926 resultados para evaristo de moraes filho


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Investigou-se o efeito do succinato de cloranfenicol (30 mg/kg, a cada 12 h, durante 4 dias, IP) sobre o acúmulo de leucócitos polimorfonucleares (PMN) na pleurisia induzida pela carragenina (150 mig) em ratos (Wistar, machos, 180-230 g, n = 12) diabéticos (40 mg/kg de aloxana, IV). O antibiótico produziu aumento de 36% no número de PMN (p<0,05) migrados para a cavidade pleural de animais normais. O estado diabético provocou redução de 45% dos PMN (p<0,05) acumulados no exsudato pleural de animais não tratados com o antibiótico. Por outro lado, animais diabéticos tratados com succinato de cloranfenicol apresentaram resposta de PMN que não diferiu estatisticamente do observado em animais controle, não tratados. A contagem total e diferencial dos leucócitos circulantes realizada antes e 4 h depois da aplicação da carragenina não diferiu estatisticamente entre os grupos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Qualitative study on the meaning of a child s birth to the father. Its general purpose was to comprehend the significance the man attaches to his child s birth and its specific objectives were to identify the man s feelings with regard to his child s birth as well as to verify his attitude toward a child s birth. The study was founded on the theoretical reference system about the man in the gravid-puerperal cycle and the humanization of the assistance. The data were obtained through semistructured interview performed with men accompanying their children s birth whose wives were in the immediate puerperium. This stage occurred in two maternity hospitals in Natal-RN, both of which adopt the principle of safe notherhood in the attendance of women in the process of parturition. The material apprehended from the statements was treated in conformity with the content analysis method in the mode of thematic analysis according to Bardin. Three thematic categories emerged from this process: the father s attitude toward his child s birth, the father s feelings in respect of his child s birth, and the informations received by the father in the course of his child s birth. The speech content was analyzed in accordance with the principles of symbolic interactionism according to Blumer. The results showed that the husbands interact with their respective wives and respond with attitudes of care, help, support, and encouragement within the principles of humanization intermingled with feelings of happiness, restlessness, and suffering leading them to appraise and exalt their consorts. Besides, we verified that the father s attitudes and feelings in the delivery room in the light of symbolic interactionism tend to be influenced by the interaction between him and the attending professionals


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Instalou-se em um latossolo vermelho-escuro, textura média, de Jaboticabal, S.P. um experimento cujo objetivo foi avaliar a influência de doses de gesso e de calcário sobre as características químicas do solo, agronômicas e tecnológicas da cultura do feijoeiro. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados em um esquema fatorial 3 x 4, representado por três doses de calcário (0; 1,4 e 2,8 t/ha) e quatro doses de gesso (0, 130, 260 e 390 kg/ha) com três repetições. Verificou-se que: o uso do calcário provocou aumento nos teores do Mg trocável do solo, nos valores de pH e de V% e diminuição dos valores de H + Al; o fornecimento de gesso ocasionou a lixiviação do K trocável da camada superficial para a camada 20-40cm do solo; os teores foliares de Mg+2 aumentaram e os de Mn+2 diminuiram com a aplicação de calcário; a calagem e/ou a gessagem não influenciaram nos componentes de rendimento e na produção de grãos, provocando aumento no tempo de cozimento dos grãos.


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O efeito da inclusão de mananoligossacarídeo (MOS) e/ou enzimas em dietas de frangos sobre os títulos de anticorpos contra os vírus das doenças de Gumboro (VDG) e de Newcastle (VDN). Setecentos e cinqüenta aves foram distribuídas em um delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 + 1, com dois níveis de MOS (0 e 0,1% até 21 dias e 0,05% de 22 até 42 dias de idade), dois níveis de enzimas (0 e 0,05%) e uma dieta-controle-positivo contendo antibióticos, totalizando cinco tratamentos com cinco repetições. Para análise dos anticorpos, amostras de sangue foram colhidas semanalmente por punção da veia jugular em duas aves de cada repetição. A primeira e a última colheita foram realizadas aos sete e 42 dias de idade, respectivamente. A inclusão de MOS resultou em aumento dos títulos contra VDG na quarta (P<0,03) e quinta (P<0,02) semanas, e contra VDN na terceira (P<0,01), quarta (P<0,03) e quinta (P<0,03) semanas de idade. O MOS foi efetivo em estimular a resposta imune humoral contra VDG e VDN vacinais.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de comparar os efeitos do fornecimento de silagem de grãos de milho úmido com o milho em grão seco, associados à silagem de milho ou ao bagaço in natura de cana-de-açúcar, sobre o desempenho e as características da carcaça de bovinos em terminação. em blocos ao acaso e esquema fatorial 2 × 2, 28 tourinhos Santa Gertrudes (dez meses de idade e peso corporal inicial de 245 kg) foram mantidos em confinamento durante 142 dias. Os animais foram mantidos em baias individuais e receberam dietas com 12 e 20% da MS em forma de bagaço ou silagem, respectivamente. O milho úmido foi moído e ensilado quando se encontrava com 30% de umidade. Não houve interação significativa tipo de volumoso x tipo de processamento do milho sobre as variáveis estudadas. O bagaço mostrou-se viável como fonte exclusiva de fibra, apesar de os resultados de ganho de peso, eficiência alimentar, peso e rendimento de carcaça e espessura de gordura subcutânea terem sido inferiores aos obtidos com a silagem de milho. O ganho diário de peso nos animais alimentados com o bagaço foi em torno de 1,3 kg, enquanto, com a silagem, foi de 1,5 kg. O consumo de MS não foi influenciado pelo tipo de volumoso ou pelo processamento do milho. O uso da silagem de grãos de milho úmido melhorou a eficiência alimentar em 9,7% e reduziu o peso do fígado quando comparado ao milho seco, mas não alterou as demais características avaliadas.


