943 resultados para immunity to infection
An Escherichia coli oligonucleotide microarray based on three sequenced genomes was validated for comparative genomic microarray hybridization and used to study the diversity of E. coli O157 isolates from human infections and food and animal sources. Among 26 test strains, 24 (including both Shiga toxin [Stx]-positive and -negative strains) were found to be related to the two sequenced E. coli O157:117 strains, EDL933 and Sakai. However, these strains showed much greater genetic diversity than those reported previously, and most of them could not be categorized as either lineage I or H. Some genes were found more often in isolates from human than from nonhuman sources; e.g., ECs1202 and ECs2976, associated with stx2AB and stx1AB, were in all isolates from human sources but in only 40% of those from nonhuman sources. Some (but not all) lineage I-specific or -dominant genes were also more frequently associated with isolates from human. The results suggested that it might be more effective to concentrate our efforts on finding markers that are directly related to infection rather than those specific to certain lineages. In addition, two Stx-negative O157 cattle isolates (one confirmed to be 117) were significantly different from other Stx-positive and -negative E. coli O157:117 strains and were more similar to MG1655 in their gene content. This work demonstrates that not all E. coli O157:117 strains belong to the same clonal group, and those that were similar to E. coli K-12 might be less virulent.
To study the role of TLR2 in a experimental model of chronic pulmonary infection, TLR2-deficient and wild-type mice were intratracheally infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, a primary fungal pathogen. Compared with control, TLR2(-/-) mice developed a less severe pulmonary infection and decreased NO synthesis. Equivalent results were detected with in vitro-infected macrophages. Unexpectedly, despite the differences in fungal loads both mouse strains showed equivalent survival times and severe pulmonary inflammatory reactions. Studies on lung-infiltrating leukocytes of TLR2(-/-) mice demonstrated an increased presence of polymorphonuclear neutrophils that control fungal loads but were associated with diminished numbers of activated CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes. TLR2 deficiency leads to minor differences in the levels of pulmonary type 1 and type 2 cytokines, but results in increased production of KC, a CXC chemokine involved in neutrophils chemotaxis, as well as TGF-beta, IL-6, IL-23, and IL-17 skewing T cell immunity to a Th17 pattern. In addition, the preferential Th17 immunity of TLR2(-/-) mice was associated with impaired expansion of regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+)FoxP3(+) T cells. This is the first study to show that TLR2 activation controls innate and adaptive immunity to P. brasiliensis infection. TLR2 deficiency results in increased Th17 immunity associated with diminished expansion of regulatory T cells and increased lung pathology due to unrestrained inflammatory reactions. The Journal of Immunology, 2009, 183: 1279-1290.
The host defense mechanism in chromoblastomycosis has not been thoroughly investigated. It has been suggested that cell- mediated immunity in patients with long- standing chromoblastomycosis is somehow impaired. As a result, these individuals became unable to develop an efficient immune reaction. Many studies have shown that monocyte- derived macrophages exhibit critical activities in immunity to microorganisms. Moreover, the ability of cells from the monocytic lineage to process and present antigens, to produce cytokines, and to provide costimulatory signals confirms their pivotal role in the initiation of specific immune responses. In the present study, it was observed that monocytes from patients with a severe form of disease had a higher production of IL- 10 and a lower expression of HLA- DR and costimulatory molecules when stimulated with specific antigen or LPS. Immune modulation with recombinant IL- 12 or anti- IL- 10 can restore the antigen- specific Th1- type immune response in chromoblastomycosis patients by up- regulating HLA- DR and costimulatory molecules in monocytes. Therefore, our data show that monocytes from patients with different clinical forms of chromoblastomycosis present distinct phenotypic and functional profiles. This observation suggests possible mechanisms that control the T cell response and influence their role in the development of pathology.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognise pathogen-derived molecules and influence immunity to control parasite infections. This study aimed to evaluate the mRNA expression of TLRs 2 and 4, the expression and production of the cytokines interleukin (IL)-12, interferon (IFN)-γ, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, IL-17, IL-10 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β and the production of nitric oxide (NO) in the spleen of mice infected with Leishmania chagasi. It also aimed to evaluate any correlations between mRNA expression TLR2 and 4 and cytokines and NO production. Infection resulted in increased TLR2-4, IL-17, TNF-α and TGF-β mRNA expression during early infection, with decreased expression during late infection correlating with parasite load. IFN-γ and IL-12 mRNA expression decreased at the peak of parasitism. IL-10 mRNA expression increased throughout the entire time period analysed. Although TGF-β, TNF-α and IL-17 were highly produced during the initial phase of infection, IFN-γ and IL-12 exhibited high production during the final phase of infection. IL-10 and NO showed increased production throughout the evaluated time period. In the acute phase of infection, there was a positive correlation between TLR2-4, TNF-α, IL-17, NO, IL-10 and TGF-β expression and parasite load. During the chronic phase of infection, there was a positive correlation between TLR2-4, TNF-α, IL-17 and TGF-β expression and parasite load. Our data suggest that infection by L. chagasi resulted in modulation of TLRs 2 and 4 and cytokines.
