907 resultados para infection control


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Escherichia coli, the most common cause of bacteraemia in humans in the UK, can also cause serious diseases in animals. However the population structure, virulence and antimicrobial resistance genes of those from extraintestinal organs of livestock animals are poorly characterised. The aims of this study were to investigate the diversity of these isolates from livestock animals and to understand if there was any correlation between the virulence and antimicrobial resistance genes and the genetic backbone of the bacteria and if these isolates were similar to those isolated from humans. Here 39 E. coli isolates from liver (n=31), spleen (n=5) and blood (n=3) of cattle (n=34), sheep (n=3), chicken (n=1) and pig (n=1) were assigned to 19 serogroups with O8 being the most common (n=7), followed by O101, O20 (both n=3) and O153 (n=2). They belong to 29 multi-locus sequence types, 20 clonal complexes with ST23 (n=7), ST10 (n=6), ST117 and ST155 (both n=3) being most common and were distributed among phylogenetic group A (n=16), B1 (n=12), B2 (n=2) and D (n=9). The pattern of a subset of putative virulence genes was different in almost all isolates. No correlation between serogroups, animal hosts, MLST types, virulence and antimicrobial resistance genes was identified. The distributions of clonal complexes and virulence genes were similar to other extraintestinal or commensal E. coli from humans and other animals, suggesting a zoonotic potential. The diverse and various combinations of virulence genes implied that the infections were caused by different mechanisms and infection control will be challenging.


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Syftet med föreliggande studie var att redogöra för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens följsamhet till hygienföreskrifter avseende handhygien och de faktorer som påverkar detta. Metod: Artiklar söktes via CINAHL, Pubmed och Scopus. Sökord som användes i olika kombinationer var: hand hygiene, adherence, hygiene guidelines, health care workers, compliance, hand disinfection, infection control, nursing, nurse och hand cleansing. Tretton vetenskapliga artiklar erhölls. Vidare gjordes en manuell sökning ifrån inkluderade artiklars referenslistor och genererade två artiklar som ingick i resultatet. Resultat: Resultatet visade att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens följsamhet till hygienföreskrifter avseende handhygien var låg. Vidare framkom av resultatet att det fanns sju kategorier av faktorer som påverkade följsamheten till hygienföreskrifterna. Dessa var: utbildning och kunskap, arbetsbelastning och tidsbrist, tillgänglighet, hudproblem och handskar. Slutsats: Följsamheten till hygienföreskrifter avseende handhygien är låg. Kontinuerlig utbildning i kombination med ökad tillgänglighet och minskad arbetsbelastning är de viktigaste förutsättningarna för att öka följsamheten till hygienföreskrifter gällande handhygien.


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An estimated 170 million people worldwide have hepatitis C, which is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Therefore, health professionals (HPs) are likely to care for people with hepatitis C at some stage in their careers. However, little is known about HPs' attitudes towards treating people with hepatitis C. An analytical, cross-sectional survey was conducted to explore the inter-relationship among HPs' hepatitis C knowledge and attitudes towards treating people with hepatitis C and their self-reported clinical behaviour: Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 3675 complementary therapists, dentists, medical practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, undergraduate medical and nursing students and people with hepatitis C in Victoria, Australia. Forty-six per cent responded (n = 1510). Only HP (complementary therapists, dentists, medical practitioners, nurses and pharmacists) data is presented (n = 1347).

Most HPs demonstrated adequate hepatitis C knowledge, but some displayed intolerant attitudes toward people with hepatitis C. Their self-reported compliance with infection control practices indicated that they frequently treated people with hepatitis C differently from other patients by using additional infection control precautions while treating patients with hepatitis C. In addition, fear of contagion and disapproval of injecting drug use emerged as barriers to their willingness to treat people with hepatitis C.

The results suggest that focusing education strategies on changing HPs' attitudes toward people with hepatitis C, injecting drug users, and infection control guidelines rather than concentrating solely on medical information might ultimately improve patient care.


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Short peripheral intravenous cannulae (pIVC) are prone to specific problems such as thrombophlebitis, infiltration and bacterial colonisation. This paper presents data from a study of 80 polyurethane pIVC in 59 children within a general paediatric population. There was no significant colonisation of any cannula by bacterial or fungal organisms. This study provides evidence that it is safe not to routinely replace pIVC in this population. It supports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for intravenous cannula (IVC) management in children.


