967 resultados para experimental methodology


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Nesta dissertação foi desenvolvido um estudo sobre o comportamento de uma estrutura em concreto armado submetida a elevadas variações térmicas. A estrutura analisada consiste na parede externa de um forno de cozimento de anodo utilizado na produção de Alumínio, e está submetida a variações térmicas de cerca de 125C devido à própria operação do forno. As motivações principais para o estudo foram a ocorrência de grandes deformações e o surgimento de fissuras na estrutura, o que poderia provocar a inutilização do forno. O objetivo do trabalho foi a investigação das causas destas patologias, assim como o estabelecimento de propostas para reforço da estrutura. Para isso, foram realizados estudos experimentais e computacionais do comportamento da estrutura. Inicialmente, a estrutura foi monitorada utilizando-se transdutores de deslocamento e sensores de temperatura (termopares), conectados a um sistema de aquisição de dados para obtenção e armazenamento automática das amostras ao longo do tempo. Em seguida, foram desenvolvidos modelos computacionais em Elementos Finitos com auxilio do programa computacional Algor, para determinação da distribuição de temperatura e as correspondentes tensões e deformações de origem térmica na estrutura. Nestes estudos, foram realizadas análises estacionárias e transientes de condução de calor, seguidas de análises de tensões de origem térmica. Como conclusão do estudo, tem-se que a metodologia proposta para a solução do problema foi bastante satisfatória, solucionando o problema de forma precisa, porém econômica.


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Neste trabalho, são apresentados a metodologia de projeto e resultados de testes experimentais de um estabilizador de sistema de potência (ESP), implementado em um sistema de geração em escala reduzida de 10 kVA, localizado no Laboratório de Controle e Sistema de Potência (LACSPOT) da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). O projeto do ESP é baseado em uma estratégia de controle robusto com ênfase em incertezas paramétricas estruturadas, as quais são tratadas com ferramentas da teoria de análise intervalar. Estas incertezas são decorrentes de mudanças do ponto de operação do sistema, que provocam variações nos parâmetros de um modelo matemático linearizado referente ao comportamento dinâmico do sistema elétrico de potência no referido ponto de operação. Para o projeto do ESP robusto intervalar, são realizados uma serie de ensaios experimentais com o propósito de estimar os parâmetros de modelos linearizados da planta, representando satisfatoriamente a dinâmica dos modos poucos amortecidos do sistema de geração interligado. O método de identificação é baseado em técnica de identificação paramétrica, baseado em mínimos quadrados. A partir de um conjunto de dados de entrada e saída, para cada ponto de operação, um modelo linear, do tipo auto-regressivo com entrada exógenos (ARX), estimado para fim de uso do projeto do ESP. Por fim, uma série de testes experimentais é realizada no sistema de geração interligado a rede elétrica local, com o propósito de verificar a efetividade da técnica de controle robusto intervalar proposta para a sintonia do ESP. A partir da análise da função custo do sinal de erro de desvio de potência elétrica na saída do gerador síncrono e a função custo do sinal de controle do ESP comprova-se experimentalmente o bom desempenho obtido pela técnica de controle proposta em comparação com uma técnica de controle clássica.


