967 resultados para estrous synchronization
The objective of this study was to compare a GnRH-based to an estrogen/progesterone (E2/P4)-based protocol for estrous cycle synchronization and fixed timed artificial insemination (TAI), both designed for synchronization of ovulation and to reduce the period from follicular emergence until ovulation in cows with a synchronized follicular wave. A total of 1,190 lactating Holstein cows (primiparous: n = 685 and multiparous: n = 505) yielding 26.5 ± 0.30 kg of milk/d at 177 ± 5.02 d in milk were randomly assigned to receive one of the following programs: 5-d Cosynch protocol [d -8: controlled internal drug release (CIDR) + GnRH; d -3: CIDR removal + PGF2α; d -2: PGF2α; d 0: TAI + GnRH] or E2/P4 protocol (d -10: CIDR + estradiol benzoate; d -3: PGF2α; d -2: CIDR removal + estradiol cypionate; d 0: TAI). Rectal temperature and circulating progesterone (P4) were measured on d -3, -2, 0 (TAI), and 7. The estrous cycle was considered to be synchronized when P4 was ≥1.0 ng/mL on d 7 in cows that had luteolysis (P4 ≤0.4 ng/mL on d 0). To evaluate the effects of heat stress, cows were classified by number of heat stress events: 0, 1, and 2-or-more measurements of elevated body temperature (≥39.1°C). Pregnancy success (pregnancy per artificial insemination, P/AI) was determined at d 32 and 60 after TAI. The cows in the 5-d Cosynch protocol had increased circulating P4 at the time of PGF2α injection (2.66 ± 0.13 vs. 1.66 ± 0.13 ng/mL). The cows in the E2/P4 protocol were more likely to be detected in estrus (62.8 vs. 43.4%) compared with the cows in the 5-d Cosynch protocol, and expression of estrus improved P/AI in both treatments. The cows in the 5-d Cosynch protocol had greater percentage of synchronized estrous cycle (78.2%), compared with cows in the E2/P4 protocol (70.7%). On d 60, the E2/P4 protocol tended to improve P/AI (20.7 vs. 16.7%) and reduced pregnancy loss from 32 to 60 d (11.0 vs. 19.6%), compared with the 5-d Cosynch protocol. In cows with their estrous cycle synchronized, the E2/P4 protocol had greater P/AI (25.6 vs. 17.7%) on d 60 and lower pregnancy loss from 32 to 60 d (6.7 vs. 21.7%) compared with cows in the 5-d Cosynch protocol. Follicle diameter affected pregnancy loss from 32 to 60 d only in the cows in the 5-d Cosynch protocol, with smaller follicles resulting in greater pregnancy loss. Pregnancy per AI at d 60 was different between protocols in the cows with 2 or more measurements of heat stress (5-d Cosynch = 12.2% vs. E2/P4 = 22.8%), but not in the cows without or with 1 heat stress measurement. In conclusion, the 5-d Cosynch protocol apparently produced better estrous cycle synchronization than the E2/P4 protocol but did not improve P/AI. The potential explanation for these results is that increased E2 concentrations during the periovulatory period can improve pregnancy success and pregnancy maintenance, and this effect appears to be greatest in heat-stressed cows when circulating E2 may be reduced. © 2013 American Dairy Science Association.
The aim of this work was to study estrus synchronization and fixed time artificial insemination (FTAI) in dairy buffaloes during season anestrus. One hundred thirty-nine dairy buffaloes in seasonal anestrus were divided in two groups as G1(n=66) and G2(n=73). The protocols for both the groups were the same until day (D)14:D0 administration of 2.0 mg estradiol benzoate and implantation of progesterone device (P4) for 14 days; D14 removal of P4 plus 150 mg of cloprostenol and 400 IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin. On D16, G1 received 10 mg of buserelin and G2 100 mg deslorelin acetate. On D17, both the groups were submitted to FTAI. Ultrasonographic examinations of ovaries were performed on D0, D14, D16 and D17. Results showed that pregnancy rates in G1 and G2 were 20 and 41% (p<0.05) and the ovulation rates were 16.6 and 37%, respectively (p<0.05). The dominant follicle (DF) diameter on D16 was 7.9 mm in G1 and 8.9 mm in G2 (p>0.05). Thirty-five percent of the animals in G1 and 54.1% in G2 showed a diameter DF greater than 8.0 mm on D16 (p>0.05). Thus, it could be concluded that the protocols synchronized the estrus, leading the concentration of the parturitions in the period of low milk production. Deslorelin was more efficient than buserelin due the higher percentage of DF ovulation and higher pregnancy rates.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
In order to determine the modulation of anxiolytic and panicolytic-like effects of diazepam by the hormonal cycle of female rats, male and female rats – the latter divided per estrous cycle phase (estrus, diestrus, metaestrus and proestrus) – were tested in the elevated T-maze, a behavioral model of panic and anxiety. Diazepam (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/kg) or saline solution was injected in individual animals that were submitted to one session in the elevated T-maze 25 min after drug/saline administration. The test consisted of three avoidance trials and one escape trial, separated by a 30 s interval, during which the animals were isolated in individual cages. The avoidance trials began with the animal being placed at the end of the maze's enclosed arm. The time necessary for the animal to leave the central square was considered as the response's latency. The trials that exceeded 300 s were considered as failures. Results demonstrate a decrease in the effects of diazepam in inhibitory avoidance (anxiety) trials in females in diestrus and proestrus, but no relation of gender or estrous cycle on diazepam effects on escape trials (fear). The results support the hypothesis that down-regulation of GABAA receptors by activation of nuclear estrogen receptors and induction of PKC-mediated GABAA receptor phosphorylation by activation of surface estrogen receptors in raphe neurons underlie the modulation of diazepam sensitivity by estrogen.
