971 resultados para exponential decay


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In 1984 Jutila [5] obtained a transformation formula for certain exponential sums involving the Fourier coefficients of a holomorphic cusp form for the full modular group SL(2, Z). With the help of the transformation formula he obtained good estimates for the distance between consecutive zeros on the critical line of the Dirichlet series associated with the cusp form and for the order of the Dirichlet series on the critical line, [7]. In this paper we follow Jutila to obtain a transformation formula for exponential sums involving the Fourier coefficients of either holomorphic cusp forms or certain Maass forms for congruence subgroups of SL(2, Z) and prove similar estimates for the corresponding Dirichlet series.


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Extensive molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out to calculate the orientational correlation functions Cl(t), G(t) = [4n/(21 + l)]Ci=-l (Y*lm(sZ(0)) Ylm(Q(t))) (where Y,,(Q) are the spherical harmonics) of point dipoles in a cubic lattice. The decay of Cl(t) is found to be strikingly different from higher l-correlation functions-the latter do not exhibit diffusive dynamics even in the long time. Both the cumulant expansion expression of Lynden-Bell and the conventional memory function equation provide very good description of the Cl(t) in the short time but fail to reproduce the observed slow, long time decay of c1 (t) .


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A theoretical study of the dynamics of photo-electron transfer reactions in the Marcus inverted regime is presented. This study is motivated partly by the recent proposal of Barbara et al. (J. Phys. Chem. 96, 3728, 1991) that a minimal model of an electron transfer reaction should consist of a polar solvent mode (X), a low frequency vibrational mode (Q) and one high frequency mode (q). Interplay between these modes may be responsible for the crossover observed in the dynamics from a solvent controlled to a vibrational controlled electron transfer. The following results have been obtained. (i) In the case of slowly relaxing solvents, the proximity of the point of excitation to an effective sink on the excited surface is critical in determining the decay of the reactant population. This is because the Franck-Condon overlap between the reactant ground and the product excited states decreases rapidly with increase in the quantum number of the product vibrational state. (ii) Non-exponential solvation dynamics has an important effect in determining the rates of electron transfer. Especially, a biphasic solvation and a large coupling between the reactant and the product states both may be needed to explain the experimental results. ©1996 American Institute of Physics


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The magnitude and stability of the induced dipolar orientation of 2-methyl-4-nitroaniline (MNA)/poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) guest/host system is investigated. The chromophores are aligned using both the corona discharge and contact electrode poling techniques. The magnitude of order parameter (also an indicator for the second order nonlinear susceptibility) is measured by recording absorbances of the poled (by the two different techniques) and unpoled PMMA films at different concentrations of MNA. Under the same conditions the corona poling technique creates a higher alignment of molecules along the field direction. The time dependence of the second harmonic intensity of the MNA/PMMA film prepared by the two techniques can be described by a Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts stretched exponential. The temperature dependence of the decay time constant is found to generally follow a modified Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) or Vogel-Tamann-Fulcher (VTF) equation. The glass transition temperature seems to be the single most important parameter for determining the relaxation time tau(T).


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The general equation for one-dimensional wave propagation at low flow Mach numbers (M less-than-or-equals, slant0·2) is derived and is solved analytically for conical and exponential shapes. The transfer matrices are derived and shown to be self-consistent. Comparison is also made with the relevant data available in the literature. The transmission loss behaviour of conical and exponential pipes, and mufflers involving these shapes, are studied. Analytical expressions of the same are given for the case of a stationary medium. The mufflers involving conical and exponential pipes are shown to be inferior to simple expansion chambers (of similar dimensions) at higher frequencies from the point of view of noise abatement, as was observed earlier experimentally.


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Electron transfer reactions between donor-acceptor pairs in solution and in organized media exhibit diverse behaviour. Recent experiments have indicated an interesting breakdown of the Marcus parabolic energy gap dependence in the normal regime for back electron transfer from contact ion pairs. A novel explanation of this breakdown has recently been proposed (M. Tachiya and S. Murata, J. Am. Chem. Sec., 116(1994) 2434) which attributes the breakdown to the interplay between the relaxation in the reactant well and the reaction. A particularly interesting aspect of the model is that it envisages the electron transfer in the normal regime to take place from a completely non-equilibrium condition. In this article a time dependent solution of the model is presented for the first time, after generalizing it to include a realistic initial population distribution. The decay of the contact ion pair population is completely non-exponential. This can be used to check the validity of the Tachiya-Murata model. The dynamics of electron transfer from the solvent separated ion pair, which seem to obey the Marcus relation, is exponential.


