932 resultados para innovation management.
Management and innovation are two words that come together in the organizational context for the success of firms. Innovation has become an essential component for tourism and convention centers. Considering the impact of the meetings centers in the tourism sector and constant innovation as a competitive advantage strategy of the last decade, this study used the innovation management as a key to changing challenge in the center of Natal conventions. Factors in innovation management for meetings centers were investigated by means of information in organizational and technological structure of the equipment such as the state of the art innovation. The main aspects of innovation management reflecting in the meetings industry of construction is the ability to create and change to the conference and convention centers. It is a descriptive exploratory qualitative research with case study method, which relate to innovation management and tourism to Natal and Fortaleza conventions centers. The results show that there is still no at convention center of Natal , a satisfactory innovation management level, for the planning, leadership, skills, strategies and implementations for innovative processes in our times are absent.
Many service firms require frontline service employees (FLEs) to follow routines and standardized operating procedures during the service encounter, to deliver consistently high service standards. However, to create superior, pleasurable experiences for customers, featuring both helpful services and novel approaches to meeting their needs, firms in various sectors also have begun to encourage FLEs to engage in more innovative service behaviors. This study therefore investigates a new and complementary route to customer loyalty, beyond the conventional service-profit chain, that moves through FLEs' innovative service behavior. Drawing on conservation of resources (COR) theory, this study introduces a resource gain spiral at the service encounter, which runs from FLEs' emotional job engagement to innovative service behavior, and then leads to customer delight and finally customer loyalty. In accordance with COR theory, the proposed model also includes factors that might hinder (customer aggression, underemployment) or foster (colleague support, supervisor support) FLEs' resource gain spiral. A multilevel analysis of a large-scale, dyadic data set that contains responses from both FLEs and customers in multiple industries strongly supports the proposed resource gain spiral as a complementary route to customer loyalty. The positive emotional job engagement-innovative service behavior relationship is undermined by customer aggression and underemployment, as hypothesized. Surprisingly though, and contrary to the hypotheses, colleague and supervisor support do not seem to foster FLEs' resource gain spiral. Instead, colleague support weakens the engagement-innovative service behavior relationship, and supervisor support does not affect it. These results indicate that if FLEs can solicit resources from other sources, they may not need to invest as many of their individual resources. In particular, colleague support even appears to serve as a substitute for FLEs' individual resource investments in the resource gain spiral.
‘Shock’ advertising is the new black and the subject of the reflection in which this article engages. We do this in particular through consideration of the (largely) British high-street fashion house French Connection’s seemingly endless ‘FCUK’ campaign. The obvious resonance between this abbreviation and perhaps the most popular word in the English language was at the heart of the campaign’s appeal and it continues today through various extensions on both slogans and logos on French Connection’s own goods and indeed those who seek to piggy back upon and/or subvert its market power. It is far from the only example of such ‘shock’ tactics. Whether discussing reproduction in graphic detail with children, joyously dismantling chastity, or merely fucking with fuck, it seems that traditional mores can no longer remain virgin territory, unsullied by rapacious marketing. Our mediated experiences of reaching ‘extremes’, it now appears, are not paralysing, mesmerising, fascinating or inspiring but simply a further prod down the path leading to (gleeful) purchase. In this paper we explore how, via a series of semiotic reversals, the new, the strange, the unfamiliar and the would-be shocking are rendered banal, and thus thoroughly comprehensible through brand association and the endless re-iteration of existing works.
This deliverable summarizes, validates and explains the purpose and concept behind the RAGE knowledge and innovation management platform as a self-sustainable Ecosystem, supporting innovation processes in the Applied Gaming (AG) industry. The Ecosystem portal will be developed with particular consideration of the demand and requirements of small and medium sized game developing companies, education providers and related stakeholders like AG researchers and AG end-users. The innovation potential of the new platform underlies the following factors: a huge, mostly entire collection of community specific knowledge (e.g., content like media objects, software components and best practices), a structured approach of knowledge access, search and browse, collaboration tools as well as social network analysis tools to foster efficient knowledge creation and transformation processes into marketable technology assets. The deliverable provides an overview of the current status and the remaining work to come, preceding the final version in month 48 of the RAGE project.
Esta tese de mestrado explora a gestão da inovação nas organizações desportivas. Pretende-se determinar como se inova nos clubes desportivos e determinar os processos, métodos e modelos aplicados e a forma de fomentação da inovação nas organizações desportivas. A avaliação da reação do meio desportivo à inovação é também analisada. Num primeiro momento procura-se as definições de gestão de desporto e de inovação e é realizado um enquadramento da gestão da inovação nas organizações desportivas e na gestão de desporto, através de pesquisas bibliográficas (enquadramento teórico). Na segunda etapa da tese, são realizadas entrevistas a seis coordenadores de formação de clubes de futebol com o objetivo de determinar que processos utilizam para inovar e como é feita a promoção da inovação nessas organizações. Após a análise das entrevistas são apresentadas as conclusões tendo em conta as características das organizações e compara-se as ideias apresentadas no enquadramento teórico com a prática apresentada nas entrevistas.
