858 resultados para human resource management(HRM) competencies
Now that baby boomers are older and pursuing more career-oriented jobs, managers of the hospitality industry are experiencing the effects of the pre- sent labor crisis; they now know that those vacant hourly jobs are going to be tough to fill with quality personnel. The companies able to attract quality personnel by offering employees what they need and want will be the successful ones in the next decade. The authors explain how the labor crisis is currently affecting the hospitality industry and make suggestions about how firms may survive the "labor crash” of the 1990s with the application of marketing technology to human resource management.
In this article, we highlight the significance and need for conducting context-specific human resource management (HRM) research, by focusing on four critical themes. First, we discuss the need to analyze the convergence-divergence debate on HRM in Asia-Pacific. Next, we present an integrated framework, which would be very useful for conducting cross-national HRM research designed to focus on the key determinants of the dominant national HRM systems in the region. Following this, we discuss the critical challenges facing the HRM function in Asia-Pacific. Finally, we present an agenda for future research by presenting a series of research themes.
Despite rapid globalisation, boom in multinational business and increasing interest in international human resource management (IHRM) generally, research on developing countries in the Middle-East is limited. A three year PhD research project seeks to begin to fill this gap by studying the effect of Jordanian culture on the transfer of western recruitment and selection (R&S) frameworks into Jordan. This paper opens up an investigation into a cultural concept at the heart of management and human resource management (HRM) in Jordan: ‘wasta’. Wasta is a concept that springs from tribalism; favouritism based on family and tribal relations. For multinational organisations this presents a challenge in balancing the western idea of fairness, equal opportunities and diversity and the local system based on favouritism. We argue that the perceived benefits of wasta cannot match the moral case for a merit based model.
Syftet med denna studie är att kontrastera en utvald organisations strategier för att attrahera, behålla, utveckla och avveckla de viktigaste resurserna mot Talent Management och dess komponenter. Studien ämnar således mot att göra en kontrastering mellan traditionellt kompetensförsörjningsarbete mot det mer moderna konceptet Talent Management. Författarna har valt att undersöka detta genom att samla empiri från intervjuer med sex medarbetare kombinerat med analys av interna dokument. Resultatet visar att delar av myndighetens arbete med kompetensförsörjning kan likställas med Talent Management men att vissa komponenter är uteblivna. Baserat på resultatet framhålls i resultatdiskussionen att myndigheten möter stora utmaningar gällande enhetligt arbete med kompetensutveckling, kompetensförsörjning och ledarskap på grund utav det delegerade ansvaret från central nivå. I slutskedet av avsnittet för resultatdiskussion redovisas även en sammanfattande slutsats som grundar sig i ett framgångsrikt arbete inom blocken attrahera och avsluta samtidigt som arbete inom blocket behålla och utveckla varierar inom organisationen, dels på grund av delegerat ansvar. Slutligen presenteras förbättringsförslag inom organisationen och vidare forskning inom ämnet.
Framed by a social exchange perspective, this study address the issue of whether positive employees’ perceptions about human resource management practices influence positive attitudes and behaviour. We hypothesize that human resource management practices (HRMP) have a significant negative effect on intention to voluntary leave the organization and a positive effect on organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB), and that OCB could mediate the relationship between HRMP and turnover intention. A sample of 165 employees from the Portuguese public administration participated in the study. Data was analysed through descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis and hypotheses were tested using single and multiple linear regressions. Results indicate that HRMP is positively associated with OCB, but only internal communication practice is highly valued by Portuguese public employees and successfully predicts OCB. HRMP also show a positive association with turnover intention but only celebration and recognition practices are predictors of turnover intention. Contrary to our hypothesis OCB did not acted as mediator between HRMP and turnover intention. Some suggestions on managerial human resource practices were proposed as well as some main questions raised in the Portuguese public administration context.
Using a social identity theory approach, we theorized that recruiters might be particularly biased against skilled immigrant applicants. We refer to this phenomenon as a skill paradox, according to which immigrants are more likely to be targets of employment discrimination the more skilled they are. Furthermore, building on the common ingroup identity model, we proposed that this paradox can be resolved through human resource management (HRM) strategies that promote inclusive hiring practices (e.g., by emphasizing fit with a diverse clientele). The results from a laboratory experiment were consistent with our predictions: Local recruiters preferred skilled local applicants over skilled immigrant applicants, but only when these applicants were qualified for a specific job. This bias against qualified and skilled immigrant applicants was attenuated when fit with a diverse clientele was emphasized, but not when fit with a homogeneous clientele was emphasized or when the hiring strategy was not explained. We discuss the implications of our findings for research on employment discrimination against skilled immigrants, including the role of inclusiveness for reducing discriminatory biases.
