917 resultados para eddy covariance tower
We present air–sea fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), momentum, and sensible heat measured by the eddy covariance method from the recently established Penlee Point Atmospheric Observatory (PPAO) on the south-west coast of the United Kingdom. Measurements from the south-westerly direction (open water sector) were made at three different sampling heights (approximately 15, 18, and 27m above mean sea level, a.m.s.l.), each from a different period during 2014–2015. At sampling heights ≥18ma.m.s.l., measured fluxes of momentum and sensible heat demonstrate reasonable (≤ ±20% in the mean) agreement with transfer rates over the open ocean. This confirms the suitability of PPAO for air–sea exchange measurements in shelf regions. Covariance air–sea CO2 fluxes demonstrate high temporal variability. Air-to-sea transport of CO2 declined from spring to summer in both years, coinciding with the breakdown of the spring phytoplankton bloom. We report, to the best of our knowledge, the first successful eddy covariance measurements of CH4 emissions from a marine environment. Higher sea-to-air CH4 fluxes were observed during rising tides (20±3; 38±3; 29±6 μmolem-2 d-1 at 15, 18, 27ma.m.s.l.) than during falling tides (14±2; 22±2; 21±5 μmolem-2 d-1), consistent with an elevated CH4 source from an estuarine outflow driven by local tidal circulation. These fluxes are a few times higher than the predicted CH4 emissions over the open ocean and are significantly lower than estimates from other aquatic CH4 hotspots (e.g. polar regions, freshwater). Finally, we found the detection limit of the air–sea CH4 flux by eddy covariance to be 20 μmolem-2 d-1 over hourly timescales (4 μmolem-2 d-1 over 24 h).
We present air–sea fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), momentum, and sensible heat measured by the eddy covariance method from the recently established Penlee Point Atmospheric Observatory (PPAO) on the south-west coast of the United Kingdom. Measurements from the south-westerly direction (open water sector) were made at three different sampling heights (approximately 15, 18, and 27m above mean sea level, a.m.s.l.), each from a different period during 2014–2015. At sampling heights ≥18ma.m.s.l., measured fluxes of momentum and sensible heat demonstrate reasonable (≤ ±20% in the mean) agreement with transfer rates over the open ocean. This confirms the suitability of PPAO for air–sea exchange measurements in shelf regions. Covariance air–sea CO2 fluxes demonstrate high temporal variability. Air-to-sea transport of CO2 declined from spring to summer in both years, coinciding with the breakdown of the spring phytoplankton bloom. We report, to the best of our knowledge, the first successful eddy covariance measurements of CH4 emissions from a marine environment. Higher sea-to-air CH4 fluxes were observed during rising tides (20±3; 38±3; 29±6 μmolem-2 d-1 at 15, 18, 27ma.m.s.l.) than during falling tides (14±2; 22±2; 21±5 μmolem-2 d-1), consistent with an elevated CH4 source from an estuarine outflow driven by local tidal circulation. These fluxes are a few times higher than the predicted CH4 emissions over the open ocean and are significantly lower than estimates from other aquatic CH4 hotspots (e.g. polar regions, freshwater). Finally, we found the detection limit of the air–sea CH4 flux by eddy covariance to be 20 μmolem-2 d-1 over hourly timescales (4 μmolem-2 d-1 over 24 h).
Gases in the atmosphere/ocean have solubility that spans several orders of magnitude. Resistance in the molecular sublayer on the waterside limits the air-sea exchange of sparingly soluble gases such as SF6 and CO2. In contrast, both aerodynamic and molecular diffusive resistances on the airside limit the exchange of highly soluble gases (as well as heat). Here we present direct measurements of air-sea methanol and acetone transfer from two open cruises: the Atlantic Meridional Transect in 2012 and the High Wind Gas Exchange Study in 2013. The transfer of the highly soluble methanol is essentially completely airside controlled, while the less soluble acetone is subject to both airside and waterside resistances. Both compounds were measured concurrently using a proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometer, with their fluxes quantified by the eddy covariance method. Up to a wind speed of 15 m s-1, observed air-sea transfer velocities of these two gases are largely consistent with the expected near linear wind speed dependence. Measured acetone transfer velocity is ~30% lower than that of methanol, which is primarily due to the lower solubility of acetone. From this difference we estimate the "zero bubble" waterside transfer velocity, which agrees fairly well with interfacial gas transfer velocities predicted by the COARE model. At wind speeds above 15 m s-1, the transfer velocities of both compounds are lower than expected in the mean. Air-sea transfer of sensible heat (also airside controlled) also appears to be reduced at wind speeds over 20 m s-1. During these conditions, large waves and abundant whitecaps generate large amounts of sea spray, which is predicted to alter heat transfer and could also affect the air-sea exchange of soluble trace gases. We make an order of magnitude estimate for the impacts of sea spray on air-sea methanol transfer.
