450 resultados para dispersions
Entre os polímeros considerados promissores para a remoção seletiva de CO2, destacam-se aqueles que contêm os grupos glicol etilênico (EG). Nesta dissertação, foram obtidos filmes a partir de dispersões aquosas de poliuretano (PU), sintetizadas em trabalho anterior, à base de poli(glicol propilênico) (PPG), copolímero em bloco à base de poli(glicol etilênico) (PEG) e PPG (EG-b-PG), ácido dimetilolpropiônico (DMPA), diisocianato de isoforona (IPDI) e etilenodiamina (EDA). PPG, EG-b-PG e DMPA formaram as regiões flexíveis nas proporções de: PPG 100% e 0% EG-b-PG, PPG 75% e 25% EG-b-PG, PPG 50% e 50% EG-b-PG e PPG 25% e 75% EG-b-PG em termos de equivalentes-gramas. A influência da quantidade dos segmentos de PEG foi avaliada por ensaios de permeação com os gases CO2, CH4 e N2. Os filmes obtidos das dispersões foram caracterizados por espectrometria de infravermelho com transformadas de Fourier (FTIR), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), difração de raios x (DRX) e espalhamento de raios X a baixo ângulo (SAXS). Espectros de FTIR mostraram que os segmentos de EG influenciaram a frequência da banda de carbonila. Curvas de perda de massa (TG) mostraram perfis semelhantes de degradação, enquanto que as curvas derivadas apresentaram diferenças. DRX e SAXS mostraram que os segmentos de PEG promoveram uma maior ordenação na estrutura da membrana. Testes de permeação de gases mostraram que o aumento do teor de PEG aumentou o valor da permeabilidade para o CO2, indicando que os segmentos de PEG interagiram favoravelmente com este gás. Em relação ao CH4 e N2, houve uma diminuição na permeabilidade quando comparados com os valores encontrados para o CO2, sendo atribuído a perda de mobilidade segmental. Em termos de seletividade, para o par CO2/CH4 foi obtido um valor médio de 61,7 para a membrana contendo o maior teor de PEG, e o par CO2/N2 um valor médio de 121,5, sendo superior aos valores encontrados na literatura, tornando o material promissor
Foram produzidas dispersões aquosas não-poluentes e inovadoras de poli(uretano-uréia) à base de poli(glicol propilênico) (PPG) e de copolímeros em bloco, poli(glicol etilênicob-glicol propilênico), (EG-b-PG) com teor de 7% de unidades de glicol etilênico. Os poli(uretano-uréia)s foram preparados, em duas etapas, pelo método do prepolímero. Na primeira etapa, foram obtidos anionômeros, sintetizados em massa, à base do copolímero EG-bPG, PPG, ácido dimetilol propiônico (DMPA) (gerador dos sítios aniônicos) e diisocianato de isoforona (IPDI). Ainda na primeira etapa, os grupos carboxílicos do DMPA foram submetidos à neutralização com trietilamina (TEA). Na segunda etapa, foi realizada a dispersão do prepolímero anionômero e, em seguida, foi conduzida a reação de extensão de cadeia com a hidrazina (HYD). Nas diferentes formulações, foram variadas a razão NCO/OH e as proporções de PPG e do copolímero em bloco EG-b-PG. Além disso, foram obtidas dispersões aquosas programadas para teores de sólidos de 40 e 50%. As dispersões foram avaliadas quanto ao teor de sólidos totais, tamanho médio de partícula e viscosidade. Os filmes, obtidos por vazamento das dispersões, foram avaliados quanto à absorção de água, termogravimetria (TG) e propriedades mecânicas (ensaio de tração). Os filmes vazados e os monômeros foram caracterizados por espectrometria na região de infravermelho (FTIR) As dispersões obtidas se mostraram adequadas para serem aplicadas como revestimento para madeira, metais e vidro
A evolução nos sistemas digitais de comunicação está intrinsicamente relacionada ao desenvolvimento da tecnologia de fibras ópticas. Desde a sua criação, na década de 60, inúmeras pesquisas vem sendo realizadas com o intuito de aumentar a capacidade de informação transmitida, por meio da redução da atenuação, controle da dispersão cromática e eliminação das não-linearidades. Neste contexto, as Fibras de Bragg surgem como uma estrutura de grande potencialidade para se minimizar tais inconvenientes. As fibras de Bragg possuem um mecanismo de operação diferente em relação às fibras tradicionais de suportar os modos confinados. Nelas, o núcleo possui um baixo índice de refração, e a casca é constituída por anéis dielétricos de diferentes índices de refração, alocados alternadamente. Para uma fibra de Bragg com núcleo oco, como a considerada neste trabalho, há perdas decorrentes dos modos de fuga. Portanto, a análise da dispersão destas estruturas se situa no plano complexo, tornando-a muito difícil. Esta dissertação será fundamentada em uma estratégia imprescindível à análise dos modos transversais TE0m, TM0m e dos híbridos. Os resultados encontrados são validados confrontando-os com os obtidos na literatura. O trabalho discutirá as perdas e dispersões dos modos citados, e os resultados obtidos poderão nortear as pesquisas das fibras de Bragg.
