976 resultados para insterstitial fluid pressure
Transient non-Darcy forced convection on a flat plate embedded in a porous medium is investigated using the Forchheimer-extended Darcy law. A sudden uniform pressure gradient is applied along the flat plate, and at the same time, its wall temperature is suddenly raised to a high temperature. Both the momentum and energy equations are solved by retaining the unsteady terms. An exact velocity solution is obtained and substituted into the energy equation, which then is solved by means of a quasi-similarity transformation. The temperature field can be divided into the one-dimensional transient (downstream) region and the quasi-steady-state (upstream) region. Thus the transient local heat transfer coefficient can be described by connecting the quasi-steady-state solution and the one-dimensional transient solution. The non-Darcy porous inertia works to decrease the velocity level and the time required for reaching the steady-state velocity level. The porous-medium inertia delays covering of the plate by the steady-state thermal boundary layer. © 1990.
In this study we investigated the effect of the anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V) lesion on the pressor, bradycardic, natriuretic, kaliuretic, and dipsogenic responses induced by the injection of the cholinergic agonist carbachol into the lateral preoptic area (LPOA) in rats. Male Holtzman rats with sham or electrolytic AV3V lesion were implanted with stainless steel cannula directly into the LPOA. Injection of carbachol (7.5 nmol) into the LPOA of sham rats induced natriuresis (405 ± 66 μEq/120 min), kaliuresis (234 ± 44 μEq/120 min), water intake (9.5 ± 1.7 ml/60 min), bradycardia (-47 ± 11 bpm), and increase in mean arterial pressure (28 ± 3 mmHg). Acute AV3V lesion (1-5 days) reduced the natriuresis (12 ± 4 μEq/120 min), kaliuresis (128 ± 27 μEq/120 min), water intake (1.7 ± 0.9 ml/60 min), and pressor responses (14 ± 4 mmHg) produced by carbachol into the LPOA. Tachycardia instead of bradycardia was also observed. Chronic (14-18 days) AV3V lesion reduced only the pressor response (10 ± 2 mmHg) induced by carbachol. These results showed that acute, but not chronic, AV3V lesion reduced the natriuretic, kaliuretic, and dipsogenic responses to carbachol injection into the LPOA. The pressor response was reduced in acute or chronic AV3V-lesioned rats. The results suggest that the lateral areas may control the fluid and electrolyte balance independently from the AV3V region in chronic AV3V-lesioned rats. © 1992.
Objective - To investigate the effects of inhalation and total IV anesthesia on pituitary-adrenal activity in ponies. Animals - 9 healthy ponies: 5 geldings and 4 mares. Procedure - Catheters were placed in the cavernous sinus below the pituitary gland and in the subarachnoid space via the lumbosacral space. After 72 hours, administration of acepromazine was followed by induction of anesthesia with thiopentone and maintenance with halothane (halothane protocol), or for the IV protocol, anesthesia induction with detomidine and ketamine was followed by maintenance with IV infusion of a detomidine-ketamine-guaifenesin combination. Arterial blood pressure and gas tensions were measured throughout anesthesia. Peptide and catecholamine concentrations were measured in pituitary effluent, peripheral plasma, and CSF. Peripheral plasma cortisol, glucose, and lactate concentrations also were measured. Results - Intravenous anesthesia caused less cardiorespiratory depression than did halothane. ACTH, metenkephalin, arginine vasopressin, and norepinephrine pituitary effluent and peripheral plasma concentrations were higher during halothane anesthesia, with little change during intravenous anesthesia. Pituitary effluent plasma β-endorphin and peripheral plasma cortisol concentrations increased during halothane anesthesia only. Dynorphin concentrations did not change in either group. Hyperglycemia developed during intravenous anesthesia only Minimal changes occurred in CSF hormonal concentrations during anesthesia. Conclusion - The pituitary gland has a major role in maintaining circulating peptides during anesthesia. Compared with halothane, IV anesthesia appeared to suppress pituitary secretion.
