958 resultados para genetic identification


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Rockfish (Sebastes spp.) juveniles are often difficult to identify by using morphological characters. This study independently applies morphological characters and a key based on mitochondrial restriction site variation to identify juvenile rockf ishes collected in southern California during juvenile rockfish surveys. Twenty-four specimens of Sebastes were examined genetically without knowledge of the morphological assignment. Seventeen fish were identified genetically as S. semicinctus, S. goodei, S. auriculatus, S. jordani, S. levis, S. rastrelliger, and S. saxicola. Identities for the remaining fish were narrowed to two or three species: 1) three fish were either S. carnatus or S. chrysomelas; 2) one fish was either S. chlorosticus, S. eos, or S. rosenblatti; and 3) three fish could have been either S. hopkinsi or S. ovalis, the latter for which we now have distinguishing mitochondrial markers. The genetic and morphological assignments concurred except for the identity of one fish that could only be narrowed down to S. hopkinsi or S. semicinctus by using morphological characters. Genetics excluded more species from multispecies groupings than did the morphological approach, especially species within the subgenus Sebastomus. Species in the genetically unresolvable groups may be similar because of recent divergence or because of interspecies introgression.


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Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, is a principal commercial species distributed throughout the northwest Atlantic Ocean, with major aggregations occurring on Georges Bank and on the Scotian Shelf. This review examines all available information on stock structure of haddock to evaluate the suitability of current stock units and to investigate areas that require further research. Combined information from tag-recapture, demographic, recruitment, meristic, parasitic, and genetic studies provide evidence for the identification of haddock stocks, with major population divisions occurring between New England, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland waters. Within each of these major divisions a number of discrete stocks appear to exist, although uncertainty remains in the amount of separation found within each region. Research utilizing more recent stock identification techniques should refine and improve our understanding of haddock stock structure in the northwest Atlantic.


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Genetic variation of Contracaecum ogmorhini (sensu lato) populations from different otariid seals of the northern and southern hemisphere was studied on the basis of 18 enzyme loci as well as preliminary sequence analysis of the mitochondrial cyt b gene (260 bp). Samples were collected from Zalophus californianus in the boreal region and from Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus, A. pusillus doriferus and A. australis from the austral region. Marked genetic heterogeneity was found between C. ogmorhini (sensu lato) samples from the boreal and austral region, respectively. Two loci (Mdh-2 and NADHdh) showed fixed differences and a further three loci (Iddh, Mdh-1 and 6Pgdh) were highly differentiated between boreal and austral samples. Their average genetic distance was DNei = 0.36 at isozyme level. At mitochondrial DNA level, an average proportion of nucleotide substitution of 3.7% was observed. These findings support the existence of two distinct sibling species, for which the names C. ogmorhini (sensu stricto) and C. margolisi n. sp., respectively, for the austral and boreal taxon, are proposed. A description for C. margolisi n. sp. is provided. No diagnostic morphological characters have so far been detected; on the other hand, two enzyme loci, Mdh-2 and NADHdh, fully diagnostic between the two species, can be used for the routine identification of males, females and larval stages. Mirounga leonina was found to host C. ogmorhini (s.s.) inmixed infections with C. osculatum (s.l.) (of which C. ogmorhini (s.l.) was in the past considered to be a synonym) and C. miroungae; no hybrid genotypes were found,confirming the reproductive isolation of these three anisakid species. The hosts and geographical range so far recorded for C. margolisi n. sp. and C. ogmorhini (s.s.) are given.


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Long-term sustainable management of wild populations should be based on management actions that account for the genetic structure among populations. Knowledge of genetic structure and of the degree of demographic exchange between discreet [sic] populations allows managers to better define management units. However, adequate gene loci for population assessments are not always available. In this study, variable co-dominant DNA loci in the heavily exploited marine genus Brevoortia were developed with a microsatellite-enriched DNA library for the Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patronus). Microsatellite marker discovery was followed by genetic characterization of 4 endemic North American Brevoortia species, by using 14 novel loci as well as 5 previously described loci. Power analysis of these loci for use in species identification and genetic stock structure was used to assess their potential to improve the stock definition in the menhaden fishery of the Gulf of Mexico. These loci could be used to reliably identify menhaden species in the Gulf of Mexico with an estimated error rate of α=0.0001. Similarly, a power analysis completed on the basis of observed allele frequencies in Gulf Menhaden indicated that these markers can be used to detect very small levels of genetic divergence (Fst≈0.004) among simulated populations, with sample sizes as small as n=50 individuals. A cursory analysis of genetic structure among Gulf Menhaden sampled throughout the Gulf of Mexico indicated limited genetic structure among sampling locations, although the available sampling did not reach the target number (n=50) necessary to detect minimal values of significant structure.