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A Praia da Romana é governada por ondas, com altura média de 1,5 m, ventos (média de 4,6 m/s) predominantemente de NE e regime de meso-macromarés semidiurnas (altura de 4,3 m - março/2010; 3,4 m - agosto/2010). A metodologia consistiu em coletas de sedimentos com armadilhas e medições de intensidade de correntes longitudinais e ventos locais em janeiro, março e agosto de 2010. Nas armadilhas eólicas, o peso acumulado de sedimentos foi muito baixo, variando de 0,02 g a 0,8 g (máximo ocorrido em agosto no setor leste, assim como a velocidade dos ventos: 6,7 m/s). Nos traps portáteis, o peso mínimo ocorreu em março (setor leste, maré vazante: 0,74 g/ h/m3), e o máximo em janeiro (setor central, maré enchente: 139 g/h/m3). A intensidade das correntes longitudinais variou de 0,20 m/s (maré vazante) a 1,41 m/s (maré enchente). Concluiu-se que a maior forçante do transporte de sedimentos na praia é a corrente de maré enchente, que intensifica as correntes longitudinais do setor leste ao oeste. Secundariamente, os ventos de NE que minimizam a perda de sedimentos na praia, especialmente nos setores central e leste. Posteriormente as ondas, mantendo o sentido do transporte (E-W) devido suas incidências na costa com direção NE.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The litchi erineum mite, Aceria litchii (Keifer), is the major pest of litchi, Litchi chinensis Sonnerat (Sapindaceae). This study evaluated the effect of 11 pesticides on the survival of A. litchii as well as on the survival and reproduction of Phytoseius intermedius Evans& McFarlane, the predator most found in association with it in Brazil. The containment of A. litchii in small petri dishes whose bottoms were covered with a solidified paste made of a mixture of gypsum and activated charcoal (9: 1 in volume), kept humid, was shown to be adequate for this type of study. For the evaluation of the effect of pesticides on A. litchii, mites leaving the erinia from the pieces of litchi leaves (removed from the plants approximate to 24 h earlier) were sprayed under a Potter tower and immediately transferred to the 2.5-cm-diameter petri dishes. After 2, 12, 24, and 48 h of the application, the dishes were examined to evaluate the mite survival. The four pesticides causing the highest levels A. litchii mortality, as well as azadirachtin, were tested for the effect on P. intermedius. For this test, experimental units consisted of discs of uninfested litchi leaves also sprayed under a Potter tower before introducing the predators. Survival and oviposition of the predator were evaluated every 24 h for 5 consecutive days; viability of the eggs laid was also evaluated. Highest mortality of A. litchii occurred with the application of fenpyroximate, sulfur, abamectin, and hexythiazox. Azadirachtin was considered moderately harmful to the predator P. intermedius, whereas other pesticides were classified as harmful. Despite the low efficiency of azadirachtin in the control of the pest, its relative selectivity to P. intermedius would encourage the evaluation on field condition, especially for use in organic production systems.


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This paper presents a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) application about the axial fan design used in an agricultural spraying system with a theoretical and experimental analysis of comparative results between the characteristic curves of a fan for several rotations and numerical results for the influence of blade attack angle variation and optimization of the spraying system, both for a same rotation. Flow was considered three-dimensional, turbulent, isothermal, viscous and non-compressible in a steady state, disregarding any influence of the gravity field. The average turbulent field was obtained from the application of time average where the turbulence model required for closing the set of equations was the k-E model. Resolution of all connected phenomena was achieved with the help of a fluid dynamics computer, CFX, which uses the finite volumes technique as a numerical method. In order to validate the theoretical analysis, an experiment was conducted in a circular section of a horizontal wind tunnel, using a Pitot tube for pressure readings. The main results demonstrate that the methodology used, based on CFD techniques, is able to reproduce the phenomenological behavior of an axial fan in a spraying system because results were very reliable and similar to experimentally measured ones.


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Studies about structural integrity are very important when it desires to prevent disasters associated with flaws inherent in materials used in structural components. The welded joints in steel pipes used to conduction and distribution of oil and gas correspond to the regions most susceptible to flaw. Aiming to contribute to this research line, the present study was designed to assess experimentally the structural integrity of welded joints in steel pipes API 5L X70 used in pipeline systems. This assessment is given from tests of CTOD, whose aim is simulate in laboratory the real behaviour of crack from of his propagation on the welded joint obtained by high frequency electric resistance welding. In this case, the analyses are performed from specimens SE(B) obtained directly of steel pipe API 5L X70. The proposed methodology involves tests of CTOD at lower temperature, in order to assess the toughness of material in critical operation conditions. From performance of CTOD tests, was possible assess the toughness of welded joints in terms of quantity through CTOD parameter and in terms of quality from behaviour of curve load versus CMOD. In this study, also, sought to compare CTOD’s results obtained through rules ASTM E1820 (2008) and BS 7448 (1991). Although the two standards cited previously have adopted different parameters to calculated the value of CTOD, concluded that the values of CTOD tend to converge for a common value


