998 resultados para ensaio de uniformidade
The extract obtained from stem bark of Duguetia glabriuscula - Annonaceae was evaluated by Brine Shrimp Lethality test (BSL). The bioactive compounds, oxobufoline and lanuginosine, two oxoaporphine alkaloids were isolated by activity-guided fractionation. In addition, the compounds asaraldehyde, (+)-allo-aromadendrane-10beta, 14-diol, and two aporphine alkaloids, polyalthine and oliveridine were also obtained.
Alexander Borodin (1833-1887) is a singularity in the history of science. Whereas other scientists may have kept lifelong interests in some artistic field, he was unique in pursuing with great success two parallel careers in both chemistry and music, managing to excell in both to the end of his life. Although he considered himself primarily a chemist, present-day appreciation of his powerful music has greatly surpassed interest for his chemistry. This article treats the life and the unusual double career of the Russian chemist-musician.
A proficiency assay of the determination of dithiocarbamate pesticide residues in banana was carried out. Fourteen laboratories participated in this study. Homogeneity and stability testing were performed by INCQS on the samples sent to the laboratories. Analytical results supplied by the pesticide residues laboratory of the VWA/KvW, Amsterdam, Holland, were used to define the designated value for the thiram concentration in the study samples. RESULTS: Fifty percent of the participating laboratories had satisfactory results. Efforts are needed to improve the precision of the analytical results and to decrease the number of false negative results observed.
In this research, we seek to corroborate the contributions of Chemistry to the identification, extraction and classification of minerals in the XVIII century, as well as, to approach the discussion that History of Chemistry shouldn't be understood in terms of a tight line of thoughts. For that, we analyze the work of Johann Andreas Cramer (1710-1777), Elements of the Art of Assaying Metals. Cramer proposed a method of mineral assaying based on the chemical behavior of the bodies, which allowed him to identify, extract and classify the minerals with more assertiveness.
The aim of this work is to propose a methodology to evaluate the evolution of the pore blockage of limestone during the sulfation reaction. The experiments were performed for a national limestone (dolomite) with average particle size of 545 μm in interrupted sulfation tests were conducted at seven different times and at three different temperatures of the process. The empirical data were obtained from porosimetry tests to establish BET surface area, volume and average size of pore and distribution of pore sizes of the sulfated samples. Thermogravimetric tests were performed to evaluate the preparation methodology of the samples used in the porosimetry tests.
This work describes the establishment of dissolution test conditions for 75 mg cinnarizine capsules using a multivariate approach. A 2³ full factorial design was carried out to achieve the best conditions and HCl 0.1 mol L-1 as dissolution medium, basket as apparatus at 100 rpm and collect time at 30 min were considered adequate. The quantification was carried out by spectrophotometry at 251 nm. Both dissolution procedure and analytical method were validated and all parameters were within the acceptable limits. Since there is no official monograph for this pharmaceutical product, this dissolution test could be applied for quality control routine.
The estimation of measurement uncertainty of an analytical result is an important tool to be applied for compliance to ISO IEC 17025. Through the available guides it is possible to establish procedures and criteria for the estimation of measurement uncertainty. This paper presents a case study on the estimation of measurement uncertainty in migration the test of ε-caprolactam from the polyamide 6 packages to fatty foods with determination by GC-FID. The calculation methodology used for the estimation of measurement uncertainty for the migration test was developed based on the guides EURACHEM / CITAC and ISO GUM, taking into account relevant aspects of the migration test. The expanded uncertainty estimated was approximately 23% of the concentration of migration.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were widely used between 1940 and 1970 as an insulating fluid for transformers and capacitors. However, they are bioaccumulative and potentially carcinogenic and, according to the 2001 Stockholm Convention, must be eliminated by 2025. In Brazil, they have been gradually eliminated but contaminated equipment remains. The Brazilian official standard for PCBs content in oil analysis is the ABNT NBR 13882 and there is also the IEC 61619 International Standard, both based on GC-ECD quantification. This work identified the inefficiency of these analytical methods and highlights potential failures which generated discrepancies on quantification of these contaminants. It was observed that the IEC 61619 is superior to ABNT NBR 13882 in analytical criteria, but has problems with the inefficiency of the adsorbent material used in pretreatments for removal of oxidation products from oil where these adsorbents adsorbed some PCBs molecules, causing errors in quantification.
The aim of this paper was to use colorimetric assays for hydroxamic acid to quantify the biodiesel content in diesel and compare it with the traditional method (infrared spectroscopy, using the EN 14078 method). Samples were prepared from B2 to B10 with two kinds of diesel - S500 (red) and S50 (yellow) - to obtain two calibration curves. Through statistical methods it was shown that the slopes of the straight lines obtained for the different types of diesel were the same. Thus, the type of diesel did not influence the results of the colorimetric assay for hydroxamic acid. Real samples collected from gas stations were analyzed by both methods (colorimetry and EN 14078). By applying Student's t-test it was concluded that the methods could be considered statistically equivalent. Therefore, it was confirmed that the colorimetric assay for hydroxamic acid is suitable for detecting and quantifying the content of biodiesel in biodiesel/diesel blends and can also be easily adapted to field analyses.