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Objective. In this article the authors explore how the print media contribute to information and education of the community on issues of safety and quality in the health services, since this is an important avenue of such information and education for many members of the community. Study design. The authors undertook a qualitative study of a random sample of articles in the Australian print press between 1996 and 2004 where ‘golden staph’ was presented as a major issue of risk to the safety of consumers of health services. The content of each article was examined with reference to several criteria including title, the source of the article, and the metaphorical language employed by the journalist.
Results. Results show that while the articles are substantially accurate as sources of information on concrete events, they do not serve as sources of education on issues of safety, typically apportioning blame and serving to maintain the status quo.
Conclusion. The authors conclude that print media are not a good source of community education in areas of safety and quality and do not assist members of the community to participate in addressing issues of safety in health services.


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The outbreak of the Influenza A (H1N1) virus has led to numerous precautionary school closures in several countries. No research is available on the school teachers’ perceptions as a health protective resource in controlling communicable disease outbreaks. The purposes of this study were to examine the risk perception, the perceived understanding of preventive measures and contingency plans, and the needs of school teachers before the imminent outbreak of H1N1. This survey was conducted with 1,169 Hong Kong school teachers before school closures due to the H1N1 outbreak. The results showed that the teachers were well aware of H1N1 but were still worried about the spread of H1N1 infection. The teachers’ worries depended on their psychological reaction, the adequacy of the control measures, government support in providing infectious disease knowledge, perceived understanding of preventive measures and contingency plans, students and parents’ awareness, and the need for support from health professionals.


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A pilot study was conducted to compare gauze with silicone foam that may be left in place for as long as seven days. Adult patients who were receiving treatment via peripherally inserted central catheters were recruited and alternately assigned to either the gauze or silicone foam group. Patient-reported itch and discomfort, nurse-reported ease of removal, and skin status were recorded for four weeks at each weekly dressing change.


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Residents of residential aged care facilities (RACFs) are at risk of colonization and infection with multidrug-resistant bacteria, and antibiotic prescribing is often inappropriate and not based on culture-proven infection. We describe low levels of resident colonization and environmental contamination with resistant gram-negative bacteria in RACFs, but high levels of empirical antibiotic use not guided by microbiologic culture. This research highlights the importance of antimicrobial stewardship and environmental cleaning in aged care facilities.


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Objetivos Avaliamos a incidência de infecção hospitalar no CTI clínico-cirúrgico de um hospital escola no sul do Brasil. Foram utilizadas taxas ajustadas para o tempo de permanência dos pacientes e para o tempo de exposição aos procedimentos invasivos. Também investigamos a influência da causa básica de internação (trauma, neurológico e clínico-cirúrgico) nas taxas de infecções. Material e Métodos Os pacientes internados no CTI Clínico-cirúrgico de março a dezembro de 1999, foram prospectivamente seguidos para a detecção de infecção hospitalar. Para o diagnóstico de infecção hospitalar utilizou-se as definições do Centro de Controle e Prevenção de Doenças dos EUA (CDC) e as taxas foram calculadas de acordo com a metodologia NNIS (Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Epidemiológica). Resultados Foram acompanhados 686 pacientes (4201 pacientes-dia). Ocorreram 125 infecções hospitalares, sendo que a incidência global foi de 18,2% ou 29,8 infecções por 1000 pacientes-dia. Os sítios de infecção mais freqüente foram: pneumonia (40%), infecção urinária (24%) e septicemia primária (12,8%). As taxas de infecções hospitalares, associadas aos procedimentos invasivos, foram as seguintes: 32,2 pneumonias por 1000 ventiladores mecânico-dia, 9,7 infecções urinárias por 1000 sondas vesicais-dia e 7 septicemias por 1000 cateteres venosos centrais-dia. A incidência global de infecção nos pacientes com trauma (26,8) e neurológicos (20,7%) foi superior quando comparada com o grupo clínico-cirúrgico (12,2%), p < 0,001. Conclusões Encontramos altas taxas de infecções relacionadas com os procedimentos invasivos neste CTI. A causa básica de internação influenciou as taxas de infecção, sugerindo a necessidade de analisar-se estratificadamente os pacientes em CTI clínico-cirúrgico.