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The screen work seeks to illustrate the experiential marketing strategies, relating these concepts within the automotive industry. From the methodology of content analysis, success stories of the automotive industry have been analyzed in the light of experimental marketing theories to elucidate the strategies of organizations with their target audience. The objectives aimed at understanding and studying experiential marketing within the market scenario, identify its main characteristics and applicability. The main results stand out that sensory experiences provided by experiential marketing can be the differentiating factors between organizations, especially, those of the automotive sector


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography method was validated for the determination of cefazolin sodium in lyophilized powder for solution for injection to be applied for quality control in pharmaceutical industry. The liquid chromatography method was conducted on a Zorbax Eclipse Plus C18 column (250 x 4.6 mm, 5 μm), maintained at room temperature. The mobile phase consisted of purified water: acetonitrile (60: 40 v/v), adjusted to pH 8 with triethylamine. The flow rate was of 0.5 mL min-1 and effluents were monitored at 270 nm. The retention time for cefazolin sodium was 3.6 min. The method proved to be linear (r2 =0.9999) over the concentration range of 30-80 µg mL-1. The selectivity of the method was proven through degradation studies. The method demonstrated satisfactory results for precision, accuracy, limits of detection and quantitation. The robustness of this method was evaluated using the Plackett–Burman fractional factorial experimental design with a matrix of 15 experiments and the statistical treatment proposed by Youden and Steiner. Finally, the proposed method could be also an advantageous option for the analysis of cefazolin sodium, contributing to improve the quality control and to assure the therapeutic efficacy


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The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of the biomimetic surface treatment in osseointegration of experimental alloy Ti30Ta for dentistry applications. Methods and materials: Experimental alloy with Ta concentration of 30 wt% was produced from sheets of commercially pure titanium (99.9%) and tantalum (99.9%). Ingots were melted in an arc furnace under an argon atmosphere and re-melted ten times at least. They were homogenized under vacuum at 1100 °C for 86.4 ks to eliminate chemical segregation and cold-worked by swaging. Implants with 2.5 mm diameter and 2.0 mm of height were machined (Fig. 1a), treated and inserted in animals for in vivo study. The implants were submitted surface treatment according methodology development for our group. Analyzes were performed by Scanning Electron microscopy (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Osteoblast morphology on Ti-30Ta alloys was examined after 4 and 7 days of incubation with MSCs using SEM imaging.


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Aims: The objective of this study is to create an experimental model of intestinal endometriosis in pigs, which might allow better understanding of deep infiltrating endometriosis and development of new treatment techniques. As secondary objective, we intend to create endometrial implants accessible by transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS). Study Design: Surgical experimental study in swine. Place and Duration of Study: This study was performed at the Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa do Hospital Sírio-Libanês, São Paulo, Brazil, between January 2012 and December 2012. Methodology: Two sexually mature female minipigBR pigs underwent two laparotomies (each animal). The first laparotomy was performed to implant two fragments of autologous endometrium in the rectal wall. The second one was performed thirty days later to visualize, measure and obtain tissue of the site of the implants for histopathology study. A TRUS study was performed prior to the second surgery. The Institution’s Animal Utilization Study Committee approved the study. Results: In the first laparotomy a 5-cm segment of right uterine horn was resected. The endometrium was separated from the myometrium through sub-endometrial saline injection. Two endometrial fragments (1.0 x 2.0 cm) were dissected and sutured in the intra peritoneal anterior rectal wall of the animals. Thirty days later, all implants were identified during preoperative TRUS. “En-bloc” resection of the intestinal segment with the implants was performed during the second surgery. The autologous implants of endometrium invaded the muscular layer in one of the two animals. Conclusion: We demonstrated that the creation of an animal model of deep infiltrating endometriosis with intestinal involvement is feasible through a simple surgical technique. We believe that this model can be applied in experimental and clinical studies but further studies are necessary to refine the technique.