934 resultados para few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses


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A stable relativistic ion acceleration regime for thin foils irradiated by circularly polarized laser pulses is suggested. In this regime, the "light-sail" stage of radiation pressure acceleration for ions is smoothly connected with the initial relativistic "hole-boring" stage, and a defined relationship between laser intensity I(0), foil density n(0), and thickness l(0) should be satisfied. For foils with a wide range of n(0), the required I(0) and l(0) for the regime are theoretically estimated and verified with the particle-in-cell code ILLUMINATION. It is shown for the first time by 2D simulations that high-density monoenergetic ion beams with energy above GeV/u and divergence of 10 degrees are produced by circularly polarized lasers at intensities of 10(22) W/cm(2), which are within reach of current laser systems.


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We describe an experimental system designed for single-shot photoelectron spectroscopy on free atoms and molecules at the Free Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH at DESY). The combination of the extreme ultra-violet (EUV) Free Electron Laser and a temporally synchronized optical fs laser (Ti:Sapphire) enables a variety of two-color pump-probe experiments. The spectral, temporal and spatial characteristics of both the EUV FEL and the optical laser pulses, the experimental procedure to control their overlap as well as the performance of an electron spectrometer used to obtain single-shot photoelectron spectra are discussed. As an illustration of the capabilities of this set-up, some results on two-photon two-color ionization of rare gases are presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The interaction of short (1-2 ps) laser pulses with solid targets at irradiances of over 1016 Wcm~2 , in the presence of a substantial prepulse has been investigated. High absorption of laser energy is found even at high angles of incidence, with evidence for a resonance absorption peak being found for S, P, and circular polarizations. It is considered that this may be a result of refraction and beam filamentation, which causes loss of distinct polarization. Measurements of hard X-ray emission (~ 100 keV) confirm a resonance absorption type peak at 45-50°, again for all three cases. Typically, 5-15% of the incident light is back-reflected by stimulated Brillouin scatter, with spatially resolved spectra showing evidence of beam hot-spots at high intensity. The possibility that filamentation and refraction of the beam can explain the lack of polarization dependence in the absorption and hard X-ray emission data is discussed.


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The spatiotemporal pulse dynamics of a high-power relativistic laser pulse interacting with an electron-positron-ion plasmas is investigated theoretically and numerically. The occurrence of pulse compression is studied. The dependence of the mechanism on the concentration of the background ions in electron positron plasma is emphasized.


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We present a simple quantum mechanical model to describe Coulomb explosion of H-2(+) and D-2(+) by short, intense infrared laser pulses. The model is based on the length gauge version of the molecular strong-field approximation and is valid when the process of dissociation prior to ionization is negligible. The results are compared with recent experimental data for the proton kinetic energy spectrum [Th. Ergler , Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 093001 (2005); D. S. Murphy , J. Phys. B 40, S359 (2007)]. Using a Franck-Condon distribution over initial vibrational states, the theory reproduces the overall shape of the spectrum with only a small overestimation of slow protons. The agreement between theory and experiment can be made perfect by using a non-Frank-Condon initial distribution characteristic for H-2(+) (D-2(+)) targets produced by strong-field ionization of H-2 (D-2). For comparison, we also present results obtained by two different tunneling models for this process.


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The problem of the 'hole-boring' (HB)-type of radiation pressure acceleration of ions by circularly polarized laser pulses interacting with overdense plasmas is considered in the regime where the dimensionless scaling parameter I/rho c(3) becomes large. In this regime a non-relativistic treatment of the 'HB' problem is no longer adequate. A new set of fully relativistic formulae for the mean ion energy and 'HB' velocity is derived and validated against one-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. It is also found that the finite acceleration time of the ions results in large energy spreads in the accelerated ion beam even under the highly idealized conditions of constant laser intensity and uniform mass density.


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A new regime is described for radiation pressure acceleration of a thin foil by an intense laser beam of above 10(20) W cm(-2). Highly monoenergetic proton beams extending to giga-electron-volt energies can be produced with very high efficiency using circularly polarized light. The proton beams have a very small divergence angle (< 4 degrees). This new method allows the construction of ultra-compact proton and ion accelerators with ultra-short particle bursts.


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Conditions for efficient and stable ion radiation pressure acceleration (RPA) from thin foils by circularly polarized laser pulses at moderate intensities are theoretically and numerically investigated. It is found that the unavoidable decompression of the co-moving electron layer in Light-Sail RPA leads to a change of the local electrostatic field from a


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By using a thick (250 mu m) target with 350 mu m radius of curvature, the intense proton beam driven by a petawatt laser is focused at a distance of similar to 1 mm from the target for all detectable energies up to similar to 25 MeV. The thickness of the foil facilitates beam focusing as it suppresses the dynamic evolution of the beam divergence caused by peaked electron flux distribution at the target rear side. In addition, reduction in inherent beam divergence due to the target thickness relaxes the curvature requirement for short-range focusing. Energy resolved mapping of the proton beam trajectories from mesh radiographs infers the focusing and the data agree with a simple geometrical modeling based on ballistic beam propagation. © 2011 American Physical Society


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Ion acceleration resulting from the interaction of ultra-high intensity (2 x 10(20) W/cm(2)) and ultra-high contrast (similar to 10(10)) laser pulses with 0.05-10 mu m thick Al foils at normal (0 degrees) and 35 degrees laser incidence is investigated. When decreasing the target thickness from 10 mu m down to 0.05 mu m, the accelerated ions become less divergent and the ion flux increases, particularly at normal (0 degrees) laser incidence on the target. A laser energy conversion into protons of,similar to 6.5% is estimated at 35 degrees laser incidence. Experimental results are in reasonable agreement with theoretical estimates and can be a benchmark for further theoretical and computational work. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3643133]