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Static disorder has recently been implicated in the non-exponential kinetics of the unfolding of single molecules of poly-ubiquitin under a constant force Kuo, Garcia-Manyes, Li, Barel, Lu, Berne, Urbakh, Klafter, and Fernandez, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 107, 11336 (2010)]. In the present paper, it is suggested that dynamic disorder may provide a plausible, alternative description of the experimental observations. This suggestion is made on the basis of a model in which the barrier to chain unfolding is assumed to be modulated by a control parameter r that evolves in a parabolic potential under the action of fractional Gaussian noise according to a generalized Langevin equation. The treatment of dynamic disorder within this model is pursued using Zwanzig's indirect approach to noise averaging Acc. Chem. Res. 23, 148 (1990)]. In conjunction with a self-consistent closure scheme developed by Wilemski and Fixman J. Chem. Phys. 58, 4009 (1973); ibid. 60, 866 (1974)], this approach eventually leads to an expression for the chain unfolding probability that can be made to fit the corresponding experimental data very closely. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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Analytical expressions which include depletion layer effects on low-injection carrier relaxation are being presented for the first time here. Starting from the continuity equation for the minority carriers, we derive expressions for the output signal pertinent to time-resolved microwave and luminescence experiments. These are valid for the time domain that usually overlaps with the time scales of surface processes, such as charge transfer and trapping. Apart from the usual pulse form of illumination, theoretical expressions pertaining to other forms of illumination such as switch-on and switch-off transient modes, a periodic mode, and a steady state and their various inter-relationships are derived here. The expressions obtained are seen to be generalizations of existing flat-band low-injection results in the Limit of early or initial band bendings. The importance of the depletion layer as an experimental parameter is clearly seen in the limit of larger band bendings wherein it is shown, unlike the flat-band case, to exhibit pure exponential forms of carrier relaxation. Our results are consistent with the main conclusions of the numerical and experimental work published recently. Furthermore, this work provides the actual functional relationships between the applied potential and observed carrier decay. This should enable one to extract the surface kinetic parameters, after deciding on the dominant mode of carrier relaxation at the interface, whether charge transfer or trapping, by studying the potential dependence of the fate of relaxation.


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A detailed theoretical study of solvation dynamics in water is presented. The motivation of the present study comes from the recent experimental observation that the dynamics of solvation of an ion in water is ultrafast and the solvation time correlation function decays with a time constant of about 55 fs. The slower decay in the long time can be described by a sum of two exponentials with time constants equal to 126 and 880 fs. The molecular theory (developed earlier) predicts a time constant equal to 52 fs for the initial Gaussian decay and time constants equal to 134 and 886 fs for the two exponential components at the long time. This nearly perfect agreement is obtained by using the most detailed dynamical information available in the literature. The present study emphasizes the importance of the intermolecular vibrational band originating from the O...O stretching mode of the O�H...O units in the initial dynamics and raises several interesting questions regarding the nature of the decay of this mode. We have also studied the effects of isotope substitution on solvation dynamics. It is predicted that a significant isotope effect may be observed in the long time. The experimental results have also been compared with the prediction of the dynamic mean spherical approximation (DMSA); the agreement is not satisfactory at the long time. It is further found that the molecular theory and the DMSA lead to virtually identical results if the translational modes of the solvent molecules are neglected in the former. DMSA has also been used to investigate the dynamics of solvation of a dipolar solute in water. It is found that the dynamics of dipolar solvation exhibit features rather different from those of ion solvation. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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The dynamics of three liquid crystals, 4'(pentyloxy)-4-biphenylcarbonitrile (5-OCB), 4'-pentyl-4-biphenylcarbonitrile (5-CB), and 1-isothiocyanato-(4-propylcyclohexyl)benzene (3-CHBT), are investigated from very short time (similar to1 ps) to very long time (>100 ns) as a function of temperature using optical heterodyne detected optical Kerr effect experiments. For all three liquid crystals, the data decay exponentially only on the longest time scale (> several ns). The temperature dependence of the long time scale exponential decays is described well by the Landau-de Gennes theory of the randomization of pseudonematic domains that exist in the isotropic phase of liquid crystals near the isotropic to nematic phase transition. At short time, all three liquid crystals display power law decays. Over the full range of times, the data for all three liquid crystals are fit with a model function that contains a short time power law. The power law exponents for the three liquid crystals range between 0.63 and 0.76, and the power law exponents are temperature independent over a wide range of temperatures. Integration of the fitting function gives the empirical polarizability-polarizability (orientational) correlation function. A preliminary theoretical treatment of collective motions yields a correlation function that indicates that the data can decay as a power law at short times. The power law component of the decay reflects intradomain dynamics. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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We report here an experimental investigation for establishing and quantifying a link between the growth and decay characteristics of fiber Bragg gratings. One of the key aspects of our work is the determination of the defect energy distribution from the grating characteristics measured during their fabrication. We observe a strong correlation between the growth-based defect energy distribution and that obtained through accelerated aging experiments, paving the way for predicting the decay characteristics of fiber Bragg gratings from their growth data. Such a prediction is significant in simplifying the postfabrication steps required to enhance the thermal stability of fiber Bragg gratings. (c) 2011 Optical Society of America


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We present a magnetic study of the insulating perovskite LaMn1-xTixO3+delta (0exponential relaxation and aging effects confirm a reentrant spin-glass state for x = 0.2. The time decay of the magnetization has an algebraic functional form for times up to 2 h. The specific heat also displays characteristic features of a spin-glass system by a linear low-temperature dependence and a broadened peak near the temperature of the reentrant transition. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider a time varying wireless fading channel, equalized by an LMS linear equalizer. We study how well this equalizer tracks the optimal Wiener equalizer. We model the channel by an Auto-regressive (AR) process. Then the LMS equalizer and the AR process are jointly approximated by the solution of a system of ODEs (ordinary differential equations). Using these ODEs, the error between the LMS equalizer and the instantaneous Wiener filter is shown to decay exponentially/polynomially to zero unless the channel is marginally stable in which case the convergence may not hold.Using the same ODEs, we also show that the corresponding Mean Square Error (MSE) converges towards minimum MSE(MMSE) at the same rate for a stable channel. We further show that the difference between the MSE and the MMSE does not explode with time even when the channel is unstable. Finally we obtain an optimum step size for the linear equalizer in terms of the AR parameters, whenever the error decay is exponential.


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