The effect of macrophage blockade on the natural resistance and on the adaptative immune response of susceptible (B10.D2/oSn) and resistant (A/Sn) mice to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection was investigated. B10.D2/oSn and A/Sn mice previously injected with colloidal carbon were infected ip with yeast cells to determine the 50% lethal dose, and to evaluate the anatomy and histopathology, macrophage activation, antibody production and DTH reactions. Macrophage blockade rendered both resistant and susceptible mice considerably more susceptible to infection, as evidenced by increased mortality and many disseminated lesions. P. brasiliensis infection and/or carbon treatment increased the ability of macrophages from resistant mice to spread up to 25 days after treatment. In susceptible mice the enhanced spreading capacity induced by carbon treatment was impaired at ail assayed periods except at 1 week after infection. Macrophage blockade enhanced DTH reactions in resistant mice, but did not alter these reactions in susceptible mice, which remained anergic. To the contrary, macrophage blockade enhanced specific antibody production by susceptible mice, but did nor affect the low levels produced by resistant mice. The effect of macrophage blockade confirms the natural tendency of resistant animals to mount DTH reactions in the course of the disease and the preferential antibody response developed by susceptible mice after P. brasiliensis infection. on the whole, macrophage functions appear to play a fundamental role in the natural and acquired resistance mechanisms to P. brasiliensis infection.
Purpose: It is recognized that chronic inflammation can cause cancer. Even though most of the available synthetic meshes are considered non-carcinogenic, the inflammatory response to an infected mesh plays a constant aggression to the skin. Chronic mesh infection is frequently the result of misuse of mesh, and due to the challenging nature of this condition, patients usually suffer for years until the infected mesh is removed by surgical excision. Methods: We report two cases of squamous-cell carcinoma (SCC) of the abdominal wall, arising in patients with long-term mesh infection. Results: In both patients, the degeneration of mesh infection into SCC was presumably caused by the long-term inflammation secondary to infection. Patients presented with advanced SCC behaving just like the Marjolin's ulcers of burns. Radical surgical excision was the treatment of choice. The involvement of the bowel played an additional challenge in case 1, but it was possible to resect the tumor and the involved bowel and reconstruct the abdominal wall using polypropylene mesh as onlay reinforcement, in a single stage operation. He is now under adjuvant chemotherapy. The big gap in the midline after tumor resection in case 2 required mesh bridging to close the defect. The poor prognosis of case 2 who died months after the operation, and the involvement of the armpit, groin and mesenteric nodes in case 1 shows how aggressive this disease can be. Conclusion: Infected mesh must be treated early, by complete excision of the mesh. Long-standing mesh infection can degenerate into aggressive squamous-cell carcinoma of the skin. © 2013 Springer-Verlag France.