The present work aimed at studying the influence of the estrous cycle in the forced swim test, an animal model of depression. For this, 44 male and female Wistar rats were divided into five groups according to the hormonal state in the first day of the study: metaestrus (N = 12), diestrus (N = 8), proestrus (N = 7), estrous (N = 6) and males (N = 11). They were housed in groups of five, with water and food ad libitum under a 12/12 h light/dark cycle. Females were screened daily for the estrous cycle. The animals were subjected to two swimming sessions in a glass cylinder with water up to 15 cm at 28±2º C. The data of the first five minutes of a 15-min first session were compared to those of a 5-min second session 24 h later. The results indicate that the latency to the first immobility was substantially reduced in the second session and was longer for females in diestrus and proestrus in the first session. The results also indicate that females in diestrus and proestrus exhibited less immobility than males in the first session; females in diestrus also exhibited less immobility than females in metaestrus. Females in metaestrus and diestrus, as well as males, did not present the decrease in total immobility times in the second session. The present results are analyzed in terms of differential effects of progesterone and estrogen on a learning component and an affective component.
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of age of the ovulatory follicle on fertility in beef heifers. Ovulation was synchronized with the 5 d CO-Synch + controlled intravaginal drug release (CIDR) program in heifers in Montana (MT; n = 162, Hereford and Angus Crossbred) and Ohio (OH; n = 170, Angus Crossbred). All heifers received estradiol benzoate (EB; 1 mg/500 kg BW, [i.m.]) 6 d after the final GnRH of the synchronization program to induce follicular atresia and emergence of a new follicular wave (NFW) followed by prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF(2 alpha); 25 mg, i.m.) administration either 5 d (young follicle [YF]; n = 158) or 9 d (mature follicle [MF]; n = 174) after EB. Estrous detection was performed for 5 d after PGF(2 alpha) with AI approximately 12 h after onset of estrus. Ovarian ultrasonography (MT location only) was performed in YF and MF at EB, 5 d after EB, PGF(2 alpha), and AI. Heifers in MT (n = 20) and OH (n = 18) that were not presynchronized or did not initiate a NFW were excluded from further analyses, resulting in 142 and 152 heifers in MT and OH, respectively. Heifers from the MF treatment in MT that initiated a second NFW after EB but before PGF(2 alpha) (MF2; n = 14) were excluded from the primary analysis. In the secondary analysis, the MF2 group was compared to MF and YF treatments in MT. Estrous response was similar (90%; 252/280) between treatments and locations. Proestrus interval (from PGF(2 alpha) to estrus) and age of the ovulatory follicle at AI were similar for MF heifers between locations (54.6 +/- 1.7 h and 8.3 +/- 0.07 h) but were greater (P < 0.01) for YF heifers in OH (78.5 +/- 1.4 h and 5.3 +/- 0.06 h) than MT (67.4 +/- 1.6 h and 4.8 +/- 0.06 h; treatment x location, P < 0.01). However, conception rate did not differ for MF (63.8%; 74/116) and YF (67.0%; 91/136) treatments. In the MT heifers, follicle size and follicle age atAI in the YF treatment (10.4 +/- 0.15 mm and 4.8 +/- 0.06 d, respectively) was less (P < 0.01) than in the MF treatment (11.0 +/- 0.18 mm and 8.3 +/- 0.11 d, respectively), but conception rate to AI did not differ between treatments in MT. In the MF2 group proestrus interval was greater (P < 0.01); hence, diameter of the ovulatory follicle and age were similar to that for the YF treatment. Conception rate to AI did not differ between MF2, MF, and YF (61.5, 63.3, and 64.7%, respectively) in MT. In conclusion, manipulation of age of the nonpersistent ovulatory follicle at spontaneous ovulation did not influence conception rate.
