925 resultados para enamel morphology
The composition of the Pyrgulidae and its relationships to other member families of the caenogastropod superfamily Rissooidea are examined after a consideration of new anatomical (including gross anatomy, sperm ultrastructure), conchological (including protoconch features), ecological, biogeographical and palaeontological data and a re-evaluation of existing literature. Pyrgulidae can be distinguished from hydrobiids unequivocally only with the aid of the radula. Sperm ultrastructural features suggest a very close relationship between the Pyrgulidae, the Hydrobiidae and the Bithyniidae (in fact no family-diagnostic sperm characters can be found to separate these three taxa). Based upon neontological and fossil evidence it is likely that pyrgulids represent a Miocene offshoot from a paratethyal hydrobiid lineage. Pyrgulids may also represent the stock from which the baicaliids arose, in which case the Pyrgulidae must be considered a paraphyletic group. The huge biogeographic gap between the Caspian Sea and Lake Baikal is to some extent bridged by the finding of a Neogene pyrgulid from the Altai Mountains. An alternative scenario for the origin of baicaliids is presented.
Short-nosed bandicoots, Isoodon, have undergone marked range contractions since European colonisation of Australia and are currently divided into many subspecies, the validity of which is debated. Discriminant function analysis of morphology and a phylogeny of Isoodon based on mtDNA control region sequences indicate a clear split between two of the three recognised species, I. macrourus and I. obesulus/auratus. However, while all previously recognised taxa within the I. obesulus/auratus group are morphologically distinct, I. auratus and I. obesulus are not phylogenetically distinct for mtDNA. The genetic divergence between I. obesulus and I. auratus (2.6%) is similar to that found among geographic isolates of the former (I. o. obesulus and I. o. peninsulae: 2.7%). Further, the divergence between geographically close populations of two different species (I. o. obesulus from Western Australia and I. a. barrowensis: 1.2%) is smaller than that among subspecies within I. auratus (I. a. barrowensis and I. auratus from northern Western Australia: 1.7%). A newly discovered population of Isoodon in the Lamb Range, far north Queensland, sympatric with a population of I. m. torosus, is shown to represent a range extension of I. o. peninsulae (350 km). It seems plausible that what is currently considered as two species, I. obesulus and I. auratus, was once one continuous species now represented by isolated populations that have diverged morphologically as a consequence of adaptation to the diverse environments that occur throughout their range. The taxonomy of these populations is discussed in relation to their morphological distinctiveness and genetic similarity.
Ancient mitochondrial DNA sequences were used for investigating the evolution of an entire clade of extinct vertebrates, the endemic tortoises (Cylindraspis) of the Mascarene Islands in the Indian Ocean. Mitochondrial DNA corroborates morphological evidence that there were five species of tortoise with the following relationships: Cylindraspis triserrata ((Cylindraspis vosmaeri and Cylindraspis peltastes) (Cylindraspis inepta and Cylindraspis indica)). Phylogeny indicates that the ancestor of the group first colonized Mauritius where speciation produced C. triserrata and the ancestor of the other species including a second sympatric Mauritian form, C. inepta. A propagule derived from this lineage colonized Rodrigues 590 km to the east, where a second within-island speciation took place producing the sympatric C. vosmaeri and C. peltastes. A recent colonization of Réunion 150 km to the southwest produced C. indica. In the virtual absence of predators, the defensive features of the shells of Mascarene tortoises were largely dismantled, apparently in two stages. 'Saddlebacked' shells with high fronts evolved independently on all three islands. This and other features, such as a derived jaw structure and small body size, may be associated with niche differentiation in sympatric species and may represent a striking example of parallel differentiation in a large terrestrial vertebrate. The history of Mascarene tortoises contrasts with that of the Galápagos, where only a single species is present and surviving populations are genetically much more similar. However, they too show some reduction in anti-predator mechanisms and multiple development of populations with saddlebacked shells.
