973 resultados para gasification reaction rate


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A selected ion flow tube study of the reactions of a series of gas-phase atomic cations (S+, Xe+, O+, Kr+, N+, Ar+ and Ne+) and molecular ions (SF n+ (n = 1-5), CFn+ (n = 1-3), CF2Cl+, H3O+, NO+, N 2O+, CO2+, CO+, and N2+) spanning a large range of recombination energies (6.3-21.6 eV), with acetone, 1,1,1-trifluoroacetone, and hexafluoroacetone has been undertaken with the objective of exploring the nature of the reaction ion chemistry as the methyl groups in acetone are substituted for CF3. The reaction rate coefficients and product ion branching ratios for all 66 reactions, measured at 298 K, are reported. The experimental reaction rate coefficients are compared to theoretically calculated collisional values. Several distinct reaction processes were observed among the large number of reactions studied, including charge transfer (non-dissociative and dissociative), abstraction, ion-molecule associations and, in the case of the reactions involving the reagent ion H3O+, proton transfer. 


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Understanding the overall catalytic activity trend for rational catalyst design is one of the core goals in heterogeneous catalysis. In the past two decades, the development of density functional theory (DFT) and surface kinetics make it feasible to theoretically evaluate and predict the catalytic activity variation of catalysts within a descriptor-based framework. Thereinto, the concept of the volcano curve, which reveals the general activity trend, usually constitutes the basic foundation of catalyst screening. However, although it is a widely accepted concept in heterogeneous catalysis, its origin lacks a clear physical picture and definite interpretation. Herein, starting with a brief review of the development of the catalyst screening framework, we use a two-step kinetic model to refine and clarify the origin of the volcano curve with a full analytical analysis by integrating the surface kinetics and the results of first-principles calculations. It is mathematically demonstrated that the volcano curve is an essential property in catalysis, which results from the self-poisoning effect accompanying the catalytic adsorption process. Specifically, when adsorption is strong, it is the rapid decrease of surface free sites rather than the augmentation of energy barriers that inhibits the overall reaction rate and results in the volcano curve. Some interesting points and implications in assisting catalyst screening are also discussed based on the kinetic derivation. Moreover, recent applications of the volcano curve for catalyst design in two important photoelectrocatalytic processes (the hydrogen evolution reaction and dye-sensitized solar cells) are also briefly discussed.


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The objective of this dissertation is to explore a more accurate and versatile approach to investigating the neutralization of spores suffered from ultrafast heating and biocide based stresses, and further to explore and understand novel methods to supply ultrafast heating and biocides through nanostructured energetic materials A surface heating method was developed to apply accurate (± 25 ˚C), high heating rate thermal energy (200 - 800 ˚C, ~103 - ~105 ˚C/s). Uniform attachment of bacterial spores was achieved electrophoretically onto fine wires in liquids, which could be quantitatively detached into suspension for spore enumeration. The spore inactivation increased with temperature and heating rate, and fit a sigmoid response. The neutralization mechanisms of peak temperature and heating rate were correlated to the DNA damage at ~104 ˚C/s, and to the coat rupture by ultrafast vapor pressurization inside spores at ~105 ˚C/s. Humidity was found to have a synergistic effect of rapid heating and chlorine gas to neutralization efficiency. The primary neutralization mechanism of Cl2 and rapid heat is proposed to be chlorine reacting with the spore surface. The stress-kill correlation above provides guidance to explore new biocidal thermites, and to probe mechanisms. Results show that nano-Al/K2S2O8 released more gas at a lower temperature and generated a higher maximum pressure than the other nano-Al/oxysalts. Given that this thermite formulation generates the similar amount of SO2 as O2, it can be considered as a potential candidate for use in energetic biocidal applications. The reaction mechanisms of persulfate and other oxysalts containing thermites can be divided into two groups, with the reactive thermites (e.g. Al/K2S2O8) that generate ~10× higher of pressure and ~10× shorter of burn time ignited via a solid-gas Al/O2 reaction, while the less reactive thermites (e.g. Al/K2SO4) following a condensed phase Al/O reaction mechanism. These different ignition mechanisms were further re-evaluated by investigating the roles of free and bound oxygen. A constant critical reaction rate for ignition was found which is independent to ignition temperature, heating rate and free vs. bound oxygen.


