273 resultados para granulometry
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
With the development of the textile industry, there has been a demand for dye removal from contaminated effluents. In recent years, attention has been directed toward various natural solid materials that are capable of removing pollutants from contaminated water at low cost. One such material is sugarcane bagasse. The aim of the present study was to evaluate adsorption of the dye Acid Violet Alizarin N with different concentrations of sugarcane bagasse and granulometry in agitated systems at different pH. The most promising data (achieved with pH 2.5) was analyzed with both Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms equations. The model that better fits dye adsorption interaction into sugarcane bagasse is Freundlich equation, and thus the multilayer model. Moreover, a smaller bagasse granulometry led to greater dye adsorption. The best treatment was achieved with a granulometry value lower than 0.21 mm at pH 2.50, in which the total removal was estimated at a concentration of 16.25 mg mL(-1). Hence, sugarcane bagasse proves to be very attractive for dye removal from textile effluents.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Foram conduzidos dois ensaios de digestibilidade, objetivando-se estudar o valor nutricional de quatro diferentes milhetos (BN2, COMUM, IAPAR e IAPAR-REPASSE) processados em moinhos com três tipos de peneiras (diâmetros de furo de 3, 2 e 1 mm). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade (CD) da energia bruta (CDEB) e o coeficiente de metabolizabilidade (CM) da energia bruta (CMEB) relativos à peneira de 3 mm foram: 63,09 e 61,20% (COMUM); 71,57 e 69,66% (IAPAR) e 67,39 e 65,60% (BN2). Os CD e CM da energia do COMUM foram inferiores ao IAPAR e ambos foram semelhantes ao BN2. O IAPAR-REPASSE apresentou CDEB de 70,62% e CMEB de 68,49%, semelhante ao IAPAR. O IAPAR-1 mm apresentou maior CDEB e CMEB (84,61 e 81,41%) que o IAPAR-3 mm (70,59 e 68,71%) e o IAPAR-2 mm (77,73 e 75,46%). Os valores de energia digestível (ED) e energia metabolizável (EM) para o IAPAR (3 mm) foram de 3.030 kcal/kg e 3.001 kcal/kg, respectivamente. Verificou-se ED de 3.083 e 3.355 kcal/kg e em de 2.993 e 3.228 kcal/kg para o IAPAR (2 e 1 mm). O IAPAR-REPASSE apresentou valores de 2.849 kcal/kg (ED) e 2.763 kcal/kg (EM), enquanto o COMUM (3 e 2 mm), de 2.574 e 3.022 kcal/kg (ED) e 2.497 e 2.932 kcal/kg (EM), e o BN2 (3 e 2 mm), de 2.692 e 3.047 kcal/kg (ED) e 2.620 e 2.966 kcal/kg (EM). As diferentes variedades de milheto apresentaram variações em sua composição química que resultaram em diferenças no valor nutricional, sendo o milheto IAPAR o que apresentou melhor valor, seguido pelo BN2 e o COMUM.
O experimento foi realizado para avaliar o efeito dos níveis de cálcio (Ca) e da granulometria do calcário (GC) para poedeiras comerciais. Foram utilizadas 216 poedeiras da linhagem Dekalb White de 25 a 49 semanas de idade em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 × 2, composto de três níveis de cálcio (3,92; 4,02 e 4,12%) e duas granulometrias do calcário (fina - 0,60 mm; e grossa - 1,00 mm), que resultaram em seis tratamentos, com seis repetições de seis aves. Não houve efeito significativo dos níveis de cálcio e da granulometria do calcário nem da interação nível de cálcio × granulometria do calcário para o consumo de ração, o peso dos ovos, a gravidade específica, a espessura da casca, a porcentagem de casca, a unidade Haugh, a digestibilidade de cálcio e fósforo e a porcentagem do trato digestório. A produção, massa, conversão por massa e conversão por dúzia de ovos tiveram seus melhores resultados com 4,12% de cálcio na dieta. A porcentagem de moela e o consumo de ração observado às 15 h melhoraram com o aumento na granulometria do calcário de 0,60 para 1,00 mm. Houve efeito da interação entre nível de cálcio e granulometria do calcário para a resistência à quebra da tíbia, a densidade óssea, o comprimento do intestino delgado e o consumo de ração às 6, 9, 12, 18 e 21 h, respectivamente. Recomenda-se a adição de 4,12% de cálcio e calcário na granulometria grossa (1,00 mm) para melhor desempenho de poedeiras comerciais. Mais estudos são necessários para elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos na alteração do comportamento alimentar das poedeiras em resposta às mudanças nos níveis de cálcio e na granulometria do calcário das rações.