We predict by first-principles calculations that p-doped graphane is an electron-phonon superconductor with a critical temperature above the boiling point of liquid nitrogen. The unique strength of the chemical bonds between carbon atoms and the large density of electronic states at the Fermi energy arising from the reduced dimensionality give rise to a giant Kohn anomaly in the optical phonon dispersions and push the superconducting critical temperature above 90 K. As evidence of graphane was recently reported, and doping of related materials such as graphene, diamond, and carbon nanostructures is well established, superconducting graphane may be feasible.
We exfoliate graphite in both aqueous and non-aqueous environments through mild sonication followed by centrifugation. The dispersions are enriched with monolayers. We mix them with polymers, followed by slow evaporation to produce optical quality composites. Nonlinear optical measurements show similar to 5% saturable absorption. The composites are then integrated into fiber laser cavities to generate 630 fs pulses at 1.56 mu m. This shows the viability of solution phase processing for graphene based photonic devices. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Biological sensing is explored through novel stable colloidal dispersions of pyrrole-benzophenone and pyrrole copolymerized silica (PPy-SiO(2)-PPyBPh) nanocomposites, which allow covalent linking of biological molecules through light mediation. The mechanism of nanocomposite attachment to a model protein is studied by gold labeled cholera toxin B (CTB) to enhance the contrast in electron microscopy imaging. The biological test itself is carried out without gold labeling, i.e., using CTB only. The protein is shown to be covalently bound through the benzophenone groups. When the reactive PPy-SiO(2)-PPyBPh-CTB nanocomposite is exposed to specific recognition anti-CTB immunoglobulins, a qualitative visual agglutination assay occurs spontaneously, producing as a positive test, PPy-SiO(2)-PPyBPh-CTB-anti-CTB, in less than 1 h, while the control solution of the PPy-SiO(2)-PPyBPh-CTB alone remained well-dispersed during the same period. These dispersions were characterized by cryogenic transmission microscopy (cryo-TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), FTIR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the key influential factors and their implications on food supply chain (FSC) location decisions from a Thailand-based manufacturer's view. Design/methodology/approach: In total, 21 case studies were conducted with eight Thailand-based food manufacturers. In each case, key influential factors were observed along with their implications on upstream and downstream FSC location decisions. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and documentations. Data reduction and data display in tables were used to help data analysis of the case studies. Findings: This exploratory research found that, in the food industry, FSC geographical dispersion pattern could be determined by four factors: perishability, value density, economic-political forces, and technological forces. Technological forces were found as an enabler for FSC geographical dispersion whereas the other three factors could be both barriers and enablers. The implications of these four influential factors drive FSC towards four key patterns of FSC geographical dispersion: local supply chain (SC), supply-proximity SC, market-proximity SC, and international SC. Additionally, the strategy of the firm was found to also be an influential factor in determining FSC geographical dispersion. Research limitations/implications: Despite conducting 21 cases, the findings in this research are based on a relatively small sample, given the large size of the industry. More case evidence from a broader range of food product market and supply items, particularly ones that have significantly different patterns of FSC geographical dispersions would have been insightful. The consideration of additional influential factors such as labour movement between developing countries, currency fluctuations and labour costs, would also enrich the framework as well as improve the quality and validity of the research findings. The different strategies employed by the case companies and their implications on FSC location decisions should also be further investigated along with cases outside Thailand, to provide a more comprehensive view of FSC geographical location decisions. Practical implications: This paper provides insights how FSC is geographically located in both supply-side and demand-side from a manufacturing firm's view. The findings can also provide SC managers and researchers a better understanding of their FSCs. Originality/value: This research bridges the existing gap in the literature, explaining the geographical dispersion of SC particularly in the food industry where the characteristics are very specific, by exploring the internationalization ability of Thailand-based FSC and generalizing the key influential factors - perishability (lead time), value density, economic-political forces, market opportunities, and technological advancements. Four key patterns of FSC internationalization emerged from the case studies. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Aspects of the behaviour of three groups of Yunnan snub-nosed langurs, Rhinopithecus bieti, were observed over the course of three field seasons from 1986 to 1988. The major findings of the study were: (1) The habitats of R. bieti were mainly at heights of 3,600-4,150 m above sea level. (2) Groups were very large, with group sizes ranging from more than 100 to 269 individuals. (3) Spatial dispersion densities ranged from about 27 to 106 m2/individual during sleeping and resting, to feeding dispersions as large as 5,000-15,000 m2. (4) The locomotor repertoire of R. bieti consisted largely of walking, jumping and climbing. On very rare occasions, semibrachiation was observed, but true brachiation was never observed. The locomotor repertoires of juveniles were more diverse than those of subadults or adults. (5) Communication consisted mainly of eye-to-eye contact accompanied by murmurs; while loud calls were heard only rarely. (6) Groups moved between sleeping and feeding sites in single file. It is concluded that R. bieti is a mainly terrestrial species.