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Wydział Chemii: Zakład Syntezy i Struktury Związków Organicznych


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O objectivo principal deste trabalho foi estudar as propriedades e comportamento de polioxotungstatos (POM) do tipo Keggin com interesse em catálise oxidativa. Os estudos efectuados centraram-se no comportamento electroquímico dos aniões em meio não aquoso, na estabilidade das suas estruturas em diferentes meios, na sua capacidade de catalisar a oxidação de diferentes substratos orgânicos e na sua eficácia em oxidar, de forma selectiva, um modelo não fenólico da lenhina. Efectuou-se, igualmente, o estudo estrutural de diversos aniões pela técnica de EXAFS. Neste trabalho, prepararam-se e caracterizaram-se alguns dos sais de tetra-n-butilamónio (TBA) dos polioxotungstatos estudados: compostos de Keggin, TBAx[XW12O40], lacunares, TBAxHy[XW11O39], mono-substituídos, TBAxHy[XW11M(H2O)O39]·nH2O, com X= P e Si e M = CoII, NiII, ZnII, CuIl, RuIII, MnIII e FeIII e os compostos com mistura de átomos adenda TBAx[XW11VO40]·nH2O (X = P e Si). Seleccionou-se este conjunto de polioxotungstatos de forma a efectuar-se um estudo comparativo da influência da natureza do heteroátomo central (P e Si) e dos metais de transição M nas propriedades estudadas. O conjunto de sais de TBA dos silicotungstatos estudados mostraram ser isoestruturais, apresentando a mesma estrutura dos fosfotungstatos análogos. O comportamento electroquímico dos polioxotungstatos foi estudado em soluções de acetonitrilo por voltametria cíclica e electrólise a potencial controlado. Verificou-se a ocorrência de vários processos mono-electrónicos de oxi-redução, reversíveis ou quasi-reversíveis, associados aos átomos de WVI/V e a alguns dos metais de transição. Os metais em estado de oxidação +3 reduziram-se mais facilmente do que os átomos de WVI. O metal CuII apresentou um comportamento diferente dos outros metais de transição. Este metal, na estrutura do POM, reduziu-se a CuI, proporcionando a observação do anião [PW11CuIO39]6- pela primeira vez. A redução posterior do CuI conduziu à formação de Cu0, que se depositou na superfície do eléctrodo. A re-oxidação do cobre a CuII conduziu à reconstituição da estrutura do POM, nas condições estudadas. Constatou-se que a ocorrência de protões na fórmula molecular dos POMs influenciou o seu comportamento electroquímico. Para os compostos que apresentam protões, a redução dos átomos de tungsténio ocorreu a potenciais menos negativos do que para aqueles que não apresentam protões na sua fórmula. Para os primeiros observou-se a transferência global de um maior número de electrões no mesmo intervalo de potencial, originando soluções fortemente azuladas. Quando os catiões tetra-n-butilamónio foram substituídos por catiões de menor dimensão, como Li+ e Na+, ocorreu a formação de pares iónicos com os polianiões [PW12O40]3- e [SiW11VO40]5-, originando um aumento do potencial de redução. Não houve evidência da formação de pares iónicos com os catiões TBA+. Este foi o primeiro estudo sistemático do comportamento electroquímico dos aniões lacunares e mono-substituídos em meio não aquoso. Estudou-se a estrutura dos polioxotungstatos em sais de TBA e em soluções de acetonitrilo. A aplicação da técnica de EXAFS ao estudo deste tipo de compostos em solução foi realizada pela primeira vez. Pela análise estrutural nos sólidos verificou-se que, a natureza do metal de transição M e do átomo central X, na estrutura do POM, influenciam o tamanho dos vários octaedros que o constituem. Não se observaram diferenças significativas nas estruturas dos polianiões em solução. A estabilidade da estrutura dos polioxometalatos na presença de um excesso de H2O2, em soluções de acetonitrilo/H2O foi analisada por espectroscopia de absorção de EXAFS, RMN de 31P, IV e espectrofotometria de absorção no UV-Vis. De uma forma geral, os POMs em que o átomo central da estrutura é o Si apresentaram maior estabilidade do que os POMs correspondentes com átomo de P no centro. Em solução de acetonitrilo, na ausência de H2O2, todos os aniões mostraram ser estáveis durante vários dias. Em solução, na presença de H2O2 em excesso (H2O2/POM = 1300), o anião lacunar [PW11O39]7- não é estável, transformando-se no anião de Venturello, {PO4[W(O)(O2)2]4}3-, após a formação de [PW12O40]3-, como produto intermediário. Em relação aos aniões substituídos [PW11M(H2O)O39]p-, M = MnIII, RuIII, FeIII, CoII e ZnII, verificou-se o seguinte na presença de H2O2: os aniões com MnIII e CoII transformaram-se no anião de Keggin, [PW12O40]3-. Os aniões de RuIII e FeIII mantiveram as suas estruturas e o anião de ZnII decompôs-se em {HPO4[W(O)(O2)2]2}2- e fosfato. Para estes casos de não estabilidade estrutural, o processo de decomposição foi mais rápido na presença de maiores conteúdos de água. Pela análise de EXAFS, na presença de um menor excesso de H2O2 (H2O2/POM = 70) e apenas 8% de parte aquosa, verificou-se que os aniões substituídos por MnIII mantiveram a sua estrutura, embora o ligando H2O, coordenado ao Mn, tivesse sido substituído por um grupo oxo no polianião [SiW11Mn(H2O)O39]5-, e por um grupo peroxo no polianião [PW11Mn(H2O)O39]4-. O anião com RuIII, nestas condições, também mostrou substituir o seu ligando H2O por um grupo peroxo ou hidrogenoperoxo. Os polioxotungstatos mono-substituídos e lacunares mostraram ser catalisadores eficientes para a oxidação de cis-cicloocteno, geraniol e ciclooctano com H2O2. A maior novidade deste trabalho residiu na actividade catalítica apresentada pelos silicotungstatos estudados, contrariando o que é referido na literatura. Outro aspecto inovador foi o elevado valor de conversão obtido para a oxidação de ciclooctano. Este substrato foi oxidado com 74% de conversão, após 2h de reacção e com 80% de selectividade para o hidroperóxido de ciclooctilo, na presença do anião [PW11Fe(H2O)O39]4-. Os restantes produtos de reacção foram o ciclooctanol e a ciclooctanona. Os silicotungstatos apresentaram maior selectividade para o hidroperóxido de ciclooctilo do que os fosfotungstatos. O geraniol foi completamente oxidado após 3h de reacção, com 82% de selectividade para o 2,3-epoxigeraniol, na presença do anião [PW11Mn(H2O)O39]4-. O cis-cicloocteno foi oxidado ao seu epóxido, com 92% de conversão ao fim de 5h de reacção, na presença do anião lacunar [PW11O39]7-. O estudo da capacidade oxidativa do anião [SiW11VO40]5- foi analisada utilizando-se um modelo não fenólico da lenhina, a anisoína. Estudaram-se as condições favoráveis à obtenção de uma reacção selectiva para o anisilo, de forma a poder estudar-se a cinética da reacção. A estequiometria da reacção mostrou ser de 1:2 anisoína/POM. As ordens de reacção foram determinadas pelo método das velocidades iniciais e, a partir destes resultados, conheceu-se que o POM não estava envolvido no passo que limita a velocidade da reacção, sendo esta limitada pela transformação da anisoína. O estudo realizado sobre o efeito isotópico sugeriu que o passo que limitou a velocidade de reacção correspondeu à enolação da anisoína. Desta forma, observou-se pela primeira vez, que o POM oxida um modelo não fenólico da lenhina por via de enolação.