Este estudo examinou a susceptibilidade do macrófago peritoneal (PM) dos primatas neotropicais: Callithrix jacchus, Callithrix penicillata, Saimiri sciureus, Aotus azarae infulatus e Callimico goeldii para a infecção ex vivo por Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi, o agente etiológico da leishmaniose visceral americana (LVA), como método de triagem para avaliar o potencial desses primatas como modelo de estudo da LVA. A susceptibilidade do PM para a infecção foi investigada através do índice de infecção do PM (PMI) a intervalos de 24, 72 horas e, ainda, pela média dessas taxas (FPMI), assim como, pelas respostas do TNF-α, IL-2 (ELISA de captura) e óxido nítrico (NO) (método de Griess). Às 24hs da infecção experimental, o PMI do primata A. azarae infulatus (128) foi maior que aqueles de C. penicillata (83), C. goeldii (78), S. sciureus (77) e C. jacchus (55). Às 72hs, houve uma redução significativa do PMI de quatro primatas: A. azarae infulatus (128/37), C. penicillata (83/38), S. sciureus (77/38) e C. jacchus (55/12), com exceção de C. goeldii (78/54). O FPMI dos primatas A. azarae infulatus (82.5) e C. goeldii (66) foi maior que do primata C. jacchus (33.5), porém, não foi maior que dos primatas C. penicillata (60.5) e S. sciureus (57.5). A resposta do TNF-α foi mais regular nos quatro primatas que reduziram o PMI no intervalo de 24-72hs: C. jacchus (145/122 pg/µL), C. penicillata (154/130 pg/µL), S. sciureus (164/104 pg/µL) e A. azarae infulatus (154/104 pg/µL), com exceção de C. goeldii (38/83 pg/µL). A resposta de IL-12 foi, principalmente, marcante nos primatas A. azarae infulatus e C. goeldii, os quais apresentaram as maiores taxas do FPMI, e a resposta do NO foi maior no primata C. goeldii, em especial no intervalo de 72hs. Estes achados sugerem, fortemente, que estes primatas neotropicais parecem ter desenvolvido mecanismos resistentes de resposta imune inata capaz de controlar o crescimento intracelular da infecção por L. (L.) i. chagasi no macrófago, o que não encoraja o uso destes primatas como modelo de estudo da LVA.
Protective immunity against Plasmodium falciparum may be obtained after repeated exposure to infection. Several studies indicate that immunity against the blood stages of the P. Falciparum infection is mainly antibody mediated. Protective antibodies may act either on their own, mediate antibody-dependent phagocytosis and/or cell-mediated neutralization of parasites. This thesis describes several aspects of humoral immune responses to P. falciparum infection in individuals of different age groups, different genetic background and with different degrees of malaria exposure. Several target antigens for antibody-mediated inhibition of parasite growth or invasion have been identified. One such antigen is Pf332, which appears on the surface of parasitized erythrocytes at late trophozoite and schizont stage. This surface exposure makes the antigen a possible target for opsonizing antibodies. We optimized an in vitro assay for studying cellmediated parasite neutralization in the presence of Pf332-reactive antibodies. Our data demonstrate that, Pf332 specific antibodies are able to inhibit parasite growth on their own and in cooperation with human monocytes. The P. falciparum parasites have evolved several mechanisms to evade the host neutralizing immune responses. In this thesis, we show that freshly isolated P. falciparum parasites from children living in a malaria endemic area of Burkina Faso were less sensitive for growth inhibition in vitro by autologous immunoglobulins (Ig) compared with heterologous ones. Analyses of two consecutive isolates taken 14 days apart, with regard to genotypes and sensitivity to growth inhibition in vitro, did not give any clear-cut indications on possible mechanisms leading to a reduced inhibitory activity in autologous parasite/antibody combinations. The frequent presence of persisting parasite clones in asymptomatic children indicates that the parasite possesses as yet undefined mechanisms to evade neutralizing immune responses. Transmission reducing measures such insecticide treated nets (ITNs) have been shown to be effective in reducing morbidity and mortality from malaria. However, concerns have been raised that ITNs usage could affect the acquisition of malaria immunity. We studied the effect of the use of insecticide treated curtains (ITC) on anti-malarial immune responses of children living in villages with ITC since birth. The use of ITC did neither affect the levels of parasite neutralizing immune responses nor the multiplicity of infection. These results indicate that the use of ITC does not interfere with the acquisition of anti-malarial immunity in children living in a malaria hyperendemic area. There is substantial evidence that the African Fulani tribe is markedly less susceptible to malaria infection compared to other sympatrically living ethnic tribes. We investigated the isotypic humoral responses against P. falciparum asexual blood stages in different ethnic groups living in sympatry in two countries exhibiting different malaria transmission intensities, Burkina Faso and Mali. We observed higher levels of the total malaria-specific-IgG and its cytophilic subclasses in individuals of the Fulani tribe as compared to non-Fulani individuals. Fulani individuals also showed higher levels of antibodies to measles antigen, indicating that the intertribal differences are not specific for malaria and might reflect a generally activated immune system in the Fulani.