Nos países ocidentais, a pesquisa científica financiada com recursos públicos vem sofrendo reformas dramáticas nas últimas duas décadas (Simpson, 2003). Considerando os resultados dessas reformas, este artigo investiga como as mesmas aconteceram no Brasil, como os programas de pesquisa foram afetados e qual estilo de organização emergiu das reformas. Pretende-se analisar essas questões empiricamente, usando um estudo de caso. Então, o objetivo específico desse artigo é analisar as inovações organizacionais criadas dentro de um programa de pesquisa público brasileiro – o Programa de melhoraento genético da cana-de-açúcar do IAC (PROCANA) – para enfrentar as reformas nos modelos de atuação do Estado na área de C&T, superar os limites geográficos da pesquisa agrícola, dar mais eficiência à P&D e gerar produtos adaptados às necessidades dos usuários.
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las bases de gobernanza del Distrito de ciencia, tecnología e innovación de Medellín en Colombia, mediante una revisión de literatura e integración de trabajos inéditos de los autores para ilustrar aspectos claves de la administración de este nuevo arreglo institucional. Los resultados muestran que la gobernanza del Distrito se basa en la lectura de las dinámicas y tendencias territoriales, la integración de intereses entre los agentes y la gestión de la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación.
The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the tourism industry is an essential element for the success of any tourism enterprise. ICTs provide access to information of tourism products from anywhere and at any time. Tour companies may also reach out to target customers around the world through a series of emerging technologies. This paper aims to make a review of the main key factors of ICT in Tourism. Aspects such as the quality of the website, Digital Marketing, Social Networking, Multimedia, Mobile Technologies and Intelligent Environments are discussed.
É hoje em dia inquestionada a importância da inovação para o crescimento económico e para o desenvolvimento sustentado das empresas e da sociedade. Sendo verdade que o desempenho em termos de inovação das empresas, regiões ou países está condicionado por múltiplos factores de contexto, não é menos verdade que o verdadeiro motor desse desempenho são as iniciativas das empresas e das organizações. O sucesso dos projectos de inovação depende de um elevado número de factores, alguns dos quais são frequentemente negligenciados aquando da análise dos processos de inovação, tais como alianças estratégicas e parcerias, estrutura dos consórcios, protecção dos direitos de propriedade intelectual, estratégias de exploração dos resultados dos projectos, etc. Este artigo centra-se na análise e caracterização do processo de inovação em projectos de desenvolvimento de novos produtos levados a cabo por consórcios liderados por empresas industriais em Portugal. Após uma breve introdução ao problema, descreve-se de forma sucinta o enquadramento metodológico proposto e apresentam-se e discutem-se resultados obtidos através de um estudo conduzido pelo INESC Porto e pelo Observatório das Ciências e do Ensino Superior (OCES) do Ministério da Ciência, Inovação e Ensino Superior (MCIES).
Managing Succession and Knowledge Transfer in Family Businesses: Lessons from a Comparative Research
The most natural mode of family firm succession is the intergenerational ownership transfer. Statistical evidence, however, suggests that in most cases the succession process fails. There can be several reasons as a lot of personal, emotional and structural factors can act as an inhibitor to succession. The effectiveness of the implementation of any succession strategy is strongly dependent on the efficiency of intergenerational knowledge transfer, which is related to the parties’ absorptive capacity and willingness to learn. The paper is based on the experiences learned from the INSIST project. In the framework of the project different aspects of family business succession have been investigated in three participating countries (Hungary, Poland and the United Kingdom). The aim of the paper is to identify the patterns of management, succession, knowledge transfer and learning in family businesses. Issues will be examined in detail such as the succession strategies of companies investigated and the efforts family businesses and their managers make in order to harmonize family goals (such as emotional stability, harmony, and reputation) with business- related objectives (e.g. survival, growth or profitability).
A tanulmány arra a kérdésre keresi a választ: hogyan válhat egy szervezet piacvezetővé, és hogyan tarthatja meg pozícióját hosszú távon? A kérdésre huszonöt különböző szektorban tevékenykedő piacvezető vállalat átfogó, több szintű kvalitatív módszertani vizsgálatával kapunk választ. A kutatás során több, mint száz, félig strukturált egyéni interjú, dokumentumelemzések és megfigyelések elemzése valósult meg QSR NVivo elemző szoftverrel. A tanulmány rávilágít arra, hogy a versenyképesség dinamikusan változó, idővel erodálódik, így megteremtése, illetve megújítása tudatos vezetői feladat. A kutatás fontos eredménye, hogy a menedzsereknek tudomásul kell venniük, hogy mind a termelékenységbe, mind az innovációba be kell fektetniük, amennyiben hosszú távon fenn akarják tartani iparági vezető pozíciójukat.