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With water pollution increment at the last years, so many progresses in researches about treatment of contaminated waters have been developed. In wastewaters containing highly toxic organic compounds, which the biological treatment cannot be applied, the Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) is an alternative for degradation of nonbiodegradable and toxic organic substances, because theses processes are generation of hydroxyl radical based on, a highly reactivate substance, with ability to degradate practically all classes of organic compounds. In general, the AOP request use of special ultraviolet (UV) lamps into the reactors. These lamps present a high electric power demand, consisting one of the largest problems for the application of these processes in industrial scale. This work involves the development of a new photochemistry reactor composed of 12 low cost black light fluorescent lamps (SYLVANIA, black light, 40 W) as UV radiation source. The studied process was the photo-Fenton system, a combination of ferrous ions, hydrogen peroxide, and UV radiation, it has been employed for the degradation of a synthetic wastewater containing phenol as pollutant model, one of the main pollutants in the petroleum industry. Preliminary experiments were carrier on to estimate operational conditions of the reactor, besides the effects of the intensity of radiation source and lamp distribution into the reactor. Samples were collected during the experiments and analyzed for determining to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content, using a TOC analyzer Shimadzu 5000A. The High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was also used for identification of the cathecol and hydroquinone formed during the degradation process of the phenol. The actinometry indicated 9,06⋅1018 foton⋅s-1 of photons flow, for 12 actived lamps. A factorial experimental design was elaborated which it was possible to evaluate the influence of the reactants concentration (Fe2+ and H2O2) and to determine the most favorable experimental conditions ([Fe2+] = 1,6 mM and [H2O2] = 150,5 mM). It was verified the increase of ferrous ions concentration is favorable to process until reaching a limit when the increase of ferrous ions presents a negative effect. The H2O2 exhibited a positive effect, however, in high concentrations, reaching a maximum ratio degradation. The mathematical modeling of the process was accomplished using the artificial neural network technique


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The decontamination of the materials has been subject of some studies. One of the factors that it increases the pollution is the lack of responsibility in the discarding of toxic trash, as for example the presence of PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) in the environment. In the Brazilian regulations, the material contaminated with PCB in concentrations higher than 50 ppm must be stored in special places or destroyed, usually by incineration in plasma furnace with dual steps. Due to high cost of the procedure, new methodologies of PCBs removal has been studied. The objective of this study was to develop an experimental methodology and analytical methodology for quantification of removal of PCBs through out the processes of extractions using supercritical fluid and Soxhlet method, also technical efficiency of the two processes of extraction, in the treatment of contaminated materials with PCBs. The materials studied were soils and wood, both were simulated contamination with concentration of 6.000, 33.000 and 60.000 mg of PCB/ kg of materials. Soxhlet extractions were performed using 100 ml of hexane, and temperature of 180 ºC. Extractions by fluid supercritical were performed at conditions of 200 bar, 70°C, and supercritical CO2 flow-rate of 3 g/min for 1-3 hours. The extracts obtained were quantified using Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The conventional extractions were made according to factorial experimental planning technique 22, with aim of study the influence of two variables of process extraction for the Soxhlet method: contaminant concentration and extraction time for obtain a maximum removal of PCB in the materials. The extractions for Soxhlet method were efficient for extraction of PCBs in soil and wood in both solvent studied (hexane and ethanol). In the experimental extraction in soils, the better efficient of removal of PCBs using ethanol as solvent was 81.3% than 95% for the extraction using hexane as solvent, for equal time of extraction. The results of the extraction with wood showed statistically it that there is not difference between the extractions in both solvent studied. The supercritical fluid extraction in the conditions studied showed better efficiency in the extraction of PCBs in the wood matrix than in soil, for two hours extractions the obtain percentual of 43.9 ± 0.5 % for the total of PCBs extracted in the soils against 95.1 ± 0,5% for the total of PCBs extracted in the wood. The results demonstrated that the extractions were satisfactory for both technical studied