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New constraints on isotope fractionation factors in inorganic aqueous sulfur systems based on theoretical and experimental techniques relevant to studies of the sulfur cycle in modern environments and the geologic rock record are presented in this dissertation. These include theoretical estimations of equilibrium isotope fractionation factors utilizing quantum mechanical software and a water cluster model approach for aqueous sulfur compounds that span the entire range of oxidation state for sulfur. These theoretical calculations generally reproduce the available experimental determinations from the literature and provide new constraints where no others are available. These theoretical calculations illustrate in detail the relationship between sulfur bonding environment and the mass dependence associated with equilibrium isotope exchange reactions involving all four isotopes of sulfur. I additionally highlight the effect of isomers of protonated compounds (compounds with the same chemical formula but different structure, where protons are bound to either sulfur or oxygen atoms) on isotope partitioning in the sulfite (S4+) and sulfoxylate (S2+) systems, both of which are key intermediates in oxidation-reduction processes in the sulfur cycle. I demonstrate that isomers containing the highest degree of coordination around sulfur (where protonation occurs on the sulfur atom) have a strong influence on isotopic fractionation factors, and argue that isomerization phenomenon should be considered in models of the sulfur cycle. Additionally, experimental results of the reaction rates and isotope fractionations associated with the chemical oxidation of aqueous sulfide are presented. Sulfide oxidation is a major process in the global sulfur cycle due largely to the sulfide-producing activity of anaerobic microorganisms in organic-rich marine sediments. These experiments reveal relationships between isotope fractionations and reaction rate as a function of both temperature and trace metal (ferrous iron) catalysis that I interpret in the context of the complex mechanism of sulfide oxidation. I also demonstrate that sulfide oxidation is a process associated with a mass dependence that can be described as not conforming to the mass dependence typically associated with equilibrium isotope exchange. This observation has implications for the inclusion of oxidative processes in environmental- and global-scale models of the sulfur cycle based on the mass balance of all four isotopes of sulfur. The contents of this dissertation provide key reference information on isotopic fractionation factors in aqueous sulfur systems that will have far-reaching applicability to studies of the sulfur cycle in a wide variety of natural settings.