Gases in the atmosphere/ocean have solubility that spans several orders of magnitude. Resistance in the molecular sublayer on the waterside limits the air-sea exchange of sparingly soluble gases such as SF6 and CO2. In contrast, both aerodynamic and molecular diffusive resistances on the airside limit the exchange of highly soluble gases (as well as heat). Here we present direct measurements of air-sea methanol and acetone transfer from two open cruises: the Atlantic Meridional Transect in 2012 and the High Wind Gas Exchange Study in 2013. The transfer of the highly soluble methanol is essentially completely airside controlled, while the less soluble acetone is subject to both airside and waterside resistances. Both compounds were measured concurrently using a proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometer, with their fluxes quantified by the eddy covariance method. Up to a wind speed of 15 m s-1, observed air-sea transfer velocities of these two gases are largely consistent with the expected near linear wind speed dependence. Measured acetone transfer velocity is ~30% lower than that of methanol, which is primarily due to the lower solubility of acetone. From this difference we estimate the "zero bubble" waterside transfer velocity, which agrees fairly well with interfacial gas transfer velocities predicted by the COARE model. At wind speeds above 15 m s-1, the transfer velocities of both compounds are lower than expected in the mean. Air-sea transfer of sensible heat (also airside controlled) also appears to be reduced at wind speeds over 20 m s-1. During these conditions, large waves and abundant whitecaps generate large amounts of sea spray, which is predicted to alter heat transfer and could also affect the air-sea exchange of soluble trace gases. We make an order of magnitude estimate for the impacts of sea spray on air-sea methanol transfer.
Le réchauffement climatique affecte fortement les régions nordiques du Canada où le dégel du pergélisol discontinu à sa limite sud est accompagné du mouvement de la limite des arbres vers le nord en zone de pergélisol continu. Ces altérations faites aux paysages de la Taïga des Plaines sont le point de départ de plusieurs rétroactions puisque les changements apportés aux caractéristiques de la surface (au niveau de l’albédo, l’humidité du sol et la rugosité de la surface) vont à leur tour entraîner des modifications biophysiques et éventuellement influencer l’augmentation ou la diminution subséquente des températures et de l’humidité de l’air. Seulement, il y a un nombre important de facteurs d’influence qu’il est difficile de projeter toutes les boucles rétroactives qui surviendront avec les présents changements climatiques en régions nordiques. Dans le but de caractériser les échanges d’eau et d’énergie entre la surface et l’atmosphère de trois sites des Territoires du Nord-Ouest subissant les conséquences de l’augmentation des températures de l’air, la méthode micro-météorologique de covariance des turbulences fut utilisée en 2013 aux sites de Scotty Creek (forêt boréale et tourbière nordique en zone de pergélisol sporadique-discontinu), de Havikpak Creek (forêt boréale nordique en zone de pergélisol continu) et de Trail Valley Creek (toundra arctique en zone de pergélisol continu). En identifiant les procédés biotiques et abiotiques (ex. intensité lumineuse, disponibilité en eau, etc.) d’évapotranspiration aux trois sites, les contrôles par l’eau et l’énergie furent caractérisés et permirent ainsi de projeter une augmentation de la limitation en eau, mais surtout en énergie du site de Trail Valley Creek. La répartition de l’énergie projetée est semblable à celle de Havikpak Creek, avec une augmentation de la proportion du flux de chaleur sensible au détriment de celui latent suite aux modifications des caractéristiques de la surface (albédo, rugosité et humidité du sol). L’augmentation relative du flux d’énergie sensible laisse présager une boucle rétroactive positive de l’augmentation des températures de l’air à ce site. Ensuite, en comparant des données modelées de la hauteur de la couche limite planétaire et des données provenant de profils atmosphériques d’Environnement Canada entre les trois sites, les changements de hauteur de cette couche atmosphérique furent aussi projetés. Trail Valley Creek pourrait connaître une hausse de la hauteur de sa couche limite planétaire avec le temps alors que Scotty Creek connaîtrait une diminution de celle-ci. Ces changements au niveau des couches atmosphériques liés à la répartition des flux d’énergie dans les écosystèmes se répercuteraient alors sur le climat régional de façon difficile à déterminer pour l’instant. Les changements apportés désignent une boucle rétroactive positive des températures de l’air à Trail Valley Creek et l’inverse à Scotty Creek. Les deux axes d’analyse arrivent donc aux mêmes conclusions et soulignent aussi l’importance de l’influence mutuelle entre le climat et les caractéristiques spécifiques des écosystèmes à la surface.