Comparison of the ultrastructure of the hyaline tissue of conodont elements and the enamel of vertebrates provides little support for a close phylogenetic relationship between conodonts and vertebrates. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy shows that the mineralised component of the hyaline tissue of Panderodus and of Cordylodus elements consists of large, flat, oblong crystals, arranged in layers that run parallel to the long axis of the conodont. Enamel in the dentition of a living vertebrate, the lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri, has crystals of calcium hydroxyapatite, arranged in layers, and extending in groups from the dentine-enamel junction; the crystals are slender, elongate spicules perpendicular to the surface of the tooth plate, Similar crystal arrangements to those of lungfish are found in other vertebrates, but none resembles the organisation of the hyaline tissue of conodont elements, The crystals of hydroxyapatite in conodont hyaline tissue are exceptionally large, perpendicular or parallel to the surface of the element, with no trace of prisms, unlike the protoprismatic radial crystallite enamel of fish teeth and scales, or the highly organised prismatic enamel of mammals.
The extant lungfish, including three genera, the Australian, South American and African lungfishes, retain a dentition that appeared first in the Devonian, in some of the oldest members of this group. The dentition consists of permanent tooth plates with persistent cusps that appear early in development of the fish. The cusps, separate early in development, form ridges that are arranged in a radiating pattern, and fusion of the cusps to each other and to the underlying jaw bone produces a tooth plate. The lungfish dentition is based on a template of mantle dentine that surrounds bone trabeculae enclosed in the tooth plate. The mantle layer is covered by enamel. In most derived dipnoans, this framework encloses two further forms of dentine, known as interdenteonal and circumdenteonal dentines. The tooth plates grow in area and in depth without evidence of macroscopic resorption of dentines or of enamel. Increase in size and changes in shape of lungfish tooth plates is actually achieved by a process involving microscopic remodelling of the bone contained within the margin of each tooth plate, and the later addition of new dentines and enamel within and around the bone. This is accomplished without creating weakness in the structural integrity of the tooth plate and bone complex, and proceeds in line with growth and remodelling of the jaw bones attached to the tooth plates.
Like many positive-strand RNA viruses, replication of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is associated with cytoplasmic membrane rearrangements. However, it is unclear which HCV Proteins induce these ultrastructural features. This work examined the morphological changes induced by expression of the HCV structural proteins, core, E1 and E2, expressed from a Semliki Forest Virus (SFV) recombinant RNA replicon. Electron microscopy of cells expressing these proteins showed cytoplasmic vacuoles containing membranous and electron-dense material that were distinct from the type I cytoplasmic vacuoles induced during SFV replicon replication. Immunogold labelling showed that the core and E2 proteins localized to the external and internal membranes of these vacuoles. At times were also associated with some of the internal amorphous material. Dual immunogold labelling with antibodies raised against the core protein and against an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident protein (protein disulphide isomerase) showed that the HCV-induced vacuoles were associated with ER-labelled membranes. This report has identified an association between the HCV core and E2 proteins with induced cytoplasmic vacuoles which are morphologically similar to those observed in HCV-infected liver tissue, suggesting that the HCV structural proteins may be responsible for the induction of these vacuoles during HCV replication in vivo.
Microhylid spermatozoa show the autapomorphic condition of possessing a thin post-mitochondrial cytoplasmic collar. Their spermatozoa are apomorphic in several respects. They have lost the distinct nuclear shoulder, endonuclear canal and axial perforatorium observed in urodeles, caecilians and primitive frogs, possess a conical perforatorium and apomorphically lack any fibres associated with the axoneme. The spermatozoa of Cophixalus , however, differ in several respects from those of the other microhylids examined. Cophixalus spermatozoa are longer in almost all measurements, the acrosome vesicle is cylindrical and does not completely cover the putative perforatorium, the perforatorium is asymmetrical and composed of fine fibres, the nucleus is strongly attenuated and narrower, and the mitochondria are elongate. The absence of fibres associated with the axoneme is an apomorphic condition shared with the Ranidae, Rhacophoridae and Pipidae.
Unique sperm morphology is described for Aegla longirostri Bond-Buckup & Buckup, 1994. a representative of the freshwater anomuran family Aeglidae from South America. Comparisons of the spermatozoal ultrastructure of this species with that described for other anomurans indicate that A. longirostri has a distinct suite of spermatozoal characters. Within the Anomura, the aeglids share more spermatozoal characters with the superfamily Lomoidea. represented by the monotypic Australian endemic genus, Lomis, than to any previously described representative from the Galatheoidea, Hippoidea. or Paguroidea. A more basal ancestry, with an independent evolutionary lineage. within the Anomura is Postulated for the Aeglidae. A Superficial resemblance of the spermatozoal ultrastructure of A. longirostri to that described for a palinurid lobster, Jasus, and a thalassinidean mud shrimp, Neaxius, is also noted.