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Active regeneration experiments were carried out on a production 2007 Cummins 8.9L ISL engine and associated DOC and CPF aftertreatment system. The effects of SME biodiesel blends were investigated in this study in order to determine the PM oxidation kinetics associated with active regeneration, and to determine the effect of biodiesel on them. The experimental data from this study will also be used to calibrate the MTU-1D CPF model. Accurately predicting the PM mass retained in the CPF and the oxidation characteristics will provide the basis for computation in the ECU that will minimize the fuel penalty associated with active regeneration. An active regeneration test procedure was developed based on previous experimentation at MTU. During each experiment, the PM mass in the CPF is determined by weighing the filter at various phases. In addition, DOC and CPF pressure drop, particle size distribution, gaseous emissions, temperature, and PM concentration data are collected and recorded throughout each experiment. The experiments covered a range of CPF inlet temperatures using ULSD, B10, and B20 blends of biodiesel. The majority of the tests were performed at CPF PM loading of 2.2 g/L with in-cylinder dosing, although 4.1 g/L and a post-turbo dosing injector were also used. The PM oxidation characteristics at different test conditions were studied in order to determine the effects of biodiesel on PM oxidation during active regeneration. A PM reaction rate calculation method was developed to determine the global activation energy and the corresponding pre-exponential factor for all test fuels. The changing sum of the total flow resistance of the wall, cake, and channels was also determined as part of the data analysis process in order to check on the integrity of the data and to correct input data to be consistent with the expected trends of the resistance based on the engine conditions used in the test procedure. It was determined that increasing the percent biodiesel content in the test fuel tends to increase the PM reaction rate and the regeneration efficiency of fuel dosing, i.e., at a constant CPF inlet temperature, B20 test fuel resulted in the highest PM reaction rate and regeneration efficiency of fuel dosing. Increasing the CPF inlet temperature also increases PM reaction rate and regeneration efficiency of fuel dosing. Performing active regeneration with B20 as opposed to ULSD allows for a lower CPF temperature to be used to reach the same level of regeneration efficiency, or it allows for a shorter regeneration time at a constant CPF temperature, resulting in decreased fuel consumption for the engine during active regeneration in either scenario.