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The shrimp farming is a process of creation of shrimp that has been growing rapidly in the country, occupying a meaningful space in the Brazilian exporting. In 2003, this activity presented a volume of 60 millions of tons and 220 millions of dollars, being the main generator of employment and income of the primary sector of the northeast economy. However, it is a new activity with c.a. five years in the Rio Grande do Norte State and therefore needs investment in the technological area. Among the wastewaters of this activity, the sulphite solution is being usually applied in the process of fishing, i.e. retrieval of the shrimps from the farming. The aim of this work is to present the oxidation experimental results of the sulphite that may be and to determine what it s the most efficient method, trough laboratory experiments. The measurements were carried out in a mixing reactor inserting air and with hydrogen peroxide addition with and without UV light. The solutions were prepared synthetically with concentrations found in the wastewater of fishing and also collected in locu. The oxidation process using air was monitorated by iodometric analysis for the sulphite and the oxidation using hydrogen peroxide was evaluated with turbidimetric analysis for sulphate, by spectrophotometer. The sulphite was totally oxidized in both processes. The experimental results permit to conclude that the oxidation by hydrogen peroxide is more efficient and allowed to determine the optimum operational conditions in terms of concentration and time of treatment


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The flow assurance has become one of the topics of greatest interest in the oil industry, mainly due to production and transportation of oil in regions with extreme temperature and pressure. In these operations the wax deposition is a commonly problem in flow of paraffinic oils, causing the rising costs of the process, due to increased energy cost of pumping, decreased production, increased pressure on the line and risk of blockage of the pipeline. In order to describe the behavior of the wax deposition phenomena in turbulent flow of paraffinic oils, under different operations conditions, in this work we developed a simulator with easy interface. For that we divided de work in four steps: (i) properties estimation (physical, thermals, of transport and thermodynamics) of n-alkanes and paraffinic mixtures by using correlations; (ii) obtainment of the solubility curve and determination the wax appearance temperature, by calculating the solid-liquid equilibrium of parafinnic systems; (iii) modelling wax deposition process, comprising momentum, mass and heat transfer; (iv) development of graphic interface in MATLAB® environment for to allow the understanding of simulation in different flow conditions as well as understand the matter of the variables (inlet temperature, external temperature, wax appearance temperature, oil composition, and time) on the behavior of the deposition process. The results showed that the simulator developed, called DepoSim, is able to calculate the profile of temperature, thickness of the deposit, and the amount of wax deposited in a simple and fast way, and also with consistent results and applicable to the operation


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The treatment of oil produced water and its implications are continually under investigation and several questions are related to this subject. In the Northeast Region Brazil, the onshore reservoirs are, in its majority, mature oil fields with high production of water. As this oil produced water has high levels of oil, it cannot be directly discarded into the environment because it represents a risk for contamination of soil, water, and groundwater, or even may cause harm to living bodies. Currently, polyelectrolytes that promote the coalescence of the oil droplets are used to remove the dispersed oil phase, enhancing the effectiveness of the flotation process. The non-biodegradability and high cost of polyelectrolytes are limiting factors for its application. On this context, it is necessary to develop studies for the search of more environmentally friendly products to apply in the flotation process. In this work it is proposed the modeling of the flotation process, in a glass column, using surfactants derived from vegetal oils to replace the polyelectrolytes, as well as to obtain a model that represents the experimental data. In addition, it was made a comparative study between the models described in the literature and the one developed in this research. The obtained results showed that the developed model presented high correlation coefficients when fitting the experimental data (R2 > 0.98), thus proving its efficiency in modeling the experimental data.


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Using Harold Bloom s methodology known as dialectical revisionism we undertake the task of misreading of Vinícius de Moraes (1913- 1980) poems Poética (1950), Operário em construção (1955), Poética II (1960) against Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) and his poem A Song: Men of England, suggesting that the Brazilian poet trammeled a battle with his poetic triad, in which Operário em Construção is Vinicius s main weapon. It is suggested here that each one of Vinícius´poem represents a step of what Bloom calls anxiety of influence . The misreading proposed confronts the themes and the imagery of the poems, arguing that Shelley and Vinícius are similar when they approach exploitation and working class consciousness according to the Dialectic Marxism pattern, and that Vinícius´s poem was not only inspired by Shelley s, but using one of the strategies suggested by Bloom, he corrects the ideological flaws of Shelley s poem. It is also discussed the possibility that both poems are inspired by Plato´s (428-7 a 348-7 a.C.) allegory of the cave, his concept of justice and the moral construction of the polis defended in A República. Thus, considering the process of misreading, these five poems constitute what Bloom calls a family romance , which is characterizes the phenomenon of melancholy of creativity