An enzymatic spectrophotometric method for the determination of methyldopa in a dissolution test of tablets was developed using peroxidase from radish (Raphanus sativus). The enzyme was extracted from radish roots using a phosphate buffer of pH 6.5 and partially purified through centrifugation. The supernatant was used as a source of peroxidase. The methyldopachrome resulting from the oxidation of methyldopa catalyzed by peroxidase was monitored at 480 nm. The enzymatic activity was stable for a period of at least 25 days when the extract was stored at 4 or -20 ºC. The method was validated according to RDC 899 and ICH guidelines. The calibration graph was linear in the range 200-800 µg mL-1, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9992. The limits of detection and quantification in the dissolution medium were 36 and 120 µg mL-1, respectively. Recovery was greater than 98.9%. This method can be applied for the determination of methyldopa in dissolution tests of tablets without interference from the excipients.
In this study, we developed a method for the visual detection of biodiesel in petrodiesel-biodiesel (BX) blends through the aminolysis of the methyl or ethyl esters of fatty acids that are found in biodiesel and that are absent from diesel and vegetable oils. This method is based on three reactional stages, which produce a dark red and easily visualized complex in the presence of biodiesel. In the absence of biodiesel, there is no dark red coloring, whereas in the presence of diesel or vegetable oil, there is a light red to yellow coloring. This simple, practical, inexpensive, and effective procedure may be applied by petrol stations to guarantee to consumers and resellers the presence of biodiesel in diesel blends, regardless of the BX blend's initial coloring or of the sulfur found in the diesel. In short, it ensures a safe fuel tank fill-up with BX blend.
Enzimas Peroxidases são heme-proteínas encontradas nos diferentes organismos vivos, especialmente vegetais, apresentam importante papel fisiológico/bioquímico como proteção contra microorganismos invasores. A soja, um dos mais importantes produtos para o agronegócio brasileiro apresenta na casca de suas sementes (subproduto) alta atividade de peroxidase, denominada soybean peroxidase,com potencial de utilização em métodos analíticos clínicos. A proposta do trabalho foi aplicar o planejamento fatorial para otimização das condições extração da enzima, definição das condições ótimas de atividade (pH e temperatura), utilizando metodologia de superfície de resposta. Os dados obtidos com clara definição foram: i) extração em pó cetonico, ii) meio reacional: pH 3,3, volume da amostra contendo a enzima 330 µL - 340 µL, peróxido de hidrogênio 4,2 mmol.L-1 150 µL, tempo de reação 20 segundos, temperatura 50º C, substrato guaiacol 30mmol.L-1 300 µL, e 0,1 mol.L-1 de NaCl. O uso da dessa metodologia para definição das condições de extração e estudos cinético-enzimáticos da peroxidase de soja foram eficientes e mais precisos, comparado a metodologia de variações/repetições (tentativa e erro).
O ano de 1851 marca o primeiro contato de Richard Wagner com a filosofia de Schopenhauer, logo seguido por sua proclamada e algo surpreendente "conversão" ao schopenhauerianismo. Vinte anos depois, essa adesão é reafirmada em "Beethoven", escrito festivo que contém um esboço de uma filosofia da música, apresentada pelo compositor como fundamentada na estética schopenhaueriana e que terá grande influência na elaboração da noção do dionisíaco, tal como aparece em "O nascimento da Tragédia", de Nietzsche. Meu trabalho pretende, em primeiro lugar, investigar em que medida a estética musical esboçada em "Beethoven" é de fato compatível com as teses estéticas de "O mundo como Vontade e representação". A constatação de certas incongruências entre as duas concepções estéticas dá então oportunidade a reflexões sobre o caráter das relações entre Wagner, Schopenhauer e o jovem Nietzsche.
Montaigne insiste ao longo dos Ensaios em seu desprezo pela retórica. Mas como procuraremos mostrar aqui, sua "forma natural" inscreve-se em grande medida dentro dos termos da própria retórica, sob uma mobilização particular dos preceitos e convenções tradicionalmente apropriados à escrita em primeira pessoa, especialmente aqueles que regulavam o sermo familiaris, gênero recuperado pela primeira vez na Renascença por Petrarca. Retomamos assim, para desenvolvê-la, a fecunda intuição de Hugo Friedrich que, em sua clássica obra sobre os Ensaios de Montaigne, aponta o seu parentesco com a forma epistolar de Petrarca, sem, porém, acompanhá-lo quando distancia o ensaio da epístola familiar, por entendê-lo como marco de ruptura com os procedimentos da retórica e, assim, com toda a prosa artisticamente trabalhada do humanismo.