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Glucaric acid (GA) is one of the building block chemicals derived from sugar biomass with higher added value. Nowadays, GA is produced by oxidation of glucose (Glu) with either stoichiometric oxidants (HNO3), or by means of electrochemical or biochemical synthesis. However, these processes show drawbacks from either the environmental or economic viewpoint. For this reason, gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) supported on activated carbon (AC) have been studied as catalysts for the oxidation of Glu, using O2 as oxidant in the presence of a base. Using sol immobilization technique, Au NPs have been supported on AC following different experimental procedures. UV-Vis spectroscopy, XRD, TEM and TG analysis were utilized in the characterization of the catalysts. The operational conditions were optimized obtaining 24% of yield of GA, 37% to GO and 27% to byproducts in 1 h, 1000 rpm, 10 bar of O2 and Glu:Au:NaOH molar ratio of 1000:1:3000. Under such conditions, catalysts show relatively high Glu conversion (≥82%) with different GA yields. GO+GA yield is around 58-61%. Therefore, the oxidation reaction was performed at 15 min where Au/AC PVA0 reached the highest yield of GA (16%) and Au/AC PVA2.4 gave the lowest (8%). It is evident that the presence of PVA influences to a higher degree the reaction rate than the Au NPs size. Hence, the effect of different heat treatments where applied for the removal of PVA: washing with water at 60℃ or heat treatment (120-250℃) with Air/H2. Washing treatment and heat treatment at 120℃ with Air/H2 may have resulted in the mildest treatments for the removal of PVA. Finally, two different supports have been used in order to study the effect of metal-support interaction in the immobilization of Au NPs: ZrO2 and AC. Au/AC catalyst demonstrated a higher conversion of GO to GA at short reaction times (15.1% yield GA) compared to Au/ZrO2 (2.4% yield GA).


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Free radical bulk copolymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and allyl acetate (AAc) has been investigated using electron spin resonance (ESR) and FT-near infrared (FTNIR) spectroscopy. Data are used to evaluate the rate constants. The mole fraction of AAc plays an important role in the copolymerization of these two monomers. AAc not only delays the Trommsdorff effect but also increases the onset of percentage total conversion at which the Trommsdorff region begins. With AAc fraction 0.5 and higher, no Trommsdorff effect was observed. Inclusion of AAc into copolymer structure mainly occurs in the Trommsdorf region or when the AAc fraction in the comonomer feed is dominant. This is associated with a drop in the concentration of propagating radicals. However, ESR spectra indicate that the MMA propagating radical is predominant during the reaction. In the comonomer mixtures where a Trommsdorff region can be observed, the addition of AAc does not produce any significant change in k(p) and k(t) in the steady state region. Major changes in k(p) and k(t) are observed after the gel point and glassy state, respectively. (C) 2001 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Complex chemical reactions in the gas phase can be decomposed into a network of elementary (e.g., unimolecular and bimolecular) steps which may involve multiple reactant channels, multiple intermediates, and multiple products. The modeling of such reactions involves describing the molecular species and their transformation by reaction at a detailed level. Here we focus on a detailed modeling of the C(P-3)+allene (C3H4) reaction, for which molecular beam experiments and theoretical calculations have previously been performed. In our previous calculations, product branching ratios for a nonrotating isomerizing unimolecular system were predicted. We extend the previous calculations to predict absolute unimolecular rate coefficients and branching ratios using microcanonical variational transition state theory (mu-VTST) with full energy and angular momentum resolution. Our calculation of the initial capture rate is facilitated by systematic ab initio potential energy surface calculations that describe the interaction potential between carbon and allene as a function of the angle of attack. Furthermore, the chemical kinetic scheme is enhanced to explicitly treat the entrance channels in terms of a predicted overall input flux and also to allow for the possibility of redissociation via the entrance channels. Thus, the computation of total bimolecular reaction rates and partial capture rates is now possible. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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An investigation of the role of oxygen in the nitrous oxide/carbon reaction was carried out on various carbon samples (both graphitic and nongraphitic) over a range of temperatures and partial pressures. Previous work reported that oxygen strongly inhibited the nitrous oxide/carbon reaction. Large ratios of O-2/N2O were used in all previous work. In this work, the O-2/N2O ratio was kept below 1, and we found that oxygen did not inhibit the rate of the C + N2O reaction. Instead, the rate of the reaction in the presence of oxygen was essentially that predicted by the two independent reactions, nitrous oxide/carbon and oxygen/carbon, occurring simultaneously. A simple theoretical explanation is given for the observations, both past and present, on the basis of competitive chemisorption of nitrous oxide and oxygen on active sites.