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Medidas restritivas de controle de antimicrobianos têm sido propostas para controlar surtos epidêmicos de infecção por germes multirresistentes em hospitais, mas são escassas as publicações a respeito de sua eficácia. Em um estudo quaseexperimental com controles históricos, avaliou-se a efetividade de uma intervenção restritiva ao uso de antimicrobianos para controlar a emergência de germes multirresistentes em uma unidade de cuidados intensivos (UTI) de um hospital geral. Os Serviços de Controle de Infecção e Comissão de Medicamentos restringiu o uso de drogas antimicrobianas em pacientes hospitalizados na UTI a não mais que dois agentes simultaneamente, exceto em casos autorizados por aqueles serviços. A incidência de eventos clínicos e bacteriológicos foi comparada entre o ano que precedeu a intervenção e o ano que a seguiu. No total, 225 pacientes com idade igual ou maior de 15 anos , com infecção, internados na UTI por pelo menos 48 horas, foram estudados no ano precedente a intervenção e 263 no ano seguinte a ela. No ano seguinte à intervenção, um percentual menor de pacientes foi tratado simultaneamente com mais de dois antimicrobianos, mas não houve modificação no número total de antimicrobianos prescritos, na duração e no custo do tratamento. Mortalidade e tempo de internação foram similares nos dois períodos de observação. O número de culturas positivas aumentou depois da intervenção, tanto para germes Gram positivos, quanto para germes Gram negativos, principalmente devido ao aumento do número de isolados do trato respiratório. A maioria dos isolados foi Staphylococcus aureus dentre os Gram positivos e Acinetobacter sp dentre os germes Gram negativos. No ano seguinte à intervenção, a sensibilidade dos microorganismos Gram negativos para carbenicilina, ceftazidima e ceftriaxona aumentou, e para o imipenem diminuiu. A ausência de resposta dessa intervenção sobre desfechos clínicos pode ser em conseqüência da insuficiente aderência ou a sua relativa ineficácia. A melhora da sensibilidade microbiana de alguns germes, semaumento de custos ou a incidência de efeitos adversos, encoraja o uso de protocolos similares de restrição de drogas antimicrobianas para reduzir a taxa de resistência bacteriana na UTI.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study analyzes the conceptions and the nursing workers' practices about the relationship between vaccination and biosecurity in a public hospital of reference in communicable diseases in Natal/RN. It is treated, therefore, of a exploratory/descriptive study with qualitative and quantitative approach. They were constituted as collaborators of the research twenty-two nursing professionals, being five nurses, three auxiliary and fourteen technicians in nursing. The information were obtained through the interview technique with semi-structured route. In the quantitative approach, the information were analyzed by statistics and presented in form of tables and graphs to characterize the workers and the aspects related to the vaccination situation of the same ones; and in the qualitative approach, we used the method of content analysis. The analysis was accomplished starting from the categories empiric coming from the process of analysis of the field material, measure through inferences and interpretations based on the authors studied in the theoretical referential of the research. Starting from the analysis of the results, we verified that the nursing interviewees' workers establish in a clear way and it aims at, in your speeches, a direct relationship between vaccination and biosecurity besides attributing a meaning of great importance with relationship to the use of the vaccines in your professional lives in what refers to the control and decrease of the risks, above all the biological ones, to the which are exposed in the daily exercise of your functions. However, when analyzing those workers' vaccination situation, we verified that the vaccination covering still meets on this side of the expected for the vaccines of occupational interest, with prominence just for the vaccines against diphtheria and tetanus and to against hepatitis B, that presented coverings considered very good and above the national average. Considering that the institution, although has a service of health occupational active and offer some vaccines of occupational interest, it still presents a work of little mobilization in what refers to the consciousness and the workers' permanent education with relationship to the need and importance of the occupational vaccination, not only for your workers' protection, as well as measure in the infection control and, therefore, as safety for your patients/clients. We understood that that work type didn't still become politics guided by ministries of Health or of the Labor, however, it falls to the institutions that work for the interest of the workers' health to struggle for all and any action and mobilization that have as objective protects the workers of the risks in your work atmosphere