This study examined the use of human resource management (HRM) practices with volunteers in Canadian Community Sport Organizations (CSOs). Using the Volunteer Management Inventory (VMI; Cuskelly, Taylor, Hoye & Darcy, 2006), 219 leaders of associations in basketball, curling, ice hockey, skating, skiing, swimming, and volleyball participated in this study and identified current trends in HRM practices and perceived issues in the retention of volunteers. Data collected was analyzed using mean and descriptive statistics, T-tests, ANOVAs, and regression analyses. Results indicate that there is a varying use of HRM practices amongst the organizations, and also a significant correlation between the use of HRM practices and the retention of volunteers, particularly board members. Implications and future research directions are discussed regarding how HRM practices and principles may be applied to CSOs.
Les dirigeants-propriétaires des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) sont de plus en plus intéressés par la gestion des ressources humaines (GRH); certains y voient un avantage concurrentiel face à la pénurie de main-d’œuvre actuelle. Considérant que la compatibilité entre les caractéristiques des travailleurs et celles de l’organisation peut générer des résultats positifs (Kristof-Brown et Guay, 2011), notre étude s’intéresse aux pratiques de GRH associées aux valeurs au travail de la génération Y ainsi que leur effet sur la capacité des PME à attirer et retenir cette cohorte. Cette étude qualitative s’est réalisée grâce à des données primaires colligées à la suite d’entrevues avec des dirigeants de quatre PME du secteur de la construction et seize employés appartenant à la génération Y œuvrant au sein de ces entreprises. Par nos résultats, nous avons relevé que la qualité des relations, autant avec les collègues que les superviseurs, demeure généralement la principale source d’attraction et de rétention des Y dans les PME. Nos résultats soutiennent aussi que leur attraction et rétention peut être très fortement favorisée grâce à des pratiques de communication bidirectionnelle et illimitée, une communication stratégique et une liberté dans la gestion du temps et des méthodes de travail. La conciliation travail et vie personnelle, les défis variés, les possibilités d’avancement, la gestion des ressources humaines socialement responsable, la reconnaissance des compétences ainsi que la gestion participative sont aussi des pratiques pouvant être fortement liées à l’attraction et la rétention de cette génération. Nos résultats montrent aussi que l’attraction et la rétention des Y dans les PME sont modérément favorisées par le travail d’équipe, les conditions de travail équitables et objectives et la rémunération globale concurrentielle. À l’inverse, la présence de technologies de l’information et des communications et la formation continue sont des sources plus faibles d’attraction et de rétention en comparaison aux autres pratiques abordées dans cette étude. En somme, cette étude contribue à la littérature sur la GRH dans les PME, puisque les spécificités relatives à ces entreprises ont été peu considérées jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Elle permet aussi la recommandation de pratiques utiles aux dirigeants-propriétaires et professionnels en ressources humaines œuvrant avec le défi d’attraction et de rétention de la génération Y au sein de leur entreprise.
Lean construction is considered from a human resource management (HRM) perspective. It is contended that the UK construction sector is characterised by an institutionalised regressive approach to HRM. In the face of rapidly declining recruitment rates for built environment courses, the dominant HRM philosophy of utilitarian instrumentalism does little to attract the intelligent and creative young people that the industry so badly needs. Given this broader context, there is a danger that an uncritical acceptance of lean construction will exacerbate the industry's reputation for unrewarding jobs. Construction academics have strangely ignored the extensive literature that equates lean production to a HRM regime of control, exploitation and surveillance. The emphasis of lean thinking on eliminating waste and improving efficiency makes it easy to absorb into the best practice agenda because it conforms to the existing dominant way of thinking. 'Best practice' is seemingly judged by the extent to which it serves the interests of the industry's technocratic elite. Hence it acts as a conservative force in favour of maintaining the status quo. In this respect, lean construction is the latest manifestation of a long established trend. In common with countless other improvement initiatives, the rhetoric is heavy in the machine metaphor whilst exhorting others to be more efficient. If current trends in lean construction are extrapolated into the future the ultimate destination may be uncomfortably close to Aldous Huxley's apocalyptic vision of a Brave New World. In the face of these trends, the lean construction research community pleads neutrality whilst confining its attention to the rational high ground. The future of lean construction is not yet predetermined. Many choices remain to be made. The challenge for the research community is to improve practice whilst avoiding the dehumanising tendencies of high utilitarianism.