Immunantwort von immundefizienten Mäusen gegenüber Infektionen mit Cryptosporidium parvum. Cryptosporidium parvum ist ein intrazellulärer, protozoischer Krankheitserreger, der im immunkompromittierten Wirt zu lebensbedrohender Enteritis führen kann. CD4+ T-Zellen und Interferon (IFN)-γ spielen wesentliche Rollen bei der Wirtsimmunantwort gegen die Infektion. Dennoch sind die Effektormechanismen, die zur Resistenz führen nur wenig verstanden. In dieser Studie wurde die Immunantwort von IFN-γ- und Interleukin (IL)-12-Defektmäusen parallel zu Wildtypmäusen analysiert. Die Ergebnisse identifizierten IFN-γ als Schlüsselzytokin bei der natürlichen und erworbenen Immunität während der Erst- und Folgeinfektion mit C. parvum. Tumornekrosefaktor (TNF)-α ist möglicherweise ein Induktor der frühen IFN-γ-Antwort in IL-12 Knockout-Mäusen. Weiterhin tragen offenbar sowohl Th1- als auch Th2-Zytokine zur Überwindung der Primärinfektion bei, die ersten mehr als die letztgenannten. Zytokingene waren am Ort der Infektion (Ileum) dramatisch verändert, nicht aber in den lokalen Lymphknoten und der Milz. Nach Folgeinfektion ergab sich in Abwesenheit von IFN-γ eine signifikante Erhöhung der Th2-Zytokine IL-5 and IL-13. Die Ergebnisse zeigten weiterhin, dass das Th1-Zytokin IL-18 zur Resistenz gegenüber C. parvum beiträgt, möglicherweise durch verschiedene Immunfunktionen, wie der Regulation von Serum-IFN-γ während der Infektion und/oder der Erhaltung der Homeostase der Th1/Th2-Zytokine durch Regulation der Th2-Zytokine. Weiterhin zeigten diese Untersuchungen den Transfer von Resistenz gegenüber C. parvum von infizierten auf naïve Mäuse mittels stimulierter intraepithelialer Lymphozyten und CD4+ T-Zellen. Diese Ergebnisse weisen auf die Gegenwart von C. parvum-spezifischen CD4+ T-Zellen in anderen lymphatischen Geweben neben der Darmmukosa hin. Eine Stimulation der Spendertiere durch Infektion war notwendig für eine übertragbare schützende Immunität. Dennoch konnte die übertragene Immunität nicht die Infektion der Empfängertiere vollständig verhindern; eine Verdopplung der Spenderzellen führte zu keinem besseren Ergebnis. Weiterhin ergab der Transfer von CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen (Pan-T-Zellen) keinen erhöhten Schutz der naiven Empfängertiere als der alleinige Transfer von CD4+ T-Zellen. Dies weist auf die fehlende Bedeutung der CD8+ T-Zellen beim Schutz vor C. parvum-Infektion hin.
Our aim was to develop an explant model to define more precisely the early response of bovine mammary epithelial cells to infection. Therefore we investigated the mRNA expression encoding for some soluble immunological factors in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated bovine mammary gland explants. Explants were taken out from the mammary gland of eight lactating cows after slaughter then incubated with LPS (10 mug/ml) for 6 h. The mRNA expression of alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-la), various cytokines, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-6, IL-8, and two immunoglobulin receptors, the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) and polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIGR), were assessed with qPCR before and after 3 h and 6 h of LPS challenge. Both immunoglobulin receptors and alpha-la increased at 3 h then recovered their initial level at 6 h whereas IL-1beta, IL-6 and IL-8 increased only after 6 h (P<0.05). Surprisingly, TNF-alpha transcripts did not show any regulation in response to the LPS treatment. We nevertheless concluded that our model was valid to examine the short-term response of mammary epithelial cell challenged with LPS.
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a group of neurodegenerative diseases that can occur spontaneously or can be caused by infection or mutations within the prion protein gene PRNP. Nonsynonymous DNA polymorphisms within the PRNP gene have been shown to influence susceptibility/resistance to infection in sheep and humans. Analysis of DNA polymorphisms within the core promoter region of the PRNP gene in four major German bovine breeds resulted in the identification of both SNPs and insertion/deletion (indel) polymorphisms. Comparative genotyping of both controls and animals that tested positive for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) revealed a significantly different distribution of two indel polymorphisms and two SNPs within Braunvieh animals, suggesting an association of these polymorphisms with BSE susceptibility. The functional relevance of these polymorphisms was analyzed using reporter gene constructs in neuronal cells. A specific haplotype near exon 1 was identified that exhibited a significantly lower expression level. Genotyping of nine polymorphisms within the promoter region and haplotype calculation revealed that the haplotype associated with the lowest expression level was underrepresented in the BSE group of all breeds compared to control animals, indicating a correlation of reduced PRNP expression and increased resistance to BSE.