In this work simulations of incompressible fluid flows have been done by a Least Squares Finite Element Method (LSFEM) using velocity-pressure-vorticity and velocity-pressure-stress formulations, named u-p-ω) and u-p-τ formulations respectively. These formulations are preferred because the resulting equations are partial differential equations of first order, which is convenient for implementation by LSFEM. The main purposes of this work are the numerical computation of laminar, transitional and turbulent fluid flows through the application of large eddy simulation (LES) methodology using the LSFEM. The Navier-Stokes equations in u-p-ω and u-p-τ formulations are filtered and the eddy viscosity model of Smagorinsky is used for modeling the sub-grid-scale stresses. Some benchmark problems are solved for validate the numerical code and the preliminary results are presented and compared with available results from the literature. Copyright © 2005 by ABCM.
As several structures of the central nervous system are involved in the control of hydromineral and cardiovascular balance we investigated whether the natriorhexigenic and pressor response induced by the injection of ANG II into the 3rd V could be mediated by vasopressinergic and nitrergic system. Male Holtzman rats weighing 200-250 g with cannulae implanted into the 3rd V were used. The drugs were injected in 0.5 μL over 30-60 sec. Controls were injected with a similar volume of 0.15 M NaCl. ANGII increased the water intake vs control. AVPA injected into 3rd V prior to ANGII decreased the dipsogenic effect of ANGII. L-arginine also decreased the water intake induced by ANGII. AVPA plus L-arginine inhibit the water intake induced by ANGII. 7NIT injected prior to ANGII potentiated the dipsogenic effect of ANGII. Pre-treatment with ANGII increased the sodium ingestion vs control. AVPA decreased the ANGII effect in sodium intake. L-arginine also decreased the natriorhexigenic effect of ANGII. The combination of L-arginine and AVPA inhibit the sodium intake induced by ANGII. 7NIT injected prior to ANGII potentiated the sodium intake induced by ANGII. ANGII induced an increase in Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) vs control. AVPA and L-arginine induced a decreased in the pressor effect of ANGII. The combination of L-arginine and AVPA inhibit the pressor effect of ANGII. 7NIT injected prior to ANGII into 3rd V potentiated the pressor effect of ANGII. These data suggest that arginine vasopressin V 1 receptors and Nitric Oxide (NO) within the circumventricular structures may be involved in sodium intake and pressor response induced by the activation of ANGII receptors within the circumventricular neurons. These studies revealed the involvement of sodium appetite by utilizing the angiotensinergic, vasopressinergic and nitrergic system in the central regulation of blood pressure. © 2006 Asian Network for Scientific Information.
The present paper concerns on the estimative of the pressure loss and entropy variation in an isothermal fluid flow, considering real gas effects. The 1D formulation is based on the isothermal compressibility module and on the thermal expansion coefficient in order to be applicable for both gas and liquid as pure substances. It is emphasized on the simple methodology description, which establishes a relationship between the formulation adopted for ideal gas and another considering real gas effects. A computational procedure has been developed, which can be used to determine the flow properties in duct with a variable area, where real gas behavior is significant. In order to obtain quantitative results, three virial coefficients for Helium equation of state are employed to determine the percentage difference in pressure and entropy obtained from different formulations. Results are presented graphically in the form of real gas correction factors, which can be applied to perfect gas calculations.
The sugarcane juice is a relatively low-cost agricultural resource, abundant in South Asia, Central America and Brazil, with vast applications in producing ethanol biofuel. In that way, a good knowledge of the rheological properties of this raw material is of crucial importance when designing and optimizing unit operations involved in its processing. In this work, the rheological behavior of untreated (USCJ, 17.9 °Brix), clarified (CSCJ, 18.2 °Brix) and mixed (MSCJ, 18.0 °Brix) sugarcane juices was studied at the temperature range from 277K to 373K, using a cone-and-plate viscometer. These fluids were found to present a Newtonian behavior and their flow curves were well-fitted by the viscosity Newtonian model. Viscosity values lied within the range 5.0×10 -3Pas to 0.04×10 -3Pas in the considered temperature interval. The dependence of the viscosity on the temperature was also successfully modeled through an Arrhenius-type equation. In addition to the dynamic viscosity, experimental values of pressure loss in tube flow were used to calculate friction factors. The good agreement between predicted and measured values confirmed the reliability of the proposed equations for describing the flow behavior of the clarified and untreated sugarcane juices. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.