The majority of beef cow herds in South America are constituted by Bos indicus females, which have particular reproductive features that contribute to reduced reproductive efficiency compared with that of B. taurus cohorts. Hence, several alternatives to enhance reproductive efficiency of B. indicus heifers and cows have been developed to address their inherent reproductive shortcomings. These research-based technologies are being described in detail within this chapter and have already made an impact on South American B. indicus-based production systems. These include the following: (a) hormonal protocols to induce puberty in nulliparous heifers or estrous cyclicity in postpartum cows to maximize their reproductive performance during the subsequent breeding season, (b) hormonal protocols to synchronize estrus and/or ovulation in B. indicus females to exploit their reproductive responses to artificial insemination, and (c) genetic and environmental factors that influence reproductive success in beef herds, including reproductive diseases and excitable temperament of B. indicus females, that have been investigated to support/promote the development of appropriate mitigation technologies.
Our hypothesis was that increasing the length of an estradiol and progesterone (P4) timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocol would improve pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI). Lactating Holstein cows (n = 759) yielding 31 +/- 0.30 kg of milk/d with a detectable corpus luteum (CL) at d - 11 were randomly assigned to receive TAI (d 0) following 1 of 2 treatments: (8d) d - 10 controlled internal drug release (CIDR) and 2.0 mg of estradiol benzoate, d - 3 = PGF(2 alpha) (25 mg of dinoprost tromethamine), d - 2 = CIDR removal and 1.0 mg of estradiol cypionate, d 0 = TAI; or (9d) d - 11 = CIDR and estradiol benzoate, d -4 = PGF(2 alpha), d -2 CIDR removal and estradiol cypionate, d 0 TAI. Cows were considered to have their estrous cycle synchronized in response to the protocol by the absence of a CL at artificial insemination (d 0) and presence of a CL on d 7. Pregnancy diagnoses were performed on d 32 and 60. The ovulatory follicle diameter at TAI (d 0) did not differ between treatments (14.7 +/- 0.39 vs. 15.0 +/- 0.40 mm for 8 and 9 d, respectively). The 9d cows tended to have greater P4 concentrations on d 7 in synchronized cows (3.14 +/- 0.18 ng/mL) than the 8d cows (3.05 +/- 0.18 ng/mL). Although the P/AI at d 32 [45 (175/385) vs. 43.9% (166/374) for 8d and 9d, respectively] and 60 [38.1 (150/385) vs. 40.4% (154/374) for 8d and 9d, respectively] was not different, the 9d cows had lower pregnancy losses [7.6% (12/166)] than 8d cows [14.7% (25/175)]. The cows in the 9d program were more likely to be detected in estrus [72.0% (269/374)] compared with 8d cows [62% (240/385)]. Expression of estrus improved synchronization [97.4 (489/501) vs. 81% (202/248)], P4 concentrations at d 7 (3.22 +/- 0.16 vs. 2.77 +/- 0.17 ng/mL), P/AI at d 32 [51.2 (252/489) vs. 39.4% (81/202)], P/AI at d 60 [46.3 (230/489) vs. 31.1% (66/202)], and decreased pregnancy loss [9.3 (22/252) vs. 19.8% (15/81)] compared with cows that did not show estrus, respectively. Cows not detected in estrus with small (<11 mm) or large follicles (>17 mm) had greater pregnancy loss; however, in cows detected in estrus, no effect of follicle diameter on pregnancy loss was observed. In conclusion, increasing the length of the protocol for TAI increased the percentage of cows detected in estrus and decreased pregnancy loss.