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Independent molecular markers based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA were developed to provide positive identification of istiophorid and xiphiid billfishes (marlins, spearfishes, sailfish, and swordfish). Both classes of markers were based on amplification of short segments (<1.7 kb) of DNA by the polymerase chain reaction and subsequent digestion with informative restriction endonucleases. Candidate markers were evaluated for their ability to discriminate among the different species and the level of intraspecific variation they exhibited. The selected markers require no more than two restriction digestions to allow unambiguous identification, although it was not possible to distinguish between white marlin and striped marlin with any of the genetic characters screened in our study. Individuals collected from throughout each species’ range were surveyed with the selected markers demonstrating low levels of intraspecific character variation within species. The resulting keys provide two independent means for the forensic identification of fillets and for specific identification of early life history stages.


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Partial sequences of cytochrome b (Cyt b) and 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) mitochondrial genes were used for species identification and estimating phylogenetic relationship among three commercially important Ompok species viz. O. Pabda, O. pabo and O. bimaculatus. The sequence analysis of Cyt b (1118bp) and 16S rRNA (569 & 570bp) genes revealed that O. pabda, O. pabo & 0. bimaculatus were genetically distinct species and they exhibited identical phylogenetic relationship. The present study discussed usefulness of mtDNA genes (Cyt b & 16S rRNA) in resolving taxonomic ambiguity and estimating phylogenetics relationship.


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Scleractinian coral species harbour communities of photosynthetic taxa of the genus Symbiodinium. As many as eight genetic clades (A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H) of Symbiodinium have been discovered using molecular biology. These clades may differ from each other in their physiology, and thus influence the ecological distribution and resilience of their host corals to environmental stresses. Corals of the Persian Gulf are normally subject to extreme environmental conditions including high salinity and seasonal variation in temperature. This study is the first to use molecular techniques to identify the Symbiodinium of the Iranian coral reefs to the level of phylogenetic clades. Samples of eight coral species were collected at two different depths from the eastern part of Kish Island in the northern Persian Gulf. Partial 28S nuclear ribosomal (nr) DNA of Symbiodinium (D1/D2 domains) were amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). PCR products were analyzed using Single Stranded Conformational Polymorphism (SSCP) and phylogenetic analyses of the LSU DNA sequences from a subset of the samples. The results showed that Symbiodinium populations were generally uniform among and within the populations of 8 coral species studied, and there are at least two clades of Symbiodinium from Kish Island. Clade D was detected from 8 of the coral species while clade C90 was found in 2 of species only (one species hosted two clades simultaneously). The dominance of clade D might be explained by high temperatures or the extreme temperature variation, typical of the Persian Gulf.


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Campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of human diarrheal illness in the world, and research on it has benefitted greatly by the completion of several genome sequences and the development of molecular biology tools. However, many hurdles remain for a full understanding of this unique bacterial pathogen. One of the most commonly used strains for genetic work with C. jejuni is NCTC11168. While this strain is readily transformable with DNA for genomic recombination, transformation with plasmids is problematic. In this study, we have identified a determinant of this to be cj1051c, predicted to encode a restriction-modification type IIG enzyme. Knockout mutagenesis of this gene resulted in a strain with a 1,000-fold-enhanced transformation efficiency with a plasmid purified from a C. jejuni host. Additionally, this mutation conferred the ability to be transformed by plasmids isolated from an Escherichia coli host. Sequence analysis suggested a high level of variability of the specificity domain between strains and that this gene may be subject to phase variation. We provide evidence that cj1051c is active in NCTC11168 and behaves as expected for a type IIG enzyme. The identification of this determinant provides a greater understanding of the molecular biology of C. jejuni as well as a tool for plasmid work with strain NCTC11168. © 2012, American Society for Microbiology.


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Microsatellites have become the preferred molecular markers for strain selection and genetic breeding in fish. In this study a total of 105 microsatellites were isolated and identified in gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) by microsatellite sequence searches in GenBank and other databases and by screening and sequencing of positive clones from the genomic library enriched for AG and GATA repeats. Moreover, nineteen microsatellites were randomly selected to design locus-specific primer pairs, and these were successfully used to identify and discriminate different cultured strains of gibel carp including strains A, D, L, and F. Three different types of microsatellite pattern were distinguished by the number and length of fragments amplified from the 19 primer pairs, and some microsatellite primer pairs were found to produce different microsatellite patterns among strains and strain-specific fragments. In addition, some duplicated alleles were also detected in two microsatellite patterns. Therefore, the current study provides direct molecular markers to discriminate among different cultured strains for selective breeding and aquaculture practice of gibel carp.