Physical and chemical characteristics of intertidal sediments and their relationships with bacteria and cyanobacteria, were analyzed at four stations at Pereque Beach. Granulometric analysis showed that Pereque beach has sediment that is classified as sand. The lowest value of the sediment C/N rates (6.08), mainly due to a higher concentration of organic nitrogen, was found at the northern part of Pereque Beach, where organic matter of marine source was more prominent. In this area, density (9.6 x 106 cells cm(-3)), biomass (1992.04 ngC cm(-3)) and activity of bacteria were higher than at the southern end. In contrast, cyanobacteria density varied from 2.0 to 4.0 x 10(5) cells cm(-3), with biomass and total chlorophyll a of the sediment being higher at the southern part, where there are water input from Pereque River and higher organic matter of continental origin. The variability in the microbial population is discussed in the light of the sediment granulometry, organic matter quality, fresh water inflow and pollution. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Starch extraction from roots and tubers uses grating with water and sieves to separate the starch slurry from residual mass. The starch is recovered by decantation or centrifugation. The yam starch extraction is difficult due to high viscosity of the slurry caused by non-starch polysaccharides (NSP). The establishment of an efficient extraction process may turn yam into a competitive raw material. In this paper Dioscorea alata starch extracted by four methods was characterized in order to establish the impact of treatments. When the tubers were digested with an aqueous oxalic acid/ammonium oxalate (OA/AO) 1/1 solution, it was easier to separate the starch slurry from residual mass, because viscosity was reduced. For all the others methods tested, the viscosity remained almost the same. The nitrogen present in yam tubers was removed during the different extractions to a different extent. The largest nitrogen reduction was observed with ONAO followed by the control (water). The spectrum of starch granules sizes obtained also varied according to the treatment. Results proved that NSP carries small starch granules over to the waste water. The smaller starch granules diameter varied from 1.9 mu m (OA/AO extraction) to 13.5 mu m (water and pectinase extractions). The larger diameter varied from 41.0 mu m (NaOH treatment) to 67.7 mu m (ONAO). All starches extracted showed a RVA behavior in agreement with literature for yam starch, but with small differences due to the influence of methods. ONAO extraction showed the best recovery (18 g of starch/100 g tuber yam) and granular variation but it interfered with the rheological behavior of starch.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of this research was to evaluate the use of vermiculite as a substrate for the germination test of 'barbatimao' seeds and to establish what would be the best granulometry and the best moisture intensity to germinate 'barbatimao' seeds. Four replications of 50 seeds were previously scarified with H(2)SO(4) for 60 minutes. Afterwards, the following germination substrates were evaluated: paper rolls moistened with water equivalent to 2.5 times the weight of the dry paper (control); micron, super thin, thin and average sized vermiculite moistened with 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 times the weight of the dry paper. The germination temperature was 30 C. The percentage of normal seedlings was obtained seven days after sowing (first count) and, then, weekly (up to 28 days). Average time and relative distribution of germination were calculated. It was concluded that the germination of 'barbatimao' seeds can be carried out with either fine vermiculite moistened with water equivalent to 2.0 times the weight of the dry paper or average sized substrate moistened with water equivalent to 0.5 to 2.0 times the weight of dry paper. These treatments resulted in higher and faster germination (21 days), similarly to the paper roll method.
Starches and modified starch derivations are used as carriers in the spray drying processing where apparent density is an important characteristic and should be controlled in dehydrated products for pharmaceutical use. In Brazil, the commercial starches are made from corn and cassava, but there are others with potential for extraction. The canna and taro starches were selected because they represent the extremes of granule size and thus allow the effect of this size on the apparent density of spray dried products to be tested. For comparison, commercial cassava and corn starches which are used in spray-drying and have granules of intermediate size, were also tested. The spray-drying process was carried out with a LabPlant SD 04 Spray Dryer, operating at a pressure of 6 lb/in2, air of 7,6 mL/minute, and 1 cm atomizing nozzle. The air inlet temperature was set at 200°C this model does not allow regulating outlet temperature. The spray-dryer products had boldo leaf extract as base, using the four starches as carrier. The dry product was evaluated for humidity, water activity (Aw), granulometry and apparent density. The results showed that the size of the particles, which was a consequence of the size of the starch granules, influenced the apparent density of the spray dried products, which as higher (694, 27 g/mL) for the canna starch and lower (456, 13 g/mL) for taro starch. Corn and cassava starches showed very close and intermediate values, 521,51 and 58,48 g/mL, which also represent the standard range of starch granule size.