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Thermogravimetric analysis has been widely applied in kinetic studies of carbon gasification, with the associated temporal weight change profiles being used to extract kinetic information and to validate gasification models. However the weight change profiles are not always governed by the intrinsic gasification activity because of the effect of chemisorption and its dynamics. In the present work we theoretically determine the criteria under which weight change profiles can be used to determine intrinsic kinetics for CO2 and O2 gasification by examining the region in which the chemisorption dynamics can be assumed pseudo-steady. It is found that the validity of the pseudo-steady assumption depends on the experimental conditions as well as on the initial surface area of carbon. Based on known mechanisms and rate constants an active surface area region is identified within which the steady state assumption is valid and the effect of chemisorption dynamics is negligible. The size of the permissible region is sensitive to the reaction temperature and gas pressure. The results indicate that in some cases the thermogravimetric data should be used with caution in kinetic studies. A large amount of literature on thermogravimetric analyzer determined char gasification kinetics is examined and the importance of chemisorption dynamics for the data assessed.


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This paper examines the impact of Federal Funds rate (FFR) surprises on stock returns in the United States over the period 1989-2009, focusing on the impact of the recent financial crisis. We find that prior to the crisis, stock prices increased as a response to unexpected FFR cuts. State dependence is also identified with stocks exhibiting larger increases when interest rate easing coincided with recessions, bear stock markets, and tightening credit market conditions. However, an important structural shift took place during the financial crisis, which changed the stock market response to FFR shocks, as well as the nature of state dependence. Specifically, during the crisis period stock market participants did not react positively to unexpected FFR cuts. Our results highlight the severity of the recent financial turmoil episode and the ineffectiveness of conventional monetary policy close to the zero lower bound for nominal interest rates.


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Time-resolved studies of chlorosilylene, ClSiH, generated by the 193 nm laser flash photolysis of 1-chloro-1-silacyclopent-3-ene, are carried out to obtain rate constants for its bimolecular reaction with ethene, C2H4, in the gas-phase. The reaction is studied over the pressure range 0.13-13.3 kPa (with added SF6) at five temperatures in the range 296-562 K. The second order rate constants, obtained by extrapolation to the high pressure limits at each temperature, fitted the Arrhenius equation: log(k(infinity)/cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1))=(-10.55 +/- 0.10) + (3.86 +/- 0.70) kJ mol(-1)/RT ln10. The Arrhenius parameters correspond to a loose transition state and the rate constant at room temperature is 43% of that for SiH2 + C2H4, showing that the deactivating effect of Cl-for-H substitution in the silylene is not large. Quantum chemical calculations of the potential energy surface for this reaction at the G3MP2//B3LYP level show that, as well as 1-chlorosilirane, ethylchlorosilylene is a viable product. The calculations reveal how the added effect of the Cl atom on the divalent state stabilisation of ClSiH influences the course of this reaction. RRKM calculations of the reaction pressure dependence suggest that ethylchlorosilylene should be the main product. The results are compared and contrasted with those of SiH2 and SiCl2 with C2H4.


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Time-resolved studies of chlorosilylene, ClSiH, generated by the 193 nm laser flash photolysis of 1-chloro-1- silacyclopent-3-ene, have been carried out to obtain rate constants for its bimolecular reaction with trimethylsilane-1-d, Me3SiD, in the gas phase. The reaction was studied at total pressures up to 100 Torr (with and without added SF6) over the temperature range of 295−407 K. The rate constants were found to be pressure independent and gave the following Arrhenius equation: log[(k/(cm3 molecule−1 s−1)] = (−13.22 ± 0.15) + [(13.20 ± 1.00) kJ mol−1]/(RT ln 10). When compared with previously published kinetic data for the reaction of ClSiH with Me3SiH, kinetic isotope effects, kD/kH, in the range from 7.4 (297 K) to 6.4 (407 K) were obtained. These far exceed values of 0.4−0.5 estimated for a single-step insertion process. Quantum chemical calculations (G3MP2B3 level) confirm not only the involvement of an intermediate complex, but also the existence of a low-energy internal isomerization pathway which can scramble the D and H atom labels. By means of Rice−Ramsperger−Kassel−Marcus modeling and a necessary (but small) refinement of the energy surface, we have shown that this mechanism can reproduce closely the experimental isotope effects. These findings provide the first experimental evidence for the isomerization pathway and thereby offer the most concrete evidence to date for the existence of intermediate complexes in the insertion reactions of silylenes.