The yield and chemical composition of essential oils from leaves of Ocimum selloi B. submitted to organic and mineral fertilization, obtained by hydrodistillation and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) were compared. Essential oil was extracted in a Clevenger-type apparatus for 2 h 30 min and analyzed by GC-MS (Shimadzu, QP 5050-DB-5 capillary column - 30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm). Carrier gas was helium (1.7 ml/min); split ratio: 1:30. Temperature program: 50°C, rising to 180°C at 5°C/min, 180°C, rising to 280°C at 10°C/min. Injector temperature: 240°C and detector temperature: 230°C. Identifications of chemical compounds were made by matching their mass spectra and Kovat's indices (IK) values with known compounds reported in the literature. An Applied Separations-apparatus (Speed SFE, model 7071, Allentown, PA, EUA) was used for SFE extractions. They were conducted at pressure 200 bar and temperature 30°C (20 min in static mode and 40 min in dynamic mode). The supercritical CO2 flow rate was (6.8±0.7)×10-5 kg-CO2/s. The essential oil collected was immersed in ethylene glycol bath (5°C). The yield of essential oils obtained by SFE was larger than hydrodistillation in both fertilization treatments (279 and 333% for organic and mineral fertilizations, respectively). There were no differences between the fertilization treatments. The amount of the volatile components showed by GC-MS chromatogram was highest in the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation than SFE. The main volatile constituents of the essential oils were trans-anethole (Hydrodistillation: organic - 52.4%; mineral - 55.0%/ SFE: Hydrodistillation - 62.8%; mineral - 66.8%) and methyl-chavicol (Hydrodistillation: organic - 37.3%; mineral - 38.3%/ SFE: organic - 8.4%; mineral - 4.3%). A reduction of methyl-chavicol relative proportion of essential oil obtained by SFE was observed. Cys-anethole, α-copaene, trans-cariofilene, germacrene-D, β-selinene, biciclogermacrene and spathulenol were expressed only in hydrodistillation. The extraction of essential oil by SFE presented larger yield of essential oil than hydrodistillation technique, presenting, however, these essential oils, different phytochemical profiles.
Purpose: Accumulating evidence suggests an association between body volume overload and inflammation in chronic kidney diseases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of dietary sodium reduction in body fluid volume, blood pressure (BP), and inflammatory state in hemodialysis (HD) patients. Methods: In this prospective controlled study, adult patients on HD for at least 90 days and those with C-reactive protein (CRP) levels ≥0.7 mg/dl were randomly allocated into two groups: group A, which included 21 patients treated with 2 g of sodium restriction on their habitual diet; and group B, which included 18 controls. Clinical, inflammatory, biochemical, hematological, and nutritional markers were assessed at baseline and after 8 and 16 weeks. Results: Baseline characteristics were not significantly different between the groups. Group A showed a significant reduction in serum concentrations of CRP, tumor necrosis factor-α, and interleukin-6 during the study period, while BP and extracellular water (ECW) did not change. In group B, there were no changes in serum concentrations of inflammatory markers, BP, and ECW. Conclusions: Dietary sodium restriction is associated with the attenuation of the inflammatory state, without changes in BP and ECW, suggesting inhibition of a salt-induced inflammatory response. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
In this study, different methods of cutting fluid application are used in turning of a difficult-to-machine steel (SAE EV-8). Initially, a semisynthetic cutting fluid was applied using a conventional method (i.e. overhead flood cooling), minimum quantity of cutting fluid, and pulverization. A lubricant of vegetable oil (minimum quantity of lubricant) was also applied using the minimum quantity method. Thereafter, a cutting fluid jet under high pressure (3.0 MPa) was singly applied in the following regions: chip-tool interface, top surface of the chip (between workpiece and chip) and tool-workpiece contact. Moreover, two other methods were used: an interflow between conventional application and chip-tool interface jet (combined method) and, finally, three jets simultaneously applied. In order to carry out these tests, it was necessary to set up a high-pressure system using a piston pump for generating a cutting fluid jet, a venturi for fluid application (minimum quantity of cutting fluid and minimum quantity of lubricant) and a nozzle for cutting fluid pulverization. The output variables analyzed included tool life, surface roughness, cutting tool temperature, cutting force, chip form, chip compression rate and machined specimen microstructure. Among the results, it can be observed that the tool life increases and the cutting force decreases with the application of cutting fluid jet, mainly when it is directed to the chip-tool interface. Excluding the methods involving jet fluid, the conventional method seems to be more efficient than other methods of low pressure, such as minimum quantity of volume and pulverization, when considering just the cutting tool wear. © 2013 IMechE.