The growing demand for stable, safe and effective cosmetics has required increasingly complex studies by the scientific community and the use of more efficient techniques to determine the stability of these products. The use of active principles from the Brazilian flora has led to the development of numerous products, in the most varied pharmaceutical forms, making it, even more difficult to standardize experimental protocols to certify the stability of cosmetic preparations. While in Brazil there is no one protocol that standardizes the tests that should be carried out to determine product stability, several studies have been conducted in academic laboratories to determine the stability of specific raw materials. The rheological properties of topical use products have to be taken into account in their manufacture, storage and application. The determination of the rheological behavior of a formulation helps in evaluating the physicochemical nature of the vehicle, allowing early signs of physical instability to be detected and thus enabling quality control of the constituents, test formulations and final products. Thermal analysis has also been used to assist in the study of cosmetic stability and differential scanning calorimetry to guide the development of new products. Other tools, such as fluorimetry and laser granulometry can be used to help the study and development of both emulsified and non-emulsified systems. The aim of the present study is to develop a protocol for the investigation of the physical and chemical stability of phytocosmetics - systems containing active compounds extracted from the Brazilian biodiversity.
This paper proposes a method to determine iron in samples of fish feed and feces using ultrasound in the extraction of the analyte and in subsequent quantification by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Using HCl 0.10 mol L -1 as the extraction solution, the optimal conditions of extraction were found to be: granulometry of the sample <60 μm; a sonication time of five cycles of 10 s and sonication power of 136 W. The method was applied in studies of the availability of iron in four food sources used in the diet of Nile Tilapia. The results obtained with the proposed extraction method allowed us to calculate the coefficients of apparent digestibility of iron in the food sources, which was not possible when using results obtained from samples mineralized by acid digestion. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008.
In the present study were observed changes in morphology of the bed of the lower course of the river Ivaí, made by bathymetric surveys, granulometric analysis and measures the flow velocity. Changes made considerable changes in relation to flow and bad load. The study was conducted in the last 110 km of the river Ivaí, between the municipalities Tapira and Icaraíma - PR. In this section the channel flows with meandering pattern, embedded in sandstone Caiuá and sediment modern of its flood plain. This is the only major river in the state that so far has no modifications, making it an important site for studies of fluvial geomorphology.
This study describes the chemical and physical-chemical profile of plant drug and ethanolic extract obtained from fruits of Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hill. (Solanaceae). The physical and chemical analysis involved the granulometry determination, non-compacted apparent density, loss on drying in oven and in infrared scale, pH, ash values and extractive values. The results determined the physical-chemical characteristics of the drug plant. It was also carried out the microbiological control of the plant drug. The preliminary phytochemical screening featured the presence of tannins, flavonoids and saponins in the plant drug and alkaloids and steroids in the ethanolic exctract. The solamargine and solasonine glycoalkaloids were identified through TLC and GC/ MS. The levels of total phenols and tannins were quantified in the extract (8.90% and 6,85% respectively). Such studies contribute to the chemical identification and quality control of S. lycocarpum fruits. © 2010 Phcog.net.
This paper aims to present the results of petrographic and lithochemical studies obtained in one of the three artifacts, which fell on the farm Buritis in Buritizal County in August 1967, which were collected and stored until the present by reporter Saulo Gomes. The petrographic analysis showed that the artifact is composed by spherical and irregular chondrules with serial granulometry and size averaging around 1 mm and the largest reaching about 6 mm in diameter. The chondrules are made of olivine, ortho and clinopyroxene, crystallite glass, nickel iron alloy and troillite (kamacite and/or taenite/tetrataenite) and inter chondrules glassy material occurs in association with troillite, nickel and other alloy iron-based compounds. The lithochemical data show excellent correlation with the C chondrite, noting only small differences above or between them. The study made it possible to classify the artifact as type L3 and L4 ordinary chondrite.