Le réchauffement climatique affecte fortement les régions nordiques du Canada où le dégel du pergélisol discontinu à sa limite sud est accompagné du mouvement de la limite des arbres vers le nord en zone de pergélisol continu. Ces altérations faites aux paysages de la Taïga des Plaines sont le point de départ de plusieurs rétroactions puisque les changements apportés aux caractéristiques de la surface (au niveau de l’albédo, l’humidité du sol et la rugosité de la surface) vont à leur tour entraîner des modifications biophysiques et éventuellement influencer l’augmentation ou la diminution subséquente des températures et de l’humidité de l’air. Seulement, il y a un nombre important de facteurs d’influence qu’il est difficile de projeter toutes les boucles rétroactives qui surviendront avec les présents changements climatiques en régions nordiques. Dans le but de caractériser les échanges d’eau et d’énergie entre la surface et l’atmosphère de trois sites des Territoires du Nord-Ouest subissant les conséquences de l’augmentation des températures de l’air, la méthode micro-météorologique de covariance des turbulences fut utilisée en 2013 aux sites de Scotty Creek (forêt boréale et tourbière nordique en zone de pergélisol sporadique-discontinu), de Havikpak Creek (forêt boréale nordique en zone de pergélisol continu) et de Trail Valley Creek (toundra arctique en zone de pergélisol continu). En identifiant les procédés biotiques et abiotiques (ex. intensité lumineuse, disponibilité en eau, etc.) d’évapotranspiration aux trois sites, les contrôles par l’eau et l’énergie furent caractérisés et permirent ainsi de projeter une augmentation de la limitation en eau, mais surtout en énergie du site de Trail Valley Creek. La répartition de l’énergie projetée est semblable à celle de Havikpak Creek, avec une augmentation de la proportion du flux de chaleur sensible au détriment de celui latent suite aux modifications des caractéristiques de la surface (albédo, rugosité et humidité du sol). L’augmentation relative du flux d’énergie sensible laisse présager une boucle rétroactive positive de l’augmentation des températures de l’air à ce site. Ensuite, en comparant des données modelées de la hauteur de la couche limite planétaire et des données provenant de profils atmosphériques d’Environnement Canada entre les trois sites, les changements de hauteur de cette couche atmosphérique furent aussi projetés. Trail Valley Creek pourrait connaître une hausse de la hauteur de sa couche limite planétaire avec le temps alors que Scotty Creek connaîtrait une diminution de celle-ci. Ces changements au niveau des couches atmosphériques liés à la répartition des flux d’énergie dans les écosystèmes se répercuteraient alors sur le climat régional de façon difficile à déterminer pour l’instant. Les changements apportés désignent une boucle rétroactive positive des températures de l’air à Trail Valley Creek et l’inverse à Scotty Creek. Les deux axes d’analyse arrivent donc aux mêmes conclusions et soulignent aussi l’importance de l’influence mutuelle entre le climat et les caractéristiques spécifiques des écosystèmes à la surface.
The study of lake–atmosphere interactions was the main purpose of a 2014 summer experiment at Alqueva reservoir in Portugal. Near-surface fluxes of momentum, heat and mass [water vapour (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2)] were obtained with the new Campbell Scientific’s IRGASON Integrated Open-Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyser and 3D Sonic Anemometer between 2 June and 2 October. On average, the reservoir was releasing energy in the form of sensible and latent heat flux during the study period. At the end of the 75 d, the total evaporation was estimated as 490.26 mm. A high correlation was found between the latent heat flux and the wind speed (R = 0.97). The temperature gradient between air and water was positive between 12 and 21 UTC, causing a negative sensible heat flux, and negative during the rest of the day, triggering a positive sensible heat flux. The reservoir acted as a sink of atmospheric CO2 with an average rate of −0.026 mg m−2 s−1. However, at a daily scale we found an unexpected uptake between 0 and 9 UTC and almost null flux between 13 and 19 UTC. Potential reasons for this result are further discussed. The net radiation was recorded for the same period and water column heat storage was estimated using water temperature profiles. The energy balance closure for the analysed period was 81%. In-water solar spectral downwelling irradiance profiles were measured with a new device allowing measurements independent of the solar zenith angle, which enabled the computation of the attenuation coefficient of light in the water column. The average attenuation coefficient for the photosynthetically active radiation spectral region varied from 0.849 ± 0.025 m−1 on 30 July to 1.459 ± 0.007 m−1 on 25 September.