Immunological homeostasis in the respiratory tract is thought to require balanced interactions between networks of dendritic cell (DC) subsets in lung microenvironments in order to regulate tolerance or immunity to inhaled antigens and pathogens. Influenza A virus (IAV) poses a serious threat of long-term disruption to this balance through its potent pro-inflammatory activities. In this study, we have used a BALB/c mouse model of A/PR8/34 H1N1 Influenza Type A Virus infection to examine the effects of IAV on respiratory tissue DC subsets during the recovery phase following clearance of the virus. In adult mice, we found differences in the kinetics and activation states of DC residing in the airway mucosa (AMDC) compared to those in the parenchymal lung (PLDC) compartments. A significant depletion in the percentage of AMDC was observed at day 4 post-infection that was associated with a change in steady-state CD11b+ and CD11b- AMDC subset frequencies and significantly elevated CD40 and CD80 expression and that returned to baseline by day 14 post-infection. In contrast, percentages and total numbers of PLDC were significantly elevated at day 14 and remained so until day 21 post-infection. Accompanying this was a change in CD11b+and CD11b- PLDC subset frequencies and significant increase in CD40 and CD80 expression at these time points. Furthermore, mice infected with IAV at 4 weeks of age showed a significant increase in total numbers of PLDC, and increased CD40 expression on both AMDC and PLDC, when analysed as adults 35 days later. These data suggest that the rate of recovery of DC populations following IAV infection differs in the mucosal and parenchymal compartments of the lung and that DC populations can remain disrupted and activated for a prolonged period following viral clearance, into adulthood if infection occurred early in life.
Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are critical for maintaining epithelial barrier integrity at mucosal surfaces; however, the tissue-specific factors that regulate ILC responses remain poorly characterized. Using mice with intestinal epithelial cell (IEC)-specific deletions in either inhibitor of κB kinase (IKK)α or IKKβ, two critical regulators of NFκB activation, we demonstrate that IEC-intrinsic IKKα expression selectively regulates group 3 ILC (ILC3)-dependent antibacterial immunity in the intestine. Although IKKβ(ΔIEC) mice efficiently controlled Citrobacter rodentium infection, IKKα(ΔIEC) mice exhibited severe intestinal inflammation, increased bacterial dissemination to peripheral organs, and increased host mortality. Consistent with weakened innate immunity to C. rodentium, IKKα(ΔIEC) mice displayed impaired IL-22 production by RORγt(+) ILC3s, and therapeutic delivery of rIL-22 or transfer of sort-purified IL-22-competent ILCs from control mice could protect IKKα(ΔIEC) mice from C. rodentium-induced morbidity. Defective ILC3 responses in IKKα(ΔIEC) mice were associated with overproduction of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) by IECs, which negatively regulated IL-22 production by ILC3s and impaired innate immunity to C. rodentium. IEC-intrinsic IKKα expression was similarly critical for regulation of intestinal inflammation after chemically induced intestinal damage and colitis. Collectively, these data identify a previously unrecognized role for epithelial cell-intrinsic IKKα expression and TSLP in regulating ILC3 responses required to maintain intestinal barrier immunity.
Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that the majority of human individuals exposed to infection with Echinococcus spp. eggs exhibit resistance to disease as shown by either seroconversion to parasite--specific antigens, and/or the presence of 'dying out' or 'aborted' metacestodes, not including hereby those individuals who putatively got infected but did not seroconvert and who subsequently allowed no development of the pathogen. For those individuals where infection leads to disease, the developing parasite is partially controlled by host immunity. In infected humans, the type of immune response developed by the host accounts for the subsequent trichotomy concerning the parasite development: (i) seroconversion proving infection, but lack of any hepatic lesion indicating the failure of the parasite to establish and further develop within the liver; or resistance as shown by the presence of fully calcified lesions; (ii) controlled susceptibility as found in the "conventional" alveolar echinococcosis (AE) patients who experience clinical signs and symptoms approximately 5-15 years after infection, and (iii) uncontrolled hyperproliferation of the metacestode due to an impaired immune response (AIDS or other immunodeficiencies). Immunomodulation of host immunity toward anergy seems to be triggered by parasite metabolites. Beside immunomodulating IL-10, TGFβ-driven regulatory T cells have been shown to play a crucial role in the parasite-modulated progressive course of AE. A novel CD4+CD25+ Treg effector molecule FGL2 recently yielded new insight into the tolerance process in Echinococcus multilocularis infection.