We investigate the uniaxial strain effect in the c-plane on optical properties of wurtzite GaN based on k center dot p theory, the spin-orbit interactions are also taken into account. The energy dispersions show that the uniaxial strain in the c-plane gives an anisotropic energy splitting in the k(x) - k(y) plane, which can reduce the density of states. The uniaxial strain also results in giant in-plane optical polarization anisotropy, hence causes the threshold carrier density reduced. We clarify the relations between the uniaxial strain and the optical polarization properties. As a result, it is suggested that the compressive uniaxial strain perpendicular to the laser cavity direction in the c-plane is one of the preferable approaches for the effcient improvement of GaN-based laser performance.
A tight-binding (TB) treatment with the inclusion of d orbitals is applied to the electronic structures of graphitic tubes. The results show that the high angular moment bases in TB scheme are necessary to account the severe curvature effect in ultra-thin single wall carbon nanotubes, especially for properly reproducing the band edge overlap behavior in (5, 0) tube, predicted by the existing ab initio calculations. In the large diameter limit, the participation of two synnmetry-allowed d bases provides a natural replication to the recent measured electronic dispersions of valence band of graphene when the strong anisotropy due to the two-dimensional planar hexagonal sheet structure is dealt with properly. In addition, the detailed relation between the two sets of quantum numbers of screw symmetry and that of zone folding is formulated in appendix. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The energy dispersion of an electron in a double quantum wire with a diluted magnetic semiconductor barrier in between is calculated. An external magnetic field modifies significantly the energy dispersion of the electron which is different for the two spin states. The conductance exhibits many interesting peaks and dips which are directly related to the energy dispersions of the different electron spin states. These phenomena are attributed to the interwell coupling which can be tuned by the magnetic field due to the s-d exchange interaction.
This paper proposes a novel phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer using single-electron devices (SEDs) and metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) field-effect transistors. The PLL frequency synthesizer mainly consists of a single-electron transistor (SET)/MOS hybrid voltage-controlled oscillator circuit, a single-electron (SE) turnstile/MOS hybrid phase-frequency detector (PFD) circuit and a SE turnstile/MOS hybrid frequency divider. The phase-frequency detection and frequency-division functions are realized by manipulating the single electrons. We propose a SPICE model to describe the behavior of the MOSFET-based SE turnstile. The authors simulate the performance of the PILL block circuits and the whole PLL synthesizer. Simulation results indicated that the circuit can well perform the operation of the PLL frequency synthesizer at room temperature. The PILL synthesizer is very compact. The total number of the transistors is less than 50. The power dissipation of the proposed PLL circuit is less than 3 uW. The authors discuss the effect of fabrication tolerance, the effect of background charge and the SE transfer accuracy on the performance of the PLL circuit. A technique to compensate parameter dispersions of SEDs is proposed.
A theoretical model accounting for the macropolarization effects in wurtzite III-V nitrides quantum wells (QWs) is presented. Energy dispersions and exciton binding energies are calculated within the framework of effective-mass theory and variational approach, respectively. Exciton-associated transitions (EATs) are studied in detail. An energy redshift as high as 450 meV is obtained in Al0.25GaN0.75/GaN QWs. Also, the abrupt reduction of optical momentum matrix elements is derived as a consequence of quantum-confined Stark effects. EAT energies are compared with recent photoluminescence (PL) experiments and numerical coherence is achieved. We propose that it is the EAT energy, instead of the conduction-valence-interband transition energy that is comparable with the PL energy. To restore the reduced transition rate, we apply an external electric field. Theoretical calculations show that with the presence of the external electric field the optical matrix elements for EAT increase 20 times. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
By using V-prism refractometer, the refractive indices of a polyetherketone (PEK-c) guest-host polymer system were measured with the polymer in solutions. The Lorenz-Lorentz local field formalism was used in the calculation of the refractive indices of the polymers from the measured indices of the polymer solutions and the pure solvent by using V-prism refractometer. The refractive index dispersions of the polymers were obtained by fitting the measured indices of the polymers to Sellmeyer equation. The method allows for an accuracy in index of 0.7% in the determination of the polymer indices. In addition, a large difference between the indices of the polymer and the solvent, and a higher polymer volume fraction in the measured polymer solution are favorable for a high accuracy. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.