The orientation relationships between hexagonal Mo2C precipitates (H) in ferrite (B) have been determined by electron diffraction to an accuracy of +/-2degrees. With one exception, the 19 results are consistent with the previously reported Pitsch and Schrader (P/S) orientation relationship. However, these more accurate determinations show clearly that there is a systematic deviation of up to 5.5degrees from the exact P/S relationship and that this deviation consists of a small rotation about the parallel close packed directions-[100](B)//[2 (1) over bar(1) over bar0](H). The long direction of the Mo2C needles has been determined unequivocally in terms of the orientation relationship to be [100](B)//[2 (1) over bar(1) over bar0](H). Moire fringes between precipitate and matrix have been used to improve the accuracy of the orientation relationship results and to determine the lattice parameters of the carbide precipitates investigated. The Moire fringe analysis has shown small systematic departures from the exact parallelism between [100](B) and [2 (1) over bar(1) over bar0](H) along the length of Mo2C needles and a lowering of the carbide lattice parameter that is consistent with the replacement of Mo by Fe in the carbide. The orientation relationship results, including the observed systematic deviation from the exact P/S relationship, are shown to be consistent with the edge-to-edge model. (C) 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Experimental infections were used to track the fate of the dorsal sensilla of Merizocotyle icopae (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) from nasal tissue of the shovelnose ray, Rhinobatos typus (Rhinobatidae). Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed that 3 types of uniciliate dorsal sensilla exist at different times in the development of the monogenean. Type 1 sensilla have little or no invagination where the cilium exits the distal end of the dendrite and possess a ring of epidermis surrounding the cilium distal to the invagination. Type 2 sensilla have a deep invagination where the cilium exits the dendrite. Type 3 sensilla can be distinguished from the other types by the shape of the dendrite. The larvae have predominantly Type I dorsal sensilla, most of which are lost approximately 24 h after infection and a few Type 2 sensilla, which are retained. Additional Type 2 sensilla (termed Adult Type 2 sensilla), which are slightly different morphologically from the Type 2 sensilla of the larvae, form in later stages of development. Numerous Type 3 sensilla are unique to the dorsal surface of adults. Loss of all Type I sensilla upon attachment to the host, R. typus, suggests that these may be chemo- or mechanoreceptors responsible for host location by the swimming infective larvae. Type 2 sensilla appear to be important in the larvae, juveniles, and adults whereas the modality mediated by Type 3 is specific to adults. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
While the lungfish dentition is partially understood as far as morphology and light microscopic structure is concerned, the ultrastructure is not. Each tooth plate is associated with a dental lamina that develops from the inner layer of endodermal cells that form the oral epithelium. Dentines, bone and cartilage of the jaws differentiate from mesenchyme cells aggregating beneath the oral endothelium. Enamel, in the developing and in the mature form, has similarities to that of other early vertebrates, but unusual characters appear as development proceeds. Ameloblasts are capable of secreting enamel, and, with mononuclear osteoclasts, of remodelling the bone below the tooth plate. The forms of dentine, all based largely on an extracellular matrix of collagen and mineralised with biological apatite, differ from each other and from the underlying bone in the ultrastructure of associated cells and in the mineralised extracellular matrices produced. Cell processes emerging from the odontoblasts and from the osteoblasts vary in length, degree of branching and of anastomoses between the processes, although all of the cell types have large amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Mineralisation of the extracellular matrices varies among the enamel, dentines and bone in the tooth plate. In addition, the development of the hard tissues of the tooth plates indicates that many of the similarities in fine structure of the dentition in lungfish, to tissues in other fish and amphibia, apparent early in development, disappear as the dentition matures. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work reports on the influence of polarization and morphology of electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF, on the biological response of myoblast cells. Non-poled, ‘‘poled +’’ and “poled-“ -PVDF were prepared in the form of films. Further, random and aligned electrospun -PVDF fiber mats were also prepared. It is demonstrated that negatively charged surfaces improve cell adhesion and proliferation and that the directional growth of the myoblast cells can be achieved by the cell culture on oriented fibers. Therefore, the potential application of electroative materials for muscle regeneration is demonstrated.