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m Background: Cross-species nuclear transfer has been shown to be a potent approach to retain the genetic viability of a certain species near extinction. However, most embryos produced by cross-species nuclear transfer were compromised because that they were unable to develop to later stages. Gene expression analysis of cross-species cloned embryos will yield new insights into the regulatory mechanisms involved in cross-species nuclear transfer and embryonic development. Results: A novel gene, K31, was identified as an up-regulated gene in fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos using SSH approach and RACE method. K31 complete cDNA sequence is 1106 base pairs (bp) in length, with a 342 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a putative protein of 113 amino acids (aa). Comparative analysis revealed no homologous known gene in zebrafish and other species database. K31 protein contains a putative transmembrane helix and five putative phosphorylation sites but without a signal peptide. Expression pattern analysis by real time RT-PCR and whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) shows that it has the characteristics of constitutively expressed gene. Sub-cellular localization assay shows that K31 protein can not penetrate the nuclei. Interestingly, over-expression of K31 gene can cause lethality in the epithelioma papulosum cyprinid (EPC) cells in cell culture, which gave hint to the inefficient reprogramming events occurred in cloned embryos. Conclusion: Taken together, our findings indicated that K31 gene is a novel gene differentially expressed in fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos and over-expression of K31 gene can cause lethality of cultured fish cells. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the determination of novel genes involved in nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction of fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos.


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Cross-species nuclear transfer (NT) has been used to retain the genetic viability of a species near extinction. However, unlike intra-species NT, most embryos produced by cross-species NT were unable to develop to later stages due to incompatible nucleocytoplasmic interactions between the donor nuclei and the recipient cytoplasm from different species. To study the early nucleocytoplasmic interaction in cross-species NT, two laboratory fish species (zebrafish and rare minnow) from different subfamilies were used to generate cross-subfamily NT embryos in the present study. Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was performed to screen out differentially expressed genes from the forward and reverse subtractive cDNA libraries. After dot blot and real-time PCR analysis, 80 of 500 randomly selective sequences were proven to be differentially expressed in the cloned embryos. Among them, 45 sequences shared high homology with 28 zebrafish known genes, and 35 sequences were corresponding to 22 novel expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Based on functional clustering and literature mining analysis, up-and down-regulated genes in the cross-subfamily cloned embryos were mostly relevant to transcription and translation initiation, cell cycle regulation, protein binding, etc. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the determination of genes involved in the early development of cross-species NT embryos of fish. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The unusual allotetraploid form with unequal contribution of chromosome sets was discovered from the gynogenetic offspring of Carassius auratus gibelio stimulated by red common carp sperm. In this study, genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with 45S rDNA probe are used. The GISH results lead to the identification of species-specific chromosomes, which permits to demonstrate the origin and genome organization in the allotetraploid form. Moreover, chromosome localization of 45S rDNA and co-localizations of 45S rDNA and Cyprinus carpio genomic DNA further confirm that one extra 45S rDNA positive chromosome in the allotetraploid form originates from the paternal haploid genome of C carpio, and other 5 45S rDNA-containing chromosomes are from the maternal genome of Carassius auratus gibelio. And, the correlation between 45 rDNA and the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) is confirmed by silver nitrate staining. The data provide direct experiment evidence that the allotetraploid actually contains three chromosome sets of Carassius auratus gibelio and one chromosome set of C carpio, and will be a useful genetic material for both basic research and breeding practice. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microsatellite DNA has been developed into one of the most popular genetic markers. We have identified and cloned microsatellite loci in the genome of a free-living protozoan Euglena gracilis FACHB-848, using the random amplified microsatellites method (RAMS). The digoxigenin-labelled oligonucleotides(CT)(10) and (GT)(10) served as probes to detect complementary sequences in the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprints produced by means of Southern blotting. Subsequently, positive RAPD fragments were cloned. From a total of 31 RAPD primer profiles, eight microsatellite loci of E. gracilis were detected and characterized. Further, six sites (i.e. EGMS1, EGMS3, EGMS4, EGMS5, EGMS6, and EGMS7) showed polymorphisms. We found a GT or CT microsatellite every 10.5 kb in the genome of E. gracilis, and similar to animal genomes, the (GT)(n) motif was much more abundant than the (CT)(n) motif. These polymorphic microsatellite DNA will serve as advantageous molecular markers for studying the genetic diversity and molecular ecology of Euglena.


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This paper reports the development of SSR markers from EST data and their utilization in germplasm identification of Porphyra. The publicly available EST (expressed sequence tag) sequences of Porphyra were searched from the Internet (www.kazura.or.jp/en/plant/porphyra/EST/). From a total of 20,779 obtained EST sequences, 391 SSRs (simple sequence repeats) were analysed with SSRIT software (www.gramene.org/db/searches/ssrtool). From those, 48 SSR primer-pairs were designed and tested by commonly used SSR reaction conditions using 22 Porphyra DNA samples as templates. Results showed that 41 SSR primer-pairs gave good amplification patterns. These were used to conduct SSR analyses of genetic diversity and variety identification of the 22 Porphyra lines. A dendrogram and the DNA fingerprints of the Porphyra lines were developed based on the obtained SSR data.