictable or hypersensitivity) reactions; this chapter deals with the latter. The first onset cannot be prevented. To prevent hypersensitivity upon reexposure of ICM, an allergological workup is recommended. If this is not possible and ICM is necessary, the patient should receive a premedication (H1 antihistamine with or without corticosteroids). Current imaging hardware and software improvements (e.g. such as additional filtration of the X-ray beam) allow the use of very small amount of ICM and small X-ray doses. Proper communication among the team involved in the treatment of a patient may allow to apply imaging protocols and efficient imaging strategies limiting radiation exposure to a minimum. Practical recommendations will guide the reader how to use radiation and ICM efficiently to improve both patient and staff safety.
BACKGROUND Intravenous fluids are commonly prescribed in childhood. 0.9 % saline is the most-used fluid in pediatrics as resuscitation or maintenance solution. Experimental studies and observations in adults suggest that 0.9 % saline is a poor candidate for fluid resuscitation. Although anesthesiologists, intensive care specialists, perioperative physicians and nephrologists have been the most active in this debate, this issue deserves some physiopathological considerations also among pediatricians. RESULTS As compared with so-called "balanced" salt crystalloids such as lactated Ringer, administration of large volumes of 0.9 % saline has been associated with following deleterious effects: tendency to hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis (called dilution acidosis); acute kidney injury with reduced urine output and salt retention; damaged vascular permeability and stiffness, increase in proinflammatory mediators; detrimental effect on coagulation with tendency to blood loss; detrimental gastrointestinal perfusion and function; possible uneasiness at the bedside resulting in unnecessary administration of more fluids. Nevertheless, there is no firm evidence that these adverse effects are clinically relevant. CONCLUSIONS Intravenous fluid therapy is a medicine like insulin, chemotherapy or antibiotics. Prescribing fluids should fit the child's history and condition, consider the right dose at the right rate as well as the electrolyte levels and other laboratory variables. It is unlikely that a single type of fluid will be suitable for all pediatric patients. "Balanced" salt crystalloids, although more expensive, should be preferred for volume resuscitation, maintenance and perioperatively. Lactated Ringer appears unsuitable for patients at risk for brain edema and for those with overt or latent chloride-deficiency. Finally, in pediatrics there is a need for new fluids to be developed on the basis of a better understanding of the physiology and to be tested in well-designed trials.
INTRODUCTION Daptomycin is a cyclic lipopeptide antibiotic, frequently administered for Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections. Numerous studies have shown that daptomycin is relatively safe and well tolerated. Serious adverse events possibly related to this antimicrobial compound are rare. We report a case of acute angioedema triggered by daptomycin. CASE REPORT A 60-year-old woman with S. aureus bacteremia without identified source was treated intravenously with high-dose beta-lactams at our institution. Because S. aureus bacteremia persisted on day 6, and in parallel, acute kidney injury developed, antimicrobial treatment was switched to a combination therapy with daptomycin and ceftriaxone. Shortly after completion of the first daptomycin administration, the patient developed lip and tongue swelling and dyspnea. Acute angioedema was clinically evident. Antibiotic therapy was switched to vancomycin, and the further clinical course was favorable. An intradermal test showed a significant wheal diameter for daptomycin, but negative results for ceftriaxone. CONCLUSION The association with daptomycin in this case is either probable or certain. Clinicians should be aware that daptomycin can cause immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions, including acute angioedema, even upon first administration.
INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVO: A estenose de junção ureteropélvica (EJUP) é importante causa de obstrução do trato urinário e pode levar a deterioração progressiva da função renal. Há espaço para o aprimoramento de novos métodos diagnósticos capazes de discriminar hidronefrose e uropatia obstrutiva. Acredita-se que os biomarcadores urinários podem fornecer indícios de lesão renal precoce na obstrução urinária. Neste contexto, KIM-1 pode elevar-se na urina por lesão tubular proximal, NGAL por lesão no túbulo proximal, distal ou alça de Henle, CA19-9 por produção excessiva no túbulo obstruído e ?2-microglobulina (beta2M) por injúria ao glomérulo ou ao túbulo proximal. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar as propriedades diagnósticas dos biomarcadores urinários citados em adultos com EJUP, sendo o primeiro estudo na literatura a avaliar tais moléculas nesta população. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados de modo prospectivo pacientes consecutivos acima de 18 anos com diagnóstico de EJUP submetidos a pieloplastia videolaparoscópica de dezembro de 2013 a fevereiro de 2015. Foram excluídos do estudo pacientes com EJUP bilateral, rim contralateral patológico, EJUP em rim único, antecedentes de tratamento cirúrgico para estenose de JUP ou taxa de filtração glomerular inferior a 60 ml/min/1,73m2. Cada paciente forneceu quatro amostras de urina para medição de biomarcadores, uma no pré-operatório e outras com 1, 3 e 6 meses de seguimento pós-operatório. O grupo controle foi constituído por voluntários saudáveis sem hidronefrose à ultrassonografia. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 47 pacientes com idade média de 38,6 ± 12,7 anos (intervalo 19 a 64 anos), sendo 17 (36,2%) do sexo masculino e 30 (62,8%) do sexo feminino. O grupo controle foi composto por 40 indivíduos semelhantes ao grupo com EJUP no que concerne idade (p = 0,95) e sexo (p = 0,82). KIM-1 foi o marcador com melhores propriedades diagnósticas, apresentando área sob a curva (AUC) de 0,79 (95% CI 0,70 a 0,89). O NGAL, por sua vez, teve AUC de 0,71 (95% CI 0,61 a 0,83), CA19- 9 teve AUC de 0,70 (95% CI 0,60 a 0,81) e (beta2M) apresentou AUC de 0,61 (95% CI 0,50 a 0,73), sendo o único biomarcador com propriedades inadequadas neste cenário. O KIM-1 foi o marcador mais sensível com o ponto de corte 170,4 pg/mg de creatinina (sensibilidade 91,4%, especificidade 59,1%) e o CA 19-9 o mais específico para o ponto de corte de 51,3 U/mg de creatinina (sensibilidade 48,9%, especificidade 88,0%), enquanto o NGAL foi o que apresentou maior queda após desobstrução, com 90,0% dos pacientes apresentando clareamento superior a 50%. CONCLUSÕES: A avaliação dos biomarcadores urinários é útil no diagnóstico de obstrução em adultos com EJUP submetidos a pieloplastia videolaparoscópica. O KIM-1 foi o marcador mais sensível e o CA 19-9 o mais específico, enquanto o NGAL foi o que apresentou maior que com a desobstrução. Houve queda das concentrações dos marcadores após pieloplastia no período estudado. O papel exato dos biomarcadores urinários no cenário de obstrução em adultos deve ser mais amplamente investigado