Different methods of cutting fluid application are used on turning of a difficult-tomachine steel (SAE EV-8). A semi-synthetic cutting fluid was applied using a conventional method, minimum quantity of cutting fluid (MQCF), and pulverization. By the minimum quantity method was also applied a lubricant of vegetable oil (MQL). Thereafter, a cutting fluid jet under high pressure (3.0 MPa) was singly applied in the following regions: chip-tool interface; top surface of the chip; and tool-workpiece contact. Two other methods were used: an interflow between conventional application and chip-tool interface jet and, finally, three jets simultaneously applied. In order to carry out these tests, it was necessary to set up a high pressure system using a piston pump for generating a cutting fluid jet, a Venturi for fluid application (MQCF and MQL), and a nozzle for cutting fluid pulverization. The output variables analyzed included tool life, surface roughness, cutting tool temperature, cutting force, chip form, chip compression rate and machined specimen microstructure. It can be observed that the tool life increases and the cutting force decreases with the application of cutting fluid jet, mainly when it is directed to the chip-tool interface. Excluding the methods involving jet fluid, the conventional method seems to be more efficient than other methods of low pressure. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
In this paper we present a finite difference MAC-type approach for solving three-dimensional viscoelastic incompressible free surface flows governed by the eXtended Pom-Pom (XPP) model, considering a wide range of parameters. The numerical formulation presented in this work is an extension to three-dimensions of our implicit technique [Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 166 (2011) 165-179] for solving two-dimensional viscoelastic free surface flows. To enhance the stability of the numerical method, we employ a combination of the projection method with an implicit technique for treating the pressure on the free surfaces. The differential constitutive equation of the fluid is solved using a second-order Runge-Kutta scheme. The numerical technique is validated by performing a mesh refinement study on a pipe flow, and the numerical results presented include the simulation of two complex viscoelastic free surface flows: extrudate-swell problem and jet buckling phenomenon. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Accumulating evidence suggests an association between body volume overload and inflammation in chronic kidney diseases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of dialysate sodium concentration reduction on extracellular water volume, blood pressure (BP), and inflammatory state in hemodialysis (HD) patients. In this prospective controlled study, adult patients on HD for at least 90 days and those with C-reactive protein (CRP) levels ≥ 0.7 mg/dL were randomly allocated into two groups: group A, which included 29 patients treated with reduction of dialysate sodium concentration from 138 to 135 mEq/L; and group B, which included 23 HD patients not receiving dialysate sodium reduction (controls). Of these, 20 patients in group A and 18 in group B completed the protocol study. Inflammatory, biochemical, hematological, and nutritional markers were assessed at baseline and after 8 and 16 weeks. Baseline characteristics were not significantly different between the two groups. Group A showed a significant reduction in serum concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-α, and interleukin-6 over the study period, while the BP and extracellular water (ECW) did not change. In Group B, there were no changes in serum concentrations of inflammatory markers, BP, and ECW. Dialysate sodium reduction is associated with attenuation of the inflammatory state, without changes in the BP and ECW, suggesting inhibition of a salt-induced inflammatory response. Copyright © 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
This work presents a numerical model to simulate refrigerant flow through capillary tubes, commonly used as expansion devices in refrigeration systems. The flow is divided in a single-phase region, where the refrigerant is in the subcooled liquid state, and a region of two-phase flow. The capillary tube is considered straight and horizontal. The flow is taken as one-dimensional and adiabatic. Steady-state condition is also assumed and the metastable flow phenomena are neglected. The two-fluid model, considering the hydrodynamic and thermal non-equilibrium between the liquid and vapor phases, is applied to the two-phase flow region. Comparisons are made with experimental measurements of the mass flow rate and pressure distribution along two capillary tubes working with refrigerant R-134a in different operating conditions. The results indicate that the present model provides a better estimation than the commonly employed homogeneous model. Some computational results referring to the quality, void fraction, velocities, and temperatures of each phase are presented and discussed.