Physiological pulsatile flow in a 3D model of arterial double stenosis, using the modified Power-law blood viscosity model, is investigated by applying Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique. The computational domain has been chosen is a simple channel with biological type stenoses. The physiological pulsation is generated at the inlet of the model using the first four harmonics of the Fourier series of the physiological pressure pulse. In LES, a top-hat spatial grid-filter is applied to the Navier-Stokes equations of motion to separate the large scale flows from the subgrid scale (SGS). The large scale flows are then resolved fully while the unresolved SGS motions are modelled using the localized dynamic model. The flow Reynolds numbers which are typical of those found in human large artery are chosen in the present work. Transitions to turbulent of the pulsatile non-Newtonian along with Newtonian flow in the post stenosis are examined through the mean velocity, wall shear stress, mean streamlines as well as turbulent kinetic energy and explained physically along with the relevant medical concerns.
The U2 Tower competition entry involved the architectural design for a landmark office tower with associated head office for the world acclaimed rock band U2. The selected site for the office tower was located on the banks of the river Liffey, Dublin. The tower design was intended as a signifier or gateway to the docklands and the city itself. The proposed design incorporated a podium level for music retail and a media centre, a concourse level including cafeteria and outdoor areas as well as a commercial tower.
QUT's Centre for Subtropical Design (CSD) partnered with a major developer to bring together some of Brisbane’s most experienced and creative architects and designers in a two-day intensive design charrette to propose innovative design strategies for naturally-ventilated high rise residential buildings. An inner-urban renewal site in Queensland’s capital city Brisbane gave four multi-disciplinary teams the opportunity to address a raft of issues that developers and consultants will confront more and more in the future in warm humid climates. The quest to release apartment dwellers from dependence on energy-hungry air-conditioning and artificial lighting was central to the design brief for the towers. Mentored by Richard Hassell of WOHA, the creative teams focussed on climate-responsive design principles for passive climate control including orientation, cross-ventilation and outdoor living in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and offset occupants’ rising energy costs. This article discusses how outcomes of the charrette take their cue from the city’s subtropical climate and demonstrate how high-density high-rise living can be attractive, affordable and sustainable through positive engagement with the subtropical climate’s natural attributes.
Tower crane dismantling is one of the most dangerous activities in the construction industry. Tower crane erection and dismantlement causes 10–12% of the fatalities of all crane accidents. The nature of the task is such that off-the-job training is not practicable, and the knowledge and expertise needed has to be gained on the job. However, virtual trainers such as Microsoft Flight Simulator for airplane pilots and mission rehearsal exercise (MRE) for army personnel have been developed and are known to provide a highly successful means of overcoming the risks involved in such on-the-job learning and clearly have potential in construction situations. This paper describes the newly developed multiuser virtual safety training system (MVSTS) aimed at providing a similar learning environment for those involved in tower crane dismantlement. The proposed training system is developed by modifying an existing game engine. Within the close-to-reality virtual environment, trainees can participate in a virtual dismantling process. During the process, they learn the correct dismantling procedure and working location and to cooperate with other trainees by virtually dismantling the crane. The system allows the trainees to experience the complete procedure in a risk-free environment. A case study is provided to demonstrate how the system works and its practical application. The proposed system was evaluated by interviews with 30 construction experts with different backgrounds, divided into three groups according to their experience and trained by the traditional and virtual methods, respectively. The results indicate that the trainees of the proposed system generally learned better than those using the traditional method. The ratings also indicate that the system generally has great potential as a training platform.
Numerical study is carried out using large eddy simulation to study the heat and toxic gases released from fires in real road tunnels. Due to disasters about tunnel fires in previous decade, it attracts increasing attention of researchers to create safe and reliable ventilation designs. In this research, a real tunnel with 10 MW fire (which approximately equals to the heat output speed of a burning bus) at the middle of tunnel is simulated using FDS (Fire Dynamic Simulator) for different ventilation velocities. Carbone monoxide concentration and temperature vertical profiles are shown for various locations to explore the flow field. It is found that, with the increase of the longitudinal ventilation velocity, the vertical profile gradients of CO concentration and smoke temperature were shown to be both reduced. However, a relatively large longitudinal ventilation velocity leads to a high similarity between the vertical profile of CO volume concentration and that of temperature rise.
Evidence-based practice in entrepreneurship requires effective communication of research findings. We focus on how research synopses can “promote” research to entrepreneurs. Drawing on marketing communications literature, we examine how message characteristics of research synopses affect their appeal. We demonstrate the utility of conjoint analysis in this context and find message length, media richness and source credibility to have positive influences. We find mixed support for a hypothesized negative influence of jargon, and for our predictions that participants’ involvement with academic research moderates these effects. Exploratory analyses reveal latent classes of entrepreneurs with differing preferences, particularly for message length and jargon.