Purpose – This paper extends the increasing debates about the role of international experience through mechanisms other than standard expatriation packages, in particular through the use of short-term assignments. It explores the different forms of short-term assignments (project work, commuter assignments, virtual international working and development assignments) and the different sets of positive and negative implications these can have for the company and the individuals concerned. The integration-differentiation debate is reflected here as elsewhere in IHRM, with the company moving towards greater centralization and control of its use of these assignments. Design/methodology/approach – Since the research is exploratory, we adopted a qualitative approach to get a more in-depth understanding on the realities the corporations and the assignees are facing. The study was implemented through a single case study setting in which the data were collected by interviewing (n=20) line managers, human resource management (HRM) staff and assignees themselves. In addition corporate documentation and other materials were reviewed. Findings – The present case study provides evidence about the characteristics of short-term assignments as well as the on the management of such assignments. The paper identifies various benefits and challenges involved in the use of short-term assignments both from the perspectives of the company and assignees. Furthermore, the findings support the view that a recent increase in the popularity of short-term assignments has not been matched by the development of HRM policies for such assignments. Research limitations/implications – As a single case study, limitations in the generalizability of the findings should be kept in mind. More large-scale research evidence is needed around different forms of international assignments beyond standard expatriation in order to fully capture the realities faced by international HRM specialists Practical implications – The paper identifies many challenges but also benefits of using short-term assignments. The paper reports in-depth findings on HR development needs that organizations face when expanding the use of such assignments. Social implications – The paper identifies many challenges but also benefits of using short-term assignments. The paper reports in-depth findings on HR development needs that organizations face when expanding the use of such assignments. Originality/value – Empirical research on short-term assignments is still very limited. In that way the paper provides much needed in-depth evidence on why such assignments are used, what challenges are involved in the use of such assignments and what kinds of HR-development needs are involved.
This paper focuses on analysis of and suggestions for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) orienta- tion during the closedown process.The article addresses CSR considerations that adjust business strategies, which in turn change the Human Resource Management (HRM) focus. Our study fo- cuses on four best practice cases in Sweden, which are compared with three reported cases in the literature.All four best practice cases had a long notice period and socially responsible coordination of management and employees, which created adjusted corporate strategies.Three cases had the CSR orientation in the earliest stage, while the fourth case had this coordination during a later stage of the closedown process. We develop a model where we show that the scope for action increases if the CSR orientation and coordination of actions come early in the closedown process, due to the increased ability to adjust the business strategy and create a plan for outreach HRM activities and local community activities.
Este trabalho investiga a visão que os gestores da área de Recursos Humanos em organizações que atuam no Brasil têm sobre a Gestão de Recursos Humanos (GRH) e sobre quais as funções e as responsabilidades da área e do profissional de Recursos Humanos (RH) na organização. Mais especificamente discute-se como esses profissionais lidam com os aspectos mais controversos da GRH discutidos no campo acadêmico como sua falta de clareza, suas ambiguidades e a dificuldade de associar suas ações aos resultados da organização. Para realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa com 25 profissionais em posições de liderança na gestão de Recursos Humanos que participam de grupos de estudo de RH em São Paulo. Serão entrevistas semi estruturadas. Espera-se poder contribuir para uma reflexão sobre (i) como os profissionais de RH lidam com os conceitos e teorias do campo, (ii) como isto afeta as funções e responsabilidades da área e do profissional (iii) como melhorar o preparo e o desenvolvimento do profissional de RH (iv) a realidade da GRH nas organizações que atuam no Brasil.
There is growing evidence available to suggest that Human Resource Management (HRM) practice is an important predictor of organizational performance. Drawing upon organizational learning perspectives, we argue that HRM systems also have the potential to promote organizational innovation. We present longitudinal data from thirty-five UK manufacturing organizations to suggest that effective HRM systems – incorporating sophisticated approaches to recruitment and selection, induction, appraisal and training – predict organizational innovation in products and production technology. We further show that organizational innovation is enhanced where there is a supportive learning climate, and inhibited (for innovation in production processes) where there is a link between appraisal and remuneration.
Research has looked at single rather than a configuration of human resource management (HRM) practices to influence creativity so it is not yet clear how these practices synergistically facilitate creativity and organisational performance. I address this significant but unanswered question in a three-part study. In Study 1, I develop a high performance work system (HPWS) for creativity scale. I use Study 2 sample to test the validity of the new scale. In Study 3, I test a multilevel model of the intervening processes through which branch HPWS for creativity influences creativity and branch performance. Specifically, at the branch level, I draw on social context theory and hypothesise that branch HPWS for creativity relates to climate for creativity which, in turn, leads to creativity, and ultimately, to profit. Furthermore, I hypothesise environmental dynamism as a boundary condition of the creativity-profit relationship. At the individual level, I hypothesise a cross-level effect of branch HPWS for creativity on employee-perceived HPWS. I draw on self-determination theory and argue that perceived HPWS for creativity relate to need satisfaction and the psychological pathways of intrinsic motivation and creative process engagement to predict creativity. I also hypothesise climate for creativity as a cross-level moderator of the intrinsic motivation-creativity and creative process engagement-creativity relationships. Results of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) indicate that ten out of the fifteen hypotheses were supported. The findings of this study respond to calls for HPWS to be designed around a strategic focus by developing and providing initial validity evidence of an HPWS for creativity scale. The results reveal the underlying mechanisms through which HPWS for creativity simultaneously influences individual and branch creativity leading to profit. Lastly, results indicate environmental dynamism to be an important boundary condition of the creativity-profit relationship and climate for creativity as a cross-level moderator of the creative process engagement-creativity.