The effect of the age of the ovulatory follicle on fertility in beef cows was investigated. Multiparous (n = 171) and primiparous (n = 129) postpartum beef cows in 2 groups (G1 and G2) received estradiol benzoate (EB; 1 mg/500 kg BW, intramuscular [i.m.]) 5.5 d (G1; n = 162) and 6.5 d (G2; n = 138) after the final GnRH of a synchronization program (5d CO-Synch + CIDR) to induce emergence of a new follicular wave (NFW), followed by prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha; 25 mg, i.m.) administration either 5.5 d (young follicle, YF; n = 155) or 9.5 d (mature follicle, MF; n = 145) after EB. Estrous detection coupled with AI 12 h later (estrus-AI) was performed for 60 h (MF) and 84 h (YF) after PGF(2 alpha); cows not detected in estrus within this period received timed AI (TAI) coupled with GnRH at 72 and 96 h, respectively. Within the first 72 h after PGF(2 alpha), more (P < 0.01) cows in the MF (76.3%) than YF treatment (47.7%) exhibited estrus, but through 96 h, the proportion detected in estrus (P < 0.05) and interval from PGF(2 alpha) to estrus (P < 0.01) were greater in the YF than MF treatment (88.6% vs. 76.3%, 78.9 +/- 0.8 vs. 57.5 +/- 1.6 h, respectively). Age of the ovulatory follicle at AI was greater (P < 0.01) in the MF (9.32 +/- 0.04 d) than YF (6.26 +/- 0.02 d) treatment, but follicle diameter at AI and pregnancy rates did not differ between MF (13.1 +/- 0.2 mm; 72.0%) and YF (12.9 +/- 0.1 mm; 67.1%) treatments. Regardless of treatment, the diameter of the ovulatory follicle at AI and pregnancy rate were greater (P < 0.01) with estrus-AI (13.1 +/- 0.1 mm; 75.0%) than TAI (12.6 +/- 0.2 mm; 55.4%). Cows in the MF treatment that initiated a second NFW after EB but before PGF(2 alpha) (MF2; n = 47) were induced to ovulate with GnRH and TAI at 72h, when ovulatory follicles were 4 d old and 10.2 +/- 0.2 mm in diameter. Pregnancy rate for TAI (51.1%) in MF2 did not differ from TAI pregnancy rate (55.4%) across the MF and YF treatments. In summary, the age of the ovulatory follicle affected interval to estrus and AI but did not influence pregnancy rate in suckled beef cows.
The aims of the present study were to evaluate the morphometry of corpus luteum (CL) and progesterone (P-4) plasma concentration of 86 buffaloes (33 pregnant and 53 non-pregnant) and 95 cows (36 pregnant and 59 non-pregnant) at the moment of slaughter. Seventy CLs of buffaloes and 110 CL of cattle were analyzed. The CL classified as II and III were more common in both species (35.7 and 41.4% for buffaloes and 43.6 and 35.5% for cows). The 29 non-pregnant buffaloes had a total of 36 CL, being 19.4% CLI; 33.3% CL II; 27.8% CL III and 19.4% CL IV. The 51 nonpregnant cows had a total of 71 CL, being 26.8% CL I; 47.9% CL II; 21.1% CL III and 4.2% CL IV. The average diameters of bubaline and bovine CL were 5.2 +/- 0.9 and 6.4 +/- 1.8 mm (CL I); 17.6 +/- 2.6 and 19.8 +/- 3.2 mm (CL II); 17.2 +/- 2.1 and 20.0 +/- 3.2 mm (CL III); 7.8 +/- 1.8 and 8.7 +/- 2.7 mm (CL IV), respectively. The mean plasma concentrations of P4 were 5.6 (CL I); 5.4 (CL II); 4.7 (CL III) and 0.5 (CL IV) ng/mL for buffaloes and 0.02 (CL I); 6.3 (CL II) and 6.4 (CL III) ng/mL for cows. In both species, P4 concentration was similar between stages II and III. The results indicated that the characterization of the CL provides important information about the status of estrous cycle.
This paper addresses the problem of finite-time synchronization of tunnel diode based chaotic oscillators. After a brief investigation of its chaotic dynamics, we propose an active adaptive feedback coupling which accomplishes the synchronization of tunnel-diode-based chaotic systems with and without the presence of delay(s), basing ourselves on Lyapunov and on Krasovskii-Lyapunov stability theories. This feedback coupling could be applied to many other chaotic systems. A finite horizon can be arbitrarily established by ensuring that chaos synchronization is achieved at a pre-established time. An advantage of the proposed feedback coupling is that it is simple and easy to implement. Both mathematical investigations and numerical simulations followed by PSPICE experiment are presented to show the feasibility of the proposed method.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of type of norgestomet auricular implant (new - N or previously used during 5 days - U), season of the year (summer - S and winter - W), and parity (12 heifers - H and 23 cows - C) on synchronization of follicular wave emergence in buffaloes. For this purpose, 35 buffaloes were examined daily by ultrasonography until follicular wave emergence was detected. Data were analysed by ANOVA, using PROC GLIMMIX. No interactions were observed in none variables. Time of follicular wave emergence and number of follicles at emergence were not affected by type of implant or season of the year. Parity also did not influence the number of follicles at emergence. However, follicular wave emergence occurred later in heifers than in cows. In conclusion, the previous use of a norgestomet auricular implant independent of the season of the year does not affect the time or the number of follicles at follicular wave emergence in buffaloes. Nevertheless, although heifers and cows had a similar number of follicles at emergence, the time of follicular wave emergence occurs earlier in cows than in heifers.